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Learning Module
1st Semester | Q1

Subject Teacher:
Mr. Harley L. Tan

Student’s Name:
University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021


UNIT 1 / WEEK 3-4/ LEARNING PACKET 3 DATE: Sept.21-Oct.2, 2020

Lesson 1: Obtain and convey workplace information (Telephone Courtesy)


While learning all the concepts in this module, you are expected to:

1. Listening Skills
2. Questioning Skills
3. workplace language skills


1. Develop self-confidence in work environment by means of effective communication


CULMINATING PERFORMANCE TASK (BIG TASK): Before we end up our discussion for
the whole unit, you will be asked to do this given task:

G – To develop communication skills through broadcasting

R – To become a broadcast media journalist
A - Broadcasters/ Journalists
S – Broadcast a certain local tourism spot in their municipality.
P – Video presentation showcasing the selected local tourism spot
S – Performance – 30 points
Creativity - 30 Points
Voice Quality - 30 Points
Audience Impact - 10 points
TOTAL - 100 Points

MINI TASK: At the end of the lesson in this learning packet, you are expected to do this
given mini task:
Do the big task! For your big task, you can submit your video file in my Facebook account or
you can put your video file in a flashdrive.
Note: This module is good for 2 weeks. You have to accomplish your outputs and big task in
this module for 2 week-long. You will submit this one on October 2,2020.

Essential Concepts and Terminologies:

As you progress on the next part of our module, you will encounter these terms that would be
of great help for you in understanding the gist of the lesson.

Communication- is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or
group to another.
Phone Etiquette- is the way you use manners to represent yourself and your business to
customers via telephone communication.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

A. Pre-Assessment

Read the following statements carefully. Determine if the statement tells a good
character of a worker or not. Write YES if the statement shows good character and write NO
if it’s not.
________________1. The worker does his job by his own without the supervision of his boss.
________________2. The boss keeps his workers work overtime without any compensation.
________________3. The teacher keeps on working even if it’s beyond working hours.
________________4. Mary stops working when the boss is not around.
________________5. James and Mark went home even if it’s not yet time.
________________6. Teacher Anna gives high grades to her students who gives her snacks
________________7. Grace keeps on backstabbing her colleague when not around.
________________8. Michelle gives thanks to her boss who give her promotion.
________________9. Jane seduced her boss for her to be promoted.
________________10. Mary returns the wallet of her boss when she saw it fells in the floor.
B. Introduction

Communicating over the phone remains an

important tool for businesses. Despite digital
customer service communication advancements
including email, texting and automated
answering services, customers continue to use
the telephone as their initial point of contact.
Phone calls are often the first positive impression
a client or customer will have of your business.

A. Discussion
1. Engage:
Watch and listen to the video of Telephone Converation Poem of Wole Soyinka. Search for
this link below.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

2. Explore:
If you haven’t heard the conversation in the video, take a look at the script of the telephone
conversation that was written by Wole Soyinka.Determine the emotion of the speakers in
the poem while speaking. After that, answer the follow-up question below.

Telephone Conversation
The price seemed reasonable, location
Indifferent. The landlady swore she lived
Off premises. Nothing remained
But self-confession. "Madam", I warned,
"I hate a wasted journey - I am African."
Silence. Silenced transmission of pressurized good-breeding. Voice, when it came,
Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled
Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was, foully.
"HOW DARK?"...I had not misheard...."ARE YOU LIGHT OR VERY DARK?" Button B. Button A. Stench
Of rancid breath of public hide-and-speak.
Red booth. Red pillar-box. Red double-tiered
Omnibus squelching tar.
It was real! Shamed
By ill-mannered silence, surrender
Pushed dumbfoundment to beg simplification.
Considerate she was, varying the emphasis-
"ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT" Revelation came
"You mean- like plain or milk chocolate?"
Her accent was clinical, crushing in its light
Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted
I chose. "West African sepia"_ and as afterthought.
"Down in my passport." Silence for spectroscopic
Flight of fancy, till truthfulness chaged her accent
Hard on the mouthpiece "WHAT'S THAT?" conceding "DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS." "Like
"Not altogether.
Facially, I am brunette, but madam you should see the rest of me. Palm of my hand, soles of my feet.
Are a peroxide blonde. Friction, caused-
Foolishly madam- by sitting down, has turned
My bottom raven black- One moment madam! - sensing
Her receiver rearing on the thunderclap
About my ears- "Madam," I pleaded, "wouldn't you rather
See for yourself?"

Self-process Question 1.1:

Do you think that emotions can be seen or felt by the listener when you are in a telephone
conversation? What are you going to do for you to be more confident and effective in your phone
3. Explain:

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

What is phone etiquette?

Phone etiquette is the way you use manners to represent yourself and your business to
customers via telephone communication. This includes the way you greet a customer, your
body language, tone of voice, word choice, listening skills and how you close a call.
Why is phone etiquette important?
Identifying the tools to achieve proper phone etiquette can help your business to:
• Show professionalism: Whether you are a start-up or a well-established business,
you and your representatives know your business best. Communicating your
working knowledge to your callers using telephone manners should establish you as
professionals worthy of repeat business dealings.
• Create a good first impression: Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and
the initial phone call is your businesses’ chance to show the customer how pleasant it
is to do business with you.
• Increase customer trust and loyalty: If your business has face-to-face interactions
with prospects who were initially just callers, the trust between you and your
potential customer may grow, leading to them purchasing your goods or services
more frequently.
• Achieve high customer satisfaction ratings: When you meet customers’ needs
over the phone, they can accurately assume that you will continue to meet their
needs in person, creating a well-rounded and consistent experience.
Elements of proper phone etiquette
To achieve excellent phone etiquette, you’ll need to apply the following items:

• Friendly greetings
• Body language
• Tone of voice
• Tact
• Active listening
• Appropriate closing

Friendly greetings
Answering an office phone properly requires a positive and cheerful disposition. Allow the
positivity to resonate in your voice, offer a salutation, thank the customer for calling,
introduce yourself and your business by name and then extend your help. This gives the
customer a sense that you are warm, alert and pleased to help them with their inquiries.
People often mimic positivity and will probably respond to your voice with the same
enthusiasm you project.
Body language
Body language plays a major role in communication, both in-person and on the telephone.
When you speak on the phone, your body language still communicates how you are feeling.
For example, when you smile and sit up straight, your voice is likely lighter and easily
translated by the client as cheerfulness. Body language, facial expressions and gestures
should remain professional while speaking on the telephone.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

Tone of voice
Adopt a confident tone of voice to limit interruptions and maintain a professional
engagement. You want the caller to know you are taking the time to understand their
questions, while also delivering prompt service. The tone of your voice is an important
factor in proper phone call manners since a caller may form an opinion of your business
based on your attitude over the phone.
Unfortunately, there will be times when you must deliver potentially upsetting information
to a customer over the phone. Remaining calm, while considering your word choice is the
key to delivering messages tactfully to your caller. Your aim should be to communicate
sensitive information truthfully, without offending your customer. If you don’t have an
answer for them, be sure to offer them additional resources.

Active listening
To achieve excellent phone etiquette, it is necessary to develop active listening skills. Give
the customer your undivided attention by minimizing distractions. Taking notes and
repeating requests back to the caller lets them know that you care and are listening to only
their needs at that moment. Active listening will likely help you respond to a customer’s
requests appropriately.
Appropriate closing
Remember that closing a call can be just as important as the way you begin one. Before
saying goodbye to your customer, thank them again and ask if you can assist them with
anything else. Closing the call this way assures your caller that your business provides
thorough customer service. Develop the habit of allowing the customer to hang up first to
minimize accidental hang-ups.
Tips to improve the quality of your phone calls
Here are 10 action steps for you to consider:
• Answer the call within the first two or three rings: Providing a quick answer to
customers’ phone calls should let them know that their business is important to you.
When customers feel valued, they could be more likely to use your business. If you
cannot answer the phone because you have clients in front of you, check the
voicemail box and call back as soon as you are able.
• Identify yourself and your business at the beginning of all calls: Identifying
yourself and your business at the beginning of a call lets the customer know that they
called the correct place. When you identify yourself, it is likely that the customer will
feel more comfortable sharing the reason for their call and they’ll know who to ask
for next time they call.
• Let positivity resonate in your voice: Offering a positive tone of voice builds
rapport, as the receiver becomes more open to sharing details about how you can
best assist them with their needs. If possible, practice by recording your phone calls.
Listen to the call recording, notice your tone and make corrections as necessary.
• Watch your body language: When you hear the phone ring, it may be beneficial to
immediately sit up straight and smile before answering. Your voice will likely sound
more friendly and light to the customer if you practice changing your body language.
• Minimize interruptions: Minimizing interruptions is possible, even in offices with
ample foot traffic. Take a moment before answering a call to put aside items you

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

were working on and prepare to give your full attention to your caller. For instance,
try turning your back away from your crowded office when you answer phone calls,
this way other individuals in the room will know you are unavailable to assist them
while you are on the telephone.
• Actively listen and take notes: When listening actively, it can be beneficial to give
periodic affirmations that you understand the customer. For instance, you could say
“I understand that you would like to return your product” or “Thank you for sharing
your concerns.” Keeping a record of the conversation by taking notes can ensure that
you remember and respond to all the customer’s concerns effectively.
• Be honest: Honesty is more important than trying to make your customer happy. If
there’s something you know you can’t do for them, make them aware that you cannot
perform the task they are requesting. Deliver the honest message in a polite and
sympathetic way and your customer may still have a positive experience with your
business after the call is over, even though you could not meet all of their needs. For
instance, you could say “I understand your concerns, but unfortunately we cannot
approve your request.” If you know of additional resources that the caller can use to
meet their needs, provide them before closing the call.
• Ask the caller before placing them on hold: You may need to place a caller on
hold to get more information for them. For instance, you could say “Would you mind
if I placed you on a brief hold to better assist you?” Asking the caller before placing
them on hold allows them to know you are working on assisting them to the best of
your ability and it displays professional courtesy.
• Minimize emotional reactions: Keep your tone of voice positive. Find a break in the
conversation and ask the caller politely if you may place them on hold. While they are
on hold, take two deep breaths and remember to be objective and empathetic when
faced with a challenging caller.
• Make sure the callers’ needs are met before closing the call: Making sure you
meet the customer’s needs is usually your goal when answering a phone call. The
customer may often forget about other questions they have during the conversation.
Asking if their needs are met or if they have questions is a great opportunity to be
proactive and provide further clarification.

Self-process Question 1.2:

Do you think that attitude defines who you are as an individual? Why?

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

Here is an example of formal and informal telephone conversation.

4. Elaborate

Activity 1. Identify what is the element of phone etiquette is being describe below.

Friendly greetings Body Language Tone of voice

Tact Active listening Appropriate closing

_____________________________1. Answering an office phone properly requires a positive and

cheerful disposition. Allow the positivity to resonate in your voice, offer a salutation, thank
the customer for calling, introduce yourself and your business by name and then extend
your help.
_____________________________2. It is an important factor in proper phone call manners since a
caller may form an opinion of your business based on your attitude over the
_____________________________3. It plays a major role in communication, both in-person and on
the telephone. When you speak on the phone, your body language still communicates how
you are feeling.
____________________________4. Taking notes and repeating requests back to the caller lets them
know that you care and are listening to only their needs at that moment.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

_____________________________5. Before saying goodbye to your customer, thank them again and
ask if you can assist them with anything else.
1. If you will have a telephone conversation with a customer and you are already
irritated with him because he can’t get easily with what you are saying, how are you
going to handle it? Are you going to scream on him over the phone or will you keep
your patience instead? Why?

5. Evaluate
DIALOGUE PRACTICE. Make a phone conversation out of the given situation below. You
write your conversation in the box provided for your answers.
Calling friends
Mary is calling her friend Michael. Since he's not home, his brother Tom is answering
the phone.









D. MINI TASK: After learning all the necessary competencies for the first part of our module,
you are now tasked to do this activity:
Do the big task! For your big task, you can submit your video file in my Facebook account or you
can put your video file in a flashdrive.
Note: This module is good for 2 weeks. You have to accomplish your outputs and big task in this
module for 2 week-long. You will submit this one on October 2,2020.

University of San Jose-Recoletos Balamban
Arpili, Balamban, Cebu
S.Y. 2020-2021

Communication- is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
Phone Etiquette- is the way you use manners to represent yourself and your business to
customers via telephone communication.

INSIGHTS: State your experience when you are having a phone

conversation. How was your experience when you have a good flow of

Prepared by:

TLE Teacher

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