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NIM. 1902030056


Article Title : “My Experience Writing a Story For a Newspaper”

By : Thomasina Dinehdeal

On the first day of the program I was scared because I didn’t know what kind of
news piece I was going to write about. We went to a meeting with a lady named
Jeannine Relly who showed us an article on “Why So Few American Indians Earn
Ph.D.’s, and What Colleges Can Do About It”. So, I figured I should do a news
article on the challenges Native American students face. I was also nervous
because I didn’t know who my sources were going to be and I didn’t know how to
approach them. I had to get it over with, so I called my first source. and it turns It
turned out that she is also from the same tribe as I was from. So I wasn’t nervous
at all. All my sources that I approached were all Native American so I was
comfortable at approaching them.

On the second news article, I decided to write a piece on culture shock on campus.
I decided to do this article because I saw a lot of international students on campus
while I was walking around. While we were on dinner break, I went to go meet up
with my friend and I saw two Asian people sitting at this table. I tried to act casual
sitting and looking at my phone while I was trying to think of a way to approach
them and at the same time my heart was pounding. I forced myself to get up and
approached them and on the way there I was talking to myself saying, "what are
you doing?" Because I don’t go up to a random person on the street and start a
conversation. I got to the table and asked where they were from and they both said
China. This made me really nervous, and I started stuttering while I was asking
them questions. It was a really exciting because that was my first time talking to
people who came from China.
I had to take some pictures of international students so I went out to take pictures
and I saw these two men sitting at a table watching TV. The person I went with to
take pictures asked where they were from and they were both from South Korea. I
found them very intimidating because the person I was talking to was gorgeous
and I also admire the Asian culture.

It was a really great and exciting experience for me. I got to meet and talk to new
people. The most challenging part for me was introducing myself and telling them
why I wanted to interview them. So overall it was an exhilarating adventure!

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