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Define the following logical terms and give 5 examples each.

1. Term
 A term is an external representation of an idea. For every idea there is a
corresponding term. Words, however, are not necessarily terms. Thus, there is no
one to one correspondence between terms and words. A word may not necessarily
represent an idea but all terms are words that contain corresponding ideas.
 A.Building formulas from terms
 Ground and linear terms
 Operations with terms
 Sorted terms
2. Comprehension of term
 The sum total of all qualities, which constitute the meaning of a term. The
comprehension of a term expresses the essence of the object. The comprehension
therefore is the meaning.
 Examples: Univocal – a term that is used in exactly the same sense and meaning in at
least two occurrences. Example: Peter is a nurse. John is a nurse. Man is in this case
is univocal.
 2. Equivocal – a term that is used with totally different meanings in at least two
occurrences. Example: The rebel base is located at the base of the mountain. Base in
this case is equivocal.
 3. Analogous- a term that expresses not exactly the same but not totally different
meanings. Example: good teacher, good clinical instructor, and good robber.
Good in this case is analogous.
4.Example: Man = rational animal
5. if one says that “ John is a man,” “ Peter is a man,” the word 'm an' is being used in its
proper meaning, because the definition of man as. 'rational
3. Extension of term:
 Extension” indicates its range of applicability by naming the particular objects that it
 1.Extension is someone getting an extra fifteen days to pay their electric bill
 2. Extension of someone are getting some time to pass the assignment
 3. Someone getting an extra days to finish the project
 4. Someone getting an extra hours for work
 5. Someone getting to think for the good ideas
4. Singular term:
 Refers to a definite individual or thing. The indicators are:
 a. The definite article “The” example: The student is comatose.
b. Proper names – examples: Cubao, Michael, Luneta
c. Demonstrative Pronouns/Adjectives- examples: this, that, these, those
d. Superlative Adjectives – example: most, best, worst
e. Personal Pronouns – examples: he, her, we, our

5. Particular term:

 Refers to an indefinite part of a whole. The indicators are;

a. Indefinite article “a” or “an”
b. Use of numbers: either ordinals or cardinals such as: ten, three, sixty, second, third
c. General Ideas – examples: Filipinos are hospitable. Men are stronger than women
d. Indefinite Pronouns/Adjectives-examples: some, few, several

6. Universal term:

 Refers to all individuals signified by the term. The indicators are;

a. Universal Quantifiers – examples: all, each, everyone
b. Universal Ideas – examples: Man is rational, A giraffe is an animal with a long neck.
c. all college are graduated
d. each of us are has an equal traits
e. everyone are happy

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