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Head of room :

PP1 :

PP2 :

PA :

Doctor :

Patient :

Family :

One day at hospital X, in the Jasmine room there was a patient named Mr. Juhri, with a medical
diagnosis of tuberculosis. In the morning a nurse in the room was preparing papers, then a doctor

Doctor : good morning ...

Nurse P1 : yes good morning doctor ...

Doctor : how is the patient?

Nurse P1 : This is the way doctors, patients and their families have been asking to be sent home.

Doctor : owh .. then what about KU?

Nurse P1 : After the observation was carried out, the KU was good enough, doctor ...

Doctor : yes now I have to see the situation first.

Nurses and doctors go to the patient room / patient bed.

Nurse P1 : (tok.tok.tok) excuse me .. good morning .....

Px family : owh ... sorry, good morning too ..

Doctor : how are you doing, sir? Is it still tight?

Patient : the doctor is no longer congested, just occasionally ..

Px family : last night I saw a good sleep too doc.

Doctor : ohh, that's it then, I'll check the condition first, sir ...

Patient : well doctor please .. !!

After the examination by the doctor, the patient's wife asks about the patient's condition, and can
he be discharged?

Px family : how is my husband's condition doctor? Oh yeah .. can you take it home?

Doctor : the condition of the mother's husband is good enough, and can be brought home.

Px family : owh .. so doctor ..

Doctor : yes, but for the medicines you still have to take it at home.

px family : good doctor ..

Doctor : OK then I'll excuse me first ..

Px family : yes doctor, thanks ...

Doctors and nurses leave the patient's room, and go to the nurse's place to write a prescription
for the patient.

Doctor : (After finishing writing the prescription) Baak ... this is the prescription.

Nurse P1 : yes doctor ..

Doctor : oh yeah, for the files for control patients, explain it to the patient and his family.

Nurse P1 : well doctor ...

Doctor : OK, then I will excuse you, assalamualaikum ...

Nurse P1 : waalaikum salaam .. thanks doctor ..

The doctor leaves the room, and the nurse prepares files and delivers prescriptions to the pharmacy.

Nurse P1 : Mas .. !!

Nurse A : yes miss ..

Nurse P1 : ask for help at the pharmacy ... take the medicine, Mr Juhri ...

Nurse A : ohh .. ok sis ..

(after a few minutes)

Nurse A : this is the medicine ...

Nurse P1 : oh yeah ... thank you mas ...

Communication between the nurse and the head of the room, to show the files that will be brought by
the patient.

Nurse P1 : excuse me sir good morning ...

Karu : yes ..

Nurse P1 : Well, sir, just now dr. Yogi has already had a visit, and a patient named Mr Juhri can be
discharged today ..

Karu : owh. The one in the lit room, huh?

Nurse P1 : yes sir ..

Karu : Have all the files prepared?

Nurse P1 : Yes sir ..

Karu : for the lab results and the rongent photos?

Nurse P1 : yes sir, I have put it in it too sir ..

Kar : (while checking the files) "The medicines have all been prepared, okay?

Nurse P1 : yes sir it's all ..

Karu : (while returning the nursing files) "OK, let's return it to the patient, don't forget to give HE, bak" ...

Nurse P1 : fine sir, thank you ..

Karu : yes ...

Then nurse P1 explained to nurse P2 ...

Nurse P1 : Mas ...

Nurse P2 : yes ....

Nurse P1 : I ask for help ... will you give this medicine to Juhri ... eemm then don't forget to give HE and
explain about the documents that must be brought during control ...

Nurse P2 : ok miss ...

Nurse P1 : (while handing over the patient files) "Then this one will also be handed over to the patient,
ok?" ...

Nurse P2 : Yes, Ms.

(Then nurse P2 goes to the patient room)

Nurse P2 : excuse me ....

Family : yes ..

Nurse P2 : Mother .., this is the medicine that you have to take at home, and this is a letter that you
have to bring during the control, the control will be on the 16th , then this is the LAB result and the
rongent photo. Oh yes mom, I'm sorry, this father is infected with tuberculosis, so the mother also has
to be careful, so that she doesn't catch it, then if the father wants to spit, don't spit carelessly, sir. ...

Patient : yes sir ...

Nurse P2 : OK, is there anything I want to ask? Sir or Madam?

Family : yes sir .. for the medicine how many times a day? How about the food, Sir?
Nurse P2 : oh yeah like this mother, for this TB medicine it is enough to drink it once a day, but don't
stop or stop, then don't forget to control it every month, and for the food, you only need to eat 4
healthy 5 perfect, that's enough, but if the food is If it is better to avoid stimulating cough, how do you
understand that?

Patient: yes sir ..

Nurse P2 : If no one understands you or you, please ask me or another nurse, or please read this

Px family : yes sir thank you

Nurse P2 : OK then, I'll excuse you, later when you want to go home, please report to the nurse first
ok ...

Px family : yes ma'am ..

Nurse P2 : OK, I'll excuse me first .. "assalamualaikum"

Family & patient: "waalaikumsalam" (answered simultaneously).

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