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Poštovani članovi Mense Srbije,
na osnovu člana 7.4 stav 4 Pravilnika o izborima Izborna komisija proglašava

Konačni spisak kandidata

na izborima za članove Predsedništva

Dana 30.01.2021. godine u 22.00h zatvoren je prijem kandidatura za članove Predsedništva.

Primljeno je ukupno 8 prijava raspoređenih u jednu grupnu prijavu i jednu pojedinačnu prijavu.
Po izvršenoj proveri podataka dostavljenih na kandidaturama svi kandidati ispunjavaju uslove za
Na osnovu člana 7.7 stav 1 Pravilnika o izborima određen je sledeći redosled kandidata na
preliminarnom spisku kandidata na izborima za članove Predsedništva koji će biti prikazan na
glasačkom materijalu:
1. Александра Боровић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
2. Предраг Ђукић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
3. Вељко Караџић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
4. Ана Пешић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
5. Јелена Исајловић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
6. Дуња Лазић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
7. Лазар Живковић - grupa EQUILIBRIUM
8. Наташа Аћимовић-Кнежевић

Linkovi na kandidatima vode do ličnih i grupnih prijava.

Pravo glasa na izborima imaju svi punopravni članovi Mense Srbije koji taj status imaju u
ponedeljak 17.02.2021. godine. Članovima Mense Srbije, čija e-mail adresa sa danom
17.02.2021. godine u 22.00 časova, ne postoji u bazi podataka Mense Srbije, glasački materijal
će biti dostavljen pismeno putem poštanskog saobraćaja.
Takođe članovima koji to budu eksplicitno zatražili od Izborne komisije Mense Srbije, glasački
materijal će biti dostavljen pismeno putem poštanskog saobraćaja. Rok za slanje zahteva za
štampane glasačke materijale Izbornoj komisiji Mense Srbije je dana 17.02.2021. godine u 20.00
časova, na jedan od sledeća dva načina (navesti članski broj i poštansku adresu):
-Porukom putem elektronske adrese Izborne komisije Mense Srbije:
-SMS porukom na bar jedan od sledećih pet brojeva telefona:
• 069/1224237 Jan Vida,
• 069/1621744 Branka Marković,
• 066/202446 Milan Petrović,
• 064/3200946 Jovan Aleksić ili
• 061/2203259 Filip Pešić.
Glasački materijal će biti poslati 17.02.2021. godine a link za elektronsko glasanje preko
SurveyMonkey-a će biti poslat pred početak glasanja. Glasanje će se realizovati od 24.02.2021.-
06.03.2021. godine slanjem popunjenih izbornih listića na za to predviđenu adresu ili
elektronskim glasanjem.
Otvaranje koverata i prebrojavanje glasova će biti realizovano 07.03.2021. godine nakon čega će
preko elektronskog obaveštenja i na web prezentaciji Mense Srbije biti objavljeni preliminarni
rezultati izbora. Po isteku roka za žalbe od 48 sati i nakon razmatranja eventualnih prigovora
konačni rezultati izbora će biti objavljeni na web strani Mense Srbije i preko elektronskog
obaveštenja najkasnije do 13.03.2021. godine i u sledećem izdanju e-Biltena.
Žalbe i prigovore slati na
Forma za prigovor je na sledećem linku.
Prigovori se razmatraju tek posle zatvaranja glasanja.

S poštovanjem
Izborna komisija Mense Srbije
14. Слика
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Александра Боровић
2. Датум рођења: 25.04.1968.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Географски факултет Универзитета у Београду
4. Занимање: Дипломирани просторни планер, лиценцирани
туристички водич, сертификовани ПР менаџер,
сертификовани менаџер пројеката
5. Радно место или образовна Институт за модерно образовање
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 159
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 1999.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана 2004-13 члан извршног одбора-организује
достављања ове пријаве:** тестирања, пријеме за нове чл, окупљања: ДМуБг,
Весели спуст, зимовање на Копаонику. Национални
СИГ коорд, СИГХТ и ПДП СИГ коорд. Председник
Менсе Србије 2013-21. Покреће и води међународне
догађаје: ЕМАГ 2018, ИБД 2015, конференције о
даровитости 2017, 18 и 19. Међународно: учесник
ЛЕАП 2012; члан ЛЕАП комитета МИЛ 2012-16;
члан жирија за стипендије Менса фондације од
2015, председник међун. ИВН комитета 2018-20,
члан комит. за даровиту омладину од 2020.

12. Представљање свог Кандидујем се у оквиру тима „EQUILIBRIUM“

програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 1. Љубомир Кустудић 1

који су дали подршку: 2. Александар Димитров 4107
(поред сваког имена уписати и 3. Зоран Медић 8
члански број члана који је дао 4. Ана Пешић 7371
подршку у Менси) 5. Борис Пројовић 6803
6. Дамир Пројовић 8613
7. Дејан Јовић 7651
8. Дуња Шашић 5954
9. Дуња Лазић 7690
10. Игор Јеремић 2034
11. Јелена Илић 5498
12. Лазар Новићевић 8648
13. Лазар Живковић 8099
14. Марија Стојановић 6251
15. Милан Бјелица 8261
16. Немања Антић 6519
17. Предраг Ђукић 1873
18. Тадија Милетић 6789
19. Вељко Караџић 5199
20. Весна Милорадовић 2817
21. Владислав Мрвић 7783
22. Зоран Новићевић 8649
23. Сања Стојановић Ђорђевић 6333

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
14. Слика
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Предраг Ђукић
2. Датум рођења: 23.06.1973.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Магистар техничких наука
4. Занимање: Консултант за развој компанија и људских ресурса
5. Радно место или образовна Morphis Consulting, Mind Magic,
установа за ученике/студенте: Национални центар за таленте
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 1873
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2001.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана - председник IVN комитета светске Менсе
достављања ове пријаве:** - LEAP амбасадор светске Менсе
- члан председништва, потпредседник
- учешће у кампањи и реализацији највећег
европског окупљања Менсе EMAG 2018
- члан орг. тима конгреса директора светске Менсе
IBD 2015.
- представљање Менсе у медијима, на
манифестацијама и пред светском Менсом
- члан Извршног одбора
- држање бројних предавања
- вођење такмичења у играма за развој умних
- прилози у Билтену...
12. Представљање свог
програма*** односно ако се Equilibrium
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије Јелена Илић 5498

који су дали подршку: Милан Бјелица 8261
(поред сваког имена уписати и Борис Пројовић 6803
члански број члана који је дао Дамир Пројовић 8613
подршку у Менси) Дејан Јовић 7651
Марија Стојановић 6251
Тадија Милетић 6789
Вељко Караџић 5199
Весна Милорадовић 2817
Ана Пешић 7371
Александар Димитров 4107
Александра Боровић 159
Дуња Лазић 7690
Дуња Шашић 5954
Зоран Медић 8
Владислав Мрвић 7783
Зоран Новићевић 8649
Немања Антић 6519
Љубомир Кустудић 1
Игор Јеремић 2034
Сања Стојановић Ђорђевић 6333

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у којима
поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
14. Слика
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Вељко Караџић
2. Датум рођења: 23.09.1979.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Факултет Техничких Наука – Универзитет у Новом
4. Занимање: Мастер инженјер електротехнике и рачунарства
5. Радно место или образовна Cyber-Security Manager and Delivery Manager for
установа за ученике/студенте: Cyber-Security Projects, Levi9 IT Services
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 5199
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2009.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана - Члан Председништва, управљање финансијама
достављања ове пријаве:** (2017 - данас)
- Члан Председништва, Потпредседник (2015 - 2017)
- Делегат Менсе Србије на годишњем састанку
међународног борда директора Међунродне Менсе
– IBD meeting (2015)
- Члан Председништва, Секретар (2013 - 2015)
- Председник Изборне комисије (2010 - 2012)
- Координатор за развој Менсе Србије (2012)
- Члан тима за пријем нових чланова у Новом Саду
(2010 - 2012)
- Организатор и модератор више радионица,
трибина и панел дискусија одржаних у Менси
12. Представљање свог Кандидатура у оквиру тима EQUILIBRIUM.
програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 01. Љубомир Кустудић – 001

који су дали подршку: 02. Зоран Медић – 008
(поред сваког имена уписати и 03. Александра Боровић – 159
члански број члана који је дао 04. Предраг Ђукић – 1873
подршку у Менси) 05. Игор Јеремић – 2034
06. Весна Милорадовић – 2817
07. Александар Димитров – 4107
08. Јелена Илић – 5498
09. Дуња Шашић – 5954
10. Немања Антић – 6519
11. Тадија Милетић – 6789
12. Борис Пројовић – 6803
13. Ана Пешић – 7371
14. Дејан Јовић – 7651
15. Дуња Лазић – 7690
16. Владислав Мрвић – 7783
17. Лазар Живковић – 8099
18. Милан Бјелица – 8261
19. Дамир Пројовић – 8613
20. Лазар Новићевић – 8648
21. Зоран Новићевић – 8649

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
14. Слика
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Ана Пешић
2. Датум рођења: 10.01.1990.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Економски факултет у Београду
4. Занимање: Аналитичар послова инвестиционих услуга
5. Радно место или образовна Банка Интеса
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 7371
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2015.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана Члан Председништва задужен за чланство
достављања ове пријаве:** Секретар Председништва
Члан Координационог тима за Београд

12. Представљање свог Equilibrium

програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 1. Александар Димитров 4107

који су дали подршку: 2. Борис Пројовић 6803
(поред сваког имена уписати и 3. Вељко Караџић 5199
члански број члана који је дао 4. Весна Милорадовић 2817
подршку у Менси) 5. Владислав Мрвић 7783
6. Дамир Пројовић 8613
7. Дејан Јовић 7651
8. Дуња Шашић 5954
9. Зоран Новићевић 8649
10. Игор Јеремић 2034
11. Јелена Илић 5498
12. Лазар Живковић 8099
13. Лазар Новићевић 8648
14. Љубомир Кустудић 1
15. Марија Стојановић 6251
16. Милан Бјелица 8261
17. Немања Антић 6519
18. Предраг Ђукић 1873
19. Сања Стојановић Ђорђевић 6333
20. Тадија Милетић 6789

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру
* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
14. Слика
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Јелена Исајловић
2. Датум рођења: 22.07.1996.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Факултет медицинских наука, Универзитет у
4. Занимање: Магистар фармације
5. Радно место или образовна AУ „Dr.Max“
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 7204
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2015.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана • Учешће у организовању тестирања у
достављања ове пријаве:** Крагујевцу у периоду 2016. – 2020. године.
• Локални координатор у Крагујевцу 2019. –
2020. године
• Потписивање Споразума о сарадњи са
Факултетом медицинских наука
Универзитета у Крагујевцу.
12. Представљање свог Кандидујем се у оквиру тима „EQUILIBRIUM“.
програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 1. Љубомир Кустудић 1

који су дали подршку: 2. Зоран Медић 8
(поред сваког имена уписати и 3. Александра Боровић 159
члански број члана који је дао 4. Предраг Ђукић 1873
подршку у Менси) 5. Игор Јеремић 2034
6. Наташа Аћимовић Кнежевић 2335
7. Весна Милорадовић 2817
8. Александар Димитров 4107
9. Вељко Караџић 5199
10. Јелена Илић 5498
11. Дуња Шашић 5954
12. Марија Стојановић 6251
13. Сања Стојановић Ђорђевић 6333
14. Немања Антић 6519
15. Тадија Милетић 6789
16. Борис Пројовић 6803
17. Ана Пешић 7371
18. Дејан Јовић 7651
19. Дуња Лазић 7690
20. Владислав Мрвић 7783
21. Марко Маринковић 7828
22. Тања Олеар Гојић 7849
23. Лазар Живковић 8099
24. Милан Бјелица 8261
25. Дамир Пројовић 8613
26. Лазар Новићевић 8648
27. Зоран Новићевић 8649

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

- само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана - кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (u Word-u:
File/Properties/Statistics/Characters with spaces).
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characters with
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Дуња Лазић
2. Датум рођења: 23.10.1992.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Висока ИЦТ школа, Универзитет у Београду
4. Занимање: Спец. струковни инжењер електротехнике и
5. Радно место или образовна Менаџер продаје
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 7690
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2016. год.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана - Члан координационог тима за Београд
достављања ове пријаве:** - Волонтер на ЕМАГ-у 2018. год
- Учесник на волонтерским викендима
- Кандидат за Председништво 2019. год
- Члан тима за друштвене мреже
12. Представљање свог Кандидујем се у оквиру тима EQUILIBRIUM
програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:

13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 2335 Наташа Аћимовић Кнежевић

који су дали подршку: 2817 Весна Милорадовић
(поред сваког имена уписати и 5199 Вељко Караџић
члански број члана који је дао 5954 Дуња Шашић
подршку у Менси) 6251 Марија Стојановић
6333 Сања Стојановић Ђорђевић
6789 Тадија Милетић
6803 Борис Пројовић
7371 Ана Пешић
7651 Дејан Јовић
7783 Владислав Мрвић
8261 Милан Бјелица
8613 Дамир Пројовић
8648 Лазар Новићевић
8649 Зоран Новићевић

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
14. Сликаа
Прилог бр. 1
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Лазар Живковић
2. Датум рођења: 21.10.1994.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Војна Академија, Универзитет Одбране
4. Занимање: Инжењер машинства / Студент
5. Радно место или образовна Факултет Безбедности, Универзитет у Београду
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 8099
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2017.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана -2018. Учесник у организацији EMAG-а 2018 у
достављања ове пријаве:** Београду;
-2018. Члан уредништва часописа и портала MozaIQ;
-2019. Национални СИГ координатор;
-2019. Члан координационог тима локалне Менсе
-2019. Кандидат на изборима за нови сазив
-2020. Члан ПР тима за друштвене мреже;
-2020. Организатор тестирања у Пироту;
-Израда визуалног идентитета Менсе Србије;
-Дизајнерски послови израде сертификата,
захвалница, ваучера за потребе Менсе Србије;
-Учесник неколико локалних окупљања;
12. Представљање свог Кандидујем се у оквиру тима “EQUILIBRIUM”
програма*** односно ако се
кандидат кандидује у оквиру
групе, навести име групе****:
13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 1 Љубомир Кустудић
који су дали подршку: 8 Зоран Медић
(поред сваког имена уписати и 159 Александра Боровић
члански број члана који је дао 1873 Предраг Ђукић
подршку у Менси) 2034 Игор Јеремић
2335 Наташа Аћимовић Кнежевић
2817 Весна Милорадовић
4107 Александар Димитров
5199 Вељко Караџић
5498 Јелена Илић
5954 Дуња Шашић
6251 Марија Стојановић
6519 Немања Антић
6789 Тадија Милетић
6803 Борис Пројовић
7204 Јелена Исајловић
7371 Ана Пешић
7651 Дејан Јовић
7690 Дуња Лазић
7783 Владислав Мрвић
7785 Ненад Новковић
8261 Милан Бјелица
8613 Дамир Пројовић
8649 Зоран Новићевић

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у
којима поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
Прилог бр. 2
Форма групне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о групи кандидата

1. Име групе: EQUILIBRIUM
2. Контакт адреса:* *****
3. Телефон:* *****
4. E-mail:* *****
5. Списак кандидата који су 1. Александра Боровић 159
поднели обједињену групну 2. Предраг Ђукић 1873
кандидатуру: 3. Вељко Караџић 5199
(поред сваког имена 4. Ана Пешић 7371
уписати и члански број 5. Јелена Исајловић 7204
кандидата) 6. Дуња Лазић 7690
7. Лазар Живковић 8099
6. Представљање програма У тиму EQUILIBRIUM окупили су се искусни чланови
групе:** који су увели Менсу Србије у период стабилности,
уређености, високе транспарентности, али и млади
људи са свежим идејама, који су својим ангажманом
у Менси доказали да се на њих може рачунати у
развоју наше организације.

Нека од скорашњих постигнућа под руководством
искусних чланова тима су:
• формулација Стратегије Менсе Србије за
наредних 5 година,
• формирање низа правилника и процедура
којим се руководимо у раду Менсе
• ревитализација Научног одсека,
• формирање Одсека за рад са децом,
• реновирање канцеларије Менсе у Новом
• покретање и реализација онлајн догађаја,
• партнерство са највећом приватном
образовном групацијом у Србији.

Важно је да истакнемо и иницирање и реализацију

међународних Менса догађаја (ЕМАГ 2018 у
Београду и ИБД 2015 у Новом Саду) који су такође
резултат напора чланова овог тима, као и
организацију међународних конференција о
даровитости и пројеката на ову тему, чија је круна
европски пројекат “Teachers fоr Gifted” (одложено
услед пандемије). Постигнута је финансијска
стабилност као и одрживост уз константно улагање у
инфраструктуру, опрему и активности.
Имамо пуно идеја за будуће активности. Неке од њих
су већ у току, а планирамо:
• Наставак напора за унапређење система
образовања у Србији
• Фокус на побољшање услова за школовање
• Покретање кампова и Менса клубове у Србији
• Даље активирање тима за друштвене мреже,
унапређење комуникације наше организације
презентовања резултата у јавности
• Да некадашње чланове Менсе вратимо у наше
редове али и да активирамо актуелно
• Даљи развој систем бенефита за чланове кроз
партнерства са различитим образовним
установама, компанијама и организацијама
• Наставак сарадње са Националним центром
за таленте на разради нацрта Стратегије
целоживотне подршке даровитима и
спровођењу њених одредби у живот...

Промовисаћемо наше чланове и њихове пројекте,

како кроз онлајн догађаје за јавност, тако и кроз наш
медијски портал MozaIQ, али и кроз финансијску
подршку коју ћемо тежити да увећамо. Настојаћемо
да добијемо још европских пројеката који су у складу
са мисијом Менсе и да кроз ревитализацију одсека за
пројекте унапредимо капацитете чланова да пишу и
спроводе пројекте.

Кроз међународне Менса позиције, које заузимају
чланови овог тима, успоставићемо што интензивнију
сарадњу са националним Менсама које имају
напреднија решења за различите аспекте
функционисања Менсе као и за учење из те

Када се стекну услови планирамо да поново

конкуришемо за организацију међународних Менса
окупљања, а тежићемо да обезбедимо и одлазак што
већег броја наших чланова на ИБД 2022 у Будву у
циљу формирања међународне мреже контаката.

Као и до сада, наставићемо да подстичемо

интензивнију комуникацију уз брзо и ефикасно
разматрање свих иницијатива и предлога чланова на
редовним е-консултацијама. Наравно, пружаћемо
транспарентно извршавање свих финансијских
обавеза и тежити како проналаску нових начина за
финансирање активности Менсе Србије, тако и
побољшању целокупне организованости.
Изјава Боровић Александре
Наставићу да радим на позиционирању Менсе
Србије као ауторитета у питањима даровитости, кроз
даљу организацију конференција, трибина, кроз
пројекте, радионице идр. Чим прилике дозволе
радићу на остварењу идеје кампова за даровиту децу
и родитеље.

Инсистираћу на развоју унутрашње комуникације са

члановима, како бисмо их мотивисали да искажу
своје жеље и да се ангажују у реализацији.
Подржаваћу нове волонтере, преносећи им своја
знања и искуства, како бисмо обезбедили
континуитет у напредовању организације. Наставићу
досадашњу праксу да редовно обилазим све локалне
Менсе и да подржавам активности које ће члановима
из мањих средина унапредити могућности уживања
предности чланства. Ауторитетом, знањем и
искуством подржаћу све активности које чланове
предложе у складу са нашом мисијом.

Нарочиту пажњу ћу посветити изграњи партнерстава

са образовним и државним институцијама ради
унапређења репутацију Менсе. Кроз међународне
Менса комитете и пројекте радићу на широј сарадњи
са другим Менсама.

У претходним мандатима на месту Председника,

показала сам да своје идеје и планове умем да
спроведем у дело и да за то имам неопходни
ентузијазам, енергију и искуство.

Изјава Ђукић Предрага

У 1. мандату био сам посвећен уређењу рада
удружења и одржавању доброг имиџа Менсе. Радио
сам и на успостављању праведног система
вредности и стимулативног амбијента за развој
умних способности чланова.
У току 2. мандата сам држао предавања на највећим
окупљањима Менсе у ЕУ и САД, учествовао у
међународним дебатама, те дао допринос да наша
земља поново буде домаћин значајном
међународном скупу. Својим предавањима и јавним
наступима доприносио сам унапређењу угледа
Месне у Србији и успостављању сарадње са сродним
У 3. мандату сам учествовао у организацији највећег
европског окупљања Менсе, као и у организацији
међународних конференција и низа трибина о
даровитости на којима сам одржао и предавања.
Водио сам међународни тим у оквиру International
Volunteers Network групе и успоставио контакте
широм света.
Током 4. мандата био сам посвећен даљем подизању
угледа наше организације како у Србији тако и
међународном плану, као и развоју стратегије даљег
развоја удружења.
У наредном мандату фокус мог рада ће бити
повезивању Менсе Србије широм планете кроз
отварање комуникације и омогуђавању сарадње
наших најактивнијих чланова са њиховим колегама у
другим националним Менсама. Такође ћу активно
радити на промоцији наших чланова као пожељних
запослених код наших и страних компанија.

Изјава Караџић Вељка

У склопу спровођења стратешких циљева
промовисаних у кандидатури тима EQUILIBRIUM,
посебно ћу се фокусирати на следеће аспекте рада

Финансије – након успешно спроведене финансијске

консолидације која гарантује одрживост
функционисања Менсе Србије, наредни циљ је
оптимално искоришћење увећаних прихода и
акумулираних резерви. Ово подразумева улагања у
инфраструктуру (реновирање и додатно опремање
канцеларија у Новом Саду и Београду, разматрање
повременог закупа просторија за активности других
локалних Менси), финансирање израде савременог
ИТ система, улагање у стратешке активности и
пружање финансијске подршке пројектима чланова.

Друштвени ангажман Менсе – наставак и

проширивање партнерстава са образовним и
институцијама културе, укључивање у акције које
промовишу друштвено одговорно понашање и
одрживи развој друштва.

Ојачавање локалних Менси – проширење мреже

локалних Менси и већа подршка њиховим

Подстицање мобилности и међусобног умрежавања

чланова на целој територији Србије – подршка
организацији едукативних, културних, спортских и
забавних дешавања националног и регионалног

Изјава Пешић Ане

Као члан председништвa:
- радићу на спровођењу стратешких циљева за које
се залаже тим EQUILIBRIUM;
- залагаћу се за промоцију Менсе Србије у Београду
и региону;
- ангажоваћу се на промоцији интелигенције,
организовању предавања, трибина и конференција;
- активно ћу доприносити стварању друштвеног
окружења за чланове учествујући у избору и
имлементацији пројеката којима је то циљ;
- трудићу се да допринесем повећању бенефита за
чланство: лакше и брже успостављање комуникације
са члановима, организовање тематских окупљања и
посета културним догађајима;
- учествоваћу у пројектима који се тичу заштите
животне средине и хуманитарног рада.

Изјава Исајловић Јелене

Као члан Председништва трудила бих се да у тим
унесем пуно енергије, ентузијазма и нових идеја. Као
Локални координатор у Крагујевцу показала сам
иницијативу и оправдала очекивања својим
залагањем и спремношћу да се посветим потребама
Менсе. Потписивањем Споразума о сарадњи са
Факултетом медицинских наука у Крагујевцу трајно је
решен проблем простора за све активности које се
организују у том граду, тако да бих се и на даље
трудила да успостављањем сарадње са
институцијама решимо исти проблем осталих
локалних Менси. Основа мог залагања у
Председништву биће представљање потреба млађих
чланова, организовање активности којима бисмо их
привукли и задржали и омогућили да Менса као
организација буде препозната од стране младих као
право место за дружење, забаву, али и лични развој.

Изјава Лазић Дуње

Мој ангажман у Менси почео је волонтирањем на
тестирањима. У оквиру Координационог тима за
Београд стекла сам вишегодишње искуство у
сарадњи и дружењу са осталим члановима. Даљи
волонтерски рад довео ме је до великог
међународног окупљања чланова Менсе на ЕМАГ-у
2018. године, када сам проширила познанства, како у
земљи тако и у иностранству.

Своје залагање кроз различите активности у

организацији Менсе, пре свега учешћу на
волонтерским викендима, подигла сам на виши ниво
када сам постала део Тима за друштвене мреже. У
оквиру Тима трудимо се да промовишемо рад Менсе
и да члановима и јавности понудимо занимљиве
садржаје, као што су актуелни онлине догађаји.

Позитиван резултат који сам остварила на

претходним изборима, дао ми је ветар у леђа да се
поново кандидујем. Сматрам да ће контакти и
искуство које сам стекла у свом раду допринети
даљем унапређењу функционисања Менсе и да ћу
модерним приступом донети нову енергију у будући
састав Председништва.

Да бисмо остварили идеје које нуде наши чланови (а

њих никад не мањка), своје залагање ћу усмерити ка
повећању интересовања за волонтерски рад. На тај
начин, имаћемо довољно капацитета да спроведемо
мноштво активности као и да подржимо нове идеје и
побољшамо рад локалних Менси.

Изјава Живковић Лазара

Као члан председништва, пре свега, залагаћу се за
приближавање Менсе младима, кроз различите
занимљиве садржаје, јер млади представљају
будућност и потенцијал организације. Посебно бих
нагласио потребу за сарадњом Менсе са
универзитетима и факултетима кроз организацију
разних догађаја, где би наши чланови, пре свега
студенти имали одређену улогу у организацији тих
догађаја, чиме би још више допринели умрежавању
наших чланова из различитих струка.
Трудићу се да наставимо тамо где смо стали, а то је
промена комплетног визуалног идентитета Менсе
Србије, започетог прошле године, како кроз садржаје
и објаве на друштвеним мрежама,тако и редизајн
постојећег веб сајта.
Промоција и проширење активности Менсе, у оне
делове Србије у којима Менса није толико
Наставићемо и са реорганизацијом активности у
оквиру Менсе, посебно што се тиче организације и
рада СИГ-ова, јер досадашњи начин функционисања
није у потпуности искористио капацитете које Менса
као организација, али и чланови имају.

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 2, 3 и 4 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве групе кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 6.може да садржи највише 1500 карактера по кандидату у
групи. Пријаве у којима поље 6 садржи више од 1500 карактера по кандидату неће бити
разматране (u Word-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characters with spaces).
Прилог бр. 1 14. Слика
Форма појединачне кандидатуре је следећа:

Ред. бр. Подаци о кандидату

1. Име и презиме: Наташа Аћимовић-Кнежевић
2. Датум рођења: 07.12.1973.
3. Највиша завршена школа: Мастер, Архитектонски факултет у Београду
4. Занимање: Архитекта и урбаниста
5. Радно место или образовна Одговорни пројектант и урбаниста
установа за ученике/студенте:
6. Контакт адреса:* *****
7. Телефон:* *****
8. E-mail:* *****
9. Број чланске карте у Менси: 2335
10. Година учлањења у Менсу: 2004.
11. Учешће у раду Менсе до дана Члан Председништва од 2017.г.
достављања ове пријаве:** Успешно стартовала Twin Towns пројекат
братимљења Менсе Београда и финског града
Mikkeli 2021.
Помогла реализацију MozaIQ, 2020.
Организатор.програма ЕМАГа 2018. и админ ФБ
групе за ЕМАГ.
Промотер ЕМАГа, ИБДа и наше Менсе на
међународним окупљањима
Идејни творац и део орг-тима интернационалне
тродневне радионице Communication Skills &
Creativity 2015.g.
Оснивач СИГаДобре вољеод 2013.г. (помоћ
сиротиштима, прихватилиштима, болницама, Чеп за
12. Представљање свог - Довршавање Пројектног задатка за израду е-
програма*** односно ако се система (модеран и прегледан сајт, повезан са
кандидат кандидује у оквиру базом података, једноставна комуникацију
групе, навести име групе****: чланова међусобно и у СИГовима, систем
електронског плаћања тестирања и свега
осталог). Пројектни задатак већ би био
довршен и расписан тендер, али година која
је иза нас је прекинула или успорила многе
активности на којима смо вредно радили.
Моја је жеља да овај битан посао испратим до
краја, тј. до тренутка када нови систем
постане функционалан.
- Разрада Twin Towns пројекта који је у
пробном периоду, али обећава. Трудићу се да
га проширимо и продубимо, а надамо се и
дружењу уживо са нашим новим
пријатељима итако наставимо традицију
стварања добрих веза са члановима Менсе
других земаља, који нас памете по изузетно
добро организованом ЕМАГу.
- План ми је и да као и досада подржавам идеје
чланова, као што је увођење поклон ваучера
за тестирање, које ускоро стартује.
- Организација нових окупљања чим буде
- По завршетку ванредних околности надам се
да ћемо моћи активирати и неке идеје о
сарадњи са компанијама и институцијама.
- За крај, али веома битно, намеравам да
наставим да сарађујем са другим члановима
Председништва на пријатељски,
конструктиван и креативан начин, јер су
квалитетни и пристојни међуљудски односи
предуслов сваког правог успеха.
13. Списак чланова Менсе Србије 493 Мирослава Поповић
који су дали подршку: 573 Милица Младеновић
(поред сваког имена уписати и 975 Јасна Булајић-Степановић
члански број члана који је дао 1873 Предраг Ђукић
подршку у Менси) 159 Александра Боровић
3614 Саша Малезић
3359 Весна Поломац-Лазић
3635 Иван Николић
5199 Вељко Караџић
5621 Милица Бошњак Кираљ
6639 Дамјан Керезовић
7204 Јелена Исајловић
7651 Дејан Јовић
7690 Дуња Лазић
7783 Владислав Мрвић
7849 Тања Олеар-Гојић
7983 Јан Вида
8099 ЛазарЖивковић
8590 Ирина Аћимовић

(Потпис члана који подноси кандидатуру

-само када се кандидатура подноси на папиру

* Садржај поља под редним бројевима 6, 7 и 8 служи само за потребе рада Изборне
комисије и неће бити приказан приликом објављивања Пријаве члана-кандидата.
** Поље под редним бројем 11. може да садржи највише 500 карактера. Пријаве у којима
поље 11 садржи више од 500 карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u:
*** Поље под редним бројем 12. може да садржи највише 1500 карактера и опционо је,
односно није нужно да буде попуњено. Пријаве у којима поље 12 садржи више од 1500
карактера неће бити разматране (uWord-u: File/Properties/Statistics/Characterswithspaces).
**** Ако се кандидат кандидује у оквиру групе поље под редним бројем 12 треба да
садржи искључиво само Име групе у оквиру које се кандидат кандидује.
У складу са чланом 6.4.2 став 1 Статута Менсе Србије уз Пријаву кандидат треба да
достави и подршку најмање 10 пуноправних чланова Менсе Србије.
2021 International Election – Results of the Nomination Process

The nomination process closed with all candidates receiving at least one nomination. The
results are:

International Chairman Björn Liljeqvist, Sweden, elected unopposed with

31 nominations
International Director-Administration Isabella Holz, Germany, elected unopposed with 31
International Treasurer Jacek Cywinski, New Zealand, elected unopposed
with 32 nominations

International Director-Development To be contested with two candidates:

José Luis Martínez, Argentina, with 26 nominations

Kishore Asthana, India, with 25 nominations

Breakdown of nominations:
Björn Liljeqvist Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Isles Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Montenegro,
New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United States,
plus 3 non-disclosed NMs.

Isabella Holz Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Isles, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Montenegro,
New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United States,
plus 3 non-disclosed NMs.

Jacek Cywinski Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Isles, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia,
Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan,
Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden,
Switzerland, United States, plus 1 non-disclosed NM.

José Luis Martínez Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Montenegro, North
Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, South
Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, plus 1 non-disclosed NM.

Kishore Asthana Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Isles, Bulgaria,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Mexico, Montenegro,
Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland,
Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.
Mensa International
Election 2019
Candidate Statements
Mensa International Election 2021
Candidate Statements
1. Official translation team
CANDIDATE FOR 2. Provide help to already established Full National
INTERNATIONAL 3. A professional, data-driven way of manage the

Work done by a team
Physical presence in undeveloped zones

6. A truly international organization
7. More presence in social networks and improvement
in our press managing

To be brief, I offer a professional Depertment of

development, integrating a team of multi-cultural
Mensans, working not only to help the already
established Full National Mensas that are struggling, but
also working to expand Mensa in Africa, South America
and Central America. If you elect me, I will be a Director
of Development that is a native Spanish speaker,
understands the social-cultural-economic context and
resides in the continent is a huge help, as the initial tasks
(Contacting people interested, travel to take the first
tests, help them with the first steps and initial
administration) will be way cheaper and a lot faster.

Also, I want to improve the relationship between Mensa

International and the Membership.
José Luis Martínez Every detail can be found in
Answers to IBD questions
Hi! I’m José Luis Martínez and I’m 33 years old and I’ve
1. What do you see as the most important aspect of the
been born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I’m the
role for which you are standing?
youngest of four siblings, uncle of five very happy kids
and I’ve the joy of still have my father around and in good As a director of development for a global organization
health. I’ve worked all my life in IT, as a Business there is nothing more important that having the skill to
Intelligence consultant, having the honor to help in more lead a multi-cultural team that can provide insights about
than 20 companies, including four Fortune 500 ones such the cultural aspects of every region you are trying to
as W.W. Grainger, Kimberly-Clark, Boehringer Ingelheim work with. After that, data exploitation skills are very
and Energizer Holdings Inc. My working experience has handy to understand tendencies and forge a sounding
given me the skills and tools for leading in multi-cultural strategy.
teams around the globe, meeting incredible people along
the way. I’ve a passion for music, not only as a recreation Every detail can be found in
but as a musician: I’ve recorded a small amount of VERY
2. Why have you volunteered for this role, and what in
UNSUCCESFUL (ha!) EPs with different bands in the last
particular qualifies you for it?
15 years.
I believe I have the skillset, knowledge, experience and
Every detail can be found in
project to make a difference and bring solutions for long-
Campaign statement standing problems inside Mensa International and the
National chapters. Being a Business Intelligence
I offer a Project that will be based in the following pillars, consultant gave me the tools to work with data, which is
that you can read in detail in : a key skill for this role. Also, my experience leading
Mensa Argentina to become the Full National Mensa

Mensa International Election 2021
Candidate Statements
with the highest percentage membership growth 2018-
2019 and solving the incredible difficulties that plagued
us for the last 10 years has given me a valuable

Every detail can be found in

3. What do you see as the most important issues facing

international Mensa at the present time and in the next
few years?

First of all, I believe that Mensa International should be

more involved with the membership. Also, expanding
Mensa to more countries in Africa, Central America and
South America is of the utmost importance. I also believe
that Mensa International should be more proactive while
helping the National Chapters.

Every detail can be found in

4. What do you wish to achieve during your term of


I want to help revert the decrease in the membership

that the British Isles are suffering from at least the last 20
years. Also, I want to bring new membership from 20 to
35 years old. I want to establish a Knowledge base with
the politics that have led every successful Mensa to grow.
I wish to establish more National Chapters in the south
hemisphere. I want to leave a professional department of

Every detail can be found in

Mensa International Election 2021
Candidate Statements

My articles have been published in various newspapers &
magazines. Some fiction and non-fiction books &
collections of poems are also in print.
INTERNATIONAL Ironically, what usually interests people more is that I
once modelled for Raymond Suitings!
DIRECTOR - Campaign statement

DEVELOPMENT The International Director - Development has two

important roles:

1. Developmental

2. As part of other ExCom decision-making.

1. Developmental:

a. I’ve been closely involved in getting Mensa India to

PNM (soon FNM) status. I’ve also played a major role in
drafting our Indian National Mensa Constitution. I can
mentor various new Mensa country chapters move to
PNM and FNM status.

b. I have experience of how to start new chapters and

how to help them grow. I started Mensa India Delhi as
our only member here a few years back. Today this is our
most dynamic chapter.

c. I’ve started Mensa Project Dhruv for the identification

Kishore Asthana & mentoring of underprivileged gifted children. I’d like to
start similar projects in other countries. This will help
Biographical Statement make Mensa more socially relevant.
Education: 2. Other ExCom matters:
B.E. (Mechanical) from the National Institute of I am an Engineer with a postgraduate degree in
Technology in Durgapur. Won the University Gold Medal. management from India’s premier management institute,
IIMA. I also have 35 years’ managerial experience, most
Post Graduation in Management from the Indian
of which has been at senior levels. I feel confident that I
Institute of Management (Ahmedabad). Won the Air
can make a meaningful contribution during ExCom’s
India Merit Scholarship at IIMA.
Work Experience:
Miscellaneous:I will bring a fresh non-US, non-European
I’m a past President of Mensa India. At present I’m the perspective to Mensa ExCom.
Chairman of the Dhruv Foundation and President of
Answers to IBD Questions
Mensa Project Dhruv for the identification & nurturing of
Underprivileged gifted children. 1. What do you see as the most important aspect of the
role for which you are standing?
I have 35 years of mostly senior management experience.
I was the Group Vice Chairman & Business Advisor for The International Director-Development is responsible
one of the senior-most Omani Royal Family members. for direct international membership; membership
development in countries which do not yet have
recognized national Mensas; membership development
I qualified for MIL with an IQ of 160. assistance to national Mensas, international public

Mensa International Election 2021
Candidate Statements
relations & international special-interest groups. Apart would only be getting ‘bragging rights’ and little else. This
from this other duties may also be assigned. is not what Mensa is all about.

While all these are important responsibilities, I feel that Our challenge is to effectively explain that Mensa
Mensans are the bedrock of Mensa. In view of this, in my membership is like a door to a world populated by some
opinion, membership development in countries that do very intelligent people, who are willing and able to
not have recognized national Mensas as yet is extremely interact with you. It expands your perspective. Mensa
important. This requires two important interventions: membership can be a uniting factor in an increasingly
divided world.
a. Help and guidance in developing new chapters and
bringing them to FNM status. Another challenge is how to make Mensa more socially
b. Encouraging and enabling a higher national public relevant. This will also help negate the impression that
profile of Mensa in every country. More widespread Mensa is merely an elitist organization.
publicity of Mensa’s objectives and of the advantages
that Mensa Membership can bring, is very important. 4. What do you wish to achieve during your term of
2. Why have you volunteered for this role, and what in
particular qualifies you for it? My aim will be to achieve the following:

I have volunteered for this role because: a. Help start new Mensa chapters in countries that
already have a significant number of direct MIL members
a. I have experienced what it takes to get a National and in countries where people are enquiring about
Mensa chapter start and achieve PNM and FNM status. I Mensa.
can use this learning to help get new National Mensa
chapters started, promoted and eventually recognized as b. Start Mensa projects for identifying and mentoring
FNM. We have so many promising countries where this underprivileged gifted children on the model of our
can be done. Mensa Project Dhruv and Mensa India’s Tribal Mensa
Program. This can earn immense goodwill for Mensa,
b. My experience of media management can help Mensa especially in African countries and in countries such as
chapters in various countries try for more publicity in a Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka and
responsible manner. Bangladesh. These projects will also help reduce the
impression of Mensa as an elitist organization.
c. My experience with starting and running our Mensa
Project Dhruv for the identification and nurturing of c. Last, but not the least, I hope to bring a fresh non-
underprivileged gifted children will be very useful in American, non-European perspective to Mensa’s
starting such nation building initiatives in various Executive Committee as I feel that Asia is under-
countries. represented in it.

d. With my educational qualifications and 35 years’

management experience, I am confident that I have the
needed balance and maturity to advise the ExCom on
non-development aspects also.

3. What do you see as the most important issues facing

International Mensa at the present time and in the next
few years?

In my view one of the most important issues facing

Mensa International at present is the growing
disenchantment of young people with an organization
that they consider ‘elitist’.

This kind of reverse snobbishness arises from a lack of

understanding regarding what Mensa stands for. Many
people appear to think that, as Mensa members, they





- There’s important news from CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL...
our Treasurer on p3 and also the
MIL 2021 Budget is on p16. The
abbreviated Financial Statements
for 2019-2020 are on pp 12 - 16. Previously, researchers have shown vanilla scents.
- On pp4 and 5, you’ll find the that visual and tactile stimulation These first results in sound-
poems given Honourable Men- can change a person’s perception scent body image association are
tions in the 2020 MWJ Inter- of their own body weight. Research still being studied, but already the
national Poetry competition. being presented by Giada Brianza, power of audio on body image
Congratulations to USA Mensan of the University of Sussex, has has promising applications. Since
Mary Ann Parise and Marianne found our hearing and sense of negative body image can lead to
Kendall from the UK. smell can also change how we feel increased risks for eating disorders,
- Also on p5, there’s news of about our self-image, which could isolation, and emotional distress,
recent scientific research into help improve healthy behaviours. finding ways to manipulate self-im-
what can control the brain’s size, age could enhance health through
while on p6, we learn of how The presentation, “Understanding promoting better self-image.
an automated SpaceX Falcon 9 the impact of sound and smell on The researchers believe that
rocket delivered four astronauts body image perception,” was a part multisensory stimuli - sound and
to the International Space Station of the 179th Meeting of the Acous- smell, in particular - should play a
recently. tical Society of America. This ses- greater role in treating body image
- On p6, too, an exciting new sion was presented on December diseases, such as eating disorders.
project linking twin towns across 11. The meeting was held virtually Neuroscience November 11, 2020
the Mensa world is outlined. Well on December 7-10.
done to all involved! To see if sounds could change -----------------------------------
- Our member profile for this body image perceptions, the
month (p7) is young NZ member, researchers used headphones to WRITING FOR THE MWJ
Ethan Ng, a maths genius who alter in real time how patients The Mensa World Journal is your
graduated from High School at heard their own footsteps. Heavier magazine and it would be won-
the age of 15. There’s also a short bodies produce lower frequency derful if you were to share your
column on the collective nouns footsteps than lighter bodies, so the thoughts with the rest of the
of animals by yours truly on p7. researchers thought that changing Mensa world.
- Our Features Editor brings us the sound could alter how a person By and large, most of the articles
an article centred on the crea- perceives their own image. are written by Mensans - for Men-
tive use of objects, while on p9, When the researchers played sans - and the opportunity is there
there’s a new slant on the art of higher-pitch footsteps that sounded for you to be one of these authors.
Leonardo da Vinci. like stilettos, the test subjects were Topics can cover reports of Men-
- Our science guru, John Blinke walking faster compared with when sa events you’ve attended, your
is, as usual, on p10 and Therese’s they heard lower pitch sounds, such achievements, unusual hobbies and
Teasers will be back next month. as the sound boots make. interests, or your successes.
The researchers also tested how Please limit your article length
Kate Nacard, Editor scents could change one’s perceived to 600 words and send it to me at
body image. They found exposure Please also
to lemon-scented essential oils include a hi-res photo to accompa-
Read/download the full MWJ in combination with high-pitched ny the article, your National Mensa
each month on sounds during the experiments and your membership number.
made participants feel lighter than Kate

Jacek Cywinski, Treasurer


Development travel
Kia ora! It is again time to talk about due to COVID-19
finance. I want to focus on two and 5,000 GBP on
pieces of information: the approved the Gathering of
financial statements for the year Latin American
ended 31 December 2019 and the Mensas (GLAM).
approved budget for 2021.
To provide you with some back- 2021 Budget
ground for the 2021 budget, I would (see also p16)
like to share with you a brief assess- The budget as-
ment of 2020 as well. sumes that the
component income
2019 Financial statements will be similar to
As you may remember, I shared with 2019, which consid-
you previously information coming ers the impact of
from a draft of the financial state- COVID-19, as no
ments. Now, the financial statements growth is predicted
have been finalised and approved. in 2020 and 2021.
Income statement for the year ended That was the best
31 December 2019 shows a healthy approach at the
surplus of 53,605 GBP, with revenue time based on
sitting at 456,287 GBP and costs at information held.
402,682 GBP. The highest cost is run- As you may know,
ning the Mensa International Office 7% of your mem-
(25%), followed by the organisation bership fees goes to
of the IBD meeting (20%) and name Mensa Internation-
protection (19%). As of 31 Decem- al. Please renew Thirdly, we included 37,000 GBP
ber 2019, Mensa International had your membership in 2021! for Marketing, which is related to
557,985 GBP on bank accounts, and The 2021 budget assumes a sig- actively pursuing licensing opportu-
the reserves are reported as 577,891 nificant loss due to the variety of nities.
GBP. factors. Firstly, we safely assumed Nevertheless, as you can see, the
the turnover (potentially underes- 2021 projected loss is funded by
2020 – the year in progress timated) and assumed higher costs 2020 savings. Therefore, we will go
Revenue level is similar to the pre- (especially travel to the World through 2021 pretty smoothly. That
vious year based on 2Q2019 vs Gathering in Houston). Therefore, is the plan, but you need to help
2Q2020 analysis, which shows that the costs are potentially overes- us by building our organisation and
our turnover side is not significantly timated due to the uncertainty encouraging others to join us!
affected due to COVID-19 at present caused by COVID-19 – it is as- I would like to thank you for your
(just no growth). Due to the cancel- sumed that the cost of interna- attention. If you have any questions
lation of the IBD in Montenegro, we tional travel might be potentially do not hesitate to contact me.
saved 70,000 GBP. Additionally, as the higher rather than lower. Secondly, Mā te wā.
planned expenses for Adaptive Test- we have included 65,000 GBP for
ing did not occur, we saved 65,000 Adaptive Testing, assuming that Jacek Cywinski, Treasurer
GBP this year. Moreover, we saved the project will be back on track. Treasurer
mensa world journal


Congratulations to poets, Mary Ann Parise (USA) - who was the only entrant to have two poems
included in the top six entries - and Marianne Kendall (UK), who each received Honourable Mentions
from the International Judging Panel. All the winning poems will be published on the Mensa website.

Of Words Walking in the Woods at Sunset

What shall I write that I have not penned before? With tugs upon the leash they go
Something more of hope perhaps and less of fears – Slowly on familiar trails
Tears brined and burnished into word Each visit brings them new delights
Trills of arias and peasant song Of sound and smell, of tender sights
Bold words pushed and prodded into bold vistas Tiny blooms, the croon of woods
Senses deeply stirred, indebted to the beginning Storms of wintertime withstood
Words on waking as my vessel embarks Another pulling off the path
Tiding to shore of new encounter Crackling and crunching things
Crafted of creation, ballast for the journey A sudden hush, the rustling wings
Tomes hewn to one epiphany Of fledglings sheltered in the brush.
Moored on the far drafts of longing The Sun is low, the day has flown
Wonder of being, joy of becoming Haltingly they turn for home
Poured out upon mysteried spaces As always with a quiet yen
Traces of a place long gone, reappearing For scenes they might not see again.
Cradled within maternal melody The dog could not share words with him
Heart indwelling each thought of home and hinterland Or pat his head or back or chin
Begetting seedling quarks and sire comets, But as the master stopped to view
Rendered from alpha-to-omega dreams Such beauty in this place they knew
Everlasting wineglass, eternal vine – The dog stood still, his senses frilled
What shall I tell the yearning within With love for the old man.
Where “nay” or “yea” engage now as angry kin?
What more can I proclaim by one line Mary Ann Parise
Than I have mused before in many pensive calls?
What, then, shall I write?
Or shall I write at all?
(See p5 for Marianne Kendall’s poem)
Mary Ann Parise


Members are invited to submit their original poems to the editor,, by August 1, 2021.
Poems are to be previously unpublished and no longer than 30 lines in length. The theme for the competition is
Reflection. All entries must be in English and following the judges’ decision, no correspondence will be entered into.
By submitting an entry (maximum of one entry) into the competition, members understand that their poem may be
published in the Mensa World Journal or in any other National Mensa journal at the editors’ discretion. The author will,
of course, be acknowledged.
Please include your National Mensa and membership number with your entry.


mensa world journal

Memory Loss
disorder characterized by a reduction in the
I gather from the corners of my mind - size of the cerebral cortex and varying degrees
The glances, laughter, kisses, soft embraces, of cognitive dysfunction. The scientists found
Your voice, your touch, the smile you left behind - that the children were carriers of a mutation
And prise the memories from their hiding places; in both copies of the gene, RRP7A, and by the
use of stem cell cultures as well as zebrafish
Those times you stood in reach, my fearing whether as model organism, RRP7A was shown to play
Self-uncontrolled arms might my heart reveal. a critical role for brain stem cells to prolifer-
None will escape. I bring them all together ate and form new neurons. This process is
And, brushing off the tears, a parcel seal. extremely complex and slight disturbances
may have serious consequences, which may
Exulting, I consign it to the past, explain why the mutation affects the brain and
Go forth to meet the world, now reason frees no other tissues and organs.
To face the future’s challenge. Then at last, “Our discovery is surprising, because
I travel home, astonished at the ease it reveals hitherto unknown mechanisms
involved in the development of the brain. In
New cares obliterate a love so tender, addition, it highlights the value of research in
To find a parcel marked: “RETURN TO SENDER”. rare disorders, which is important both for the
patients and family affected by the disease
Marianne Kendall but also beneficial for society in the form of
new knowledge about human biology,” states
---------------------------------------------- Lars Allan Larsen, Department of Cellular and
Molecular Medicine.
SCIENTISTS DISCOV- The researchers further discovered that
the mutation in RRP7A affects the function of
ER NEW MECHANISM the so-called primary cilia, which project in a
single copy as antenna-like structures on the
CONTROLLING BRAIN surface of cells to register environmental cues
SIZE and control the formation of new neurons in
the developing brain.
Under the leadership of Professor Lars Allan “Our results open a new avenue for under-
Larsen and Professor Søren Tvorup Christensen standing how primary cilia control develop-
at University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, mental processes, and how certain mutations
an international research team has taken an at these antenna-like structures compromise
important step forward in understanding the the formation of tissues and organs during
complex mechanisms that control development development. To this end, we have already ini-
of the so-called cerebral cortex, which is the tiated a series of investigations to understand
part of the brain that plays a key role in atten- the mechanisms by which RRP7A regulates
tion, perception, awareness, thought, memory, ciliary signalling to control formation and
language, and consciousness. The results have organization of neurons in the brain, and how
just been published in the internationally recog- defects in this signaling may lead to brain mal-
nized journal Nature Communications. formation and cognitive disorders,” says Søren
Tvorup Christensen at Department of Biology.
The scientists started with genetic analyses of
a large family in which children were born with
primary microcephaly; a rare congenital brain ScienceDaily November 16, 2020

mensa world journal


A pilot project is going ahead to nerships can be formed in this way. The age of commercial space
choose some twin towns for Mensa Our goal is to test the concept flight is here! An automated
members to get to know each other and provide feedback in the next SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket deliv-
better. We are an international few months. Feel free to get in- ered four astronauts to the
organisation, after all! volved if you want to! The objective International Space Station on
is to let people get to know each Monday, November 16, 2020
Many cities and towns around the other informally without too many after a 27 hour flight from Cape
world have sister city arrangements rules and regulations. The concept Canaveral.
of their own. It was suggested in the is to have fun and make new friends
International Facebook group re- around the world. The reusable booster landed
cently and a few of us have decided 2020 has been a difficult year, full safely on its barge and was taken
to run with it. We have had an initialof challenges. One positive that has back to Florida for refitting. The
meeting online. So far we have a few emerged is that we have been com- Crew Dragon orbiter will remain
different countries interested: Fin- municating online, more than face attached to the International
land, USA, Serbia, Taiwan, Australia to face. The Twin Towns Project will Space Station during the crew’s
and France. build on this growing trend. The first six month stay. A second Dragon
When selecting towns or cities sessions have already been booked capsule will bring supplies in
to pair with, the time difference is and have taken place in early De- December.
something which needs to be taken cember. Our pilot project organizers This flight is part of NASA’s
into consideration. When we chat- are all excited to see how this new Commercial Crew program
ted online on a Sunday in November, initiative will develop and how it can which helps several companies
it was 11.30 pm for me, 8.30 am in benefit Mensa as an international develop hardware and space
the US and 1 pm in Europe. We’ve organization. We all hope that it missions. SpaceX is the farthest
discussed the possible scope of this will provide new travel opportuni- ahead, but Boeing, Blue Origin,
project and have decided on a pilot ties and culture exchanges between Paragon Space Development
project with four test groups: members. Corporation, Sierra Nevada
• Taiwan & Australia: Taipei & The project’s actual governance Corporation, and United Launch
Adelaide is assumed by a group of French Alliance are developing compet-
• France & USA: Paris & New York people, and the Netherlands host ing systems to move astronauts
• Finland & Serbia: Mikkeli & Bel- is International SIGHT Officer Henk and supplies to low Earth orbit.
grade Broekhuizen who is also on board Docking with the space
• Finland & France: Tampere & Lille and keen to get involved. That may station seems straightforward,
It is proposed that a small be re-organized depending on the but it isn’t. There are several
group of say, 5-10 interested mem- number of participants and require- different incompatible styles of
bers from each country can meet ments. The idea is for the groups to docking ports because several
via Zoom or another online platform meet online, but who knows when different kinds of orbiters have
and introduce ourselves. We can things improve, members may even serviced ISS over its 20 year
choose one person to do a short be able to meet one day face to face life. According to Scott Man-
presentation about ourselves and via SIGHT! Check out https://dis- ley, the Russian Zarya module
our city and then see if we have for more info. was the first component of the
common interests. It’s like having station, so it had docking ports
a virtual penfriend. Often, lifelong Laura Parsons
friendships or even business part- South Australian StateSec (continued on p11)


mensa world journal

by Susan Jensen
I came across a fabulous reference
Ethan Ng is a fifteen year old book by Jennifer Cossins recently:
Mensa member and math genius 101 Collective Nouns.
who was born in Singapore and Some of them were familiar such
emigrated to New Zealand when he as a Murder of Crows, a Swarm of
was eight. Bees, and a Pride of Lions, but for
the most part, I was both delight-
His mom and dad, Win and Tommy, ed and excited at finding a whole
were in their early thirties when new clutch of words (and no, that
they had Ethan. He is their only isn’t one!).
child. Both parents are bright (Mom, The collective nouns all pertain
an electrical engineer, and Dad last to animals; here are some of
worked for Hewlett Packard as an laid-back culture would allow him to them:
e-Sourcing Manager) but neither enjoy academia without pressure. An Armoury of Aardvarks
they nor anyone in their families After two weeks in New Zealand, A Rabble of Butterflies
were as bright as Ethan demon- Ethan loved it so much he said, “I A Crackle of Cockatoos
strated himself to be as a baby. He never want to move away!” A Leash of Deer
hardly crawled before learning to Ethan just graduated from high A Cete of Badgers
walk at age five months. He con- school at age fifteen. He did online A Badling of Ducks
versed in full sentences by age one extra coursework in primary and A Mob of Emus
and was reading by age two. middle school, enabling him to skip A Business of Ferrets
Win realized his sharp and rest- three grades in high school. In his A Flamboyance of Flamingos
less mind needed much stimula- senior year of high school, he was A Knot of Frogs
tion, so she decided to introduce placed first in calculus, economics, A Journey of Giraffes
simple, first grade maths books chemistry and accounting, earning A Smack of Jellyfish
when Ethan was two. To her great him the Dux award as top student An Amalgamation of Pandas
surprise, Ethan loved the maths of the year. He also won a premier A Sounder of Pigs
and was quite adept at it. Mom and scholarship, given to the top twelve A Loomery of Puffins
Dad awakened later on weekends, students in the country. Ethan A Shiver of Sharks
but Ethan, always up 7 am, would received a Bronze Medal in the A Turn of Turtles
do maths until his parents awoke. 2020 International Mathemathics A Squabble of Seagulls
He taught himself to read analogue Olympiad. He intends to do a double A Fever of Stingrays
clocks and by age two would rouse degree in maths and mechatronics A Rout of Wolves
his parents at 9 am if they weren’t at the University of Canterbury in A Trip of Goats
yet out of bed.. Christchurch. A Tribe of Kiwis
Ethan was a bouncy, active Ethan looks forward to meeting A Gulp of Swallows
young child who began doing more young Mensans and other An Ambush of Tigers
Tae Kwon Do and gymnastics at young gifted people as he gets older And perhaps my favourite of all,
an early age. His other interests and travels more. We expect to hear A Dazzle of Zebras
include music, tennis, and robotics. a lot about Ethan in the future—
Ethan’s parents made the move to both within Mensa and the world at Kate Nacard
New Zealand in the hope the more large.


mensa world journal

OBJECTS... by Inham Hassen
A soap factory had a problem. Oc- “The kid from maintenance put it
casionally, an empty box passed there because we were all tired of
through the whole production line walking over to restart the line every
and sneaked into the cartons that time the bell rang. We don’t actually
were eventually delivered to stores, need the scale anymore.”
causing embarrassment and loss to This all-too-familiar story is all
the business. about ingenuity. Humans are natu-
The top brass of the company rally creative with tools. We know
were scratching their heads over how to steady a wobbly table using potheses - a prior belief that guides
this seemingly trivial but serious a folded piece of cardboard. Most of people’s actions toward those that
problem. They hired an external us would confess, at least once dur- will make a difference in the scene,
engineering company and spent mil- ing our lives, of using a hammer in the ability to imagine the effect of
lions to devise a high-tech precision place of a screwdriver or using a their actions, and a mechanism to
scale that would sound a bell and rock in place of a hammer. One quickly update their beliefs about
flash lights whenever a soap box important observation was that what actions are likely to provide a
weighed less than it should. The line this level of ingenuity was a result solution – they built a model called
would stop, someone would walk of great intelligence that humans Sample, Simulate, Update (SSUP).
over, remove the defective box, and possess. Most species use objects The model was an artificial intel-
then press another button to restart only for the intended purpose and ligence (AI)-based system which
the line. nothing else. For example, food will learned from human players and
As a result of the new process, only be food. But humans are proceeded to play the game on its
no empty boxes were being shipped different. To understand the cogni- own. The AI engine solved each puz-
out of the factory. The CEO received tive factors behind the creative use zle at similar rates and in similar
a weekly report of the number of and the ability for machines to learn ways as people did, but with one
empty boxes picked and discarded. non-standard usage of tools, scien- catch – the AI bot could not solve
After a few weeks, the report indi- tists at the Centre for Brains, Minds any new puzzles that it was not
cated that zero boxes were picked and Machines at the Massachusetts trained in, whereas humans could.
up by the scale. The CEO asked the Institute of Technology recently em- The findings would have been
engineers and the marketing team barked on a new research project. stunning if the machines were able
to check whether the system had To achieve this, a Virtual Tools to solve new problems and the
broken down and empty boxes were mobile game app was created. research team is optimistic of the
getting shipped again. The answer Players of the game had to select fact that this may pave the way to
was negative, so the puzzled CEO objects from a set of tools – which further work that will eventually
made a surprise visit to the factory. were anything but the exact tool – achieve this aim. In the meantime,
Just as he entered the production to accomplish a goal such as getting an interesting outcome of this
area, he observed a $20 desk a ball into a container. Naturally, this research is the fact that human intel-
fan, just ahead of the new million- would be hard without the right ligence has the capability to con-
dollar precision scale, blowing the tool, but achievable, if the player dense general physical knowledge
empty boxes off the belt and into correctly used a number of physi- into actionable, task-specific plans to
a bin. He asked the line supervisor cal principles, including launching, achieve flexible and efficient physical
what that was about. blocking, or supporting objects. problem solving, which most other
“Oh, that,” the supervisor replied, Based on the researchers’ hy- species or machines cannot achieve.
mensa world journal



The work of Leonardo Da Vinci DNA. Unfortunately, we can-

is an invaluable heritage of the not assume that this DNA
15th century. From engineering comes from the master
to anatomy, the master paved the himself but it might rather
way for many scientific disci- have been introduced by
plines. But what else could the the restoration workers over
drawings of Da Vinci teach us? the years. Finally, for both
Could molecular studies reveal bacterial and fungal com-
interesting data from the past? munities, correlation with
the geographical location of
These questions led an interdisci- the drawings can be ob-
plinary team of researchers, cura- served.
tors and bioinformaticians, from Altogether, the insects,
both the University of Natural the restoration workers,
Resources and Life Science and and the geographic localiza-
the University of Applied Science tion seem to all have left
of Wien in Austria, as well as the a trace invisible to the eye
Central Institute for the Pathology on these drawings. While
of Archives and Books (ICPAL) in it is difficult to say if any of
Italy, to collaborate and study the first time the complete microbiome these contaminants origi-
microbiome of seven different draw- composition of several of Da Vinci’s nate from the time when Leonardo
ings of Leonardo Da Vinci. drawings. The study was published Da Vinci was sketching its drawings,
The molecular study of art pieces recently in Frontiers in Microbiology. Dr. Piñar highlights the importance
has already proved to be a valuable Overall, the results show a sur- that tracking these data could have:
approach, and Dr. Piñar, first au- prising dominance of bacteria over “The sensitivity of the Nanopore
thor of the study, is not at her first fungi. Until now, fungi were thought sequencing method offers a great
try. In 2019, her team was able to to be a dominant community in tool for the monitoring of objects of
investigate the storage conditions paper-supported art and tended to art. It allows the assessment of the
and even the possible geographical be the main focus of microbial analy- microbiomes and the visualization
origin of three statues requisitioned sis due to their biodeterioration of their variations due to detrimen-
from smugglers through the study potential. Here, a high proportion tal situations. This can be used as a
of their microbiome and, earlier of these bacteria are either typical bio-archive of the objects’ history,
this year, the microbiome of ancient of the human microbiome, certainly providing a kind of fingerprint for
parchments allowed the elucida- introduced by intensive handling current and future comparisons.”
tion of the animal origin of the skins of the drawings during restoration Thus, scientists could develop new
used for their manufacture 1,000 works, or correspond to insects’ mi- methods to not only conserve the
years ago. In the study presented crobiomes, which could have been visual appearance of art but also to
here, the Austrian team is using an introduced, a long time ago, through document the invisible journey of
innovative genomic approach called flies and their excrements. our artistic and cultural heritage.
Nanopore, considered as third-gen- A second interesting observation
eration sequencing, to reveal for the is the presence of a lot of human
mensa world journal

supplementally... by john blinke

Martian Farms billions of years ago. You would those conditions, the scientists think
Science News, November 1, 2020. think such huge formations would there would be about as much light
“Farming on Mars Will be a Lot be recognizable by the Mars Recon- on the shadowed side as Earth’s
Harder Than ‘The Martian’ Made it naissance Orbiter (MRO), but they moon casts on a night landscape.
Seem.” are not. Only Curiosity’s close-up
How will settlers survive on Mars? view was sharp enough to identify
Whither Water
You might think they could grow sedimentary deposits in the ripples
ScienceDaily, October 26, 2020.
stuff if they had the right fertilizer. that prove they are flood features. It
“Nasa’s Sofia Discovers Water On
But Martian soil is very alkaline and is possible that a large meteor strike
Sunlit Surface Of Moon.”
it contains poisonous substances melted enough surface ice to cause
There is more water on Earth’s
like calcium perchlorate. Most such vast flooding. And carbon di-
moon than anyone had thought
plants can’t tolerate such stuff, but oxide released by the impact would
from studying the moon rocks the
some bacteria can, and they even have given Mars a balmy climate for
Apollo astronauts brought back. Not
create oxygen in the process. Maybe a while — possibly long enough to
lakes. Not puddles. In fact, scientists
settlers could use those tough bugs get life started. aren’t sure what form the water
to clean up the soil and then plant is in. But NASA’s SOFIA telescope
seeds. But there is no organic mate-Moon Glow definitely sees H2O molecules on
rial with resident fungi and bacteria
Smithsonian, November 10, 2020. the sunlit side of the moon. Maybe
to make the kind of soil we have “Radiation Might Make Jupiter’s small amounts are hiding in shad-
on Earth. In lab experiments with Salty, Icy Moon Europa Glow.” Con- ows cast by landscape features. The
simulated Martian soil, plants died tributed by Steven Darnell. amount is said to be about a soda
more quickly as the synthetic soil NASA scientists performed an ex- bottle full for every cubic metre of
was made more like real Martian periment to see what effect Jupiter’s lunar soil.
soil. But all is not necessarily lost
murderous radiation would have
because many plants can be grown on organic compounds they might Dueling Dinosaurs
hydroponically with no soil at all. some day find on Jupiter’s frozen National Geographic, November 17,
You just need the right lights, air,moons. They irradiated frozen water 2020. “Dueling Dinosaurs Fossil, Hid-
and fertilizer. spiked with a variety of salts. Then den From Science for 14 Years, Could
they found that ice glows green or Finally Reveal its Secrets.”
Martian Megafloods blue under that kind of radiation, The “I Know Dino” podcast #313 for
ScienceDaily, November 20, 2020. and the glow differed with the type November 25, 2020 highlighted the
“Field Geology at Mars’ Equator of salt: Epsom salt glows brightly, story of an amazing fossil discov-
Points to Ancient Megaflood.” (No- while table salt glows dimly. This ery in the Hell Creek formation of
vember 5, Scientific Reports.) gave them a way to map minerals in Montana known as the “Dueling
The Curiosity Rover continues to the night side terrain of Europa from Dinosaurs.” This is different from
trundle around Mt. Sharp in Gale an orbiting craft. Regions would an earlier find called “The Fighting
Crater on its search for Martian show up differently depending on Dinosaurs” which was a velocirap-
geology. Among other things, it has the kind of salts that had coated tor entangled with a protoceratops.
found flood ripples so big they re- the surface when water oozed up This new one includes a very well
semble sand dunes. These are proof through cracks in the crust. Although preserved triceratops along with a
that megafloods happened on Mars nobody has seen Europa under 98% complete juvenile T-Rex. The


mensa world journal

(from p06)

bones are still partly embedded in that matched Russian orbiters. The Resignation of Director
rock, so it is not certain that the pair American Space Shuttle brought up
died fighting each other. But one many crews, of course, and it had its The Director of Development,
of the predator’s teeth is stuck in own special docking arrangement. Bibiana Balanyi, recently an-
the triceratops skeleton. The fos- Now, the Crew Dragon orbiter has nounced her resignation to the
sil find has been stuck in litigation yet another style. These docks are IBD, to take effect on January 11.
while courts decided whether fossils located on different parts of ISS,
are legally minerals and therefore which is as long as an American We would like to thank Bibiana for
subject to mineral rights. The final football field. There was no need to her long and dedicated service to
verdict is that they are not minerals. remove one dock to make room for Mensa. A new Director of Develop-
We should be able to see the fossil another. ment will be elected in the regular
pair at The North Carolina Museum Two more ISS facts: elections in the coming months,
of Natural Sciences (NCMNS) some Four different spacecraft currently and will take office on July 1.
time in 2022. deliver cargo and supplies: North- The IBD has not decided on a
rop Grumman’s Cygnus, SpaceX’s replacement in the interim and it
Dragon, JAXA’s HTV, and the Russian is possible that the position will be
Progress. temporarily vacant until after the
Eight orbiters can dock to the election.
John Blinke space station at once. John Blinke

Chair: Mr Björn Liljeqvist SIGHT-Coordinators: Mensa International Mr Henkhenk Broekhuizen
Mr Thorsten Kressig Executive Director:
Director of Admin: Mr Michael Feenan
Ms Isabella Holz International SIG Coordinators:
Ms Aurelie-Anne Garin-Mchaud Slate Barn,Church Lane, Caythor-
Director of Development: Ms Nancy McMahon pe, Lincolnshire
Position Vacant NG32 3EL, UK
Treasurer: Mr Jacek Cywinski Ms Vicki Herd +44(0)1400272 675

Dir. Smaller National Mensas: Hon. President:

Mr Mark Dettinger Mr Udo Schultz

Editor: Ms Kate Nacard 407/23 Corunna Rd, Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia T: +61 402152858
Science: Mr John Blinke
Puzzles: Ms Therese Moodie-Bloom
Profiles: Dr Susan Jensen
Features: Mr Inham Hassen
Proofreader: Ms Jean Whittle
Please note that the accounts are signed electronically, which is why there is no printed signature. Also, the
first page of notes (paras 1-3) is deliberately omitted, since that page simply contains information such as
the statement of UK accounting practices.


MIL budget 2021 2021 2022 2023 2024

Details Totals
IBD 130 000 80 000 85 000 90 000
American Mensa bid 72 000
Travel 58 000
Excomm 23 000 18 000 19 000 24 000
Publications 500 500 500 500
Development 7 000 10 000 10 000 10 000
OFFICE 137 000 142 500 148 000 153 500
Office Salaries 130 000 135 000 140 000 145 000
Office other costs 7 000 7 500 8 000 8 500
SERVICES 48 000 11 000 12 000 12 000
Bookkeeping 3 000 3 000 3 500 3 500
Accountancy & Audit 8 000 8 000 8 500 8 500
Marketing 37 000 - - -
Website, IT & hosting 15 000 15 000 15 500 15 500
Legal expenses 80 000 80 000 80 000 80 000
Election expenses 7 000 - - 7 500
OTHER EXPENSES 93 000 83 500 20 500 20 500
Mensa Foundation - International Scholarships - 4 500 6 500 6 500
Marketing/PR budget 75th Anniversary 10 000
IVN 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000
GLAM (Conditional) * 5 000 - - -
Adaptive testing (Conditional) * 65 000 65 000 - -
Supervisor Psychologist Honorarium 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000
Archives 4 000 4 500 4 500 4 500
Other fees 2 000 2 500 2 500 2 500
Total cost 540 500 440 500 390 500 406 000

Component 420 000 440 000 465 000 480 000
Other income 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000
DIM 10 000 11 000 11 500 12 000
Total revenue 440 000 461 000 486 500 502 000

Planned Profit (+) / loss (-) -100 500 20 500 96 000 96 000
2020 savings:
IBD 75 000
GLAM 5 000
Adaptive testing 65 000
Component 7% 7% 7% 7%

*) subject to the approval by the IBD of detailed budget plan



Open with




Richard Lederer
mensa world journal


. How wonderful that 123 appli- If you are planning to use SIGHT for (how you are getting there!) |
cants from 34 countries around the your next private or business trip, Detailed itinerary, including dates
Mensa world applied for volunteer please follow these guidelines: | Links to your profiles on social
positions this year! Director of networks | Any other informa-
Administration Isabella Holz tells 1. Register as a prospective SIGHT tion you would like if someone were
us more, along with a report of the Traveller on the International pages. coming to stay with you.
second session of the IBD meeting, This way you can provide every If you can’t write such a charm-

on p3.
Everything you need to know
other M an accessible link to your
personal profile.
ing email on your own, you can also
provide the information using one of
about how to plan a holiday as a 2. Inform BOTH the Nat-SIGHT of the the standard SIGHT Traveller Forms

SIGHT guest is on p2!
The poems of our two runners-
country you plan to visit, as well as
the Nat-SIGHT of your home coun-
which can be downloaded using the
download links at the bottom of
up in the MWJ’s International try about your trip. Early birds tend
Poetry Competition 2020 are on to catch more worms - and mat- sight/guide-visitors. You can either
p4 - congratulations Carolyn and tresses!! complete the form and then paste it

On p6, Therese Moodie-Bloom
3. The Nat.SIGHT.Co of the vis-
ited country will connect you with
into your e-mail message or send it
as an attached Word or PDF file.
introduces Seraph Lock, a Hong possible hosts; in case there are
Kong Mensan psychologist, who has none, they will regretfully inform Staying with your host
joined Médecins Sans Frontières you about such a possible negative Again, be smart and polite!! Inform
to help aid those suffering from result. your host of any change in your
mental stress during the COVID-19 4. After the connection has been travel arrangements as soon as

I’m sure most of you have heard
established, it is up to YOU to make practical. Do not cancel at the last
your own arrangements with your minute, unless it is an emergency.
of US Mensan Richard Lederer - his possible hosts. Treat your host’s home and family

member profile is on p7.
The latest scientific research on Communicate well
with respect and courtesy. Remem-
ber, they are putting themselves out
both a simple skin test to detect Write an incredibly charming and to help you.
Parkinson’s Disease (p5), and the concise email to possible hosts. The Some hosts may require pay-
link between genetics and math- mail should give them a good idea ment. You must agree on this
ematical ability (p9) are well worth about WHO YOU ARE. So please be beforehand. If your host lets you use

a read.
Inham Hassen’s column ex-
smart and try to include the follow- his/her home for free, then a gift or
ing information: a meal in a nice restaurant would be
plores the ‘social brain’ (p8), while in order.
Supplementally... and Therese’s Name | Address | Proof of cur- Most hosts welcome guests for a
Teasers are on pp10 and 12. rent Mensa membership | Age few days only. Do not outstay your
group (18-30, 31-50, 50+) | Spe- welcome.
Happy reading! cial requirements (allergies, dietary
Kate Nacard, Editor requirements, etc.) | Occupation We would much appreciate your
Interests | Other persons travel- becoming a SIGHT host or contact
Read /download the full-colour ling with you | Whether or not yourself, if possible. Contact your
MWJ at you smoke | Mode of transport (continued on p11)


mensa world journal

Isabella Holz, Director of Administration


Dear All, forward to supporting their
I want to take the opportunity to onboarding and development!
thank all members interested and To discuss the IBD ap-
involved in volunteering for Mensa pointment - the International
International: to all applicants, every Ombudsman - the second IBD
appointee and committee member session started with a con-
for all their hard work during the fidential in camera session,
last term, which came to an end in followed by the open session
October, and to those who have just live-streamed to Workplace.
come aboard, a warm welcome! This If you missed this, you can
year we received a grand total of watch the recordings for both
123 applications from 34 countries, sessions on Workplace (regis-
with the Gifted Youth Committee tration required):
as most popular position (26 ap- IBDmeeting.
plicants). I was very happy to see On the second day of the
applications from all over the world, virtual IBD meeting, we also
including some Direct International discussed the international
Members, both familiar and new member directory. The fact that only should be. But we will continue this
faces. After carefully evaluating all National Mensas have the actual discussion to improve our database
applications we decided to appoint member data is quite challenging for and infrastructure during the next
42 members from 22 countries - such an international service. Pri- months.
you can find the full list on mensa. vacy and data integrity laws have to At the meeting also, the IBD
org. Like the IBD, these teams be considered when implementing decided to establish an International
now include people from various technical solutions. When register- Standards Committee, tasked with
places, gathering different know- ing on you might have monitoring compliance with interna-
how, insights, viewpoints and ideas noticed that this integration is not
from diverse cultures. I am looking as smooth as it probably could and (continued on p05)


mensa world journal


The runners-up in the MWJ International Poetry Competition were
Carolyn Coponey (Canada) and Ronald Allan Charles (USA).
Congratulations to you both!
The Blue Heron Determination

Still life Along the beach we’d walk, your hand in mine.
standing by water’s edge From time to time we’d climb a nearby dune,
amid the lush dark grasses, drip of water, shrug of ripples and looking back we’d see the crooked line
black earth soft cold clean and living of prints that we had left. Today no trace
one blue eye ringed in black remains of our last walk. The tide will soon
revealing nothing be coming in, and I will leave behind
black pupil staring out at the world at me these memories of you and me. Your face
wings hugged tight controlled will slowly blur into a sea of mist,
every obedient feather collectively in place no more a constant image on my mind.
unruffled calm unwavering plan Forgetting our relationship should best
nothing will shake it nothing will move it be done by starting with the way you kissed,
then - lightning strike - the deadly bill your eyes, your smile, your voice, then all the
needles itself into the cold earth at the heron’s feet rest.
a pause And with determination, I can bet
then up rides the beak in smooth yellow arc you’ll take me just my lifetime to forget.
a bullfrog green and shiny with surprise
mouth agape feet spread wide and reaching Ronald Allan Charles
for nothing
pinchered in that deadly bill
with one last darted glance at me
in the shadows
the wings languidly spread MWJ INTERNATIONAL POETRY
with one heartless swoosh COMPETITION 2021
the heron lifts away
Watch this space for news of the
Carolyn Cooney
MWJ International Poetry Com -
Send your petition for 2021.
submissions The rules will be slightly differ-
to ent this year, but hopefully we
will have more entries than last
articles - poetry -
Pens out; creative thinking caps
member achievements on!


mensa world journal
(continued on p03)

tional requirements for national

Mensas. A marketing/PR budget was
allocated for our 75th anniversary DISEASE
next year, and Mensa International’s
overall budget for 2021 and the New research shows a simple skin Parkinson’s disease patients and
component rate were approved. test can accurately identify Par- only 1/25 controls had the protein
We also watched a great presenta-
kinson’s disease, demonstrating clumping. Dr. Charles Adler, M.D.,
tion about the World Gathering in
for the first time the feasibility of Professor of Neurology at Mayo
Houston, Texas from August 24 to
the method. Currently diagnosed Clinic Arizona, a co-investigator of
29, 2021.
Based on these decisions all by clinical signs and symptoms the study, notes that “these results
officers and committees are now but only definitively diagnosed at indicate tremendously high sensitiv-
busy with making and implement- autopsy, Parkinson’s disease is com- ity and specificity which is critical for
ing plans for 2021. It was such a monly misdiagnosed early in the a diagnostic test.”
pity we could not meet this year; I disease course, complicating clinical “The clinical diagnostic accuracy
really hope for an improvement of trials of potential treatments. for early-stage PD has been quite
the COVID-10 situation next year as poor, only around 50-70%. And since
many of our activities depend on The study, published in the scientific clinical trials really need to be done
members being able to travel. The journal Movement Disorders, shows at an early stage to avoid further
German Annual Gathering (sched- how a chemical assay can detect brain damage, they have been criti-
uled for next April) has just been clumping of the protein alpha-synu- cally hampered because they have
cancelled, but while writing this
clein in skin samples to help diag- been including large percentages of
text, the virtual HalloWeeM is in full
nose Parkinson’s disease (PD). The people who may not actually have
swing with a great programme. We
study’s authors said using the assay the disease,” said Dr. Thomas Beach,
have already seen other great online
events - both for work and fun - this can lead to earlier detection of PD MD, a co-investigator of the study
year, thus you can expect even more and better clinical trials. and head of the Civin Laboratory at
of them in 2021, even if we have “Since there’s no easy and reliable Banner Sun Health Research Insti-
difficulties realizing international - or test available for the early diagnosis tute. “Improving clinical diagnostic
even national - gatherings on site. of Parkinson’s disease at present, we accuracy is, in my view, the very first
Despite the various challenges of think there will be a lot of interest in thing we need to do in order to find
the pandemic virtual events pro- the potential use of skin samples for new useful treatments for PD.”
vide more opportunities to connect diagnosis,” said Anumantha Kan- Kanthasamy’s laboratory has
members worldwide in an easy and thasamy, Distinguished Professor of spent several years optimizing the
affordable way. Broadcasting the Biomedical Sciences at Iowa State assay for detecting misfolded pro-
IBD meeting to members worldwide and lead author of the study. teins in similar human and animal
was a great way to reach a wider
The researchers conducted a disorders. Parkinson’s disease arises
audience as not everybody has the
blinded study of 50 skin samples from misfolded alpha-synuclein
time and/or money to travel to an
provided by the Arizona Study proteins that accumulate in the
IBD venue. I hope we can continue
to broadcast future meetings - not of Aging and Neurodegenerative brain leading to neuronal damage.
only the virtual but also the physical Disorders (AZSAND)/Brain and Body Adler and Beach have led research
ones. Donation Program based at Ban- in AZSAND that has found these mis-
To stay up to date, just register on ner Sun Health Research Institute. folded alpha-synuclein proteins also to receive our newsletter Half of the skin samples came from collect in other body tissues as well,
and join our Workplace community! patients with Parkinson’s disease including the skin.
and half came from people without
Isabella Holz neurologic disease. Using the pro-
Director of Administration tein assay correctly diagnosed 24/25 22/10/20


mensa world journal

COVID-19 AND YOUR MENTAL HEALTH by Therese Moodie-Bloom

We all hoped that the COVID-19 aph has now joined Médecins Sans
epidemic would be behind us when Frontières’ ranks as a psycholo-
2020 became 2021. Unfortunately gist and offers strategies to help
there has been no magic wand vulnerable groups cope with their
yet, and the continuation of the rapidly-changing COVID world.
pandemic is taking its toll, not only As Seraph explains, during the
economically and physically, but unprecedented lockdowns, isola-
upon our mental health as well. tions, quarantines, and school and
social strictures, our mental health
Enter the independent global is suffering. We are all aware of a
organisation Médecins Sans Fron- lack of control over our lives.
tières (Doctors Without Borders), People are stranded overseas,
well known for its medical and or have relatives stranded away
humanitarian work. Médecins Sans from home; others lack family
Frontières delivers aid to people closeness due to bans on internal
Seraph Lock
affected by war, floods, epidemic, travel and visiting. Those with live-in
famines etc. They operate in over jobs are unable to travel home on can take many different forms, and
seventy countries, including Hong their days off. Weddings, funerals, vary from person to person. Seraph
Kong, where they began a project visiting the elderly, holidays - all are advises being mindful of your own
last January which focuses on health on hold indefinitely. School children habits and regimes, and watch for
education for vulnerable people are missing their peer groups and changes. Headaches, trouble sleep-
such as those who are less likely to the regimen of school life; our daily ing, loss of weight or weight gain,
have access to important medical routines have been disrupted. nausea, diarrhoea, and reduced ap-
information and vulnerable groups This lack of control over our own petite can all be symptoms of stress.
such as the elderly. lives, coupled with the uncertainties If we monitor our sleep, exercise,
Enter, also, Mensan Seraph Lock, regarding work and finances in the food intake etc on a daily basis, we
a musician and psychologist from immediate future, has resulted in will be more aware of changes that
Hong Kong. Seraph started with extremely high stress levels. These may indicate a physical illness or
piano, and moved onto violin and are starting to emerge fully, says Ser- mental stress.
‘cello before settling on the guitar. aph, as the pandemic continues and While it is difficult to monitor
Seraph’s band has released three the financial impact is making itself one’s mental health, Seraph sug-
CDs, done four international tours, felt on struggling families. Many of gests asking friends and family to
and has performed at international us can weather a few bad months… help by pointing out any changes in
music festivals. Like most musicians, but eight? Ten? A year or more? your behaviour and outlook. And
Seraph has been hit hard by travel Current conditions engender a on your own high-energy days, offer
embargoes and the closure of music sense of helplessness as they are support to others in your commu-
venues, but this has given him time beyond our control, resulting in nity.
to concentrate on his other profes- tension and anxiety. Seraph warns A special thanks to all our mem-
sion, that of psychologist. Seraph that there is also a risk of driving bers out there who are helping oth-
has a double degree in Psychology ourselves too hard due to a sense of ers to alleviate the effects of this
and Criminology, and went on to unfulfilment. COVID-19 has exposed pandemic. Stay safe!
complete a Master’s in Psychology. us to a world of mental stress as well
So with music on a back burner, Ser- as physical danger. Signs of stress Therese Moodie-Bloom


mensa world journal

MEMBER PROFILE by Susan Jensen

Richard Lederer is one of his second chance with Si-
the best known and beloved mone, who was again at the
50,000 American Mensa RG but this time no longer in
members. He’s a former a relationship. Five months
president of San Diego Mensa later, Richard and Simone,
and recipient of multiple who hails from the Nether-
National Service Awards. His lands, were married. Richard
wife, Simone van Egeren, is took the Mensa exam whilst
the President of Diamond- engaged to Simone. He suf-
Award-winning San Diego fered Pre-Mensa Syndrome
Mensa and Speaker Chair for while waiting anxiously for
the group’s RG. the results, one of the many
useful terms Richard has
For 30 years, his informa- invented over the years.
tive, humorous talks on the Richard got in and has been
English language remain active in his local chapter of
wildly popular events at Mensa ever since as well as
the American Mensa An- a keynote speaker at numer-
nual Gathering. He has been ous Annual Gatherings.
writing his column Looking Richard always enjoyed
at Language for the Ameri- playing games and played
can Mensa Bulletin for more many with his children. Two
than a quarter of a century. of his three offspring, How-
Born in an immigrant neighbour- ciation, and palaver to palindromes. ard Lederer and Annie Duke, be-
hood in Philadelphia, surrounded His current books are titled A came highly successful poker profes-
by people speaking many different Treasury of Halloween Humor and sionals. His third child, Katy, became
languages, Rich became a lover of A Treasury of Christmas Humor. a writer and poet and is frequently
expressions, puns, and words in In 1990, Rich, a divorced father published in The New Yorker online
general. He graduated from Phila- of three and a popular speaker, and the New York Times. Rich is now
delphia public schools and attended was asked to speak at the first New the grandfather of seven.
Haverford College (BA in English), Hampshire Mensa Regional Gather- A committed verbivore (another
Harvard University (M.A.T. in English ing (RG). Richard had a wonderful word the English language needed
and Education), and the University of time chatting with the Mensa mem- and Richard invented), Richard still
New Hampshire (Ph.D. in Linguistics). bers at the event, people whose savours the delicious taste of words
Rich’s first book, Anguished Eng- brains seemed to run at the same and continues to share his enthusi-
lish, has sold more than a million cop- nonstop pace as his own. He espied asm in his books and performances.
ies. Since then, he has written more a beautiful Mensan named Simone, During the pandemic, he has
than 50 books about language, his- who had come to the RG with a zoomed his shows to a dozen Mensa
tory, and humour. He covers a wide date. A year later, he returned chapters.
range of language topics - from puns to the same RG to emcee a trivia
to punctuation, pronouns to pronun- game called Second Chance and got Susan Jensen


mensa world journal

Looking to Expand Your Social Network?

Summon Your Social Brain... by Inham Hassen
Unlike other vertebrates, primates ing about another person’s mental
have unusually large brain sizes state, whereas the amygdala is
compared to the size of their body. important for the interpretation of
Historically, it was assumed that emotional facial expressions and
the evolution of large brains was fear-processing. Scientists have also
driven by the demands for survival. concluded that damage to these
In the 1990s, however, researchers brain regions can have striking ef-
presented a theory to challenge this fects on social behaviours.
belief. In 2011, an intermural team of
scholars from the United States
They claimed that evolution of the carried out research to ascertain
brains of primates to their current whether a correlation exists be-
sizes, is due to the unusually tween an individual’s brain size and
complex social systems led by them. the complexity of the same person’s
This theory, which is now known social network. The result was
as the social brain hypothesis, has stunning! The team discovered that
been stressed through a quantitative the size and the complexity of the The researchers concluded that
relationship between social group amygdala volume positively correlat- when solving problems as a group,
sizes and the measure of brain sizes. ed with the size and the complexity the social brain is co-activated, but
The function of the social brain of social networks in humans across without synchronization. In other
could be as simple as the ability to a large age group. words, the network of components
understand and partake in jokes Subsequently, further studies identified as the social brain of an in-
or have a good social conversation have established that the amygdala dividual becomes activated but does
with one’s friends and acquaint- is in fact, the hub of the social brain. not form a holistic jointly-working
ances. Though this has been only This was not only demonstrated in system, but rather keeps adjusting
a hypothesis, there is a consensus humans but in non-human primates itself on the interaction between the
among many scientists about the as well. brain’s basic networks.
existence of the social brain. This is In September 2020, a team of The social brain is yet another
also corroborated by evidence pre- researchers from Russia published intriguing area of human (as well as
sented through neuroimaging and a paper in the Frontiers in Human other primates’) brains. Though this
lesion studies. These studies have Neuroscience journal, on how the was originally a hypothesis, many
identified a network of brain re- social brain functions during group studies have not only proven its
gions, rather than a standalone part problem-solving tasks. In this study existence but have gradually unrav-
of the brain, that function as the which constituted 24 teams of 3 elled how the social brain functions.
“social brain”. Within this network, individuals, the participants were As time progresses, we may see
each region likely contributes to a required to solve a Raven-like more fascinating discoveries about
specific type of social processing. matrix - a nonverbal test that most the social brain.
The right temporo-parietal junction, Mensans are familiar with - in small
for instance, is important for think- groups as well as individually. Inham Hassen


mensa world journal

Coronavirus survives on
Genetic Variation & Mathematical Ability
Search images, vectors a… Sign up
skin five times longer than
Log in
DNA variation in a gene called ‘flu virus does...
ROBO1 is associated with early Sign up
GDJ / 3564 images
anatomical differences in a The coronavirus remains active on
brain region that plays a key human skin for Coffee Follow
nine hours, Japa-
role in quantity representa- nese researchers have found, in
tion, potentially explaining how a discovery they said73showed the
genetic variability might shape need for frequent hand washing to
mathematical performance in combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
children, according to a study The pathogen that causesDon't spendthehours
published October 22nd in the flu survives on human leaving skin forfeedback on a
open-access journal PLOS Biol- :30 video.
about 1.8 hours by comparison,
ogy by Michael Skeide of the said the study published ADS this

Max Planck Institute for Human month in the Clinical Infectious

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Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Diseases journal. portfolio website with
and colleagues. “The nine-hour survival of SARS- Start your

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Specifically, the authors found that Sponsored the volume of grey matter COVID-19) on human skin may

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matter volume in the right parietal a total of 178 three- to six-year-old (influenza A virus), thus accelerat-
cortex, which in turn predicts math- children who underwent magnetic ing the pandemic,” it said.
ematical test scores in second grade. resonance imaging. Finally, they ThePixabay
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team tested skin
Mathematical ability is known to identified brain regions whose grey Free for commercial use
collected from autopsy specimens,
Sign incould
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6 comments to leave a comment.
predict math No attribution required
be heritable and related to sev- about one day after death.
eral genes that play a role for brain test scores in second grade. Both the coronavirus and the
development. But it has not been They found that variants in Related Images
flu virus are inactivated within
ROBO1, amore
clear how math-related genes might Discover genegreat
that images
regulates prena-
on our 15 seconds by applying ethanol,
tal growth
sculpt the developing human brain. sponsor's site of the outermost layer of which is used in hand sanitisers.
As a result, it is an open question neural tissue in the brain, are associ- “The longer survival of SARS-CoV-2
how genetic variation could give rise ated with the grey matter volume in on the skin increases contact-
to differences in mathematical abil- the right parietal cortex, a key brain transmission risk; however, hand
Pixabay users get 30 days of free
ity. To address this gap in know- region for quantity representation. hygiene can reduce this risk,” the
access to Adobe Stock →
ledge, Skeide and his collaborators Moreover, grey matter volume Boy, Face, Head,
study said.
combined genotyping with brain within these regions predicted the The study backs World Health
imaging in unschooled children children’s math test scores at seven Organization guidance for regu-
without mathematical training. to nine years of age. According to lar and thorough hand washing
The authors analyzed 18 single the authors, the results suggest to limit transmission of the virus,
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that genetic variability might shape which has infected nearly 40 mil-
- genetic variants affecting a single mathematical ability by influencing lion people around the world since
DNA building block - in 10 genes pre- the early development of the brain’s it first emerged in China late last
viously implicated in mathematical basic quantity processing system. year.
performance. They then examined
the relationship between these vari- 22/10/2020


mensa world journal

supplementally... by john blinke

Breathe Deeply in sodium hydroxide and

New Scientist, Sep- sodium sulphite for several
tember 26, 2020. “Air hours, scientists at Uni-
Pollution In China May versity of Maryland turn it
Have Caused Millions into a bouncy material that
of Deaths Since 2000.” still looks like wood. At the
No matter how bad micro level, the cell walls
the air is in your neigh- are thinner than normal
bourhood, people in after the process. Frayed
China have it worse. cellulose fibrils turn into a
China has suffered water-retaining gel. There
over 30 million air are no proposed commer-
pollution-related cial uses, but it is really
deaths in the last 20 cool!
years. Scientists from
Emory University in why microbes would make phos- Power Windows
Atlanta, Georgia, showed how bad phine on Venus — or why they do it New Scientist, September 12, 2020,
Asian air is by using data from NASA on Earth! There has not been a lot of p. 15. “Nanoparticles Turn Windows
satellites to estimate the level of research on that topic. The ground into See-through Solar Panels.”
PM2.5 particles in Chinese cities. level environment on Venus is very Windows let light into our homes,
They found a nearly linear relation- hostile with temperatures that could but they also admit the cold of win-
ship between the level of PM2.5 and melt lead and atmospheric pressure ter and the heat of the sun. Scien-
non-accidental deaths — except that like the deep sea on Earth. But high tists from materials manufacturing
the most disadvantaged areas suf- up in the clouds, the temperature company, UbiQD, have developed a
fered even more. is a comfortable 80F at half a bar of way to make windows generate a lit-
pressure. Although the atmosphere tle bit of electricity. The experimen-
In the Clouds is mostly carbon dioxide and the tal panes contain a layer of quantum
Science News, October 10, 2020. clouds are strong sulphuric acid, dots sandwiched between panes
“Possible Sign of Life is Found on it would be a good place to send of glass. The dots emit visible light
Venus.” an acid-proof research balloon to when they receive ultraviolet radia-
On Earth, phosphine gas (PH3) search for microbial life. tion from the sun. Then they con-
comes from two sources: labora- duct the light to solar cells mounted
tories, and microbes. There are no Rubber Trees around the edge of the window. This
chemical labs on Venus, but there C&EN. September 11, 2020. “Chem- generates power with about 3.5%
might be something like bacteria istry in Pictures: Elastic Wood.” efficiency, which is less than the
living in the clouds. Cardiff scientists Contributed by Tom Ott. 20% achievable with opaque solar
have been careful to say they have You’ve heard of rubber trees, but panels, but way more than nothing.
not necessarily found living things, this is something different. A radi- Some of the metre-square windows
but they have run out of ideas for cal chemical process can turn balsa are being tested in the U.S. and in
non-biological ways to make the wood into a rubbery material like the Netherlands.
chemical. They don’t know how or a ‘super ball.’ By boiling the wood --------->


mensa world journal

The Mensa World Journal

(from p02)
PET Eater
ScienceDaily, September 28, 2020. is your magazine and it would be Nat.SIGHT.Co for more details.
“Plastic-Eating Enzyme ‘Cocktail’ wonderful if you were to share The Coordinator who made the
Heralds New Hope For Plastic your thoughts with the rest of the arrangements for you would very
Waste.” (Proceedings of the Nation- Mensa world. By and large, most much appreciate feedback on your
al Academy of Sciences.) of the articles are written by Men- experiences. Please make time after
PET plastic (polyethylene tereph- sans - for Mensans - and the op- your trip to let them know how it
thalate) is very useful for making portunity is there for you to be one went.
disposable food containers. But it of these authors. As your host is very likely to be
accumulates in the environment, Topics can cover reports of Men- busy or working during the day,
taking hundreds of years to break sa events you’ve attended, your make your own arrangements for
down. Scientists at Portsmouth achievements, unusual hobbies and visiting tourist attractions etc,
University isolated enzymes that can interests, or your successes. unless your host has specifically of-
digest PET in days. Then, by linking Please limit your article length to fered to accompany you.
two enzymes, they reduced the time 600 words and send it to the Editor,
to hours. That is still not fast enough Kate Nacard: mwjeditor@mensa. Enjoy your trip!
for commercial use, so they contin- org. Please also include your Na-
ue to tweak their enzymes and look tional Mensa and your membership
for better ones in nature. number. sight/guide-visitors

Chair: Mr Björn Liljeqvist SIGHT-Coordinators: Mr Henkhenk Broekhuizen Mensa International
Mr Thorsten Kressig Executive Director:
Director of Admin:
Ms Isabella Holz Mr Michael Feenan International SIG Coordinators: Slate Barn,
Ms Aurelie-Anne Garin-Mchaud Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincol-
Director of Development: Ms Nancy McMahon nshire
Ms Bibiana Balanyi NG32 3EL, UK
Treasurer: Mr Jacek Cywinski Ms Vicki Herd +44(0)1400272 675

Dir. Smaller National Mensas: Hon. President:

Mr Mark Dettinger Mr Udo Schultz

Editor: Ms Kate Nacard 407/23 Corunna Rd, Stanmore NSW 2048 Australia T: +61 402152858
Science: Mr John Blinke
Puzzles: Ms Therese Moodie-Bloom
Profiles: Dr Susan Jensen
Features: Mr Inham Hassen
Proofreader: Ms Jean Whittle

Cryptosum Rebus
Each symbol represents a different digit from 1 to Decipher the rebus to find a calendar event:
9. The sum of the digits in each row and column is
shown. Find the sum of the numbers along the
diagonal line from the top left-hand corner. RAYE
     16
    18
For each pair, find a meaning for the first
which can have one letter doubled to make a
synonym for the second
   20 a) Start / Sticky stuff
b) Friend / Cloud
c) Assessed / Betrayed
     21 d) Foreign coin / Noticed
e) Looked hard / was main character
18 13 18 26 ?
Anagram Riddle
Cairn Seven letters have I, you can change them
The number on each stone represents the
To make words that vary by more than a
difference between the numbers in the two
stones on which it sits. There is a two-digit
 Primary ones come from the horses’
number in each of the bottom stones, using all
the digits 0-9 once each.
.  Horses for these, both norths and
 Horses like me, but not by the pound!
Now that you’ve solved me, what words have
you found?

17 39 Answers
Cryptosum: 14(1 + 3 + 6 + 4 Cairn: 27 83 10 56 49
Rebus: New Year Wordplay: a) Go/Goo b) Pal/Pall c)
Rated/ratted d) Sen/seen e) Stared/starred Anagram
10 56 Riddle: Sources Courses Sucrose

© Therese Moodie-Bloom

The Mensa World Journal (MWJ) is produced under the auspices of the Mensa International Board of Directors. Mandatory content as identified by the MWJ
editor must be published in every national Mensa magazine. Publication of other content is recommended but optional. Opinions expressed in the MWJ are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other individual or any official Mensa body. Submission Guidelines: Language: English only. Text: MS
Word (Macintosh), .rtf (Word/Mac), plain text, PageMaker (Macintosh), InDesign (Macintosh) Length: 500 word limit. Send by e-mail, fax, snail mail to the Edi-
tor. The Editor reserves the right to include or edit submissions for space and content considerations. All unoriginal submissions must be accompanied by writ-
ten permission for publication from the original author. Permission is granted for MWJ articles to be reprinted in any Mensa publication provided that the au-
thor, MWJ and MWJ’s editor are acknowledged. Permission must be sought from the MWJ editor for reprinting of any part of the MWJ in non-Mensa publications.


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