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Educational Philosophy Position Statement

Veronica M. Herrero-Velarde

Houston Baptist University

Educational Philosophy Position Statement

For as long as schools have existed, there have been differing views on what and how

students should learn. There are four main educational philosophies: traditionalism,

progressivism, existentialism, and critical theory. My personal philosophy of education is that

there should be a balance of each of these views to create a classroom atmosphere that is ideal

for teaching and learning, as each has valid and important goals. For me, this means a student-

centered classroom that fosters growth and encouragement, and a curriculum that teaches the

essential truths of our culture but also prepares students for their future occupations and duties as

citizens. I also believe in teaching in a structured manner yet allowing students to experience

learning hands-on and to develop their own opinions. Most importantly, each student should feel

valued and supported.

I want my classroom to have an attitude of wanting to learn and of encouragement and

kindness, with students who build each other up, respect each other, and feel safe. That way,

each child feels comfortable and personally cared for. This idea of a safe atmosphere is heavily

emphasized in the existentialist view. I want my classroom to visibly show the learning and

discovering that is going on within those walls to encourage excitement about learning. The

teachers I have had who are passionate and enthusiastic about what they teach make the class so

engaging and it motivates me to learn, so I want to create this environment in my own classroom.

My students will most likely come from different backgrounds and hold different beliefs, but this

does not change that we can all come together to learn and support each other in the classroom;

all will be welcome in my class. This reflects critical theorists’ view that the classroom should be

open and free of judgement and that our differences should be appreciated. I also would love to
promote critical thinking and autonomy in my classroom, as well as good communication, so that

students can gain the skills they will need throughout their entire lives.

I believe children should learn the universal truths of Western culture, as this has shaped

who we are, but also how to grow into active and informed citizens who can function in society

and hold a job. Just like essentialists, I think a core of subjects that are taught with relevance is

needed for our democratic society. It is necessary to learn fine arts as well, because it exposes

children to new ideas that can spark ideas of their own. While learning universal truths is more of

a traditional view, I still think a progressive view can be applied through learning with hands-on

and critical-thinking-inducing activities that require students to apply themselves to the situation

and consider their own opinions. Establishing meaning with my lessons is incredibly necessary,

as everything that is taught can be connected with something of greater relevance. My

psychology professor last semester was amazing at incorporating pictures, anecdotes, and

explanations into his lectures to engage us and help us remember the information. This worked

incredibly well, as I learned so much and actually enjoyed sitting in his class. This same concept

can be applied with my own students in the future to give them something to hold on to and

apply to their own lives.

I think students should be taught by making them the focus of the classroom and by

addressing each child’s needs, which is favored in the progressive view. Of course, it is

necessary for teachers to stand in front of the classroom and instruct, but this can be done

skillfully so that the students remain engaged and can still interact with the teacher during the

lesson. Online, I have seen so many creative methods to give students “brain breaks”, giving

them chances to burn off some energy periodically throughout the day. A teacher in high school

gave us a three-minute “yoga break” to rest our minds which really helped us to focus on the
lesson for the remainder of the class. Being able to adapt to each student’s learning style is key

so that both the teacher and student are putting in their best effort and so that all have the

opportunity to learn. Creating variety in the classroom to reach out to each student will ensure

that you are giving the children the tools and skills they need to be able to learn and succeed.

Lastly, I believe all students should be treated with respect, kindness, and love, knowing

that all children have their own strengths, weaknesses, worries, and fears. This follows what

existentialists believe about educating not only intellectually, but physically and emotionally.

Having mutual respect between the teacher and students is so critical to having a classroom that

the children can learn in. Building relationships with each student is essential to their growth as

people and as learners, because they will know that they can trust their teacher, who cares deeply

for them. My first-grade teacher really exemplified this for me, as she made me feel so welcome

in her class when I was new to the school. As teachers, we are expected to live up to certain

standards in the way that we interact with students, colleagues, and parents. A large part of this is

being a good example for the students and always treating them in a way that will not inhibit

their desire to learn or go to school but encourage them and correct them lovingly when they

need to be disciplined. Teachers have a special position in that they get to spend all day with a

class full of students for almost an entire year. I believe we should take full advantage of this,

especially as Christians, and make sure that each child leaves the class certain that their teacher

cared for them and was passionate about teaching them, which in turn hopefully made them

excited to learn.

Upon reflection, I believe in a mixture of traditionalism, progressivism, existentialism,

and critical theory, too, as each one presents values that are needed in the classroom. Most of all,

I believe in always putting the student first, meeting their needs and showing grace, kindness,
and encouragement to each child every day. Our students need not only a curriculum that teaches

them about our culture but that can also prepare them for living as citizens. Direct instruction and

hands-on learning can work together to teach students, and respect and trust hold the classroom

together. Being a student for practically my whole life has taught me a lot about teaching and has

continued to shape my views on what it means to be an educator, which are affected the more I

learn. At the end of the day, teachers have a huge influence on their students, and the best thing

they can do for them is to show love to each one of them, and learning will follow.

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