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11)How do you know about amma two wheeler

a)News paper b)TV advertisemen c)Ratio d)Scheme

12)How long take time to get the amma two wheeler
a)1 year b)6 month c)2 month d)1 month
13)Wheather you feel any difficulties while get the amma two
a)Yes b)No
14)IF “Yes” what difficulties while using the scheme
a)Slow process b)Delay c)Struggle d)cancellation
15)If the scheme is usefull to you
a)Yes b)No
16)How do you feel about the breaking system,safety features,and
storage space of amma two wheeler
a)Excellent b)good c)Average d)poor
17)what features attracted you on the amma two wheeler
a)style b)Accelaration c)Riding comfort d) others
18)what is the reason that you would prefer amma two wheeler
a)Low cost b)Saves time c)Good mileage d)Easy to drive
19)Do you trust amma two wheeler scheme
a)Yes b)No
20)Are you satisfied with the features amma two wheeler
a)satisfied b)Not satisfied c)vary satisfied d)somewhat
21)How are the scheme regarding warranties and conditions
a)Excellent b)good c)average d)poor
22)What you feel while riding the amma two wheeler
a)Satisfied b)not satisfied c) dissatisfied d)Averge
23)What was the top speed you noticed while riding amma two
a)70 b)80 c)90 d)100

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