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5 th Grade Center 1


FOCUS SKILL: Multiplying 3-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers

TEKS: 5(3)(B) The student applies mathematical process standards

to develop and use strategies and methods for positive rational
number computations in order to solve problems with efficiency and

The student is expected to multiply with fluency a three-digit

number by a two-digit number using the standard algorithm.

MATERIALS: Roll and Answer work mats (laminated), two dice, pencil,
math journal, dry erase marker, eraser

DIRECTIONS (2 Players)
1. Player 1 rolls two dice and adds up the numbers.
2. Player 1 finds the number on the work mat. (If the number you
rolled is taken, you skip a turn.)
3. Players 1 and 2 both solve the corresponding problem in their math
4. Flip over the work mat to check your answer. Player 1 gets 2
points for a correct answer, and Player 2 gets 1 point.
5. When a problem has been finished, the player who rolled it will
initial it with the dry erase marker.
6. The player with the most points after each problem has been
solved is the winner! (This game can also be played without
keeping track of points.)

*Idea Inspiration Here & Example Work Mats Here

5 th Grade Center 2
FOCUS SKILL: Comparing Decimals

TEKS: 5(2)(B) The student applies mathematical process standards to

represent, compare, and order positive rational numbers and
understand relationships as related to place value.

The student is expected to compare and order two decimals to

thousandths and represent comparisons using the symbols >, <, or =.

MATERIALS: decimal cards, record sheet, pencil, math journal

DIRECTIONS (2 Players)
1. Divide up the decimal cards so that each player has the same
2. Each player puts their decimal cards in a stack face down in front
of them.
3. To play, each player turns over the top card and puts it in the
4. Whichever player has the largest decimal wins that round and
gets to add the other cards from that round to the bottom of
his/her pile.
5. If there is a tie, each of the players turns over another card. The
largest card wins all the other cards from that round.
6. Write down the decimals and the winner for each round on the
record sheet. Show any work in your math journal.
7. Whoever collects all of the cards first (or whoever has the most
when time is up) is the winner.
*Idea Inspiration Here
5 th Grade Center 3
FOCUS SKILL: Adding Fractions (Mixed Numbers & Unlike Denominators)

TEKS: 5(3)(K) The student applies mathematical process standards

to develop and use strategies and methods for positive rational
number computations in order to solve problems with efficiency and

The student is expected to add and subtract positive rational

numbers fluently.

MATERIALS: spinner, game board (laminated) , record sheet, pattern

blocks, dry erase marker, pencil, math journal

DIRECTIONS (2+ Players)

1. Students take turns spinning the spinner. Whatever they land on is
how many blocks they add to the blocks on their game board.
(Triangle = 1/6 Rhombus = 1/3 Trapezoid = 1/2)
2. Students show what they added on their record sheet.
(For example, if students already had 1 1/2 covered in and they
landed on a trapezoid, they would write 1 1/2 + 1/2 = 2.)
3. The first person that gets all six of their pattern blocks covered
up wins the game.

*Idea Found Here

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