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19/4/2018 How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch | Network World

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LINUX TYCOON Bryan is a writer and works as the Social Media
By Bryan Lunduke, Network World Marketing Manager of SUSE. On this blog, he
AUG 21, 2017 8:47 AM PT seeks to highlight the coolest things happening
in the Linux world.

How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch
An all open-source workplace makes the most sense. You’ll save
money, be more secure and have more exibility.

Hypothetical: You need to set up the IT infrastructure (email, file sharing, etc.) for a new company.
No restrictions. No legacy application support necessary. How would you do it? What would that
ideal IT infrastructure look like?

I decided to sit down and think of my ideal setup — based on quite a few years of being a vice
president of engineering at various companies — and document them here. Maybe you’ll find my
choices useful; maybe you’ll think I’m crazy. Either way, these are good things to consider for any

Run services on your own servers

The first thing I’m going to decide on, right up front, is to self-host as many services as I possibly

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Sure, there are noteworthy benefits to paying another company host and maintain your services
for you (primary that you don’t have to have someone on sta to perform that function) but the
drawbacks far outweigh the good points.
Having full control over yourHow
ownto set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch | Network World
data — how it is stored and who it is shared with — is critical to
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any business (and any individual). Most of the choices I make below would also work as a remotely
hosted option. But, where possible, I will focus on them being self-hosted. 

Some of the following functionality can be hosted on a single server, but I recommend breaking
out key services to run on dedicated servers — possibly many, depending on your particular needs
(such as an expectation of large file repositories) or large numbers of employees. 

Only open-source software

For security and customization reasons, I will be opting to utilize only open-source and free
so ware here. There are simply far too many drawbacks to basing a corporate infrastructure on
closed source systems. 

This decision was easy and obvious for anyone who’s worked in IT for more than a few years. 

Kolab for email and calendaring

For email, calendaring and general groupware functionality (meeting requests and the like) I opt to
go with Kolab. It’s open source, and there’s a company behind it that will provide paid support as
needed or desired. 

Kolab has a great web interface for all of the key functionality, but it will work just as well with
almost any email and calendar clients in existence.

Owncloud or Nextcloud for le sharing/document

Since we’ll be going all open source, file sharing (and online file storage) options such as Dropbox
and Google Drive are simply not an option. 

There are some features along these lines built into Kolab but not quite enough. I’d like something
a little more powerful and extensible, which means running either Owncloud or Nextcloud.
19/4/2018 How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch | Network World
The two systems are very similar in many respects — not surprising because Nextcloud is forked
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from and run by the founder of Owncloud. Both will, in all reality, meet most file sharing/storage
needs quite well. 

However, OwnCloud does contain some closed source bits focusing on larger organizations. On the
flipside, NextCloud has made a public commitment to o er all features as 100% free and open
source so ware. With that in mind, I would opt to go with NextCloud. 

As an added bonus, NextCloud handles document collaboration quite well via Collabora Online.
Two birds, one stone. 

Matrix for instant messaging

No. Using Google Hangouts is not a reasonable option for your company’s instant messaging.
Neither is Skype. We need something that a) can be hosted in house, b) is open source, and c) is as
secure and private as possible. 

I’ve opted to go with Matrix. Not only does it check all of those three key criteria, but it has two
rather interesting features that, while may not be used, are nice to have around as options: 

A decentralized design. Meaning that, as the organization grows, new server instances could
be added, say, for di erent parts of the company or di erent locales. 

The ability to bridge Matrix to other services, such as IRC, Slack, etc. This can make it much
easier to integrate with external teams or communities.

Again. Maybe those your organization will never use those two features, but having them around
doesn’t hurt.

Bonus points: Matrix handles video chats. Got a big, remote team? If everyone’s on Matrix, there’s
no need for company-issued cell phones (or land lines). 

Linux-based OS and software for workstations
19/4/2018 How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch | Network World
Not choosing Microso Windows is the first obvious decision here. The cost is to high (both in terms
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of up-front monetary investment and recurring costs associated with securing a closed platform).
MacOS is, for the same reason, o the table. 

What specific platform I chose, at that point, comes down to what my specific needs are within the
organization. Chance are I would select a Linux-based platform (either a free Linux distribution –
Debian, openSUSE, Fedora, etc. – or a similar system with paid support). Support is the main
reason to consider a paid, closed system anyway, so might as well get all the benefits with none of
the drawbacks of a system like Windows.

Save money, increase security. No brainer. 

For applications, I’d also standardize around LibreO ice for the o ice suite and one of the several
open-source web browsers (such as Firefox).

In short: All open source

Clearly an all open-source workplace makes the most sense. Save money. Be more secure. More
flexible. Those are all good things.

If you’re reading this and you are responsible for making IT decisions within your company,
remember all of these when it comes time to renew your Microso Exchange license. Or it’s time to
upgrade Windows. Or pay for yet another month/quarter of your video conferencing and file
storage system.

Maybe my specific choices here won’t match your needs exactly, but for most of you, there are
going to be open-source solutions that will.

Join the Network World communities on Facebook and LinkedIn to comment on topics that are top of

Bryan is a writer and works as the Social Media Marketing Manager of SUSE. On this here blog, he seeks to
accomplish two goals: 1) To be the voice of reason and practicality in the Linux and Open Source world. 2) To
highlight the coolest things happening throughout the world of Linux.

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19/4/2018 How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch | Network World

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