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Dear Sir /Madam

As a determined and self-motivated person, I am confident that I will be an excellent addition

to the University and the MSc program. Being awarded the chance to be admitted into this
program would be a step towards becoming a better and more educated Professional. It is a
perfect addition to, Hydrology and GIS and Remote Sensing. I hope to learn and explore more
in this program. I also hope to reinforce and perfect previous education and experience. I
believe that being a student in this area would not only empower my career development, but
would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that as Master’s

Water resources are vital party to support the life and socio-economic activities development.
Rwandan water resources are facing the challenges due to population growth, pollution
urbanization, mining activities and climate change that degrade the quantity and quality of
water resources

against consumption, because we did not use modern tools and technology in water system
modeling therefore it is not easy to identify the leakage location in our system.

Furthermore, sustainable water Resource in Rwanda is still an issue but the Government is
strongly establishing program to increase the living conditions of population, integrated
irrigation for agriculture and clean water access for all are among. Thus in my country there
is the water crisis regarding on the quantity of water and the issue of poor management of
the small quantity of the water sources we have.

The government of Rwanda needs to strengthen measures and strategies aiming at Water
demand management since water resource is intrinsically linked to Rwanda’s economic
growth and development, it must be carefully harnessed, optimally utilized, controlled and
managed appropriately in order to obtain maximum benefit from it. With this course of
Hydraulic Structure Engineering will help me to address to those above mentioned issues.

How this course will enable me to address that issue

With my invaluable skills required for effective Hydraulic Engineer gained from Dalian
University of Technology I will have a chance to be among of those professionals to help my
Country in tackling issues in water Sector.

As there are a number of strategies established by Rwandan Government to boost the rate of
access to safe drinking water for Rwandan Population and expand irrigated agriculture to
meet country’s food security experts in Water resources management will be required to
involve in these program. Being one of them, I will provide my contribution in good planning
for efficient use and safe drinking water, the design of Hydraulic structures as huge priority
and using developed technology of water engineering. This involves producing some scenarios
for various water resources expansions, supporting the water policy thus I will provide some
technical recommendations, support, supervision and trainings to the stakeholders in water
use planning and observation by analyzing the valuable data.

After analyzing the issues faced by my country, I have developed an interest and confidence
to continue my studies at graduate level in Hydraulic Structure engineering since it will help
me to address to issues of monitoring existing water related projects and development of new
projects using modern Technology for water engineering, and also kindled a desire to do
thorough research in water related matters.

How I will address this issue with my position within my organization

As Water Engineer in Consultancy Company, I need to deepen my knowledge in Hydraulic

Structure Engineering in order to improve the standard of our service through advanced
knowledge and expertise, to enhance people’s lives through an improved understanding of
water engineering. We have weakness like ground water assessment for irrigated
agricultural purpose and environmental impact on water resources of different projects,
application of Earth observation in water related issues such as flood and drought control as
it happens in my Country in urban centers and Eastern province respectively. To achieve
this, my company and country need experts for both planning and implementation.

In addition, Water Engineer position in my company I am in charge of designing, modeling,

elaborating technical report on water related project with the new acquired knowledge and
skills I will be able to address to the discussed issues and expand our services in all water
projects using modern technology for the purpose of water supply. As water and
Environmental Engineer I will be able to address the issues related to Hydraulic structures
because our firm and country need experts in the field of irrigation systems and dam
development, water transport and Distribution.

Subsequently, if I am awarded with this scholarship, skills and knowledge acquired from
China will help my Organization in all of its main activities especially in water related project
which has impact on water resources. After completion of my studies, I will be back to my
home country to implement, share and contribute in the development of my country with new
skills and knowledge gained.

With Regards,

GASHURI Yves Lionel

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