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Focus Area „Musculoskeletal System“

population, through an aging

Some facts1:
demographic, will result in 6 million
• Joint disorders are responsible for hip fractures by 2050.
over half of all chronic illnesses in
• A Swedish analysis of medical care
the over-65 population age group.
costs has shown that disorders of the
• Osteoarthritis is the fourth most musculoskeletal system result in over
frequent cause of health problems in 25% of the total health care
women and the eighth most frequent expenditures and represent the
cause in men. costliest category of medical care.
• 40% of all men over the age of 70 are • Each year, 23 – 34 million people are
afflicted by osteoarthritis of the knee. injured in traffic accidents. Injuries
• 80% of patients with osteoarthritis are predominantly to the musculo-
suffer from limited mobility and 25% skeletal system. Traffic accidents are
of these patients can no longer the most frequent cause of fatalities
perform the most important basic and hospital care for people under the
activities of daily life. age of 45.

• 50% of patients suffering from Musculoskeletal disorders are

rheumatic arthritis must quit their consequently the most frequent cause for
employment within 10 years of the long-lasting or chronic pain and,
disease onset. therefore, for restrictions on physical
performance. Musculoskeletal disorders
• Low back pain has reached epidemic affect hundreds of millions of people
proportions. Over 80% of the worldwide and a strong increase in this
population will experience back pain number can be expected in the next
at least once within their lifetime. decades due to the predicted growth of
• Back pain is the most common cause the elderly portion of our population. The
of occupational invalidity for men increasing problem of musculoskeletal
and the second most common cause health was the catalyst for the declaration
for women. of the decade 2000 – 2010 as the
“Decade of Bone and Joint”, an initiative
• The number of osteoporotic fractures
supported by the World Health
has doubled in the last decade. 50%
Organization (WHO) of the United
of women over the age of 65 are
Nations, the World Bank and the
affected by osteoporosis, with a
governments of many nations, including
consequently high risk of vertebral
Disorders of the musculoskeletal
• Signs of vertebral fractures are
system are accompanied by pain, often an
observed in 25% of all women over
inflammatory response, and can lead to
the age of 70. It is estimated that an
constraints on mobility, to longer-term
increase in the osteoporotic
disability and, in the extreme case, to an
Information from the “Bone and Joint increased morbidity. In the context of the
Decade 2000 – 2010”; Bone and Joint Decade, a focus has been
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

placed on the most common disorders account for approximately 40%

musculoskeletal diseases, i.e. joint of lost working years in the Swiss
disorders such as osteoarthritis, population and are responsible for an
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, low even greater portion of all invalidity
back pain and other spinal disorders. An claimsFehler! Textmarke nicht definiert..
emphasis has also been placed on Musculoskeletal diseases such as
improving the care of serious traumatic arthrosis, back pain, osteoporosis and
skeletal injuries and disabilities that arthritis belong to the most frequently
accompany traffic and sports accidents. diagnosed rheumatic diseases. These
In Switzerland, 12’000 people suffer a account already for 10% of the Swiss
whiplash injury each year, accounting for healthcare costs4. Furthermore,
disability payments from the Suva in 25% dysfunction of the musculoskeletal
of cases. Although over 80% of the system is the principal factor in 28% of
accident victims are mobile again within all Swiss disability pension cases. As the
days, return-to-work statistics are frequency of these disorders increases
controversial and the annual costs for with age, it is clear that a further increase
such neck injuries are approximately 60 in costs for the Swiss social insurance
million CHF, with half this figure system can be expected. According to the
covering expenditures for compensation Swiss Federal Office for Public Health,
payments resulting from long-term the number of elderly people (65+) will
disability2. Injuries occurring during increase 50% by 2020 and this age group
sporting activities account for 15 – 50% will by then account for over 20% of the
of all knee injuries, and are responsible total Swiss population. In addition, the
for an even larger portion of the related incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in
health care costs3. Such musculoskeletal the younger population, e.g. back pain, is
injuries are often associated with long also steadily increasing.
and costly rehabilitation requirements,
and a portion of the patients suffers from For the further development of
enduring impairments, with consequences adequate prevention strategies, diagnostic
for both their individual professional and methods, therapies, pharmaceutical
private lives and for the society in products and medical devices, a deeper
general. knowledge is required of the
biomechanics, the physiology and the
Joint disorders, osteoporosis, spinal pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
injuries and degeneration and In addition, knowledge in the areas of
musculoskeletal trauma place a financial analytical and experimental diagnostic
burden of approximately 5 billion CHF methods and their clinical application is
per year on the Swiss healthcare industry. required. Basic research focused on the
The Institute for Social and Preventative musculoskeletal system, skeletal diseases
Medicine of the University of Zurich and their causes is of crucial importance
estimates the total annual costs in for the future, from both an individual
Switzerland for the treatment of and a societal perspective.
osteoporosis alone at approximately 1.3
billion CHF. Altogether, musculoskeletal
Study “Gesundheitsschutz und
Sonntagszeitung, 18. August 2002 Gesundheitsförderung in den Jahren 2000 –
de Loës et al, Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2000; 2003”, on behalf of the Federal Office of
10:90-97 Public Health, 1999

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