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GRADE12 School Angelita V. Del Mundo (AVM Foundation) Inc.

Grade 12
Name Learning English for Academic and Special
of Area Purposes
Teacher Miss Jhonelyn Rose M. Mogueis, LPT Subject (EASP)
LEARNING MODULES Teaching Week 10-11: October 6-14, 2020 Quarter 1st
A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a well-balance concept paper in a specific discipline.

C. Most Essential Learning Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and clarification
Competency/Objectives CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-20
Write the LC code for each.
II. CONTENT Writing a Concept Paper
B. Other Learning Resources


I. What is a Concept Paper?

Concept papers are summaries of projects or issues that reflect the interests, experiences and expertise of the writer or
organization. Concept papers generally serve the purpose of providing in-depth discussion of a topic that the writer has a strong
position on. The terms "concept paper" and "proposal" are often used interchangeably as they can be used for the same
function. The concept paper may also be used as an instructional tool that may have developed as a result of extensive
research, committee input and/or as a result of the outcome of a current project. In addition to providing guidance for
implementation of a program, a concept paper could also discuss best practices, philosophies and other related issues that the
writer believes action should be taken on in the near future.

Writing Implications

All factual claims and definitions are our natural attempts to try to determine what something is, to describe, to categorize, and to
test what we see in relation to what we already know. Because we encounter so many things in our daily lives, however, this
process of defining becomes almost automatic. Indeed, we're often mostly unaware that we do it.

In writing, however, you will not always be able to assume that all of your readers share the same understanding of the facts, of
the way things are. Indeed, some of the most controversial arguments in our culture today, revolve around the inability of people
to agree on essential definitions.

How to Write a Concept Paper?

There are steps to concept paper writing that are universal and can be applied in most situations in order to develop the
boilerplate or standard templates of concept papers that can be personalize and submit based on specific guidelines. First and
probably most important, the writer must know the mission, requirements and other specific information about the target
audience. The second step would be to summarize the paper by stating the problem to be discussed/solved, the goal of the
paper, the objectives, the anticipated outcomes, procedures for determining whether the goals and objectives have been
achieved. Lastly, the writer must develop a list of references that discuss the concept to which the paper will be directed.

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Guidelines in Writing the Concept Paper

I. Value Communicated

 Meanings clarified
 The "whatness" or essence of an idea or formulation explained

II. Purpose

 Clarifying the meaning of a concept

 Explaining the essence of some idea formulation

III. Point of View/Orientation and Corresponding Writing Style

 Subjective-Personal: light, informal, familiar or literary

 Objective-Impersonal: serious, formal or literary

IV. Basic Content (any or combination)

 A definition of the term

 An analytic description of the aspects of a principle, a worldview, a policy, or a project proposal
 A delineation of the parts of a structure, the levels of a system, the stages of a method or procedure, the elements in a
pattern of behavior
 An explication of the basic assertion or assertions that support a given statement
 A formulation of the implications to which a given statement may give rise

V. Ordering

A. Excluding what the concept does not mean

B. Including only what it does mean

C. Extending the definition using any of the techniques of defining

D. Analyzing the aspects, elements, stages, levels, etc. which form part of the total meaning

E. Citing the values, applications of the idea, dangers it might pose, future developments

VI. Basic Moves/Patterns of Development (Paragraph Level)

 Defining
 Describing
 Comparing
 Making an Analogy
 Contrasting
 Classifying
 Illustrating
 Narrating
 Explaining a Process
 Analyzing Cause and Effect
 Listing

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Kinds of Assertions

 Statements of Convention
 Statements of Opinion
 Statements of Fact

Predominant Speech Acts (Sentence Level)

 Ascribing  Exemplifying
 Asserting  Glossing
 Defining  Identifying
 Describing  Limiting
 Analogizing  Naming
 Analyzing  Narrating
 Classifying  Particularizing
 Contrasting  Specifying
 Cross-referring  Speculating
 Enumerating

Basic Qualities

A. Definition is sufficiently inclusive and exclusive

B. Emphasizes only relevant aspects, classes, applications, etc.

C. The concept is defined, described, and analyzed in clear language and syntax.

D. The topic no longer seems complex due to its being broken down into parts.

E. The concept is discussed clearly and specifically, such that the reader should be able to relate the concept to his/her own

Supplement on Definition

A. Purposes

1. To clarify or correct misinterpretations or misuse of the conventional or consensual meaning of a term which is its usual or
generally accepted meaning. Dictionary explanations exemplify this purpose.

2. To stipulate the meaning of a term by limiting, extending or redirecting the reference or sense in which the term is commonly
understood or to use in a special way a term borrowed from another field of knowledge to suit the special meaning intended in
the field in which it is made to apply.

B. Techniques of Defining

1. Formal: Genus-Species - follows a definite pattern of equivalence, an equation:

term + equating verb = genus or class + differentia

term - word to be defined

equating verb - is

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genus - class (not too general) to which the term or object belongs

differentia - particular attributes or characteristics that distinguish the concept or a thing from the other members of the class

2. By Synonym - using a single word or phrase which shares a meaning with the term being defined

3. By Origin or Semantic History

4. By Illustration

5. By Function

6. By Analysis - breaking down a whole into parts, aspects, branches system into its levels, a process into its steps, etc.

7. By Likeness or Similarity

8. By Analogy or Metaphor

9. By Contrast - use of opposites

10. By Negation - stating what a term is not

II. Guidelines in Writing a Concept Paper

1.Cost and Methodology should be reasonable.

2.The budget, methodology, and timeline should be clearly aligned.

3.Use statistics and figures when discussing the rationale for the project.

4.Use no more than 5 pages (single-spaced) excluding the cover page. Do not overwhelm the readers with details.

5.Never request funding for planning the proposal.

6.Adjust your language to the intended readers. You may use technical terms if readers are scholars and scientists. However,
refrain from using jargon when your target readers are lay persons.

7.Include the overview of the budget if it is required. If not, then skip the budget section. In place of this, you may simply include
the type of support you may need such as personnel, travel and communication, and equipment.

8.Be sure that basic format details, such as page numbers, are incorporated.

9.Cite your references.

2 Kinds of Concept Paper

1. Explicit Concept Paper (explicitus)

- obvious and apparent

2. Implicit Concept Paper (implicitus)

- not expressed clearly; only suggested; indirect stated

III. How to Write a Concept Paper with Practical Sample

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1. Concept Paper Title

Every paper must have a title and concept paper is not left out as one needs to have a title that summarizes what the paper is
about. The title should be as brief as possible and to the point such that by a glance one would know exactly the paper’s
intention. Example:

“Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain Competitive Advantage by local based businesses”

2. Introduction

Introduce the concept by giving a brief on how it will contribute to the organization or company having more opportunities as a
result. Also, state your understanding of the main objective of the targeted area of implementation clearly introducing the gap
intended to be addressed. An introduction is like the sitting room of the concept paper as it determines a lot on the person
proposing the concept. During presentations, this section also, act as the persona guide to how the rest of the presentation is


Mobile payment methods have popularity with big businesses operating in large towns and cities across the world. These
payment methods enable the business customers to access their cash at the point of sale and do not need to have physical
money to complete their transactions. This study will therefore help in understanding the mobile payment methods preferences
for the local based business and how and why these preferences have failed to prevail. The research will therefore address
that gap that is viewed as the low uptake of mobile payment methods by the local based businesses which are essentially
operating in remote areas. This concept builds upon the various insights that have been undertaken by various researchers
in the business and information technology field to bridge the gap of strategic implementation of information technology
systems in business to gain competitive advantage.

3. Need for this Study

One of the senior professors where the author teaches refer to this section as “who dies if the concept is not
implemented” and further advises that it should addresses the pertinent societal need. The need of the study should
have a concrete evidence in the sense that the source of the need must be documented and verifiable. It is also important to look
at what other scholars have done on the concept previously, and whether this is enough to answer the questions intended for the


It is estimated that more than 5 billion people have access to mobile phone devices and that out of this figure about a third of
the population is based in local areas. Further, the village-based businesses do not have immediately access to the
physical money banking system as they are located kilometers away. Porter (2011) notes that in order for businesses to
achieve and sustain superior performance, they must be able to implement systems that are competitively superior. Budree
and Williams (2013, September) and Namada (2018) established that the areas with large number of low-income earners
experienced low uptake technological advancements and businesses in these locations are not keen on leveraging on
technology. The concept will therefore be intended to identify the salient factors that local businesses can apply in leveraging on
mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage.

4. Background
This section indicates that some research has been carried on the area of interest, however there still exit a gap that needs to
filled. It is important therefore to outline several studies that have been undertake on the topical area summarizing their
conclusive evidence and relevance to the study area. A more descriptive background will then be structured from the
worldview, regional, and localized perspective. For a shorter-version concept paper this may not count however it is
important to show that some study have been done but little research in the area of interest and how the concept seeks to
solve this gap.

Several studies have concluded that mobile payment methods is one of the major factors put in place by businesses in
gaining competitive advantage, however this has also, not been achieved in remote areas. As a result, Onyango et al. (2014) in
their study on mobile phone technology and the evident performance of micro and small enterprises, concludes that there is an
impact on the use and implementation of mobile phone technology to achieve the full business performance. In order, therefore
to achieve competitive advantage, Porter (2011) advises that the strategy implemented should be geared towards
achieving full potential competitively. Many scholars also agree that there is a significant relationship between mobile payment
methods and gaining competitive advantage to sustain an improved performance. Most also argue that the mobile payment

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method of use will be dependent on the location and nature of need. The handbook by Namada (2018) notes that the concept of
organizational learning must be down-trotted to the local businesses to learn which mobile technology suits their operations and
how this technology can be leveraged to achieve competitive advantage. The literature and conclusions from the
scholars however fail to answer specific questions that related to leveraging on mobile payment methods to gain competitive
advantage for local based businesses. Most of the studies were focused on businesses and companies in towns and cities
with the area of interest majoring on performance whether competitively or not. This study will therefore be focused on the
factors of consideration for leveraging on mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses.

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3. Need for this Study
One of the senior professors
where the author teaches
refer to this section as “who
dies if the
concept is not implemented”
and further advises that it
should addresses the pertinent
need. The need of the study
should have a concrete
evidence in the sense that the
source of the
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need must be documented and
verifiable. It is also important
to look at what other scholars
done on the concept previously,
and whether this is enough to
answer the questions intended
the study. Example:
It is estimated that more than 5
billion people have access to
mobile phone devices and that
out of
this figure about a third of
the population is based in

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local areas. Further, the
businesses do not have
immediately access to the
physical money banking
system as they are
located kilometers away. Porter
(2011) notes that in order for
businesses to achieve and
superior performance, they
must be able to implement
systems that are competitively
Budree and Williams (2013,
September) and Namada (2018)
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established that the areas with
number of low-income
earners experienced low
uptake technological
advancements and
businesses in these locations
are not keen on leveraging on
technology. The concept will
be intended to identify the
salient factors that local
businesses can apply in
leveraging on mobile
payment methods to gain
competitive advantage.
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4. Background
This section indicates that some
research has been carried on
the area of interest, however
still exit a gap that needs to
filled. It is important therefore
to outline several studies that
have been
undertake on the topical area
summarizing their conclusive
evidence and relevance to the
area. A more descriptive
background will then be

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structured from the worldview,
regional, and
localized perspective. For a
shorter-version concept paper
this may not count however
it is
important to show that some
study have been done but little
research in the area of interest
how the concept seeks to solve
this gap.

5. Objectives
These are the broad and specific objectives the research seeks to answer. It should be stated starting with the words “To” and
linked to the general and the specific area where the study is to be undertaken. Both the general and the specific
objectives must be regularized to conform with the topic of the concept. Example: The research paper seeks to achieve its
general objective of leveraging on mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by focusing on the following
specific objectives:

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1. To determine the influence of perceived risks on the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local
based businesses.
2. To determine the influence of M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience, and compatibility) on the use of
mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses.
3. To assess the influence of personal innovativeness on use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local
based businesses.

6. Research Questions and or Hypothesis

The research can choose to answer either questions emanating from the research literature and especially from the
research objectives, or hypothesis scenarios and test at the end of the research whether they were accepted or not. Example:
Choosing research questions.
1. Does perceived risks influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local based
2. Does M-Payment characteristics (mobility, reachability, convenience, and compatibility) influence the use of mobile payment
methods to gain competitive advantage by local based businesses?
3. Does personal innovativeness influence the use of mobile payment methods to gain competitive advantage by local
based businesses?

7. Research Methodology
This is the how of the concept and describes how the concept will be achieved once it reaches the research level. It should
define the intention on the design of research to be conducted, the population targeted, and the type of data to be

The study intends to use cross sectional survey design in determining the leverage on mobile payment methods to gain
competitive advantage by local based businesses.
The study will sample 478 local based businesses registered in Kenya out of a population of 4 thousand which are mainly
registered and operated in village area settings. The study will collect both primary and secondary data, and the quantitative data
generated will be analyzed using descriptive statistics which will include percentage distribution, mean and the frequency counts.
The qualitative data from the study will undergo transcription and reported in themes and sub-themes. The relationship between
the independent and dependent variables will be explained through multiple regression.

8. Research Timeline
This is to indicate the allocation of time for undertaking the research and breaking to specific section and finally
indicating the overall schedule of the research. Timelines are importance in concept paper as they are used to determine the
length of the research and the funding needs over the period. In academic concept papers, this period is usually pre-defined by
the various university standards and one should have a look at their university standards on the research paper duration. The
timeline must also include how the initial and final phases of the academic project is to be achieved. This is where the
difference between a research proposal and concept paper vary, in that the concept paper lists both the research proposal and
research final study timelines while the research proposal only lists the research study timelines.

The project is expected to be completed in 17 weeks with the following indicated as the activity’s durations for every section of
the research project:

Research Section Duration

1. Title 1 week
2. Introduction 1 week
3. Need for this Study 2 weeks
4. Background 3 weeks
5. Objectives 1 week
6. Research Questions and or Hypothesis 1 week
7. Research Methodology 2 weeks
8. Data analysis interpretations and discussions 3 weeks
9. Summary conclusion and recommendations 2 weeks
10. Reviewing work for final submission 1 weeks

9. Reference

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The reference materials used for the concept paper must be outline under the reference section following a standard format
that is approved by the university. Remember there are several formats for referencing various articles and other academic
work and only one must be used at one particular time for a standard practice. Example: Using the APA refencing format

Porter, M. E. (2011). Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance.
simon and schuster.
Namada, J. M. (2018). Organizational learning and competitive advantage. In Handbook of Research on
Knowledge Management for Contemporary Business Environments (pp. 86-104). IGI Global.
Knowledge Management for Contemporary Business Environments (pp. 86-104). IGI Global.
Budree, A., & Williams, K. H. (2013, September). Factors influencing the uptake of mobile banking in
developing countries: A case study of M–Pesa in South Africa. In Proceedings of 22nd International
Business Research Conference (pp. 9-10).
Onyango, R. A., Ongus, R. W., Awuor, F. M., & Nyamboga, C. (2014). Impact of adoption and use of mobile
phone technology on the performance of micro and small enterprises in Kisii Municipality
Kenya. World Journal of Computer Application and Technology, 2(2), 34-42.

IV. Types of Concept Paper

 A. Concept Paper for a Project
1. Cover Page

  *State the name of the proponents and their affiliations.

  *State the addresses, contact numbers, and email addresses of the proponents.

  *State the head of the agency and his/her contact information

2. Introduction

  *State the information about the funding agency to show that you understand its mission.

  *State the mission of the agency that the proponents represent  and align it to the funding agency’s mission. Also, state the year
the proponent’s agency was established, its major accomplishments,  and other details that demonstrate its capability to
undertake the proposed project.

  *Present and describe other partner agencies and why they are qualified as such.

  *Provide reasons why the funding agency should support the project.
3. Rationale or Background

  *State the gap in knowledge to be addressed by the project.

  *State the problems to be solved.

  *State the project’s significance.

4. Project Description

  *State the goals and objectives of the project.

  *Present the methodology (sometimes termed as Action Plan, Project Activities, or Approach)

  *Present the timeline expressed in months and year.

  *State the benefits or anticipated outcomes.

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  *State how success of outcomes will be evaluated.

5. Project Needs and Cost

  *Outline the main budget; include the item description and amount.

  *Explain or justify how the budget will be used.

  *List the personnel or equipment needed for the project.

6. List of References
B. Concept Paper for Academic Research

1.Title Page

  *State your research title.

  *State your name and school.

  *State the date of submission.

2. Background of the Study

  *Provide the current state of the field you are researching on.

  *State the gap in knowledge and problems to be addressed by the research. Provide statistics and previous studies to prove
your claims.

  *State the reasons why you want to investigate on the chosen topic.

  *State the theoretical and practical implications of your proposed research.

3. Preliminary Literature Review

  *Provide a theoretical framework. The theoretical Framework includes the theory that will guide you in the conduct of your

  *Provide related literature that supports your topic.

  *Provide related studies that will help you in conducting the research or analyzing and discussing the data.

  *Provide a brief synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies.

4. Statement of the Problem/ Objectives:

  *State your general problem in one sentence.

  *State your specific research questions or objectives.

5. Abridged Methodology

  *Provide the context and participants of the study.

  *Provide the instruments to be used.

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  *Provide the data collection procedure.

  *Provide the data analysis scheme to be used.  

6. Timeline

  *Provide a timeline (e.g Gantt Chart) set in months and year.

7. References

  *Provide a list of all books, journals, and other resources cited in your paper.

1. Concept paper title
Every paper must have a title and concept paper is not left out as one needs to have a title that
summarizes what the paper is about. The title should be as brief as possible and to the point such
that by a glance one would know exactly the paper’s intention. Example:

“Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain Competitive Advantage by local based

1. Concept paper title
Every paper must have a title and concept paper is not left out as one needs to have a title that
summarizes what the paper is about. The title should be as brief as possible and to the point such
that by a glance one would know exactly the paper’s intention. Example:

“Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain Competitive Advantage by local based


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