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Requirements on Final Paper:

The Final paper can focus on any aspect of East Asian technology, science, and their
impacts on societies. However, make sure that you have,

1)    Problématique (research question): What question or what social,cultural, political

aspect of modern China do you want to explore for your project? Why is it meaningful?

                   (A Problématique: "the art of formulating a problem"

               As Levi Strauss said: "the scholar is not he who gives the right answers, but he who
asks the right questions.")

2)    A specific research topic:

a.     Based on your research question, you should choose a specific research topic.

b.     The more specific the topic is, the better.

c.     Doing a research is like opening a door; make sure that your door is not too wide
that you cannot find a         manageable angle, and not so small that you cannot enter.

d.     As long as you have a Problématique in mind, you will have a significant and
meaningful view of a large world through the mini door you open.

e.     Such a research topic can be based on one movie, or some details in several
movies, or the way one or several movies represent history, and so on.           

3)    Please develop your arguments based on your individual research on primary and

secondary resources: Please do refer to scholarly books and articles instead of
merely    copying information from internet.           

4)    Format:      either MLA or “Chicago Manual of Style” format is accepted;  

        however, please be consistent.

 5) Other detailed requirements will follow.

Historically the world research center has shifted many times. During Renaissance the
world research center was Italy, then it was shifted to England to France and to Germany then it
was shifted to United State during the early twentieth centudy.

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