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A movie Crazy Rich Asians is a showcase of how they bring their old

traditions, culture and languages with a modern touch.

We could figure it out how it combines in a variety of situations although

modernizations booming everywhere and how it influences in their everyday life

but still they managed to retain the old norms.

One of the situations is when Peik Lin invited Rachel to their house. As

they about to enter the doorway of Lin’s mansion you could see that they are not

wearing any shoes but barefoot. And Lin’s mother wants Rachel to call her

“Aunty” Nina instead of Mrs. Gho. It brought a feeling like just one of their

family; the hospitality was warm and kind. Also when they having a dinner, you

could see how they present the table elegantly with their best China wares set

on top of the table with food which been perfectly set like there’s always a touch

of an art in many ways that are still part of hospitality to impress their important

guests on which is very common in Asian culture.

I could also notice Lin’s mother talking and ends with a “lah” as an

expression in Singapore but the language used was Hokkein although she speaks

English but the accent still be heard. It is because of the dialectical interference.

She have trouble of speaking “r” on its language rather she uses “l” as a

replacement. For example she says “Amelica” instead of America, and “Lachel”

instead of Rachel.
They ate together as one family with Rachel as their guest then I notices

that they were with their grandfather that might shows they are an extended

kind of family. Part of a culture of Asians was to live together with their

grandparents shows how they value and respect them.

Lin’s family laughed at her dress knowing that she will be going to a

Young’s Mansion was like a kind of royalty without any idea what it is like. She

thinks that red dress is a lucky color that has been told by her mother; it’s a

symbol of fortune and fertility. They are fond of superstitious beliefs which is

very Asian.

Rachel talks differently when she’s with her best friend; they talk very

millennial slang with some of profane languages such as “Oh my God”, “Oh

God”, “Goddamn”, “Oh Jesus” and also used acronyms like “OMG” and “OMFG”

that are shown on the first part of the movie when the rumors spread about Nick

Young’s date.

This movie shows how the characters respond in every setting or situation

depending whom they are with. Sometimes they use a combination of offensive

language and some of witty remarks like when Peik Lin is invited to Nick’s

welcome home party, she pulls out a cocktail dress from her trunk and says, “I’m

not an animal”. And while Rachel is getting a massage, she says, “Oh, I think the

masseuse just made me pregnant”. During the bachelorette party getaway, a

gutted dead fish is left on Rachel’s bed with the words, “Catch this you gold
digging bitch”. And at Colin’s bachelor party, Eddie, Nick’s first cousin insult

Rachel by telling him that her breast size is all she has to offer as her social

status. That are some few of the examples we’ve encountered in this movie.

There are also some scenes in this movie uses some vulgar and crude

languages which are heavy like f-words, bullsh**, cr*p, assh*le, b*tch, she’s a

hottie, slutty, shanks and etc. Mostly on a scenes where some of the girls talks

about how they hate Rachel and when she was with her best friend Lin she

trying to cheer her up.

It also shows the evolution of our languages; how it changes with time

and generations especially in the first scene on how they converse in a social

media using emoji’s to express their feelings instead of words. It is different

when she was talking to the elderly on which is more casual and formal just like

when Rachel was introduced by Nick to his family.

A movie also shows a strong S

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