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Oral Isosorbide Dinitrate

in the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

Dose-Response Relationship and Duration
of Action During Acute Therapy

with the statistical assistance of Margery J. Cruise, M.Sc.

SUMMARY The duration of effects of single oral doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN)
were studied in 12 patients with stable, exercise-induced angina pectoris. The effects of a 120-mg dose were
also studied in seven of these 12 patients. The average peak values for plasma ISDN concentration were 6.8,
14.3, 17.5 and 26.0 ng/ml after 15, 30, 60 and 120 mg of ISDN, respectively, and there was a 5-, 12-, 6-, and 5-
fold interindividual variation in peak plasma concentration at these doses. At rest, both the systolic and
diastolic blood pressures decreased after each dose of ISDN in both the supine (p < 0.05) and standing
(p < 0.01) positions. The reduction in systolic blood pressure was more marked in the standing position. This
effect occurred at 1 hour and persisted for 6 hours after 15 mg of ISDN and for 8 hours after other doses of
ISDN. Exercise duration to the onset of angina and to the development of moderate angina increased by a
similar degree after each dose of ISDN compared with placebo values (p < 0.001). This was apparent by 1
hour and the effects persisted for 8 hours. The maximum increase in walking time to angina occurred after 15
mg in six patients, after 30 mg in two patients, and after 60 mg in three patients. One patient did not improve
after any of the doses. The heart rate (p < 0.01) and rate-pressure product (p < 0.05) at the onset of angina
after any dose of ISDN increased compared with placebo values. However, ST-segment depression at the onset
of angina was similar after ISDN and placebo. At the onset of moderate angina, the values for rate-pressure
product after ISDN were similar to those after placebo, but ST-segment depression was less after ISDN
(p < 0.05).
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These data show that administration of single doses of ISDN from 15-120 mg increased exercise tolerance
to angina for 8 hours, but for the whole group, higher doses did not have a quantitative greater effect on exer-
cise tolerance than the lower doses.

SUBLINGUAL GLYCERYL TRINITRATE is the acute'12-1 and long-term therapy.17' 18 However, many
most often used antianginal agent. Taken prophylac- of the important issues of therapeutic relevance are
tically, it prolongs exercise tolerance in both the up- unanswered. Specifically, the dose-response relation-
right and supine positions.'1 However, the therapeutic ship during acute and sustained therapy and the dura-
efficacy of long-acting oral nitrates in patients with tion of action of different doses of ISDN in angina
angina pectoris has been controversial. In 1975, pectoris are not well defined. Furthermore, the cor-
Aronow reported that the long-acting nitrates had lit- relation between the therapeutic effects and plasma
tle therapeutic merit.7 Recently, however, it was ISDN levels is not known. This investigation was
shown that isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), given orally designed to determine the effects of acute administra-
in large doses, had prolonged hemodynamic effects in tion of ISDN in patients with angina pectoris. The
patients with heart failure,8"- and improved exercise preliminary results of this work were recently
tolerance in patients with angina pectoris during both published in abstract form."9
From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine,
Thirteen male patients, ages 42-70 years (average
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, the Department of 57 years) with stable, exercise-induced angina pec-
Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, State University of New York toris, were studied. The history of angina ranged from
at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, and Wyeth Ltd., Downsview, On- 6 months to 5 years (average 14 months) and was in-
tario, Canada. duced solely and repeatedly by exercise in all patients.
Supported in part by grants from the Ontario Heart Foundation None of the patients were hypertensive or had clinical
(OHF 2-5), Wyeth Ltd., and NIH grants HL 22273 and GM 20852.
Presented in part at the 28th Annual Meeting of the American or radiologic evidence of cardiac enlargement or
College of Cardiology, Miami, Florida, 1979. failure. None was taking drugs other than sublingual
Address for correspondence: Dr. Udho Thadani, Department of glyceryl trinitrate, and this was not required on the
Medicine, Cardiovascular Section, Health Sciences Center, Uni- days of the investigation. Four of the patients had
versity of Oklahoma at Oklahoma City, P.O. Box 26901, Room suffered a myocardial infarction at least 6 months
309D, Old Main, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190.
Received October 24, 1979; revision accepted February 21, 1980. before the study. Coronary angiography was per-
Circulation 62, No. 3, 1980. formed in seven of the remaining nine patients and

had shown evidence of luminal narrowing of 75% or in the same manner on four other days with increasing
more of two or more coronary arteries. doses of ISDN (30, 60 and 120 mg) or placebo.
The resting ECG was normal in nine patients and Placebo was randomly administered as shown in table
showed ST-T-wave changes in the inferior leads in the 1. In addition, on the last day, each patient was
remaining four patients. During preliminary treadmill studied before and after the second placebo. The
exercise testing, all patients developed horizontal or placebo tablets and ISDN tablets were identical in
downsloping ST-segment depression in modified lead appearance.
V5 of 0.1 mV or more of at least 0.08 second duration. If symptomatic hypotension developed on day 1 or
The study was explained and informed, written con- 4, the patient was withdrawn from the study; if it
sent was obtained from each patient. developed on day 7 or later, the patient remained in
During preliminary studies 24-48 hours before the the study, but the dose of ISDN was not increased and
definitive investigations, each patient walked on a he was restudied only after the second placebo.
motor-driven treadmill using the Bruce multistage
protocol.20 The patients were instructed to indicate the Measurements and Recordings
point at which definite chest pain developed (onset of Modified lead V, was monitored on an oscilloscope
angina) and the point at which the pain became of throughout the study and records were taken on a
such severity which necessitated discontinuation of ex- standard ECG at a paper speed of 25 mm/sec at 1-
ercise (angina of moderate severity). The study group minute intervals for 2 minutes in the supine and stand-
was selected from patients who had chest pain by the ing positions and at I-minute intervals during exercise.
end of stage 2 or beginning of stage 3 during treadmill Further records were taken at the onset of angina and
exercise. when angina became of moderate severity. The
Precautions were taken to control factors that could average values for heart rate and ST-segment depres-
produce changes in exercise tolerance. The laboratory sion during 10 consecutive beats were measured from
temperature was 20-22°C, and the patient's apprehen- the ECG. Blood pressure was measured using
sion was reduced by familiarization with the technique sphygmomanometry at 1-minute intervals at rest and
and staff. during exercise. The rate-pressure product was cal-
culated as the product of heart rate multiplied by
Design of Investigation systolic blood pressure and was expressed in mm
The definitive studies were performed in the morn- Hg.min-> X 10-2.
ing after an overnight fast and during the days of the Venous blood (8 ml) was collected at rest before
investigation the patients did not smoke. The study each exercise period for determination of plasma
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was double-blind and placebo-controlled. Each patient ISDN concentration. Blood was collected in tubes
was studied twice a week for 3 weeks with the studies containing EDTA, spun in a refrigerated centrifuge at
separated by 3-day intervals. Patients taking part in 3000 rpm at 3°C within 5 minutes of sampling, and
the study were randomly allocated to one of the three the plasma stored at -20°C. Plasma ISDN levels
groups shown in table 1. Studies were started at 0830 were measured by a gas chromatographic method,2'
hours (control study), when heart rate, blood pressure, which is a modification of the method described for
and ECG were recorded at rest in the supine and determining plasma nitroglycerin concentration.22 In
standing positions and during treadmill exercise. our laboratory, the variation in plasma ISDN concen-
Then, each patient took 15 mg of ISDN or placebo tration with replicate measurements with this method
and the measurements made at rest and during exer- is less than 10%. With the plasma sample of 0.2 ml,
cise at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after the medication. this method is sensitive to plasma concentration of 0. 1
The end point during exercise for the control study ng/ml or greater.
was the development of angina of moderate severity; Conventional statistical methods were used
after placebo or ISDN, the end point was angina of throughout. Significance of changes were studied by
moderate severity, fatigue or undue breathlessness. At analysis of variance and the significance of results
21/2 hours after initiation of the study, the patients ate determined using a multiple range test.23 As five of the
a light meal without coffee. Each patient was restudied 12 patients did not receive a 120-mg dose, separate
analysis was performed with 12 patients for placebo
and the 15-, 30- and 60-mg doses and with seven
TABLE 1. Randomization of Patients to Placebo and Isosor- patients for placebo and the 15-, 30-, 60- and 120-mg
bide Dinitrate doses.
Day Day Day Day Day Day
1 4 7 10 13 16 Results
Group 1 One patient felt lightheaded and lost consciousness
(3 patients) PL1 15 mg 30 mg 60 mg 120 mg PL2 transiently 1 hour after the first oral dose of 15 mg of
Group 2 ISDN. His systolic blood pressure dropped from 120
(4 patients) 15 mg 30 mg PLb 60 mg 120 mg PL2 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg in the standing position, but in-
Group 3 creased to 80 mm Hg in the supine position. The ECG
(5 patients) 15 mg 30 mg 60 mg 120 mg PL, Pbn
showed sinus bradycardia but was otherwise normal.
Abbreviations: PL1 = first placebo; PL2 = second placebo. This patient was not given further doses of ISDN and
ISDN FOR ANGINA/Thadani et al. 493

has been excluded from the study. Of the remaining 12 1 hour in five and at 2 hours in two patients after both
patients, all were studied after placebo and 15, 30 and 15 and 30 mg of ISDN, at 30 minutes in three, 1 hour
60 mg of ISDN, and seven of the 12 patients were also in one patient and at 2 hours in eight patients after 60
studied after 120 mg of ISDN. Five patients did not mg of ISDN, and at 30 minutes in one patient, at 1
receive a 120-mg dose because they experienced hour in two, at 2 hours in two, and at 4 hours in two
lightheadedness at the 60-mg dose. The study was patients after 120 mg ISDN.
completed in these 12 patients without serious com-
plications. Adverse Effects
Plasma ISDN Concentration None of the patients had angina at rest and none
required glyceryl trinitrate tablets for angina
The time course of plasma ISDN concentration for precipitated during exercise.
the whole group after each dose of ISDN is shown in Eight patients experienced transient lighthead-
figure 1. The mean plasma peak concentrations were edness after ISDN; in five this occurred after the 60-
observed at 1 hour, 30 minutes, 2 hours and 2 hours mg dose and in three, it developed after 120 mg. These
after 15-, 30-, 60- and 120-mg ISDN doses, respec- symptoms occurred 2-4 hours after oral ingestion of
tively. The average peak values were 6.8, 14.3, 17.5, the drug and disappeared on assumption of the supine
and 26.0 ng/ml after 15, 30, 60, and 120 mg of ISDN, position. One of these eight patients had presyncope 3
with a 5-, 12-, 6-, and 5-fold interindividual variation hours after 60 mg ISDN, but this was reversed on
in peak plasma concentrations at these doses. Further- assumption of the supine posture.
more, plasma concentration peaked at different times
in different patients after similar doses of ISDN.
Plasma concentration peaked at 30 minutes in five, at Exercise Tolerance (tables 2 and 3, figs. 2 and 3)
Exercise was discontinued because of moderately
50 r severe angina during the control studies and the series
of exercise tests after placebo 1 and placebo 2. After
placebo 1 and 2, exercise duration to the onset of
30 angina pectoris (AP1) and to the development of
20 angina pectoris of moderate severity (AP2) did not
change significantly from the respective pre-placebo
control values (fig. 2).
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After ISDN, exercise duration to AP1 and AP2 was

10t- prolonged in 11 of the 12 patients after the 15-mg
dose, in 10 of the 12 patients after 30 mg, in eight of
the 12 patients after the 60-mg dose, and in six of the
CY seven patients after the 120-mg dose. All patients
developed AP1 after each dose of ISDN, but two
0 patients did not develop AP2 until exercised 4 hours
after ISDN 30 and 60 mg. In these patients, exercise
0:: was discontinued because of fatigue and the exercise
z time to fatigue was substituted for AP2. Thus, after
each dose of ISDN, walking time to AP, and AP2 in-
z creased significantly compared with the values after
1.0o placebo (p < 0.001) (fig. 2). This improvement in ex-
ercise tolerance was apparent within 1 hour and per-
sisted for 8 hours after 15, 30, 60 and 120 mg of ISDN
cJ compared with the corresponding placebo values
e- (p < 0.01) (fig. 2). Exercise duration to AP1 and AP2,
4 hours after placebo or ISDN was consistently less
than the duration of exercise at 2 or 6 hours (fig. 2).
This was presumably because the patients were fed 2½/2
hours after ingestion of placebo or drug. The average
data (fig. 2 and table 2) show that after 60 and 120 mg
of ISDN, patients exercised longer than after 15-mg
0.1L doses. However, when daily variations in exercise
0 2 4 6 8 duration to API and AP2 observed during the control
studies were taken into consideration, we found that
HOURS AFTER ORAL DOSE the increase in average walking time to AP1 and AP2
FIGURE 1. Time course of plasma isosorbide dinitrate after 15, 30, 60 and 120 mg were similar.
(ISDN) concentrations after single oral doses of 15, 30, and In any given patient, walking time to angina during
60 mg in 12 patients and after 120 mg ISDN in seven the control studies varied from one day to another, so
patients with angina pectoris. Data are mean ± SEm. the data were normalized by calculating the percent-

TABLE 2. Clinical, Electrocardiographic and Circulatory Data During Exercise

Hours After Oral Dose
TWT (seconds) ST-segment depression (mm)
0 1 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 4 6 8
Placebo, 255 293 293 258 275 287 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.4
*25 *29 -27 -23 -27 *30 *0.4 *0.5 -0.4 *0.3 0.4 *0.4
Placebo2 274 304 306 274 287 307 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3
22 *21 *26 23 *25 *26 *0.4 -0.4 *0.3 *0.4 *0.4 -0.4
15 mg 218 404t 397t 315t 334t 343t 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.1 2.6
*21 -34 *43 *34 *42 437 -0.3 Q0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.3 0.4
30 mg 225 425t 424t 370t 402t 406t 2.0 1.7 2.4 2.0 2.3 2.5
-22 -34 *37 *45 *34 *30 -0.4 *0.4 *0.8 0.3 0.4 0.4
60 mg 263 420t 455t 359t 4101 406t 2.1 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.1
*21 *39 *33 *37 *33 *37 *0.4 *0.3 *0.3 0.3 *0.4 Q0.4
120 mg 297 465t 466t 420t 418t 420t 2.4 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.2 2.8
*36 *31 *28 *37 *55 *49 *0.4 *0.4 *0.5 *0.4 *0.4 -0.4
Placebo, 331 384 390 354 365 387 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.9
*28 *31 *31 *32 *32 *34 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.5
Placebo2 384 408 403 366 391 402 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.7
25 *30 *31 *30 *30 *29 *0.4 0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4
15 mg 334 456t 443t 401t 410t 415t 2.8 2.1t 2.1t 2.3t 2.5 2.8
*31 *34 *36 =31 *36 *31 0.3 *0.4 0.4 *0.3 *0.3 *0.4
30 mg 364 475t 484t 439t 458t 4551 2.7 2.0t 2.1t 2.5t 2.7 2.7
*29 *33 *33 *32 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 0.4
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30 *29 *0.4 *7
60 mg 365 489t 4811 441t 466t 463t 2.6 1.8t 1.7t 2.2t 2.3t 2.3t
*25 *30 *33 *29 *30 *32 *0.4 *0.3 *0.4 0.3 *0.4 *0.4
120 mg 393 503t 490t 459t 474t 488t 3.0 2.4t 2.1t 2.7* 2.4t 3.1
*47 *32 *40 *41 *42 *57 *0.3 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 0.4 0.4
Data are mean * SEM.
Abbreviations: AP, = onset of anginal pain; TWT = treadmill walking time; HR = heart rate; SBP = systolic blood pressure;
ISDN = isosorbide dinitrate; AP2 = onset of moderately severe chest pain.
p values in comparison to placebo values. * = < 0.05; t = < 0.01.

age changes in walking time after drug or placebo on drug, are shown in figure 3. Improvement in net walk-
any given day by the following formula: ing time to AP1 by 25% or more after 15, 30, and 60
walking time to angina after drug - mg ISDN was observed in 1 1, 11 and nine patients,
walking time to angina before drug respectively. The maximum increase in walking time
X 100 to AP1 occurred after 15 mg in six patients, after 30
walking time to angina before drug mg in two patients, and after 60 mg in three patients.
Three patients improved less after the 60-mg dose
The average percentage increase in walking time to than after the 15- or 30-mg dose. Of the seven patients
AP1 after ISDN 15, 30, 60, and 120 mg were similar. who also received 120-mg doses, exercise tolerance
Similar calculations were also made for AP2 and the improved by 25% or more in six, but four of these six
percentage increase in walking time to AP2 after patients had less improvement in walking time after
ISDN 15, 30, 60 and 120 mg were also similar. this dose than that after the 15- or 30-mg dose.
To take the placebo effects into account, the per- The individual data was also analyzed for AP2.
centage change in walking time to AP1 at any given Eleven, nine and eight patients had improvement in
hour after placebo was subtracted from the percentage walking time to AP2 by 25% or more after 15, 30, and
changes in walking time to AP, after drug at the iden- 60 mg of ISDN, respectively. The maximum increase
tical hour to obtain the net percentage change in walk- in walking time to AP2 occurred after 15 mg in seven
ing time to AP1 after the drug. The individual values patients, after 30 mg in two patients, and after 60 mg
for the maximum percentage increase in walking time in two patients. Three patients improved less after the
to AP1, irrespective of time after the ingestion of the 60-mg dose than after the 15- or 30-mg dose. Of the
ISDN FOR ANGINA/Thadani et al. 495

TABLE 2. (Continued)
Hours After Oral Dose
HR (beats/min) SBP (mm Hg)
0 1 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 4 6 8
119 116 114 120 116 122 180 174 173 175 174 176
---5 =1=6 =t=5 =1=44 4-5 -6 =1-7 =7 -7 -17 -4-6 =1=8
112 113 116 118 115 119 171 170 172 171 169 167
1=5 =5 -1-5 =1=5 =416 =1=7 ---7 i6 =i=7 -7 ---7 -1=8

120 138t 136t 133 129 133 180 174 171 170 173 170
1=5 -17 -17 --5 7 =+17 =1=7 =1=8 =1=9 =9 =1=8 1=9
116 134t 134t 134t 135t 133 175 167 166 171 172 172
-4-5 -+=7 =1=7 =4-7 =4-7 =1=8 =1=8 =1=10 ==9 =18 8 -7
112 133t 137t 133t 129t 132t 176 160* 163* 162* 168 169
=1-5 =1=7 -7 ---6 -7 =4-7 ---7 =1=9 110 =--9 =8 9
119 136t 133t 131t 129t 135t 187 187 179 181 177 183
9 =110 =10 8 11 =11 8 =11 =11 =11 =9 =10
125 125 125 128 127 131 184 181 179 179 179 180
=1=5 -16 := 7 =1=6 -16 -17 =8 -18 =i17 -8 == 7 8
124 123 125 127 123 128 176 176 174 175 175 172
-16 =1=6 =-=6 -1-6 -1-6 -1=7 -17 =1=8 ---7 =1-7 =1=8 1-7

132 141t 139t 142t 136* 141 184 176 173 179 178 176
---5 =--7 ---6 =1=6 =1=7 i1=7 ---8 -8 =1-9 =-18 =1=8 =10
128 138t 139t 141t 138t 141t 181 174 170 176 176 174
=1=7 =1-7 =1-8 =--6 =1=7 -18
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=1-9 =19 =1=9 =1=8 =1=8 =-=8

123 136t 139t 136t 135t 138t 170 166 164 168 174 172
=1i6 =4-7 =--7 ---6 =17 =17 =1=8 =9 =l=10 =i8 =1=8 =1=9
128 139t 136t 134t 134t 141* 191 190 180 186 183 183
==10 =1=12 =ig9 =12 =13 =1=8 =1=10 =i=10 8 =i=9 =1=10

seven patients who also received 120 mg of ISDN, ex- segment depression at AP2 after ISDN was apparent
ercise tolerance improved by 25% or more in five, but for 4 hours after 15- and 30-mg doses and for 6 hours
four of these five patients experienced less improve- after 60- and 120-mg doses.
ment in walking time after this dose than after the 15- Examination of individual values showed that ST-
or 30-mg dose. segment depression was less pronounced both at AP1
and AP2 after any given dose of ISDN in nine of the
Electrocardiographic ST-segment Changes (tables 2 and 3) 12 patients.
During exercise in the six control studies and after
placebo 1 and 2, 11 of the 12 patients developed ST- Circulatory Changes at Rest (tables 2 and 3, figs. 4 and 5)
segment depression of 1 mm or more at the onset of
angina, and this became more pronounced at AP2. Resting blood pressure in the supine and standing
During each exercise period, ST depression at AP1 positions was not altered after placebo 1 and 2 (figs. 4
and AP2 after placebo 1 and 2 was similar to the con- and 5). However, after each dose of ISDN, systolic
trol exercise period (table 2). ST-segment depression blood pressure decreased significantly compared with
at AP1 was similar after placebo and any given dose of the placebo values (p < 0.001) (figs. 4 and 5). At 1
ISDN. However, when ST segments were assessed hour the reduction in systolic blood pressure was more
after ISDN at the same duration of exercise when marked in the standing position, and this effect per-
angina had occurred during the placebo studies, there sisted for 8 hours (fig. 5). The reduction in standing
was significantly less ST-segment depression after systolic blood pressure at 4, 6, and 8 hours after ISDN
each dose of ISDN for up to 4 hours (p < 0.05). At 60 and 120 mg was greater than that after ISDN 15
AP2, ST-segment depression was less pronounced mg (p < 0.05) (fig. 5). Similarly, reduction in systolic
after any given dose of ISDN compared with the blood pressure at 4 and 6 hours after 60 and 120 mg
placebo values (p < 0.05). The reduction in ST- was greater than after the 30-mg dose (p < 0.05).

TABLE 3. Analysis of Variance

DF With Without
With Without 120 120
Variable Source Error 120 120 F p F p
HR (beats/min) D D)I 4,24 3,33 1.6 NS 3.9 0.035
T IT 4,24 4,44 11.6 0.001 20.0 0.001
DT DIT 16,96 12,132 1.0 NS 1.1 NS
SBP (mm Hg) D DI 4,24 3,33 29.3 0.001 65.2 0.001
T IT 4,24 4,44 2.7 NS 4.1 0.05
DT DIT 16,96 12.132 1.2 NS 1.8 0.05
DBP (mm Hg) D DI 4,24 3,33 3.7 0.05 13.6 0.001
T IT 4,24 4,44 3.4 0.05 6.1 0.01
DT DIT 16,96 12,132 1.4 NS 1.5 NS
RPP D DI 4,24 3,33
T IT 4,24 4,44
DT DIT 16,96 12,132
Time for angina D DI 4,24 3,33
T IT 4,24 4,44
DT DIT 16,96 12,132
STI D DI 4,24 3,33
T IT 4,24 4,44
DT DIT 16,96 12,132
Abbreviations: DF degrees of freedom; AP1 time to the onset of angina; AP2 = time to the development of moderate
angina; With 120 = data in seveni patients who received 13-, 30-, 60- and 120-mg doses; Without 120 = data in 12 patients who
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received 15-, 30- and 60-mg doses; F = F ratio; I) dose; T = time; I = individual, DI, IT, DT, I)IT = interactions between
dose, time and individual; HR = heart rate; SBP systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic blood pressure; RPP = product
of heart rate and systolic blood pressure; STI = ST-segment depression.

Compared with placebo, diastolic blood pressure was rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
decreased after each dose of ISDN both in the supine and exerted sustained hemodynamic and antianginal
(p < 0.05) and standing (p < 0.01) positions (figs. 4 effects. The drug produced a dose-related reduction in
and 5). Resting heart rate in the supine position did resting systolic blood pressure. This effect was more
not change significantly after any of the doses of marked in the standing than the recumbent position.
ISDN, but was higher in the standing position com- The effects of the drug on treadmill walking time to
pared with the placebo values (p < 0.001) (fig. 5). angina were, however, not dose- or plasma-
concentration-related; a single dose of 15 mg pro-
Circulatory Data During Exercise (tables 2 and 3; fig. 6) duced an improvement in exercise performance
Group data for heart rate and systolic blood similar to that seen after single doses of 30, 60 and 120
pressure during exercise are shown in table 2. Com- mg. Before these results can be put into their proper
pared with placebo, patients exercised to a higher perspective, it is necessary to examine the methods in
heart rate after any given dose of ISDN (p < 0.001), the present study. Patients were carefully selected and
but the values for systolic blood pressure at the onset all had stable angina pectoris. Such a selection may
of AP1 or the development of AP2 did not change impose limitations in applying the results to a broader
significantly after any given dose of ISDN. Compared clinical population, but is necessary for meaningful
with placebo, the rate-pressure product at AP1 in- comparison of drug effects in such a complex clinical
creased significantly after ISDN (p < 0.05), but the syndrome as angina pectoris.
values for this parameter at AP2 were similar after The studies involved repeated exercise testing over 3
placebo and ISDN. weeks, which could have influenced the exercise per-
At AP1, the rate-pressure product increased at 1 formance of patients owing to a training effect. This
and 2 hours after the ISDN 15-mg dose, at 1, 2, 4, 6 fact was taken into account in designing the study and
and 8 hours after the ISDN 30- and 60-mg doses and during the 3-week period, each patient was studied
at l and 2 hours after ISDN 120-mg dose (fig. 6). after placebo twice; the first placebo was administered
randomly and the second was given on the last day of
Discussion the study. The drug effects were considered significant
only if these were different from the values after both
Our results show that ISDN administered orally the first and second placebos.
ISDN FOR ANGINA/Thadani et al. 497
TABLE 3. (Continued)
Standing ATAP1 ATAP2
With Without With Without With Without
120 120 120 120 120 120
F p F p F p F p F p F p
10.7 0.001 13.1 0.001 4.7 0.01 12.5 0.001 2.9 0.0O ; 9.4 0.001
8.1 0.001 13.7 0.001 1.0 NS 1.5 NS 0.9 NM 3 1.2 NS
2.7 0.01 3.6 0.001 1.7 NS 2.0 0.05 1.6 NS3 1.8 0.05
35.4 0.001 79.9 0.001 0.2 NS 2.7 NS 1.8 NS 2.9 0.05
7.6 0.001 12.5 0.001 0.2 NS 1.6 NS 1.7 NS 4.8 0.05
1.8 0.05 4.3 0.001 1.1 NS 1.5 NS 1.1 NS 1.5 NS
6.4 0.01 18.9 0.001 2.6 NS 9.6 0.001 4.6 0.01 8.0 0.001
3.1 0.05 6.6 0.001 1.2 NS 2.4 NS 0.4 NS 0.9 NS
0.7 NS 2.6 0.01 1.2 NS 2.0 0.05 0.7 NS 0.4 NS
2.2 NS 3.8 0.05 0.4 NS 1.7 NS
0.5 NS 0.1 NS 0.7 NS 1.3 NS
1.3 NS 1.4 NS 1.4 NS 1.1 NS
11.0 0.001 13.7 0.001 7.9 0.001 9.7 0.001
8.3 0.001 11.7 0.001 8.9 0.001 12.0 0.001
0.8 NS 1.3 NS 0.7 NS 0.8 NS
0.3 NS 1.3 NS 3.6 0.05 5.9 0.01
5.1 0.01 6.2 0.001 4.8 0.01 7.6 0.001
1.4 NS 1.6 NS 1.9 0.05 2.4 0.01
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2021

500 r 500


E 400 400

30 300
C>~~~~~~~~~0 -0 15 mg

r--x cxc] 60mg ISDN

0. 120rmg
200; A

0 2 46 8 0 2 4 6 8
FIGURE 2. Duration of action of single oral doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) in 12
patients and 120 mg in seven patients with angina pectoris. Data are mean + SEM. Compared to placebo,
walking time to the onset ofangina pectoris (AP1) and to the development of moderately severe angina pec-
toris (AP2) increased significantly after each dose (p < 0.001). This effect was apparent by 1 hour
(p < 0.001) and persisted for 8 hours (p < 0.01) after each dose. The increase in walking time to AP1 and
AP2 was similar after each dose.
~ ~ ~ ~X10
498 CIRCUL-ATION Voi 62, No 3. SEPTEMBER 1980
+ 250
+ 200
c D


_ E
E a-o
c) Q)
Lc: +Io00

Q) _O)

1 50F

C: 4-

15 30 60 120
SDN mg
FIGURE 3. Individual data in 12 patients after single oral doses of 15, 30, and 60 mg of isosorbide dinitrate
(!SDN) and in seven patients with angina pectoris after single doses of 120 mg ISDN. The percent change in
walking time to angina (AP1) after ISDN was calculated av.
time to AP1 after ISDN- time to AP1 before ISDN
time to AP1 before ISDN
time to AlP after placebo r__ time to AlP, before placebo

time to AlP1 before placebo

Maximum improvement in exercise tolerance occurred after 15 mg in six patients, after 30 mg in two and
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2021

after 60 mg in three patients.

The study can be criticized in that the different agreement with a previous report in which the effects
doses of ISDN were not administered in a random of low doses (5-10 mg) and high doses (20 mg) were
order. Such an approach would be ideal, but in view of studied in six patients.13 In the present study, the
the hypotensive effects of the drug, we elected, for hypotensive effects of oral ISDN were present at 1
patient safety, to double the doses of ISDN only if no hour and the effects persisted for 8 hours after any
symptomatic hypotension developed. given dose. The reduction in systolic blood pressure
A truly double-blind trial in an investigation like was associated with a consistent increase in heart rate
this, in which the active drug had effects on resting only in the standing position. These findings and those
blood pressure, which were different from the placebo, reported in previous studies13' 14 are in contrast to the
is difficult. To minimize the bias, the investigator was reports by Needleman and colleagues,25 who found
not aware of the dose sequence of ISDN admin- that nitrates administered orally or into the hepatic
istered in a given patient and the first placebo was ad- vein of rats had no pharmacologic effects and
ministered in a random order. Despite these limita- suggested that the nitrates were rapidly inactivated by
tions, the results have important implications. the liver enzymes of these animals.25 Our studies
In the present study, oral ISDN was rapidly ab- suggest that in man, ISDN is rapidly absorbed after
sorbed and the plasma levels increased in proportion oral administration, does not undergo complete first-
to the amount of the oral dose. Although the present pass transformation, and exerts significant phar-
results cannot quantitate the extent of ISDN first-pass macologic effects.
metabolism, oral ISDN was not completely bio- Although sublingual glyceryl trinitrate prolongs ex-
transformed by the liver during its passage through ercise tolerance in patients with angina pectoris,1 the
the hepatic circulation. These findings are in agree- usefulness of long-acting nitrates, including ISDN in
ment with a recent report in which plasma levels angina pectoris, was until recently seriously ques-
peaked at 30 minutes after a single oral dose of 5 mg tioned.7 In one study, 10 mg of sublingual ISDN pro-
of ISDN.24 longed exercise tolerance after 10 minutes but had no
At rest, the hypotensive effects of ISDN were more effect after 1 hour, and the drug was considered to be
marked in the standing than in the supine position and no more effective than sublingual nitroglycerin.26
were greater at higher doses. These findings are in Many other studies showed that small doses of ISDN
ISDN FOR ANGINA/Thadani et al. 499

140 140

15mg 1
o. 30mg S
X-_ 60mg 9SDN
I 120

......c 120 mg]

120 oa o~z PLACEBOI
E to
In 100 _ .100 (D
- c:

0 80 _ ,-,1 .80 to
I T 11..dcS,

.... Y,
601 60

I I l I

0 2 48 0 6 2 4 6 8
Hours After Oral Dose
FIGURE 4. Duration of action ofsingle oral doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) in 12
patients and 120 mg in seven patients on heart rate and blood pressure in the supine position. Data are
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2021

mean ± SEM. Systolic (p < 0.01) and diastolic (p < 0.05) blood pressure decreased after each dose of ISDN
compared with placebo. The reduction in systolic blood pressure persisted for 8 hours after each dose. No
significant changes in heart rate occurred.

(5-10 mg) administered sublingually or orally were no was gained by increasing the doses to 60 or 120 mg.
better than placebo.7 27-29 In recent studies, however, For the group, the increase in exercise tolerance seen
after the oral administration of large doses of ISDN, after the high doses of 60 and 120 mg ISDN was
its pharmacologic effects on hemodynamics in patients similar to the increase in exercise tolerance after the
with heart failure persisted for 3-7 hours.81-, 30 These smaller doses of 15 and 30 mg. However, only seven
reports stimulated interest in long-acting nitrates as patients were studied after the 120-mg dose. Our data
antianginal agents and in four recent reports, single do not provide an explanation as to why higher doses
oral doses of 20-50 mg of ISDN were shown to of ISDN do not have quantitatively greater effects on
prolong exercise tolerance for 2-5 hours in patients improving exercise tolerance than lower doses.
with stable angina pectoris.'3-18 However, in none of Possibly, with the doses given in the present study, one
these studies were the effects of different doses of was observing a plateau of response. Had we given
ISDN on exercise tolerance evaluated in the same in- doses lower than 15 mg, we might have been able to
dividuals. In the present study, improved exercise demonstrate the standard type of S-shaped dose-
tolerance of 25% or more was observed in 11 patients response curve.
after a dose of 15 mg, in 1 1 patients after a dose of 30 The improved exercise tolerance was associated
mg, and in nine patients -after a dose of 60 mg oc- with a significant reduction in ST-segment depression
curred. Of the seven patients who also received 120- in nine of the 12 patients, a finding in agreement with
mg doses, exercise tolerance improved in six of seven previous reports.13-16
patients. One patient did not improve after any of the In the present study, patients could exercise to
doses. The improvement in exercise tolerance was higher heart rates after each dose of ISDN, and these
present at 1 hour after the oral dose, and the beneficial findings are in agreement with earlier reports with this
effects persisted for 8 hours after each dose in the pres- agent in patients with angina pectoris.18318 In previous
ent study. More important, near-maximum improve- reports, the effects of ISDN on the rate-pressure
ment occurred after a single dose of 15 or 30 mg of product during exercise have been conflicting.'4
ISDN in the majority of patients, and little further Some workers have reported higher rate-pressure

140r 140
15mg 1
*- -0
60mg -ISDN
. PLACEBO 2 120
120 1

c 0
0 100 F m00
-D (I)
801 -80 3
a: I

60F 60

L 1

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
FIGURE 5. Duration of action of single oral doses of15, 30 and 60 mg of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) in 12
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2021

patients and of 120 mg ISDN in seven patients on heart rate and blood pressure in the standing position.
Data are mean ± SEM. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased (p < 0.001) and heart rate
increased (p < 0.01) after each dose of ISDN compared with placebo. Reduction in systolic blood pressure
was significant for 6 hours after the 15-mg dose and for 8 hours after the remaining doses.

products,14' 16 while others have reported no change in that nitrates improve systolic function in hypokinetic
this parameter after ISDN compared with placebo."' segments during supine exercise32 and reduce left ven-
In the present study, the rate-pressure product at the tricular end-diastolic pressure.33 Glyceryl trinitrate-
onset of angina increased significantly after ISDN induced reduction in left ventricular end-diastolic
compared with the values after placebo. On the other pressure may improve subendocardial perfusion and
hand, the values of rate-pressure product at the onset augment collateral blood flow to the ischemic areas.3'
of moderate angina were similar after either ISDN or In the present study, and in previous studies in
placebo. patients with angina pectoris,'3- ' the effects of ISDN
Heart rate and systolic blood pressure are impor- on ventricular volumes, contractility or filling pressure
tant determinants of myocardial oxygen requirements, were not measured. Therefore, we cannot comment on
but these two variables do not take into account the overall effects of different doses of ISDN on the
the influence of ventricular volume and myocardial myocardial oxygen supply-and-demand equation in
contractility, which are important determinants of the patients studied.
myocardial oxygen requirements. Nitrates have been Our results show that the majority of patients with
shown to reduce ventricular end-diastolic volume and stable angina pectoris showed maximum improvement
dimensions in the upright position both in normal in exercise tolerance after single oral doses of 15 and
subjects and in patients with angina pectoris.3' How- 30 mg of ISDN. Furthermore, prolonged antianginal
ever, Goldstein and co-workers3' have shown that sub- effects persisted for at least 8 hours after single doses
lingual glyceryl trinitrate-induced decrease in end- of 15, 30, 60 and 120 mg of ISDN, but a dose-response
diastolic dimensions diminished substantially during relationship did not exist. However, in view of the
exercise. In their six patients with angina pectoris, development of tolerance to the circulatory effects
ventricular end-diastolic dimensions during exercise during chronic therapy with nitrates,35-'2 caution
decreased substantially in two patients and by less should be exercised in extending these results to
than 4% in the remaining four. It has also been shown sustained therapy.
ISDN FOR ANGINA/Thadani et al. 501



m 200 -

I 1 1 -L 0-o----0
o 15mg1
'9- _ -- 30mg -ISDN
0 x- --x 60mg
0 Q....C 120mgJ
-0 *- *PLACEBO
150j n aPLACEBO 2
I l
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Hours After Oral Dose
FIGURE 6. Duration of action ofsingle oral doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) in 12
patients and of 120 mg in seven patients with angina pectoris. Data are mean + SEm. The rate-pressure
product at the onset of angina pectoris (A PJ increased at 1 and 2 hours after 15 mg, at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours
after 30 and 60 mg and at 1 and 2 hours after 120 mg compared with placebo (p < 0.01). No significant
Downloaded from by on February 24, 2021

changes in this parameter were observed at the onset of moderately severe angina pectoris (AlP2) after any
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