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The Importance of an Education

Mata Kuliah : Teks Reading Education

Dosen : Yulia Irfani SH,M Kn

Disusun Oleh :


1. Azizah Khoirun Nisa (3120180088)

2. Fitri Aulia (3120180055)

3. Fata Yunus (3120180082)

4. Faturrahman (3120180108)
5. Khaidar Ali(3120180165)

6. Putri Wahidah (3120180062)

Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Fakultas Agama Islam
Universitas Islam Asy-Syafi’iyah
Education is a very important factor in determining the progress of a nation. Good
education will enhance better quality of human resources, especially in the current era of
globalization. The higher quality of education in a country, the higher quality of human
resources that will be obtained. The purpose of education is giving better lesson toward the
young generation and improving development of human resources. In Indonesia, the
government has made an act of education for 12 years which has been started since 2013 or
2014. The creation of this act cannot be separated from the important role of the government,
especially the minister of education, which aims to provide Indonesian children with
provisions for a better future. One of the reasons for the government in issuing the act is to
make the younger generation get proper educations, as it is today that requires children to
attend the school for 12 years or until they graduate from senior high school. Indonesia is one
of the countries that has the largest population in the world. With this fact, Indonesia should
become a wealthy nation.

However, it is very unfortunate that Indonesia has not become the developed country
yet, because corruption often occurs everywher. Crime has increased everywhere, the young
generation who is the hope of the nation often cheating, fighting, even promiscuity. On the
other hand, brilliant children who have potential skills are often neglected from the
government's spotlight, either because of a lack of information, limited facilities and
insufficient allocation of funds from the government. In addition, there are also things that
have caused a decline in the quality of education in Indonesia, including changing
educational curriculum. As we know, there is a latest 2013 curriculum which is also called a
character-based curriculum. It issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture
which at the same time officially replaces the education unit level curriculum that has been
implemented since 2006.

This 2013 curriculum has many advantages. First is allowing students being active
and creative because in this curriculum what students learn is more about problem solving, so
students can be more active in seeking information so they don't miss lessons. In addition, the
assessment of the curriculum is carried out and then from all aspects, the assessment is not
only taken from the test scores but from politeness, religion, practice, attitude, and others.
However, the 2013 curriculum has shortcomings, namely contrary to Law No. 20 of 2003
which contains the national education system, teachers rarely explain even though there are
some lessons that are not enough just by reading alone, students are also required to have a
laptop and the like as a learning tool when this is if you don't have a laptop, students have to
download and print the material so they spend a lot of money, because otherwise students
will miss lessons.

In addition, the assessment of the curriculum is carried out and then from all aspects,
the assessment is not only taken from the test scores but from politeness, religion, practice,
attitude, and others. However, the 2013 curriculum has shortcomings, namely contrary to
Law No. 20 of 2003 which contains the national education system, teachers rarely explain
even though there are some lessons that are not enough just by reading alone, students are
also required to have a laptop and the like as a learning tool when this is if you don't have a
laptop, students have to download and print the material so they spend a lot of money,
because otherwise students will miss lessons.

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