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Submitted to the Board of Examination

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
For Literary Degree at English Literature Department

NIM: AI.160781



Jambi, 05 Mei 2020

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed ……………

Pembimbing II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum
Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora

Kepada Yth
Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora

Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb
Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami
berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Fauziah Syahraani, Nim. AI.160781, yang
HALLOWS NOVEL by JOANNE KATE ROWLING”, telah dapat diajukan untuk
dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi syarat – syarat untuk
memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN
STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan
Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi
kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.
Wassalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Firdiansyah, M. Hum

NIP.197401031999031006 NIPN. 2004118102


Jambi, May 05th 2020

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed ………………
Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum
Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty
.. …… State Islamic University
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
The Dean of Adab and Humanities
State Islamic University

Assalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis
Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of
Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we hoped it
can be useful for all.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Firdiansyah, M. Hum

NIP: 19791230200604103 NIPN. 2004118102


             


How can you reject the faith in Allah seeing that you were without life, and He gave
you life; then will He cause you to die and will again bring you to life; and
again to him will you return. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 28)1

Bagaiman kamu ingkar kepada Allah, padahal kamu (tadinya) mati, lalu Dia
menghidupkan kamu, kemudian Dia mematikan kamu, lalu Dia menghidupkan
kamu kembali. Kemudian kepada-Nyalah kamu dikembalikan.2

Maulawi Sher, The Holy Qur‟an, (United Kingdom: Islam International Publications, 2004),
p. 5.
Nandang Burhanudin, Mushaf Al-Burhan Edisi Wanita Tajwid, (Bandung: Media Fitrah
Rabbani, 2011), p. 5


First of all I would say Alhamdulillahi rabil „alamin, my highest gratitude to Allah
SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis.
In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, and
support for the researcher
First, my deepest dedication goes to my beloved parents:
My beloved Father, DRS. Abdul Kadir for the phone call every day in order to
remind me to keep going and never give up, for the affection and attention that has
been given so far.
My beloved Mother, Salma for all your attention, and love. Even though we're
separated, but I know you will always pray for my success

And My beloved sister, Fadhilah Khairani and Leni safitri also My best friends
Imron Rosyadi, Aliya, and Merli Santri thank you for the support and help that you
guys have provided so far. I am so lucky to have friends and family who are always
be there whether in happy or difficult situation

Then to Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Firdiansyah, M.Hum as my supervisors,thank you for
the opportunity, time, and knowledge that has been given during the completion of my

Next, my little family English Literature 2016 A and B. Thank you guys for the
advice, love, help, support, ideas and great experiences that we have made together, I
am very grateful to God for being given the opportunity to meet extraordinary people
like you all. You are great people, talented and competitive, thank you for making me
part of this small family.
Finally, for all those who have helped me in completing this thesis, I would like to say



Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil‟alamin, all the praise to

Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my

study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our

Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa‟at later at The Last Day.

Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to people who helped the

writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank to my supervisors Dr.

Alfian, M.Ed and Firdiansyah, M.Hum who have helped, adjusted, supported and

suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say thanks for all classmates

English Literature 2016 who have given additional suggestion and support to finish

this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many

people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. Suaidi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Halimah Dja‘far, S. Ag., M. Fil. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities


3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag as the first vise dean of Academic. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd,

M.Ed as the second vise Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS M.Pd.I

as the third vise dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

4. The Head of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA.

5. The Secretary of English Literature Department Chandri Febri Santi M.Pd

6. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution

and assistant during studying in UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

7. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi


8. The last but not least, to my beloved parents, sister, and friends who gave fully

supporting to the writer.

This thesis is still far away from perfection. The writer need some critics and

suggestions, so that the writer can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this

thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of

English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, May 07 th 2020

The writer

Fauziah Syahraani
Nim: AI. 160781


Fauziah Syahraani, 2020 : Atheism As Seen in Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling
Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed
Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.Hum

This research analyzes one of Joanne Kate Rowling‘s works entitled Harry
Potter and The Deathly Hallows. This novel tells about the adventures of a wizard
named Harry Potter in searching of horcruxes to defeat the evil wizard named
Voldemort, with the helping of his friends.
This research aims at observing the world view of the novel and the coherence
between the world view that presented in the novel with the life of the author as well
as the social life where the author writes her literary work. Therefore, the research
applies Lucien Goldmann‘s theory on genetic structuralism.
This research employs dialectic qualitative research. The data from this
research are all from the novel and other resources that relate to the formulation of the
problem. The data are analyzed from the structure of Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows, binary opposition of elements, and categorization of character using genetic
structuralism theory by Lucien Goldman.
The result of this research shows that the world view of this novel is atheism.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows has binary opposition, those are good based
value and general bad-based value. There are characters representing God, World,
and Human. The main character, Harry Potter represented the god, Voldemort
represented world, Cissy Malfoy and Severus Snape represented Human.
This world view has no correlation with the religious life of the author of the
novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows in which the author herself never
mentioned the religion that she professed, but she still believes in the existence of
god, but this world view has correlation with the life of European society at the time
of writing the novel that the majority of whom are atheists. In the other word the
author indirectly gets influence from her social environment when writing her work.

Keywords : Genetic Structuralism, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows,

World View


Fauziah Syahraani, 2020 : Atheism As Seen in Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling
Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed
Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.Hum

Penelitian ini menganalisis salah satu novel karya Joanne Kate Rowling yang
berjudul Harry Potter dan Reliku Kematian. Novel ini menceritakan tentang
petualangan seorang penyihir bernama Harry Potter dalam mencari horcrux untuk
mengalahkan penyihir jahat bernama Voldemort, dengan bantuan teman-temannya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pandangan dunia yang
terepresentasikan dalam novel ini dan koherensinya terhadap kehidupan beragama
penulis novel serta kehidupan sosial di mana penulis menulis karya sastranya. Oleh
karena itu, penelitian ini menerapkan teori Lucien Goldmann tentang strukturalisme
Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dialektik. Data dari penelitian
ini berasal dari novel dan sumber lainnya yang berkaitan dengan perumusan masalah.
Data dianalisis dari struktur Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian, oposisi biner
elemen, dan kategorisasi karakter menggunakan teori strukturalisme genetik oleh
Lucien Goldman.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pandangan dunia novel ini adalah
ateisme. Harry Potter dan Reliku Kematian memiliki oposisi biner, yaitu nilai
berbasis kebaikan dan nilai umum kejahatan. Ada karakter yang mewakili Tuhan,
Dunia, dan Manusia. Karakter utama, Harry Potter mewakili tuhan, Voldemort
mewakili dunia, Cissy Malfoy dan Severus Snape mewakili Manusia
Pandangan dunia ini tidak memiliki korelasi dengan kehidupan beragama
penulis novel Harry Potter dan The Deathly Hallows di mana penulis sendiri tidak
pernah menyebut agama yang dianutnya, tetapi dia masih percaya pada keberadaan
tuhan, namun pandangan dunia ini sejalan dengan kehidupan masyarakat Eropa pada
saat penulisan novel yang mayoritas adalah ateis. Dengan kata lain secara tidak
langsung penulis mendapat pengaruh dari lingkungan sosialnya saat menulis

Kata Kunci : Strukturalisme Genetik, Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian,

Pandangan Dunia


NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii
LETTER OF RATIFICATION .................................................................... iii
ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................... iv
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... x
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. xii

A. Background of the Problem ........................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................. 5

E. Significance of the Research .......................................................... 5


A. Sociological Approach ................................................................... 6

B. Genetic Structuralism Theory ........................................................ 9

C. The Biography of Joanne Kate Rowling ........................................ 14

D. Review of Related Research .......................................................... 19


A. Design of Research ........................................................................ 22

B. Source of Data ................................................................................ 24

C. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................ 24

D. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................... 26


A. Finding and Analysis ..................................................................... 28

1. Atheism World View ............................................................... 29

a. The Structure of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows .... 29

b. Binary Opposition of The Novel Elements ......................... 39

c. Categorization of Character ................................................. 39

2. The Reason of Atheism World View In Harry Potter and The Deathly

Hallows Novel .......................................................................... 46


A. Conclusions……………………………………...........…....….... 53

B. Suggestions…………………………………….………............... 55






A. Background of the Problem

Literature, according to Robert Frost is a performance in words‖3. It is the
element that can be entertaining or pleasure. It also has close relationship with the
society‘s life and psychology, where it gives a very large impact for people. It
possess as eternal characteristic because it contains the authentic truth that always
exists when the men or human still beings exist. Besides, it gives consciousness to
society about this life truth, where we can get knowledge and understanding
deeply about human, world and life.
There have been various attempts to define literature. Literature can be
defined by us, for instance as ‗imaginative‘ writing in the sense of fiction, writing
which is not literally true. According to Klarer, literary work is referred to the
entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document
can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word.4
There are several types that included in literature they are drama, fiction,
and poetry. Literature is differentiated into two which are non-imaginative
literature and imaginative literature. Non imaginative comprises essay, memoir,
critique, biography, historical note and daily note, while imaginative literature
consists of prose and poetry. Prose is divided into two; they are narration prose
and drama. Narrative prose and fiction consist of novel, novelette, and short story.
Poetry is classified into epic, dramatic, and lyric.5 The novel can be defined as a

Barnet, Berman, Burto. An Introduction to Literature, Fiction, Poetry, Drama, 2 nd Ed.
(Canada: Little Brown, 1961), p.10
Klarer, M. An Introduction to Literary Studies. (London: Routledge, 2004), p.1
Andrew Bennet and Nicholas Royle, Literature, criticism, and theory, (London: Longman,
2004), p. 4

diversity of social speech types, sometimes even diversity of language and a
diversity of individual voices, artistically organized.6
There are also many genres in novel one of them is fantasy. Fantasy is
where the initial impulse of the writing and the constraints of genre clash most
strongly, personal, private. Fantasy allows us to speculate, to explore possibilities,
to indulge our opposed to speculate on things that might be, which produces
science fiction.7
Generally novel has some genres to tell the readers about the plot of story
they are, fiction, drama, horror, fantasy etc. among some of the genres, one of the
them is fantasy. One of the novel that has fantasy genre is Harry Potter. Harry
Potter is a novel about young wizard. His parents died while trying to save him
from Lord Voldemort attacks. Harry Potter is the boy who lives from Lord
Voldemort attacks. Because of the power from his parents, Harry is able to bring
back Lord Voldemort attacks. Then Lord Voldemort became piece of soul. Harry
also gets the prediction as the person who can destroy Lord Voldemort. Those
predictions make Lord Voldemort wants to kill him.
Year by year Harry has been passing the unfortunately event. In the first
novel, Harry has been save sorceress stone from Voldemort death eater. In the
second novel Harry has been save Ginny from Voldemort‘s Horcrux. In the third
novel Harry has saved Sirius Black as his Father in law. In the fourth novel he is
able to win the tri wizard tournament, in the fifth novel Harry try to find
Voldemort Horcux and he found it and success to destroy it. In the sixth novel
Harry also tries to find Voldemort Horcuxes and in the seventh novel, Harry
battles with Voldemort and finally he won, and success to save the magic world.
Especially in the seventh novel it is divided in to two parts which are part 1 and
part 2, in part 1 Harry Potter tries to destroy a Horcrux that he found in the sixth

Julie, Michael. (Ed). Literary Theory An Anthology 3rd Ed. (UK: Blackwell Publishing,
2017), p. 205
Peter, Millicent. Alternative Worlds In fantasy Fiction. (London: Continuum, 2001), p.2

novel and in part 2 he tries to find another horcuxes and does final fight with Lord
The journey of Harry Potter is extremely interesting, the author is able to
make the new world in the story. The author of Harry Potter is Joanne Kate
Rowling, she was born in Yate, Gloucestershire. The idea for the harry potter was
on a four hour delayed train trip from Manchester to London. The idea of Harry
Potter was in 1990, and it finished in 2007 so it takes about 17 years for Rowling
to finish all series of Harry Potter. Besides attracting Harry Potter novels also has
many question marks that can be investigated, from its plot, character, story, or
the background of the author. One of the interesting things from this novel is the
existence of religion issue. In this novel the writer did not find any divine
elements or religious symbols that show about a particular religion and it is very
uncommon for this novel because the novel was written in the era that has various
Atheism are linguistically defined in terms of the ways an individual does
not believe or behave, they also conceal a wide range of positive beliefs, values,
behaviors and worldviews.8 It means that an atheist people are not open about his
or her beliefs and any values about it. Those who are considered nonbelievers for
this study are classified as individuals who have no individual allegiance to any
specific faith tradition. Their lack of allegiance could simply be social
disagreements with their former religious community to those who have no belief
in a high power. There are many things that writer could search about atheist, but
in this case writer wants to make correlation between atheists and literature and
also this research will have correlation with my university because my university
is an Islamic university that also studied about literature.
The object of this research takes from the novel which is Harry Potter
And The Deathly Hallows by Joanne Kate Rowling because this novel has

Lee, L. (2014), ―Secular or no religious? Investigating and interpreting generic „not
religious‟ categories and populations‖. Vol. 44 No. 3, p. 467.

achieved some prestigious awards. As of February 2018, the books have sold
more than 500 million copies worldwide, making them the best-selling book
series in history and have been translated into eighty languages. It also holds the
Guinness World Record for most novels sold within 24 hours of release, with 8.3
million sold in the US and 2.65 million in the UK. Generally well received by
critics, the book won the 2008 Colorado Blue Spruce Book Award, and the
American Library Association named it the ―Best Book for Young Adults‖. Then
the writer also interesting to the question why does the author include atheism in
this novel as we might know JK Rowling as the author of the novel believes with
god, and the condition of society in England during the written of the seventh
series of harry potter was the society that believe with god.
B. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the
formulations of the problems as follows:
1. What kind of world views are pictured by J.K Rowling as seen in “Harry
Potter and The Deathly Hollows” Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling
2. Why does J.K Rowling include atheism in “Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hollows” Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling?
C. Limitation of the Problem
Actually there are many aspects that can be analyzed in this novel, also
there have been various researchers who have used this object which is Harry
Potter and The Deadly Hollows novel by Joanne Kate Rowling for their study,
but to make my research appropriate and different from others, the writer will
make a limitation to this research. The writer will only going to analyze and
focused on the background and social background of the author and the world
view in Harry Potter and The Deadly Hollows novel by Joanne Kate Rowling.

D. Purpose of the Research
Based on limitation of problem above, the purposes of this research are
1. To know kinds of world view which is represented by J.K Rowling as seen in
“Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows” Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling
2. To know the reason for the existence of atheism as seen in the “Harry Potter
and The Deathly Hollows” Novel by Joanne Kate Rowling
E. Significant of the Research
The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of writer, readers,
and also for university considering that this research is the first research in Adab
and humanities Faculty which used Generic Structuralism theory. The writer
hopes this research will give more knowledge about the relation among literature
and religion. The writer also hopes, later on there will be another research which
used this theory and apply it in different object of research in my major, and the
last the writer hopes this research later on can be my contribution for the library
of Islamic University especially in my major, English literature department.


A. Sociological Approach
Literary is a mirror of life that encompasses the relation of human,
between man to man between the social community and between the events that
happened in a certain period of time. According to Damono, the sociology of
literature is study of literature based on the sociological perspective to
comprehend social phenomena in a certain period of time that are described by
the author in his or her literary work.9 It means that literature can be understood
by looking through social phenomena of the author, sociology and literature are
the tools to understand the social condition of person or community in a certain
period of time. There are a lot of aspects in social life that colored the literary
works of the author such as culture, religion, economy etc. these aspects are
always influence the author when she or he writes a story. The author creates his
work to express his though, view, ideas, desire experience and attitudes toward
the society through his or her work.
Sociological approach holds a principle which the analysis of human in
society, it begans from society to individual. According to Laurenso and
Swingewood, literature reflect too, values in the sense of the writer‘s own
intention and it might be suggested that it is on the level of values where literature
is seen to reinforced and illuminated purely sociological material.10 Sociology
tries to analyze the relationship among the individual and the social community
itself. Whether it is a reflection or a fiction, we still can catch the idea of the
society‘s problem from literary work.

Sapardi Damono Djoko. Sociology: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan
dan Pengembangan Bahasa Departemen P&K, 1984) p. 2
Diana Laurenso and Alan Swingewood. The Sociology of Literature. (London: Granada
Publishing Limited London Oxford University Press, 1972) p. 75.

―Dasar filosofis pendekatan sosiologis adalah adanya hubungan hakiki
antara karya sastra dengan masyarakat. Hubungan-hubungan yang
dimaksudkan disebabkan oleh: a) karya sastra dihasilkan oleh pengarang,
b) pengarang itu sendiri adalah anggota masyarakat, dan c) hasil karya
sastra itu dimanfaatkan kembali oleh masyarakat”.11
It means that a literary works and the author can not be separated from
certain of society. According to Swingewood in his book Sociology and
Literature, there are three major principles of sociological perspective, they are
literary work as reflected the social condition of the author, literary work as the
social document that reflect the certain age when it is written and the study of
literature a form of reflection. Dealing with the first principle it is a study of
literature in terms of the social context of authorship. It discusses the author‘s
position in the society, author‘s ideology, responds toward his or her society and
other thing deal with the author as the creation a literary work. 12
The second principle, shows that literature reflection of values and feeling
in the age when the work was made. One has to go through with the works and
the social background of the author. Meanwhile the last principle attempts to
trance the ways in which a work of literature is actually received by a particular
society at specific historical moments.
When connected with this study, it relates to social conditions especially
the condition of religious people. Then in this study the author will also discuss
the development of religion in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom during
the writing of The Seventh Harry Potter‘s novel. The condition of religious
communities in the world always develops each year, including in the European
Continent. Factors of the development come from various factors starting from
the development of science, social society, to economic factors also take part in
Nyoman Kutha Ratna, S.U. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar, 2015) p. 60.
Sapardi Damono Djoko. Sociology: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Op.cit., p.3.

the development of this development. “Sesungguhnya, sejak akhir abad keenam
belas, banyak orang di Eropa merasa bahwa agama telah sedemikian
didiskreditkan.”13 The purpose of the word discredited here is, people in Europe
feel that religion has been widely vilified or has lost its authority. Many people
feel paralyzed and pressured by various religious interpretations offered. They
feel that faith is more difficult to achieve than ever before. “Oleh karena itu,
menjadi signifikan bahwa pada masa ini di dalam sejarah ketuhanan Barat,
mulai ditemukan orang-orang ateis‖14 this thought drives the forerunner to the
formation of atheist groups in the European region, based on their dissatisfaction
in finding and understanding religion and also faith.
According to Phil Zuckerman, a professor of sociology and secular studies
at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, and author of Living the Secular life,
he said there is absolutely more atheist around today than ever before, both in
sheer numbers and as a percentage of humanity.15 .According to a Gallup
International survey of more than 50.000 people in 57 countries, the number of
individuals claiming to be religious fell from 77% to 68% between 2005 and
2011, while those who self-identified as atheist rose by 3% bringing the world‘s
estimat ed proportion of adamant non-believers to 13%.
Japan, the UK, Canada, South Korea, the Netherlands, the Czech
Republic, Estonia, Germany, France and Urugay (where the majority of citizens
have Eropean roots) are all places where religion was important just a century or
so ago, but that now report some of the lowest beliefs rates in the world. These
countries have strong educational and social security system, low inequality and
are all relatively wealthy. Not only in those countries, some countries that still has
strong religious such as Brazil, Jamaica and Ireland also seems to be appearing

Karen Armstrong. Sejarah Tuhan Kisah 4000 tahun Pencarian Tuhan Dalam Agama-
Agama Manusia. (Bandung: Mizan, 2018), p. 428.
Ibid., p. 429
Rachel Nuwer. (2014, December 21). Will religion ever disappear?. BBC Future. Retrieved

the decline in belief, the only exception might be Iran, but that‘s tricky because
secular people might be hiding their beliefs. Similarly, many around the world
who explicitly say they do not believe in god still harbor superstitious tendencies,
like belief in ghost, astrology, karma, telepathy or reincarnation. Additionally,
non-believers often lean on what could be interpreted as religious proxies, sport
teams, yoga, professional institutions, mother nature and more to guide their
values in life. As statement to this, witchcraft is gaining popularity in the US, and
Paganism seems to be the fastest growing religion in the UK.16
Another research from Gallup International WI Network of Market
research also found that in west Europe, England and Netherland are in highest
position as A country that has no religion. This study was based on 63,898
interviews. “Di Eropa Barat, Inggris dan Belanda berada di peringkat teratas,
diikuti Jerman, Swiss, Spanyol, dan Austria. Di Perancis, sekitar setengah dari
populasinya tidak beragama atau ateis‖.17
B. Genetic-Structuralism Theory
Literary work can present a specific social and cultural circumstance of a
particular society. This can be seen from the form of idea of the author based on
the phenomena that appears in society. The presentence of a good relationship
between the author of literary work with the environment (social relations) will
certainly produce a quality work. According to Goldman Genetic structuralism
regards literary works as imaginary universes of figures, objects, and relations.18
Genetic structuralism views the structure of literary works as a product of
the categorical structure of the minds of certain groups. A convenient term for the
whole complex of ideas, aspirations and feelings which links together the

Rachel Nuwer. (2014, December 21). Will religion ever disappear?. BBC Future. Retrieved
Egidius Patnistik. (2015, April 21). Negara Mana Saja Yang Paling Tidak Beragama di
a.Mana.Saja.yang Paling.Tidak.Beragama.di.Dunia.?page=all
Lucian Goldman. “The Sosiology of Literature: Status and Problems of Method”. (New
York: Praeger Publisher, 1970). p 55.

members of a social group and which opposes them to members of other social
groups.19 This is what it called a world view.
“Hubungan antar bagian dalam struktur tidak bersifat kuantitatif,
melainkan kualitatif”20 it means when a part is removed, the integrity of
something is not merely diminished, but becomes completely damaged. If a
motorcycle does not have a plug, all of the machine will not functionate at all.
Structuralism in literature will treat a literary works as an autonomous thing,
structured, intact, transformative, and regulative. Transformative and regulative
here means, it can make a change without losing its integrity, and regulative. It
has the ability to overcome the possibility of interference and influence from
outside in its own way.
According to Ratna, social relationships explain the genesis of works as
one of the consequences of the interaction of various interactions that occur.21 We
cannot say that literary work appears instantly or naturally, it is also not born
under special conditions; therefore, literary works cannot be regarded as unique
phenomena. Literary works are social interactions responses through the
personality of the artist.
The study of genetic structuralism is sufficiently appropriate to know the
socio-cultural background and answer what is his or her worldview when creating
the monologue. In accordance with the disclosed Lucien Goldman in his theory
that, the theory of genetic structuralism is trying to find a combination of text
structure with social structure because the principle of this approach also takes
into account social factors that affect the birth of literary works and review the

Lucian Goldman. “The Hidden God”. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977). p 17.
Faruk. Metode Penelitian Sastra: Sebuah Penjelajahan Awal. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,
2014), p. 156.
Maulina dkk.,”Genetic Structuralism and Value of Character Education In The Monologue
Matinya Toekang Kritik The Death of Criticizers By Agus Noor”, IJOLTL. Vol. 3 No. 1, January 2018,
p. 89.

structure of related texts with social conditions and social groups.22 In other
words, this approach recognizes the homology, social classes, trans individual
subject, and world view between literary structures and certain social structures.
Homology is not a social alignment, mediator, analogy, or monolithic. Homology
has implication with valuable relation between litterer structure and social
structure. But Homology is not a reduction or imitation, its interdependency is
structural, not the relation with the content directly.
For instance, there is a sign among Jakarta and RA Kartini in novel. We
cannot hock each other directly, as a sign, homologically and structurally in one
side the capital of Jakarta is equal with ascendancy, corruption, prostitution, etc.
in the other side RA Kartini shows glory image, charismatic, and other
characteristic that should be imitated by Indonesia which mostly its citizen is
women. Then, Social class in this relation is a collectivity that creates certain new
lifestyle whit tight and coherent structure. According to genetic structuralism
visions, the class is identic whit the social class of the author.23
A literary work finally can be understood by its relation whit the class that
has created it. This fact has methodological implication in the relation whit
sociological literature research that generally sees literary work as unbreakable
part with the author or the creator. Because of literary work is being connected
whit the author, the background can be divided into two points which are (a)
background because of affiliation, and (b) background because of the nativity. 24
When the author creates their effort on literature they will try to explore
knowledge in many sides therefore, background because of affiliation is much
more interesting (Second birth). The form of affiliation could be so various, based
on the complexity of the society, for instance; family, profession, religion,
Eko Nugraheni Wardani. Makna Totalitas: Karya Sastra .(Surakarta: UNS Press, 2009), p.
Nyoman Kutha Ratna. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Pelajar, 2015), p. 124.
Ibid., p.125.

intellectual, economy, law, etc. it means the author is free to join to other groups
or leave from their origin group.
According to Goldmann, trans individual shows the individual ideas whit
a structural mental group.25 In structural genetic, subject of trans individual is an
energy to build a world views. Knowing a world view of a certain group means
know the tendency of the society and the ideology system that underline the
behavioral social attitude every day. The concept that be underlined in the world
view must be extracted through the group that involved, plus implicating some
indicators (belief, intellectual history, and cultural history entirety). According to
Faruk, in his book
“Strukturalisme Genetik pada rinsipnya adalah teori sastra yang
berkeyakinan bahwa karya sastra tidak semata-mata merupakan suatu
struktur yang statis dan lahir dengan sendirinya, melainkan merupakan
hasil strukturasi struktur kategoris pikiran subjek penciptanya atau subjek
kolektif tertentu yang terbangun akibat interaksi antara subjek itu dengan
situasi social dan ekonomi tertentu”26
Therefore, it is impossible to understand the structure of literary works for
structural genetic without a consideration of social factors that created it because
those factors that give a blend to the structure of literary works itself.
Genetic structuralism has to explain the structure and descent of the
structure itself. In research some steps are: a) research the element of literary
work, b) the relation of literary work elements with the totality of literary work, c)
research the element of the society that has function as the genesis of literary
work, d) the relation between society with the totality of society, e) the relation of
literary work entirety with the society entirety. 27

Faruk. Hilangnya Pesona Dunia. (Yogyakarta: Yayasan Untuk Indoesia, 1999), p. 13.
Nyoman Kutha Ratna. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. op.cit., p.127.

According to Dorothy B. Selz, structuralism is a study of the laws of
composition both of nature and of man‘s creations.28 We might say that
structuralism at this level is the study of how recurrent patterns may be detected,
not just within a particular work, but throughout literature, perhaps revealing
something about the way the human mind works. Reducing the highly complex
idea to a phrase, we would say that structuralism is the study of relationships.
According to Faruk in his book there are 3 reflections of literary works in
society, they are: a) Literary works as the fact of humanity, b) Literary works as
collective subject product, c) literary works as expression of world view.
―Sebuah karya sastra tidak diciptakan begitu saja, melainkan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan tertentu dari manusia yang menciptakannya”.29 Psychologically, there
are 2 main processes in building a structural balancing in literary works which is
assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is adjustment of the external
environment in the scheme of the human mind, while accommodation
adjustments to the scheme of the human mind with the surrounding environment.
―Strukturalisme genetic membedakan tindakan individual dengan tindakan
Individual actions are intended only to fulfill the individual needs that
tend to be libidinal, whereas collective actions are directed at meeting social
collective needs. According to Lucien, word view is not an immediate empirical
fact, but a conceptual working hypothesis indispensable to an understanding of
the way in which individuals actually express their ideas.31 We accept the
existence of a reality which goes beyond them as individuals, and find its
expression in their work. In studying a work we should not limit ourselves to
what can be explained by presupposing the existence of such and such vision. We
Wilfred L. Guerin et. all., A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. (Singapore:
Harper & Row, 1979), p. 282.
Faruk. Metode Penelitian Sastra: Sebuah Penjelajahan Awal. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,
2014), p. 160.
Ibid., p.161.
Lucian Goldman. “The Hidden God”. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977). p 15.

must also ask what social and individual reasons are to explain why have should
this vision been expressed in this particular way at this particular time.
Great writers are special individuals who are able to break through the
boundaries of these various social groupings and enter into the awareness of their
own social class. World view is ideological scheme which decide the structure of
imaginary world buildings.
C. The Biography of Joanne Kate Rowling
The writer has tried to find the book or the article talk about JK Rowling
biography, but it‘s very hard to find, therefore the biography of JK Rowling was
taken from an interviews on 2 YouTube Channels. First from YouTube Channel
named szarka86, it was originally on iTV, it was noveled by James Runcie. This
documentary was screened in the United Kingdom on Sunday 30 December 2007,
on channel ITV and on seven networks in Australia on 13 July, 2008. It was also
aired on the ABC Television Network in America on Thursday, 16 July 2009.
Second from YouTube Channel named Calming Draft published on 3 October

Joanne Kate Rowling or JK Rowling was born in the village in the west of
England. Her father Peter was a factory manager, her mother Ann is a lab
technician. In early age JK Rowling had been liked writing.

Duration: 01: 43

―I read this a book about a rabbit called rabbit and his adventures an I
illustrated it myself and showed it to my mother who as mothers do with
rhapsodize and said how wonderful it was and what‘s interesting to me is I
was six years old and I thought well are we going to get it published I
knew exactly what I wanted to do‖.32

When Jo was 9 years old, the family moved to a village outside Chepstow
on the edge of the forest of dean. Jo and her sister Di earned extra pocket money
as part-time cleaners of St. Luke‘s church.

Duration 05: 49

―I cannot overstate how cold it got in this church in winter when we were
cleaning it. It was freezing‖33. Jo was the only member of the family to attend
church services regularly and was baptized here at the age of 11.

YouTube. (2007, October 03). J.K. Rowling Life Interview [Video File]. Retrieved from
YouTube. (2011, July 17). J.K Rowling- A Year In The Life [Video File]. Retrieved from

Duration 06: 09

―James Ronsie : ―Do you believe in god?

J.K Rowling : ―Yes, I do struggle with it I could not pretend that
I‘m not doubt-ridden about a lot of things and that
would be one of them. But I would say yes‖
James Ronsie : ―Do you think there‘s a life beyond this of some kind?

J.K Rowling : ―Yes I think I do‖34

Jo‘s religious belief and her thoughts about love, death and the afterlife
were severely tested when her mother was diagnosed with multiple scleriosis in
1980. One of the reasons Harry Potter is so full of idealized father figures Hagrid,
Dumbledore, and Sirius Black is that Jo‘s relationship with her own father was far
from ideal.

Duration 08: 36
―I was very frightened of my father for a very long time‖. 35 In 1990, she had been
visiting a boyfriend in Manchester England and was travelling back to London on
a train.

YouTube. (2011, July 17). J.K Rowling- A Year In The Life [Video File]. Retrieved from
YouTube. (2011, July 17). J.K Rowling- A Year In The Life [Video File]. Retrieved from

Duration 02: 11

―I was on a train from Manchester to London and it came just came… Nothing
had ever come so with such a I had this I thought god I‘d love to write that and
when I got off the train I went straight home and I started writing‖.36

Unfortunately her mother was ill for 10 years and died six months after JK
Rowling began writing the Potter story in 1990. After the death of her mother, JK
Rowling decide to move to Portugal to teach English as a Foreign language, she
married Jorge Arantes, a Television journalist, together they had a daughter
Jessica but the marriage failed after two years .

Duration 12: 10

―I‘d had a short and really quite catastrophic marriage and I‘m left with this baby
and I‘ve got to get this baby back to Britain and I‘ve got to rebuild us a life‖.37

YouTube. (2007, October 03). J.K. Rowling Life Interview [Video File]. Retrieved from
YouTube. (2011, July 17). J.K Rowling- A Year In The Life [Video File]. Retrieved from

She wrote about Harry at NFL cafe with baby Jessica napping by her side,
she lived in a small upstairs apartment. After 9 years as a single mom by 2001 she
had a new man in her life her husband Neil Murray.

Duration 06: 39

―I was sometimes lonely I hadn‘t met anyone I wanted to be with long-term so I

just thought this is my life I‘m not meant to have that and then caused the moment
I‘d accepted that I met Neil‖.38 Neil Murroy is a doctor, the couple has a son and
daughter together, David and Mackenzie.

In November 2006, JK Rowling was working on the final chapters of

Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows in a hotel room in Edinburgh, and in January
the 11th, 2007 was the end of 17 years of writing, at 10:43 on Friday the 12th of
January, 2007 the manuscript is taken to Jo‘s editor, on April the 23rd, Stephen
Fry records the audio book, three weeks before the launch of the final book, Jo
attends the novel premier of Harry Potter and the Order of the pheonix the fifth
book in the series. In factory Suffolk the book is being printed.

So far Harry Potter series has sold 350 million copies in 65 different
languages. The conclusion to the series is about to become the fastest-selling
book in history. On july the 20th, 2007 at the Natural History Museum in London,

YouTube. (2007, October 03). J.K. Rowling Life Interview [Video File]. Retrieved from

the book is embargoed until one second past midnight, at that point JK Rowling
will open Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and begin to read. In London,
from 20 past midnight until 7 in the morning J.K. Rowling signed 1700 copies of
her book, in the first 24 hours, 2,65 million books are bought in the United
Kingdom and 8.3 million books are sold in the United States. Now she is devoting
her time to her family and her favorite causes such as helping single mothers and
finding a cure for multiple sclerosis the disease that took he mother‘s life.

D. Review of Related Research

In this thesis, there are some researchers that have been found by the
writer who have discussed about this object or this method. First, the student from
English Language and Letters Department Faculty of Humanities, named Firda
Amalia (10320100) which the title is Archetypal Hero As Reflected In Harry
Potter‟s Character In J.K Rowling‟s Harry Potter Heptalogy.39 This thesis
discussed about Archetypal hero reflected in Harry Potter‘s character, the purpose
is to demonstrate a pattern of hero archetypes in the story of Harry Potter. The
writer of this thesis used qualitative method and archetypes theory by Carl Gustav
Jung. This thesis argues that Harry Potter is a hero with archetypes, and the result
is she has found an archetype of hero in Harry Potter from his situations life
Second, the student from English Literature Department Faculty of Letters
and Cultural Science, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, named Saryoto
(09150070) which the title Islamic Values In Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows Novel: A Semiotic Analysis.40 This thesis discussed about Islamic Value
aims to reveal the values in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows novel through

Firda Amalia. “Archetypal Hero As Reflected In Harry Potter‟s Character In J.K Rowlong‟s
Harry Potter Heptalogy”. English Language and Letters Department Faculty of Humanities Maulana
Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang, 2014.
Saryoto. Islamic Values In harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Novel: A Semiotic
Analysis”. English Literature Department Faculty of Letters and Cultural Sciences State Islamic
University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2013.

the Islamic perspective, by ignoring the religious background of the author, the
values that found in the novel are interconnected to several issues of muslim in
Indonesia as one of the countries which translated the novel. This research applies
the semiotic theory by adopting ‗Peirce an sign‘ which consist of three parts:
represent amen, object, and interpetant. The Islamic approach in this research
applies Arifi‘s view about dimension of Islamic values, moreover the method of
this research is qualitative-descriptive. The result of this research are several
Islamic values which are (1) the dimension which contains the values in gaining
life prosperity in the world which consist of room of requirement, blood
classification, coming of age, and the life and lies of Albus Dumblodore; (2) the
dimension which contains the values to motivate human in gaining happiness in
the hereafter which consists of The Deathly Hallows, The Horcruxes, and Harry‘s
protection; and (3) the dimension which contains the value to compile both the
world life and hereafter importance which contains of dementors and voldemort‘s
fear of Death.
Third the student from English Letter Department Letter and Humanities
Faculty State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi named Fitria Heni
Resti which the tittle “The Symmbol of Death As Seen In J.K Rowling‟s Novel
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows”.41 This thesis discussed about death
symbol which contained in the seventh series of Harry Potter. This research uses
Objective theory from Abraham and Hermenuitic recoeur and archetypal as the
approach. The result of this research is there are three meaningful symbols in the
novel, those are vertical line as the symbol of elder wand, cyrcle as the symbol of
the resurrection stone and triangle as the symbol of invisibility cloak.
Additionally there are some differences between those researches with
mine. In the first research we have different problem, method, and the theory.

Fitria Heni Resti . “The Symmbol of Death As Seen In J.K Rowling‟s Novel Harry Potter
and The Deathly Hallows”. English Letter Department Letter and Humanities Faculty State Islamic
University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2012.

Firda Amalia uses qualitative method and archetypes theory by Carl Gustav Jung,
but the object of the research is same which is Harry Potter novel. Second
research we have different problem, Saryoto researches about Islamic Value and
use semiotic theory but we have same object research. Third, we have different
problem, theory and the approach, Fitria researches about symbol and use
objective theory and archetypal approach, but again we have same object of
research which is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.


A. Design of Research
Research design can be considered as the structure of research, it is the
glue that holds all of the elements in a research project together, in short it is a
plan of the proposed research work. According to Jahoda, Deutch and Cook, a
research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
In writing this research, the writer uses Dialectic Qualitative method. The
design is qualitative and the method is dialectic. According to Meoleong, Denzin,
and Lincoln “Pendekatan kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang menggunanakan
latar ilamiah, dengan maksud menafsirkan fenomena yang terjadi dan dilakukan
dengan jalan melibatkan berbagai metode yang ada”43 it means qualitative
research is research that intends to understand the phenomenon of social dialectics
experienced by the community by means of descriptions in the form of words and
language in a particular context by utilizing various methods. “Dalam sosiologi
dan psikologi sastra sumber data dari penelitian kualitatif dapat berupa
masyarakat sebab masyarakatlah yang emnghasilkan karya sastra tersebut”.44
So, this design is very suitable for researching literary works such as novels and
In this research also writer uses dialectical method. Etymologically,
dialectical comes from Latin “Dialectica” which means the way to discuss.
Historically dialectical method has been existing in Plato era, but it is being
introduced formally by Hegel. According to Hausser in Nyoman Kutha Ratna‘s
Claire Selltiz,.dkk. Research Method in Social Sciences. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1962), p.70.
Lexy Meoleong. Metode Peneitian Kualitatif. (Bandung: Rosda Karya, 2007), p.5.
Nyoman Kutha Ratna. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. op.cit., p.47.

book “Dalam dialektika unsur yang satu tidak harus lebur kedalam unsur yang
lain, individualitas justru dipertahankan disamping interpendensinya”45
Dialectical method has been used by Goldman in structural genetic. ―Dalam
kerangka teori strukturalisme-genetik metode dialektika bekerja dengan cara
pemahaman bolak-balik antara struktur social dengan teks sastra yang diteliti‖46 it
means, the working system of the dialectic method is an alternating system, where
literary works are associated with social structures that existed at the time of the
creation of the literary work.
This dialectic method is almost the same as the positivistic method, but
the dialectic method focuses more on the problem of coherence, the coherence
here is a coherent relationship between literary works, writers, and social structure
at the time of the making of the literary work. According to Goldman, the two
methods consider the actual text to be both the starting-point and the conclusion
of their researchers, but whereas one method offers the opportunity of
understanding the more or less coherent meaning of these texts, the other does
In an effort to provide a determination of the social factors that are related
and become the cause of the birth of literary works, genetic structuralism shows
some changes in terms of the concept of social groups during the making of the
work. For instance, ―Novel Siti Nurbaya mempunyai struktur yang merupakan
aktualisasi dari sistem semiotic masyarakat adat pengarangnya, dan struktur
kategoris kelompok social tertentu yang menjadi subjek kolektif penciptanya‖.48
As a coherent structure, literary work is a unit buil from smaller parts, therefore it
becomes important to understand the whole part of the literary work. Applying
the dialectical method, certainly it would not be possible to apply the Dialectic
method directly.
Ibid., p.52
Faruk. Hilangnya Pesona Dunia. (Yogyakarta: Yayasan Untuk Indoesia, 1999), p. 14.
Lucian Goldman. “The Hidden God”. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977). p.8
Faruk, op.cit. p. 14

B. Sources of Data
In this research the writer takes the data from novel Harry Potter and
Deathly Hallows By Joanne Kate Rowling. This novel was released on 7th July
2007, in the United Kingdom by Bloomsbury Publishing, in The Unites States by
Scholastic, and in Canada by Raincoast Books. It has 607 pages (Original UK
Edition), and the ISBN is 0-545-01022-5
The writer also uses other resources data indirectly but closely related to
the discussion of the thesis, the data which also support this research is taken
internet and cyber data, books, dictionaries, new papers, and the other source that
have correlation with the research.
C. Technique of Data Collection
Technique of data collection is an important step in a research. Data
collecting technique is a technique to get and collect the data.49 There are many
ways to collect the data, like Chaterine Marshall and Gretchen B Rossman stated
that: ―The fundamental methods relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering
information are, participation in the setting, direct observation, in-depth
interviewing, document review.‖50 In this research the writer will use
documentation technique to collect the data.“Dokumentasi merupakan catatan
peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. dokumentasi bisa bebentuk tulisan, gambar, atau
karya-karya monumental dari seseorang. Dokumentasi yang berbentuk karya
seni, berupa karya misalnya gambar, patung, novel dan lain-lainnya.”51 It means
that, documentation refer to how to record the events in form of document, a note
or file that saved. Its about events or something that has occured in the past. There
some forms of them as kinds of documentation are picture and literary work by

Sudaryanto. Metode Linguistik: Bagian Pertama Ke Arah Memahami Metode Linguistik.
(Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada Press, 1986), p. 33.
Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. qualitative data analysis, (Newbury Park CA: Sage,
1984), p.309.
Siswantoro. Metode Penelitian Sastra, Analisis Struktur Puisi. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Pelajar, 2010), p.56.

someone. Document in the form of artwork such as images, sculptures novels and
In collecting the data the writer use some steps. According to Siswantoro
there are 3 steps in collecting the data which are “menyiapan lembaran
pengumpulan data, menyeleksi data, dan memberi deskripsi”
1. Preparing data collection sheets, after mastering the theory or concept of
literary work the next thing to do is prepare a book or sheet and do not forget
that each sheet is labeled whit category.
2. Selecting data, after that we select the data that has been obtained may also be
reduced or added it. In this research the writer will begin to collecting the data
by analyzing the structure of the novel Harry Potter and the deathly hallows,
JK Rowling's social class world view, and the social system that existed
around the time of the creation of the Harry Potter Novel and the deathly
3. Giving a description, the researcher then gives a description or information
about the data. A description is given in order to sharpen the accuracy of the
data. 52
D. Technique of Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative
research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the
problem. In analysis data, the writer uses dialectic method. Actually Dialectic
coverage is still very broad therefore to begin with, the first thing the writer does
is to establish a worldview, then successively analyze the text, and linking it to
concrete social structures of society.
The writer begins by examining the relationships between the characters
in this novel using heuristic readings. The use of heuristic reading is to understand
certain spaces and times, certain social, political and cultural systems that exist in

Ibid,. p.74.

novel, which form can be in the form of description, behavior, and thoughts of the
character. According to Riffaterre in Hilangnya Pesona Dunia, “Pembacaan
hereuristik metrupakan tahap pembacaan pertama yang harus dilewati dari
setiap pembaca puisi. Masukan bagi pembacaan tahap itu adalah kompetensi
linguistic pembaca yang meliputi asumsi bahwa bersifat referensial, harus
dihubungkan dengan hal-hal yang nyata”53
Furthermore, the authors use semiotic readings to analyze the text in this
novel more deeply. Semiotic readings are also used to analyze the structure of this
novel, only in a deeper depth, because there must be in a literary work the
meaning of which means not only referentially but there are other meanings in it
that are connected with the conditions that exist in the literary work. Later this
semiotic reading aims to find out what structure is dominant in this novel.
According to Alex, semiotic can only know about culture and reality by
means of the sign, through the process of signification. It assumes that human
phenomena which cultural or sociological is as sign signification. Semiotic
become assign interpretation due tu its characteristic of method and role which
understanding the sign.54 The steps of data analysis is as follows:
1. The author will analyze the structure of the Harry Potter and the deathly
hallows novel by using heuristic and semiotic readings.
2. Then the analysis continues on the novel, where the elements of the novel's
theme are divided into 2 major parts which oppose each other. The estuary of
the opposition will be linked to a hypothesis about the world view that was
previously assumed.
3. Then the writer tries to find social, economic, and class ideology at a certain
time and determine what the characteristics of these social and ideological
phenomena are.

Ibid., p.44
Alex Sobur, Analisis Teks Media (Suatu Pengantaruntuk Analisis Wacana, Analisis
Semiotic Dan Analisis Framing), (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004), p. 96.

4. Next, the writer tries to see the world view of the class that was discovered
earlier as an expression of social and economic life at a certain time. If the
world view of the class assumed at the outset and the structure of the text is
appropriate, then it can be said that there is coherence between the structure of
the work of the literary work with the class world view expressed.


Based on the structure of theory this part divided into two first is finding and

A. Finding
The writer decides to discuss about one of the literary theories in a literary
work, Genetic Structuralism. This research focuses on the analysis of a literary
work by using the theory of genetic structuralism by Lucien Goldman, which is
the process of researching a work as a whole both from the literary work itself to
the author. In this research, the writer chose Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows as the object of study and of course the author of this novel also became
part of my research. In this research the writer has found that the world view that
represented in this novel is Atheism and the reason of the author of this novel
which is JK Rowling does not include divine elements is derived from the
religious life of European society, especially Britain at the time of writing of
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows novel, the majority of which have no
B. Analysis
Analysis of Genetic Structuralism focuses on the relationship between
literary works and worldviews interpreted by the author in his work
1. Based on Lucien Goldman's theory, finding a worldview in a literary work
requires several steps, in order to find the world view that pictured in this
novel the writer must describe the intrinsic element of the Harry Potter and
The Deathly Hollows novel, next the binary opposition of elements, and
categorization of character so that the writer can find the world view of this

2. Next to see the reason of the author include atheism in her literary work, the
writer also examines the religious life of the writer and the religious life of the
community where the author wrote this novel, so that the writer will get a
coherent reality between the literary work and the author like the principle of
Lucien Goldman's theory.
C. Atheism World View In Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Novel
1. The Structure of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Novel
The structure of the novel can be seen in its intrinsic elements.
Intrinsic elements according to Nurgiyantoro are elements that build literary
work itself.55 There are some points of intrinsic elements which are character,
characterization, setting, plot, theme, and point of view.
a. Character and Characterization
According to Gill, character is a person in a literary work, whereas
characterization is the way in which a character is created.56 Characters are
all the product of characterization. Besides that, characters can be
classified into minor character (antagonist) and major character
(protagonist): Antagonist character is related when the story has conflict
for the protagonist character to achieve the goals that protagonist character
is represented for the audience.57 The antagonist characters are usually
known as a bad character in the story. Protagonist is a good character who
usually solves the problem of a story and fights against the antagonist.
According to Pickering and Hoper, the protagonist is usually easy enough
to identify: he or she is the essential character without whom there would

Nurgiyantoro. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Pres, 2015).
Richard, Gill. Mastering English Literature Fourth edition. (London: Prentice, 2005), p.105
Robert, Diyanni. Fiction: an introduction. (Singapore. McGraw Hill Higher Education,
2000), p.56

be not in the first place.58 In the study the author only supports the main
characters who represent categories of characters according to the theory
of Lucien Goldman.
1) Harry James Potter (Protagonist): He is the main character of this
novel. He is the son of James Potter and Lily Potter. In this novel
Harry Potter is 16 years old in part 1 and 17 years in part 2, he is a
kind-hearted teenager, also brave and unyielding. This is evidenced in
the narrative below.
―There will be seven Harry Potters moving through the skies
tonight, each of them with a companion, each pair heading for
a different safe house.‖ From inside his cloak Moody now
withdrew a flask of what looked like mud. There was no need
for him to say another word; Harry understood the rest of the
plan immediately. ―No!‖ he said loudly, his voice ringing
through the kitchen. ―No way!‖ ―I told them you‘d take it like
this,‖ said Hermione with a hint of complacency. ―If you think
I‘m going to let six people risk their lives!‖59

Based on the Narrative above, it can be concluded that Harry

does not agree with the plan because it will risk his friend‘s life. Harry
is also a friend of Ron and Harmione and later the father of Albus
Severus Potter and the husband of Ginny's younger sister of Ron.

2) Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle (Antagonist): Voldemort was once a

student at Hogwarts, he was a genius student but because of his genius
he became thirsty for power and ended up being the most evil and

Famela. An Analysis of the Main Character on the Movie Amazing Grace by Michael
Apted. English Letters Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities State Islamic University Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011
Joanne Kate Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (USA: Scholastic, 2007), p.

feared witch in this Harry Potter novel. In this novel voldemort has no
blood relationship with anyone, his goal is only to kill Harry Potter
with his own hands. In this novel there are several chapter that prove
the severity of Voldemort, one of them is in narrative below.
―Avada Kedavra.‖ The flash of green light illuminated every
corner of the room. Charity fell, with a resounding crash, onto
the table below, which trembled and creaked. Several of the
Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his
onto the floor. ―Dinner, Nagini,‖ said Voldemort softly, and
the great snake swayed and slithered from his shoulders onto
the polished wood.‖60

Based on the narrative above it can be seen that Voldemort killed one
of the Hogwarts masters, Charity, using the Avada Kedavra spell and
give the dead body to Nagini for its dinner.

3) Cissy Malfoy (Antagonist): She is the mother of Draco and the wife of
Lucius. She is a compassionate mother but she also has an evil
character this seen is in the narrative bellows where she took Harry,
Ron, and Harmionie to his son Draco.
―Bring them in,‖ she said. Harry and the others were shoved
and kicked up broad stone steps into a hallway lined with
portraits. ―Follow me,‖ said Narcissa, leading the way across
the hall. ―My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays. If
that is Harry Potter, he will know.‖61
The following narrative explains the character of Cissy Malfoy who
hated Harry and his friend and she means to give them to the dark

Ibid, p. 12
Ibid, p. 457

4) Severus Snape (Protagonist): He was a teacher at Hogwarts, Snape
took an important role in Harry Potter's journey, he is a good person
and cares a lot about Harry Potter despite sacrificing many things.
Snape used to love Harry Potter's mother very much, but fate said that
they were not married, but until the end of his life he still kept the last
legacy of Harry's mother, which is Harry himself as seen in the
narrative bellow he gives his tears to Harry so that Harry knows all the
truths he has hidden.
‖A terrible rasping, gurgling noise issued from Snape‘s throat.
―Take . . . it. . . . Take . . . it. . . .‖ Something more than blood
was leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it
gushed from his mouth and his ears and his eyes, and Harry
knew what it was, but did not know what to do‖62
b. Theme
Theme in literature is an important subject experience of our
public and private life such as love, death, marriage, hope, despair, and so
on. In other word, theme is the general idea insight the story. Theme is
also the message which the author wants to communicate by making a
story and telling the story. The theme of this novel is the difficulty of
loving the dead, the importance of second chances, and keeping faith with
the dead.
1) The difficulty of loving the death.
Harry spends the entire novel struggling to complete a quest that
his friend and mentor, Dumbledore, charged him with before he died.
Harry consistently does his best to do what Dumbledore has asked of him,
but the hardest thing about the quest is not its danger or mystery. Instead,
it‘s the doubts Harry feels about whether Dumbledore really loved him.

Ibid, p. 657

When Harry learns that Dumbledore had a mother and sister buried in the
same place as Harry‘s parents, Harry wonders why Dumbledore didn‘t tell
him. When he can‘t figure out what to do next, he wonders why
Dumbledore didn‘t give him the information he needs to complete the
quest. Faced with the constant presence of Rita Skeeter‘s malicious
biography, he even starts to wonder whether Dumbledore was worthy of
his love and respect at all. The struggle to keep faith with Dumbledore is
every bit as important to the novel as the struggle to find and destroy the
remaining Horcruxes.
Harry‘s story demonstrates that the reason it‘s so difficult to love
the dead is that it‘s hard to believe that they love you. They can no longer
explain their actions or profess their love, and it‘s easy to believe that they
are simply gone, past caring about or loving anyone. This perception
overpowers Harry on his visit to his parents‘ graves. He is drawn to
Godric‘s Hollow because he longs to find some connection both to his
parents and to Dumbledore, but all the trip brings him to the sense that
they are gone and cannot hear him or answer back, ever. Yet the novel‘s
message regarding dead friends is extremely optimistic. The epigraph
from William Penn declares that friends cannot be separated by death,
though it takes Harry the entire novel to find the truth of this.
2) The Importance of Second Changes
When people mention this about Dumbledore, they usually mean
to imply that he is somehow gullible or imprudent. Harry and Ron refuse
to believe that Snape might once have been a Death Eater but has since
reformed so Dumbledore‘s belief in second chances is simply the
explanation for how Dumbledore must have been fooled.
In this novel, the writer sees in a number of cases how wise
Dumbledore really was. Most dramatically, the writer sees how Snape
turned his entire life around after he placed Lily Potter in danger,

becoming Voldemort‘s most trusted servant so that he could spy on him
and protect Harry. Snape‘s efforts proved indispensable to Harry and
Dumbledore time and time again. Dumbledore remarks casually that ―we
sort too soon,‖ meaning that Snape might have been erroneously sorted
into Slytherin house as a young man, and implying that his bravery might
make him better suited to Gryffindor—if only the Sorting Hat could have
taken into account how much Snape changed for the better.
The writer also sees the reason why Dumbledore learns to give
second chances, when the writer learns of his true early history. Faced
with a sister irreparably damaged in an attack by Muggle boys, and with a
father imprisoned for life for attacking those boys, Dumbledore briefly
dreams of a world in which wizards rule Muggles for their own good. He
quickly repents and spends a lifetime trying to repair his mistake, but he
also retains a tolerance for others‘ mistakes and a perception that love is a
powerful motivator, capable of redeeming a person‘s worst misdeeds.
Finally, the writer sees that Dumbledore is wise enough to see the
flaws in Ron‘s character and foresee the mistake Ron will make, giving up
on Harry when things get too tough and there‘s no one to lead Ron or
provide for him. So Dumbledore arranges for Ron‘s second chance ahead
of time, bequeathing him the Deluminator that will lead Ron back to
Harry and Hermione when he‘s ready to rise to the occasion.
3) Keeping Faith With The Death
The only person capable of planning and orchestrating
Voldemort‘s downfall is Dumbledore, because no one but he has the
wisdom or knowledge to piece together what Voldemort has done and
figure out how to undo it. And yet Dumbledore knows that this difficult
work will only be completed after his death. Not only Harry, Ron, and
Hermione, but also Snape, Lupin, Moody, and all the members of the
Order of the Phoenix have to keep doing their part after Dumbledore‘s

death, carrying out his vision. As we have seen, believing in
Dumbledore‘s quest after he is dead is not easy for Harry, nor is it for any
of the others.
But Dumbledore is not the only dead character who needs the
loyalty and love of the living. Snape is a loyal follower of Dumbledore,
but his loyalty and bravery are really a manifestation of his need to stay
loyal to Lily Potter, keeping faith with the woman he loved after her
death. Dobby the house-elf gets himself killed saving Harry and his
friends from Malfoy, and the process of burying Dobby helps put Harry
into a better frame of mind about his mission. There is no mystery about
Dobby or his death: Bellatrix kills Dobby for helping Harry, and Dobby
dies in Harry‘s arms, and all Harry can do is honor the house-elf‘s
memory and try not to let that memory down. This experience snaps Harry
out of his ambivalence toward Dumbledore, reminding him that he made a
promise to his dead friend that he needs to honor.
c. Plot
David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson in their book Novel Art:
An Introduction state that the term plot is used to describe everything
visibly and audibly present in the novel before us.63 The plot of this novel
is back and forth, where at the beginning of the novel the events that have
happened to Harry Potter 6 are played back, then enter the forward groove
where Harry and his friends are back on an adventure to look for
Horcruxes, then at the end of the novel the audience is brought back to the
plot where Severus first met with Lili until his plan with Albus.

David Bordwell and Thompson Kristin. Novel Art: An Introduction. (New York: University
of Wisconsin, 2008), p. 2

d. Setting
The setting is both the time and geographic location within a
narrative, either non-fiction or fiction. Setting helps initiate the
main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been referred to as story
of world. Actually in this novel there are 22 settings, but the writer only
takes a few that describe the whole story that happened in this novel. In
the real world this novel takes most of the shooting locations in the
London area, but in the novel some places that represent the entire
storyline include: Ministry Office, The Forrest of Dean, Hogwarts,
Gringgots, and Forbidden Forest. The whole storyline in the seventh Harry
Potter novel occurred in the 20th century between 1997 and 1998 in
modern England.64
1) Ministry Office: Here Pius announced that he was the head of the
magic office at the time and here also Harry Potter and his friends get
the original Horcrux.
―The great Atrium seemed darker than Harry remembered it.
Previously a golden fountain had filled the center of the hall,
casting shimmering spots of light over the polished wooden
floor and walls. Now a gigantic statue of black stone
dominated the scene. It was rather frightening, this vast
sculpture of a witch and a wizard sitting on ornately carved
thrones, looking down at the Ministry workers toppling out of
fireplaces below them. Engraved in foot-high letters at the base
of the statue were the words magic is might.‖65

Wikipedia. ―Alur waktu dalam seri Harry Potter”. (2020, April 14).
Retrieved from (Accesed
2020, May 3)
Joanne Kate Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (USA: Scholastic, 2007), p.

Based on narrative above it can be seen Harry is in Ministry Office,
many things happened in the ministry's office, from the fall of the old
minister who was then replaced by Pius, one of Voldemort's followers,
to Harry and his friends' infiltration to take the original Horcrux in the
form of a slytherin pendant.
2) The forest of Dean: It was in this place that Harry and Ron managed to
destroy one of the Horcruxes they had obtained with the help of
Griffindor's sword as seen in the narrative bellow.
―Where are we?‖ he asked, peering around at a fresh mass of
trees as Hermione opened the beaded bag and began tugging
out tent poles. ―The Forest of Dean,‖ she said. ―I came
camping here once with my mum and dad.‖66
The following narrative explains about one of the places in this
novel, The Forrest of Dean, in this forest Harry also found deer-shaped
Patronus released by Snape. The Patronus itself is a protector made by
a magician from a very strong happy memohi who aims to protect
himself from evil creatures.
3) Hogwarts: Here is where the battle between Voldemort's army and the
Harry Potter team even their one-on-one duel also took place at
Hogwarts as seen in narrative bellow.
―Voldemort thought I‘d go to Ravenclaw Tower. here it was: a
solid fact, the place to start. Voldemort had stationed Alecto
Carrow in the Ravenclaw common room, and there could only
be one explanation: Voldemort feared that Harry already knew
his Horcrux was connected to that House.‖67
Hogwarts is the place that started everything since this story
was made Hogwarts is a symbol of the Harry Potter novels, Hogwarts

Ibid,.p. 364
Ibid,.p. 612

is also a place that connects Harry and Voldmeort because both are the
best students who have attended this magic school.
The following narrative explains about one of the places in this
novel, where another horcrux is hidden.

4) Gringotts (Bank): Here is a storage area for the treasures of the

magicians including Bellatrix, in this place was Harry Potter and his
friends managed to get a Horcrux in the form of a trophy as seen in
narrative bellow.
―They were deeper than Harry had ever penetrated within
Gringotts; they took a hairpin bend at speed and saw ahead of
them, with seconds to spare, a waterfall pounding over the
Based on the narrative above Harry and his friend tries to find
another horcruxe by entering gringgots.
5) Forbidden Forrest: In this forest Harry decides to meet Voldemort and
end his life. The atmosphere at that time of the night and very tense,
Hagrid is also seen being held in this place as seen in narrative below.
―Harry clutched the Cloak tightly around him in the darkness,
traveling deeper and deeper into the forest, with no idea where
exactl Voldemort was, but sure that he would find him.‖69
The following picture explains about one of the places in this
novel, the forbidden forrest which witnesses Harry's sacrifice.Some
shooting locations taken in several places in the UK are very
interesting because this is not directly related to the audience. Seen
that the target JK Rowling at that time were British people even
though later Harry Potter fans came from all over the world.

Ibid,.p. 534
Ibid,.p. 700

2. Binary Opposition Of The Novel Elements
After examining the structure of Harry Potter, the writer then looks for
any relations that oppose each other in this novel. As for several opposition
pairs in between are schools and offices, past and present, snakes and owls,
urban and wizarding worlds. Of all the opposing elements, it all boils down to
a good-based value as opposed to a general bad-based value.

No. Good Bad

1. Harry James Potter Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle
2. Harmione Jean Granger Bellatrix Lestrange
3. Rufus Scrimgeour Pius Thicknesse
4. Neville Longbottom Wormtail
5. Arthur Weasley Lucius Malfoy
6. Bill Weasley Antonin Dolohov
7. Luna Lovegood Thorfinn Rowle
8. Dobby Kreacher
9. George Weasley Corban Yaxley
10. Reamus Jhon Lupin Dolores Umbridge
12. Ronald Bilius Weasley Draco Malfoy
13. Molly Weasley Cissy Malfoy
14. Rubeus Hagrid Griphook
15. Ginevra Molly Weasly Scabior
15. Parkinson Flich
16. Hedwig Nagini
17. Hogwarts Magic Office
18. The Burrow Lucius Malfoy‘s house
19. London Godric Hollows
20. Shaftesbury Avenue Coffe Shop
21. The Forrest of Dean Forbidden Forrest
22. Station 9 ¾ Gringgots
23. King‘s cross Hogsmade

3. Categorization of Character
After seeing opposition in pairs who are in the novel, then the writer
divides his characters into 3 parts, namely the character who presents God, the
character who represents man, and the person who presents the world. Before

that the author will explain in advance what is god, man, and the world
according to Lucien Goldman's theory.
a. God
As we know God is always exist but never appears. God exist to
guarantee the existence of order and the etrnal truths, and to offer man a
world open to his ideas and accessible to his instruments. He is no longer
man‘s guardian and his guide no longer the person that he can turn to for
advice, he has become a general and universal rule which guarantees
man‘s right to free himself from any external authority, and to follow
where is strength and reason may guide him.70 According to Pascal‘s
arguments said god is eternally present but also eternally absent.
It is because the fundamental clarity of the tragic mind never
allows it to forget that in God, absence and presence are indissolubly
linked together. God‘s absence, and the paradoxical nature of the world,
exist only for mind which cannot accept this state of things, both beause of
the permanent demand for the unambiguous and the unequivocal, and
because of the constant awareness of being under the eye of God which
characterize it.71
The God referred to in the concept of Lucien Goldman is not a
substance in substance, but the figure who is an extension of God, in other
words this figure holds the values of God itself such as the value of
goodness, the value of helping and others, and this is often called the
Hidden God. In this novel God represents goodness, the characters found
in this novel that included in the group of gods, namely:
1) Harry James Potter: Harry is the main character in this novel, since
long ago he was known as someone who is kind-hearted and also

Lucien Goldman. The Hidden God A Study of Tragic Vision In The Pensees of pascal and
The Tragedies of Racine. (London: Rouledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1964). p. 38
Ibid,. p. 67

brave in this novel Harry really wants to save the wizarding world
from Voldemort's interference and even he is willing to sacrifice his
life so that Voldemort stops bothering his friends, as seen in the
narrative bellow, Harry said to the person who had died for him

―I didn‘t want you to die,‖ Harry said. These words came

without his volition. ―Any of you. I‘m sorry ‖72
Based on Narrative above explains the character from Harry
Potter which proves that he belongs to the category of God.Harry
Potter's decision not to stop looking for Hotcrux after Dumbledor's
death showed unyielding nature to defeat Voldemort despite facing
various obstacles even had time to make his friendship with Ron
tenuous. This shows the opposition between Good and Evil, Harry
continues to hold fast to the divine values to free the magical world
from Voldemort.

b. World
The world is at one and the same time both nothing and
everything. It is nothing because tragic man lives forever with God‘s eye
upon him, because he can demand and accept only completely clear,
absolute, and unequivocal values, because for him only miracles are real,
and because, measured by these standards, the world is essentially
confused, ambiguous and therefore non-existent.73 The world has become
dark and mysterious, the God no longer exist side by side with men in the
same cosmic totality, and are no longer subject to the same rule of fate or
the same demands of balance and moderation. It is an unbearable world

Joanne Kate Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (USA: Scholastic, 2007),
p. 700
Lucien Goldman. The Hidden God A Study of Tragic Vision In The Pensees of pascal and
The Tragedies of Racine. (London: Rouledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1964). p.48

where man is forced to live in error and illusion.74 So the purpose of the
world here is a graded world but in this study it is not purely a graded
world but a world that contradicts the divine values.
1) Voldemort/Tom Riddle: He is the most powerful antagonist character
in the novel, his desire only wants to kill Harry and master the magical
world, he has also killed many witches in this novel, even cruelly he
killed Miss Charity and then made her as dinner for Nagini as seen in
the narrative bellow.
―Dinner, Nagini,‖ said Voldemort softly, and the great snake
swayed and slithered from his shoulders onto the polished

Based on narrative above it describes the depiction of

Voldemort's character so that he belongs to the category of World. As
the previous explanation that the world represents a world that is
chaotic, full of criminal acts, injustice, and arbitrary. The figure who
represents the World is Voldemort. He is willing to do everything
possible to dominate the magical world, everyone must follow his will,
and he is also very greedy with strength, he sacrificed everything to
gain strength. This is very contrary to the God represented by Harry

c. Human/ Man
Man is inadequate and insufficient, he is at once and the same time
a king and a slave, a beast and an angel. The world is inadequate because
it is ambiguous and unsatisfying, and yet the same time it is the only realm

Ibid,. p.44
Joanne Kate Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (USA: Scholastic, 2007),
p. 12

where man can both try out his strange and yet never put it to use. 76 Tragic
man torn between ‗yes‘ or ‗no‘, man is neither ‗beast‘ and ‗angel‘, man is
absent and present in the world at one and the same time, exactly as god
simultaneously absent and present to man.77 This means humans have a
choice, because God and the world are present in it. In this research,
humans have a choice, follow God by returning to divine values, follow
the world by eliminating all divine values in themselves or choosing both.
Below are some of the figures included in the world category.
1) Severus Snape: Although his role in this novel looks like a bad person,
but in fact Severus is a good person and very influential in this novel,
since Harry was a child he always tried to protect Harry as seen in the
narrative where he was talking to Albus. Albus was shocked by what
Severus said after knowing that Albus had intended to protect Harry.
―I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal
danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily
Potter‘s son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him
like a pig for slaughter —‖ ―But this is touching, Severus,‖
said Dumbledore seriously. ―Have you grown to care for the
boy, after all?‖78

Based on narrative above it explains the conversation between

Albus and Severus about the truth about Harry and Voldemort. Like
the previous explanation, basically humans are assigned to choose.
Humans in this novel are faced with three choices, first follow God by
returning to godly values such as helping Harry Potter, and follow the
World by living as a follower of Voldemort. For Humans who choose
Lucien Goldman. The Hidden God A Study of Tragic Vision In The Pensees of pascal and
The Tragedies of Racine. (London: Rouledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1964). p. 56
Ibid,.p. 60
Joanne Kate Rowling. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (USA: Scholastic, 2007), p.

to follow God are represented by Severus Snape. From the beginning
in this novel Severus was a good person, but he had a joint plan with
Dumbledore to defeat Voldemort, but this plan required him to join
Voldemort, but at the end of his life he returned to God by telling all
the truths that he had hidden to Harry Potter.

2) Cissy Malfoy: Initially she catches Harry and his friends and takes him
into custody, but at the end of the novel she lied to Voldemort that
Harry was dead, as seen in narrative bellow.
‖Harry pictured Bellatrix withdrawing a helpful hand. ―The
boy . . . Is he dead?‖ ―You,‖ said Voldemort, and there was a
bang and a small shriek of pain. ―Examine him. Tell me
whether he is dead.‖ Harry did not know who had been sent to
verify. He could only lie there, with his heart thumping
traitorously, and wait to be examined, but at the same time
noting, small comfort though it was, that Voldemort was wary
of approaching him, that Voldemort suspected that all had not
gone to plan. . . . ―Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?‖
The whisper was barely audible; her lips were an inch from his
ear, her head bent so low that her long hair shielded his face
from the onlookers. ―Yes,‖ he breathed back. He felt the hand
on his chest contract; her nails pierced him. Then it was
withdrawn. She had sat up. ―He is dead!‖ Narcissa Malfoy
called to the watchers.‖79

The following character explains the character of Cissy Malfoy who is

included in the human category.

Ibid,.p. 726

Then the character that represents humans who chose God is Cissy
Malfoy, originally she was a follower of Voldemort, but in the scene
above she suddenly lied to Voldemort about Harry's death after knowing
that her son Draco Malfoy was still alive. This shows that Cissy wants
nothing more but the happiness of her family, even during the final battle
between Voldemort and Harry, Cissy and her family chose to avoid the
battle, it also shows that Cissy actually did not want what Voldemort
wanted, he chose to be free from world values by leaving the battlefield
with her family.

From the structure of the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows
novels, the binary opposition of the elements, and also the character
categorization, it can be seen that in this novel there are only elements of
good value and bad value in general, the writer cannot find any values
based on religion or divinity. The value of good and bad is clearly
illustrated both through the characters or places in this novel. As between
Harry Potter and Voldemort, Harry is a figure who has good values in
himself, he is in opposition to Voldemort who is filled with values of evil
or badness. All kinds of conditions or things that occur in this novel are
not based on religious values. This might have happened because when JK
Rowling the novelist of this novel wrote this novel in the United Kingdom
where the United Kingdom was a secular country. ―Di Eropa Barat,
Inggris dan Belanda berada di peringkat teratas, diikuti Jerman, Swiss,
Spanyol dan Austria‖80. The Secular State itself is a State that is neutral in
matters of religion, and does not support religious or non-religious people.
This is also in line with the life of JK Rowling, she grew up from a
Christian family, but at this time JK Rowling never mentioned what

Egidius Patnistik. (2015, April 21). Negara Mana Saja yang Paling Tidak Beragama di
d/2015/04/21/09503411/Negara .mana.saja.yang.paling.tidak.beragama.di.dunia.

religion she embraced with certainty but at the interview she said that she
believed in the existence of god and life after death.

D. The Reason of Atheism World View In Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallow
In Structuralism, Genetic theory not only examines literary works
themselves, but their authors also become sources of study. In this theory, it is
known as Human Fact. According Lucien Goldman in Faruk‘s book, he stated
“Sebagai fakta kemanusiaan karya sastra adalah struktur yang berarti.”81 It
means that the creation of literary works is always related to humans and the
world, just like the creation of bridges, houses and so on. Because of its nature,
literary works cannot be separated from the subject of its creator, but Lucien
Goldman believes that the subject of literary works is not individuals but groups.
Human fact can be devided into two. First is the individual fact such as the sexual
behavior of a person related to the social class. Second is the social fact that is
connected with history.82 This act may be in the form of certain social activities,
political activities, even cultural creations such as philosophy, art, music,
sculpture and literary arts.
The writer decides human fact is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows
novel by Joanne Kate Rowling. It focuses on the religious life of the British
people. Human fact consists of individual subjects and collective subjects. The
individual subject is the subject of individual facts, meanwhile the collective
subject is the subject of social fact.83 In this study, the authors believe that the
collective subject originates from the religious social life of the author of this
novel, JK Rowling. This shows that the writer as a collective subject wants to
describe what happened to the religious life of people in England during the
Faruk HT. Strukturalisme Genetik dan Epistimologi Sastra. (Yogyakarta: PD. Lukman,
1988), p. 34
Penti Yulianti. Author‟s View Toward Pakistan Society in Qaisra Shahraz‟s The Holy
Woman. ELLiC Vol. 2, 2018, p. 489

period of writing the Harry Potter novel and The Deathly Hollows. This is seen
indirectly in this novel, JK Rowling wrote this novel not only based on her
imagination, but indirectly influenced by social phenomena that occurred during
the vulnerable time of writing this novel. However, the relationship between
society and literary structure cannot be understood as a direct determinative
relationship but through what it calls the world view.
To prove this requires the existence of Homology or a clear and
understandable relationship between the structure of the collective subject and the
structure of works that express an integral and coherent world. 84 In the concept of
homology, what is meant by the similarity between literary works with social life
is not the similarity in content but in its structure. Homology is indirect but
through world view. Pandangan dunia inilah yang nantinya akan berhubungan
langsung dengan struktur masyarakat yang memilikinya.85 The world view is not
a direct empirical fact, but a conceptual hypothesis that is indispensable for
understanding the way individuals express their ideas. Worldview is not an
individual fact, because individual facts are only a part that forms the world view.
The world view is a coherence and integration between man and his world.86
Goldman also believes that analyzing world view coming from the outside of the
story can be experiences or the views of the author on society that happened at the
time and reflected in literary works.
In this research the collective subject of Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hollows novel brings the idea from religious trends as seen in world view, so
other people who don't live in the UK will find out how religious trends develop
when they are vulnerable when writing this novel in the UK. The collective
subject tries to combine all thought from individual or author into specific world
view. The author of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollow which is JK Rowling
Lucien Goldman. Method In The Sociology of Literature. (Oxford: Telos Press, 1981), p. 66
Faruk. Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra: Dari Strukturalisme Genetik sampai Post-Modernisme.
(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010). p. 65
Lucien Goldman, Op.Cit., p. 111

believed in a god, but she never revealed her religion and this has also been
proven in an interview. She may have combined ideas from aspiration, tradition,
religion, and feeling connected with other social group that is developed in
collective subject.
The writer concludes that the worldview reflected in this novel is Atheism.
Besides not discovering the divine elements in this novel, it can also be seen that
everything in this novel depends on magic without the intervention of God. Every
family in this novel does not give a single statement or statement indirectly about
religion. This is in line with the development of European society at the time of
writing this seventh Harry Potter novel.
Before Christianity began to enter Britain in the third and fourth centuries
AD, British society at that time had embraced paganism or the belief of the cytic
polytheism (a form of belief that acknowledged the existence of more than one
God or worshiped gods). Nevertheless the peak of the spread of Christianity in
Britain occurred in the seventh century. While the first Jewish community was
detected in England in 1070 and Islam was present in the 16th century, many of
them entered through the trade route. Hindu religion was first present in 1947
which was brought by immigrants from Asia. Many religions began to enter
Britain because the British government issued an immigration policy by opening
wide opportunities for foreign countries to study and become immigrants in the
United Kingdom.
The development of religion itself always changes every year, every layer
of society continues to be influenced by factors that affect their beliefs. Every
religious identity of a person is officially recorded by the government of the
United Kingdom through the national census agency of the United Kingdom,
these survey agencies include the Labor Force Survey, the British Social Attitudes
Survey, and the European Social Survey. One survey conducted in the United
Kingdom in 2002 by the European Social Survey showed that 50.54% of people
in the United Kingdom stated that they did not have a religion, and this had

increased in 2008, around 52.68% of people in the United Kingdom did not have
religion. When compared to the present time it would have been very different,
the number of people who believed in religion would have increased.
Then in this study the author will also discuss the development of religion
in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom during the writing of The Seventh
Harry Potter‘s novel. The condition of religious communities in the world always
develops each year, including in the European Continent. Factors of the
development come from various factors starting from the development of science,
social society, to economic factors also take part in the development of this
development. “Sesungguhnya, sejak akhir abad keenam belas, banyak orang di
Eropa merasa bahwa agama telah sedemikian didiskreditkan.”87 The purpose of
the word discredited here is, people in Europe feel that religion has been widely
vilified or has lost its authority. Many people feel paralyzed and pressured by
various religious interpretations offered. They feel that faith is more difficult to
achieve than ever before. “Oleh karena itu, menjadi signifikan bahwa pada masa
ini di dalam sejarah ketuhanan Barat, mulai ditemukan orang-orang ateis‖88 this
thought drives the forerunner to the formation of atheist groups in the European
region, based on their dissatisfaction in finding and understanding religion and
also faith.
According to Phil Zuckerman, a professor of sociology and secular studies
at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, and author of Living the Secular life,
he said there is absolutely more atheist around today than ever before, both in
sheer numbers and as a percentage of humanity.89 .According to a Gallup
International survey of more than 50.000 people in 57 countries, the number of
individuals claiming to be religious fell from 77% to 68% between 2005 and

Karen Armstrong. Sejarah Tuhan Kisah 4000 tahun Pencarian Tuhan Dalam Agama-
Agama Manusia. (Bandung: Mizan, 2018), p. 428.
Ibid., p. 429
Rachel Nuwer. (2014, December 21). Will religion ever disappear?. BBC Future. Retrieved

2011, while those who self-identified as atheist rose by 3% bringing the world‘s
estimat ed proportion of adamant non-believers to 13%.
Japan, the UK, Canada, South Korea, the Netherlands, the Czech
Republic, Estonia, Germany, France and Urugay (where the majority of citizens
have Eropean roots) are all places where religion was important just a century or
so ago, but that now report some of the lowest beliefs rates in the world. These
countries have strong educational and social security system, low inequality and
are all relatively wealthy. Not only in those countries, some countries that still has
strong religious such as Brazil, Jamaica and Ireland also seems to be appearing
the decline in belief, the only exception might be Iran, but that‘s tricky because
secular people might be hiding their beliefs. Similarly, many around the world
who explicitly say they do not believe in god still harbor superstitious tendencies,
like belief in ghost, astrology, karma, telepathy or reincarnation. Additionally,
non-believers often lean on what could be interpreted as religious proxies, sport
teams, yoga, professional institutions, mother nature and more to guide their
values in life. As statement to this, witchcraft is gaining popularity in the US, and
Paganism seems to be the fastest growing religion in the UK.90
Another research from Gallup International WI Network of Market
research also found that in west Europe, England and Netherland are in highest
position as A country that has no religion. This study was based on 63,898
interviews. “Di Eropa Barat, Inggris dan Belanda berada di peringkat teratas,
diikuti Jerman, Swiss, Spanyol, dan Austria. Di Perancis, sekitar setengah dari
populasinya tidak beragama atau ateis‖.91

Rachel Nuwer. (2014, December 21). Will religion ever disappear?. BBC Future. Retrieved
Egidius Patnistik. (2015, April 21). Negara Mana Saja Yang Paling Tidak Beragama di
a.Mana.Saja.yang Paling.Tidak.Beragama.di.Dunia.?page=all

Based on 2 questions made by the writer about the world view represented
by JK Rowling in the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows novels and also the
factors that caused the authors of the Harry Potter Novels and The Deathly
Hallows to not include religious elements in this novel are first the author of the
novel itself, JK Rowling, when she writing the Harry Potter and The Deathly
Hallows novels, was indirectly influenced by the social conditions of the people
in England when when the time of writing this novel, where most people at that
time did not believe in God plus with the personal condition of the author, she
never confirmed with certainty about her religion, but she did not deny the
existence of god so this world view has correlation with the uropean society but it
does not have correlation with the author because JK Rowling herself belives with
the existence of god, this result is in accordance with the theory of genetic
structuralism proposed by Lucien Goldman in which literary works must be
related to the author or the social conditions of her society.
Furthermore, the world view that the author found in this novel is
Atheism. After examining the structure, the opposition between characters, and
also the categories of characters, it is clear that this novel only contains elements
of evil and good in general that in conflict with each other. This is reinforced by
the character categorization between Voldemort and Harry Potter itself. Harry
Potter is included in the category of God because he represents the values of
goodness, and Voldemort who represents the values of evil. Besides that, from the
character of Voldemort, it can be seen that there is no intervention from God in
this novel, all based on strength. Even in one scene in the forest of Dean there is
the appearance of a Patronus sent by Severus Snape for Harry Potter. Patrounus
itself in this novel is considered as a protector from spells or acts of crime, and
only the upper wizard has a strong memory of happiness that can make this
protector, in other words the role of God is not needed as a protector in this novel.
While from the character of Harry Potter he has the values of goodness which he
got from his life journey from his relationship with friends and teachers and from

the fate he received there was absolutely no religious interference in terms of the
formation of characters from Harry Potter.


This chapter consists of conclusion, summary and suggestion. The writer

concluded based on the findings and analysis and gave some suggestion for the
reader. There are two parts of conclusion which are summary and concluding remark.

A. Conclusion
1. The writer found that the world view represented in this novel is Atheism, this
is evidenced by the opposition that exists in this novel based only on the
values of crime and goodness in general by the characters or settings in this
novel. In other words, this novel contains a strong secular value because this
novel was also made in the United Kingdom where the United Kingdom is a
secular country. “Di Eropa Barat, Inggris dan Belanda berada di peringkat
teratas, diikuti Jerman, Swiss, Spanyol, dan Austria. Di Perancis, sekitar
setengah dari populasinya tidak beragama atau ateis‖.92
2. In this study the researchers found a factor that made the authors of the Harry
Potter novels exclude religious elements in her work. When writing this work
JK Rowling was influenced by the religious life of the British people at the
time of Harry Potter writing which most of the population did not believe in
the existence God. “Di Eropa Barat, Inggris dan Belanda berada di peringkat
teratas, diikuti Jerman, Swiss, Spanyol, dan Austria. Di Perancis, sekitar
setengah dari populasinya tidak beragama atau ateis‖.93

Egidius Patnistik. (2015, April 21). Negara Mana Saja Yang Paling Tidak Beragama di
a.Mana.Saja.yang Paling.Tidak.Beragama.di.Dunia.?page=all
Egidius Patnistik. (2015, April 21). Negara Mana Saja Yang Paling Tidak Beragama di
a.Mana.Saja.yang Paling.Tidak.Beragama.di.Dunia.?page=all

From the summary the writer conclude that this novel has a coherent
meaning with the social structure of British society when it was vulnerable when
writing this novel from Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows. The novel also
has a homologous structure with a world view expressed by its author, J.K
Rowling, seen from the elements of the opposition that there are elements of the
value of good and evil in general, there is also a character categorization which in
this novel each character categorization is represented by the main characters in
this novel where God's category symbolizes goodness, the world symbolizes evil,
and humans can choose between the character of God or the world. Then the
worldview represented in this novel is that the Atheist is in line with the religious
life of the European community at the time of writing the novel of this novel. So,
it can be said that this work is a great work and expresses the atheist world view
in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.

B. Suggestion
From this paper, the writer suggest who wants to analyze a novel or novel
using genetic structuralism theory needed to know the historical background
related to the novel, the author background, when and where the author creates it.
There are several benefits of researching literary works by using this theory
because we not only take the message from it but also can understand the
historical background of the novel and the relation between them.
The writer hopes this research can be a useful material for the next
generation who also want to study literary works using the genetic structural
method by Lucien Goldman, so as to enrich knowledge about literature. the writer
also hopes that in the future there will be more and more students will be
interested in studying the theory of Genetic Structuralism because in fact
literature is very broad there are many things that can be studied from a literary
work. Furthermore, the writer hopes that this research can become a useful
collection later for the faculty of Adab and Humanities, especially for English
literature majors. The last the writer suggest for the next researcher, in conducting
a research it takes hard work and perseverance in carrying it out, and not
forgetting the role of god in it.


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Quotation Page

―There will be seven Harry Potters moving through the skies Page 48
tonight, each of them with a companion, each pair heading for a
different safe house.‖ From inside his cloak Moody now
withdrew a flask of what looked like mud. There was no need for
him to say another word; Harry understood the rest of the plan
immediately. ―No!‖ he said loudly, his voice ringing through the
kitchen. ―No way!‖ ―I told them you‘d take it like this,‖ said
Hermione with a hint of complacency. ―If you think I‘m going to
let six people risk their lives!‖

―Avada Kedavra.‖ The flash of green light illuminated every Page 12

corner of the room. Charity fell, with a resounding crash, onto the
table below, which trembled and creaked. Several of the Death
Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the
floor. ―Dinner, Nagini,‖ said Voldemort softly, and the great
snake swayed and slithered from his shoulders onto the polished

―Bring them in,‖ she said. Harry and the others were shoved and Page 457
kicked up broad stone steps into a hallway lined with portraits.
―Follow me,‖ said Narcissa, leading the way across the hall. ―My
son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays. If that is Harry Potter,
he will know.‖

‖A terrible rasping, gurgling noise issued from Snape‘s throat. Page 657
―Take . . . it. . . . Take . . . it. . . .‖ Something more than blood was
leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it gushed
from his mouth and his ears and his eyes, and Harry knew what it
was, but did not know what to do‖

―The great Atrium seemed darker than Harry remembered it. Page 241
Previously a golden fountain had filled the center of the hall,
casting shimmering spots of light over the polished wooden floor
and walls. Now a gigantic statue of black stone dominated the
scene. It was rather frightening, this vast sculpture of a witch and
a wizard sitting on ornately carved thrones, looking down at the
Ministry workers toppling out of fireplaces below them. Engraved
in foot-high letters at the base of the statue were the words magic
is might.‖

―Where are we?‖ he asked, peering around at a fresh mass of trees Page 364
as Hermione opened the beaded bag and began tugging out tent
poles. ―The Forest of Dean,‖ she said. ―I came camping here once
with my mum and dad.‖

―Voldemort thought I‘d go to Ravenclaw Tower. here it was: a Page 612

solid fact, the place to start. Voldemort had stationed Alecto
Carrow in the Ravenclaw common room, and there could only be
one explanation: Voldemort feared that Harry already knew his
Horcrux was connected to that House.‖

―They were deeper than Harry had ever penetrated within Page 534
Gringotts; they took a hairpin bend at speed and saw ahead of
them, with seconds to spare, a waterfall pounding over the track.‖

―Harry clutched the Cloak tightly around him in the darkness, Page 700
traveling deeper and deeper into the forest, with no idea where
exactl Voldemort was, but sure that he would find him.‖

―I didn‘t want you to die,‖ Harry said. These words came without Page 700
his volition. ―Any of you. I‘m sorry‖

―Dinner, Nagini,‖ said Voldemort softly, and the great snake Page 12
swayed and slithered from his shoulders onto the polished wood
―I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal Page 687
danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily
Potter‘s son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him like
a pig for slaughter —‖ ―But this is touching, Severus,‖ said
Dumbledore seriously. ―Have you grown to care for the boy, after

‖Harry pictured Bellatrix withdrawing a helpful hand. ―The boy . Page 726
. . Is he dead?‖ ―You,‖ said Voldemort, and there was a bang and
a small shriek of pain. ―Examine him. Tell me whether he is
dead.‖ Harry did not know who had been sent to verify. He could
only lie there, with his heart thumping traitorously, and wait to be
examined, but at the same time noting, small comfort though it
was, that Voldemort was wary of approaching him, that
Voldemort suspected that all had not gone to plan. . . . ―Is Draco
alive? Is he in the castle?‖ The whisper was barely audible; her
lips were an inch from his ear, her head bent so low that her long
hair shielded his face from the onlookers. ―Yes,‖ he breathed
back. He felt the hand on his chest contract; her nails pierced him.
Then it was withdrawn. She had sat up. ―He is dead!‖ Narcissa
Malfoy called to the watchers.‖


Harry has finally come of age, and finally started on his final journey to defeat
Voldemort for good. The Durselys are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort‘s
Death Eaters will not torture them for information, and Harry sets off with Ron and
Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemort‘s Horcruxes.
Only once those have been destroyed, Harry knows, can Voldemort truly be killed.

It‘s not easy. Harry is plagued with rumors of Dumbledore‘s past, and begins
to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past
than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming
their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and
lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes
argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an epic fight and Ron leaves to go
back home

Harry and Hermione are devastated that he‘d abandoned them. They finally
decide to revisit Godric‘s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they‘re almost
caught by Voldemort. Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them.
They‘ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when
Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.

Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry‘s
life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor‘s
sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio
of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects
will be a master of death, and to Harry, it‘s his one chance to beat Voldemort and live
to tell the tale.

As his adventures and the danger he‘s in increases, Harry begins to truly
understand what Dumbledore intended him to do. He realizes, almost at the last
minute, that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order for Voldemort to truly be
vanquished. Filled with love for his friends, he willingly gives his life so that they
may live.
His last act of heroism, however, saves his life. He meets Dumbledore again
in death, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He is given a choice to stay
or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.It‘s all over between Harry and
Voldemort with just one spell.

Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is killed for
good. He now understands more than he ever has about love, and life, and sacrifice,
and in spite of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the
second chance he‘s been given at life, and love.94

Wiki Summaries. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. 14 February 2016. was accesed on 21 May


 Nama : Fauziah Syahraani

 Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Guntung, 4 Februari 1999
 Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
 Status Perkawinan : Belum Menikah
 Agama : Islam
 Kesehatan : Sangat Baik
 Alamat : Jl. Raden Wijaya, Lrg. Bina Karya, RT
26, Kota Jambi, Jambi Selatan, Jambi
 Pos-el :
 Nama Ayah : Drs. Abdul Kadir
 Nama Ibu : Salma


Formal :
 2005-2006 : SD N12 Desa Pemusiran, Kec. Nipah Panjang 2, Kab.
Tanjab TIM
 2006-2010 : SD N10 Kec. Nipah Panjang 2, Kab. Tanjab TIM
 2010-2013 : MTsN Kuala Tungkal 1 Nipah Panjang
 2013-2016 : SMA N3 Tanjab TIM
 2016-2020 : S1 Sastra Inggris UIN STS Jambi
 2017-Sekarang :Sekretaris di Yayasan Sosial Pendidikan BARA API
(Bersama Rangkul Anak Bermimpi)
 2017 : Jambi Debating Society (JDS)
 2016 : LDK Al-Uswah UIN STS Jambi
 2020- Sekarang : RED (Relawan Edukasi Daring) Covid 19

Demikian daftar riwayat hidup ini saya buat dengan sebenar nya, saya ucapkan
terima kasih.

Hormat Saya

Fauziah Syahraani
Nim: AI. 160781

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