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We and Our Society

Unit 1
Short Answers
1.) Define Development in a Sentence.
Development is the process of having positive changes in any part or an event
constituting a new stage in a changing situation.

Long Answers
1.) Write the meaning of Society?
Society is a group of people involved in a continuous social interaction or a large
group of people sharing the same geographical or social territory. Societies are
often explained as patterns of social relationships between individuals who share
particular culture and institutions.Societies are described as the sum total of such
relationship among members of the society.
2.) What is Social Development?
Social development is about putting people at the center of development. It's all
about the process of transformation. It is the way they interact in groups and
society, and the norms that facilitate such interaction, shape development
3.) Write the Characteristics of the Society?
The Characteristics of the Society are listed below:

The basic characteristics of a society are listed below:

Society is dynamic as people as people are dynamic in nature.

People of a society have mutual relationship.

People have common goal and needs.

Every individual protects their rights.

People are organised with the particular objective on the basis of fixed code.

There is an affinity, mutual interaction, activeness and unity among people.

The prime goal is made for Social Development.

People believe in the principle of cosmopolitanism.

There develops a cultured network of social relation.

4.) Why should there be a relationship between people and Society?
Society is the result of peoples' togetherness and Support. The people have
unlimited needs and desires. Society is no more possible without people and
people have no existence without it. So, we can conclude that, people and
society have reciprocal relationship.
5.) What is Social development?
Social Development is the universal practice. It goes in its own speed. It's all
about the process of transformation. It's better for the people to gear up the
development process in an organised and systematic way to prosperity. It is the
way they interact in groups and society, and the norms that facilitate such
interaction, shape development processes.

6.)  What does Development bring in the Society?

Development refers to the construction of road, bridge, producing capable
manpower etc. It brings positivity, advancement, comfort, perfection and
newness on people's life. Development is the continuous process.

Unit 2
1.)  Define hunting and gathering societies.
In this societies, the members survive primarily by hunting, trapping, fishing, and
gathering edible plants. A majority of the members' time is spent looking for and
gathering food. They spend most of their time for looking and gathering food.
2.) Explain about Agricultural Society.
In agricultural society, there was the Increasement in food supplies then led to
larger populations than in earlier communities. The society where people get
survived by carrying out agriculture activities is agriculture society.

There have been six types of societies throughout history:

 Hunting and gathering societies.
 Pastoral societies.
 Horticultural societies.
 Agricultural societies.
 Industrial societies.
 Post-industrial societies.
Long Answers
1.) Define the Characteristics of Hunting and Gathering Societies.  
The characteristics of hunting and gathering societies are listed below:

1. Family is the society's primary institution. Family determines the distribution

of food and how to socialize children.
2. Hunting and gathering societies were nomadic.
3. Societies used to be small in size.

4. Family was the society's primary institutions. Family used to determine food
and to socialize children.
5. Members of hunting and gathering societies are mutually dependent upon
each other.
6. Male are supposed to be hunters and female gathers as there was division
of labour on the basis of sex.
2.) Define horticultural society, with its characteristics. 
The horticultural societies rely on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants
in order to survive. Horticultural societies are often forced to relocate when the
resources of the land are depleted or when the water supplies decrease.The
technological advances led to an increase in food supplies, an increase in
population, and the development of trade centers. Some characteristics opf
horticulture society are:

1. Animals are used to pull plows.

2. Plowing allows for cultivation of larger areas of land.
3. The primary source of food and income is fruit production.
4. Such society is often forced to relocate when the resources of the land or
water supplies decrease.
3.) Write about  Industrial society with its Characteristics ?
The society in which people are involved in producing different sort of products,
either for survival or business is called industrial society. Industrialization brought
about changes in almost every aspect of society. As factories became the center
of work, “home cottages” as the usual workplace became less prevalent, as did
the family's role in providing vocational training and education. Some
characteristics of this society are as follows:
1. The primary focus is given to industrial development.
2. The investors are owners and who work are labourers or workers.
3. There lies cultural differences in such society.
4. In the previous societies, there wasn't much gap between rich and poor but
there lies a huge gap between wealthy and poor now.
4.) Compare pastoral and horticulture society in four points. 
The differences between pastoral and horticultural society are as follows:
The Pastoral Society was established when people's basic needs were not
addressed by hunting and gathering societies. W

Pastoral Society Horticulture Society

The Pastoral Society was established when people's Horticulture society is based on the
basic needs were not addressed by hunting and cultivation of fruits, vegetables and
gathering societies. plants in order to survive.
Pastoral societies also allow for job specialization. Horticultural societies are often forced
to relocate when the resources of the
The society was divided on people having more Horticultural societies was based on
animals and less animals. cultivation of larger area of land.

In pastoral society, people bred animals. In horticulture society, animals are used
to pull plows.
5.) How industrialization help to develop societies? Explain briefly.  
The society in which people are involved in producing different sort of products,
either for survival or business is called industrial society. Industrialization brought
about changes in almost every aspect of society. As factories became the center
of work, “home cottages” as the usual workplace became less prevalent, as did
the family's role in providing vocational training and education.

Unit 3
Long Answers
1.) Write the elements of a society and explain.  
The elements of Society are listed below:

Simple life
People must have a simple life to the best possible. The simple life is distinct
from those others life style. It is such web of relationship in which people get a
means of livelihood, entertainment, education, security, etc.

B. Territory
The territory is the identity of the people residing in the society, which even helps
to strengthen bonds of affection and closeness.A certain area that's owned or
under the control of someone is called a territory.

C. We- feeling
Society is based on we-feeling which refers to the feeling of belonging together.
Human beings generally did not go around hurting others not so much because
of rational thought but because we have that ‘fellow-feeling’ toward each other.

D. Natural birth and development

As we know , after the evolution of human beings,we started living together to
fulfill one another's needs. This gives birth to the society and it was the natural
birth. Likewise, we feeling increased and social development goes at its own
speed. Social development is all about the process of transformation.

E. Specialized name
Every society has a name. The name is given to show identity. Later people are
identified with the name of society. Therefore, a particular name is kept to the
F. Size
Society doesn't have fixed size. It can be either big or small. There are not fixed
parameters developed far in order to fix the shape, size and population of a

G. Pride towards historical deeds

The present is not possible without the past. So, every society is formed through
historical backgrounds. The past event glories the present of the society
2.) " A society without historical background is not possible" Justify. 
The present is not possible without the past. So, every society is formed through
historical backgrounds. The past event glories the present of the society. In our
Society, there is a trend of past deeds of ancestors to make present fabulous and
thrilling. So, a society without historical background is not possible.
3.) How do unity and co-operation help to develop society? Write
In the Society, a large group of people lived together in an organised way.
People are united to tackle problems and conclude a way out. Co-operation
refers to helping each other. People can not lead a happy and comfortable life
without co-operation. It develops intimacy among people which enables people to
stand together all the time. In this way, unity and co-operation help to develop
4.) Present the elements of a good society in a table.  
The elements of a good society are listed below:

a) Territory
b) We- feeling
c) Simple life Likeness
d) Natural birth and development
e) Size
f) Specialized name
g) Permanency
h) Pride towards historical deeds.
5.) Why we should obey the rules and regulations?
Rules and regulations make people disciplined and more cultured. As a result,
peoples' movements go towards positivity and construction which ultimately
helps to develop. So, we should obey the rules and regulations.

Unit 3
 The general process of acquiring culture is referred as Socialization.
 Socialization is important in the process of personality formation.
 Socialization is the process by which the individual learns social behaviour and
develops himself.
 It is the way through which society transmits its culture from generation to
generation and maintains itself.
2.) Explain the importance of Socialization.
Socialization is the process by which the individual learns social behavior and
develop himself. The human infant comes into the world as biological organism
with animal needs. He is gradually moulded into a social being and he learns
social ways of acting and feeling. Without this process of moulding, the society

could not continue itself and nor the individual become a person. So,
Socialization is very important.
3.) What are the elements  of Socialization?
The elements of Socialization are listed below:

i) Social interaction
A social interaction is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a
building block of society. It is the process of exchanging views and ideas. Social
interaction is all about talking, discussing certain issues, helping each other and
co-operation. By interacting with one another, people design rules, institutions
and systems within which they seek to live.

ii) Language
Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication;
Language is a means to exchange views, ideas, thoughts etc. It is alsoa system
for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etc, by the use of spoken sounds.

iii) Cultures and traditions

Cultures and traditions are also key elements in the socialization process of a
human being. Every society possesses certain cultures and traditions. If a person
is born and gradually develops the personality as per the guidelines of
established social cultures and traditions.

iv) Love, sympathy, and co-operation

Love, sympathy, and co-operation are the important elements of Socialization. It
leads to the Socialization of the human being. Development of positivity and
constructive mind-set promotes love, sympathy, and cooperation. The positive
attitude germinates cooperation environment and negative mentality obstructs,
which make people selfish and isolate them from social life. So, there must be
love, sympathy, cooperation trust etc. to socialize a person and make a perfect
social being.
4.) What are the two institutions for Socialization?
Socialization is the process of introducing someone to group membership and
training them to be an effective group member. The two institutions for
Socialization are as follows:

1.The Family is a Socialization institutions where a child learns most of the

things. So, every member of the family should teach the right thing to the children
from early age.

2. School is also one of the Socialization institutions where a child learns social
skills through our interactions with teachers, staff, and other students. For
example, we learn the importance of obeying authority and that, to be successful,
and many more.

Unit 4
 Identity refers to the state of being identical or absolute sameness.
 It helps everybody of the world to be recognized among others as who they
 A man without identity is simply worthless.
 Identity is not gained in a Single day.
Long Answers
1.) Explain  identification in reference to the text. 
Identification is a passport to be recognized among others in the world. Our
identification is "Nepali" in the world due to the glorious history. We are
recognised as the " Brave Gorkhas" in the World. This is also our
identification.Some of the factors which have shaped our identity as Nepalese
people are national, cultural, social, and religious factors.
2.) What are the national identities of Nepal? Explain.  
We have some of our typical identities as to introduce as Nepali. Some of them
are explained below:

A. National Language
Our Country Nepal is rich in different colours of various languages. There are
various people of different castes living in Nepal who speak different languages.
Every community have its own mother tongue. There are more than 200
languages being spoken in Nepal.

B. Religious Identity
In our Nepal, people follow different religious. Among them are Hindu, Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam and others. The unique identity is religious tolerance. The
different religious followers respect the value and principles of each others. Every
people participate joyously in the festivals of different religious.

C. Birth Place of Famous People

Our country Nepal has some world renowned people. During the pre-historic age,
saints like Veda Vyasa, Valmiki, and Kanwa use to live there. Veda Vyasa had
composed Mahabharat at Vyas Cave in Damauli. Valmiki also spent some time
at Bhainsalotan in Nawalparasi and has composed Ramayan. Kanwa Rishi who
bought up Shakuntala’s son Bharat and he ruled over it.
D. Our Unique Nature
Nepal is a peace-loving country and it has signed many peace agreement with
other countries. Our country take part in active roles in all international peace-
keeping activities. We are the member of international organizations like
UNO,NAM,SAARC etc.On the other hand, Nepali soldier are known as the world
bravest, most courageous and boldest in war. Many other countries army
consists of Nepali soldiers.
3.) What is gender identity? How is it recognized in Nepal?
Gender implies to women, men and transgender (TG). TG refers to female to
men, men to female and Hijara. At the mean time, in Nepal the representative
society called BDS (Blue Diamond Society) called LGBTI largely. It covers
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and inter-sex persons, neither of whom falls
under the categories of male and female. Nepal is a country where females are
treated equally.
4.) List the major religious , with their percentage.
The major religious along with their percentage are listed below:

. Religio Percen
N n tage
1 Hinduis 81.34
. m %
2 Buddhi 9.04%
. sm
3 Islam 4.38%
4 Kirat 3.04%

5 Christia 1.41%
. nity
6 Prakriti 0.46%
7 Bon 0.04%
8 Jainism 0.01%
9 Bahai 0.004
. %
1 Sikhis 0.002
0 m %

Unit 5
 Nepali feeling gets truly excited when we talk about our prides.
 We are proud to be Nepali. 
 Our National anthem  generates the feeling of patriotism and respect
towards the nation. 
  Janakpur once had hundreds of sages who contributed substantially to
Hindu philosophy.
  Pashu means leaving beings, and Pati means master. 
  Nepal is only the country in the world with the triangular flag.

 Sagarmatha has been named in the name of British surveyor Colonel of
Royal Geographical Society. 
 Better to die than be a coward" is the motto of the world-famous Nepalese
Gurkha soldiers. 
Long Answers
1.) Explain briefly the meaning of national pride.
National pride is the feelings which get truly excited when we talk about our
pride. Nepalese chest gets enlarged, the head gets upright, the heart gets
thrilled, happiness gets crossed the boundary when we talk about our pride.
2.) What are Nepalese national pride? Explain any one of them.
The Nepalese national pride are as follows:

a) National Anthem
b) Janaki Mandir
c) Pashupatinath Temple
d) National Flag
e) Sagarmatha (MT. Everest)
f) The Brave Gorkhas
The Brave Gorkhas
We are also recognized as Gorkhalis in the World. The terms "Gurkha" and
"Gorkhali" were synonymous with "Nepali", and derived from the hill town and
district of Gorkha from which the Kingdom of Nepal. There are Gurkha military
units in the Nepalese, British and the Indian army (Gorkhas) enlisted in Nepal.
3.) Justify how Nepalese flag is unique in the world.
Our national flag is unique in shape. It is the world's only non-quadrilateral
national flag. Its crimson red is the colour of the rhododendron the country's
national flower.Red is also the sign of victory in war.The blue border is the colour
of peace. The moon and the sun of the flag signify that Nepal remains till the sun
and moon remain.
4.) Why are Pashupati and Janaki temples our national pride? Give reasons.  
The temple of Lord Pashupatinath stands in the middle of an open courtyard, on
the bank of Bagmati river. There are gold gilt doors on all the four sides of the
temple. Inside the temple there is a narrow walk engulfing the sanctum from
where one can have closer view of Shivalinga. There are about 492 temples 144
stupas built in different styles and about 1000 shivalingas. Different people from
Nepal and India gather in huge number during the fairs. So, it is also one of the
national pride of Nepal.

Legend has said that Sita main character of Hindu epic Ramayana, was born
here and later married the equally revered Lord Ram. Sita, who was the wife of
the legendary hero Rama of the epic ‘Ramayana’ was born in Janakpur. Nepal is
recognised as the country of Sita.
5.) Why Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) is regarded as the national pride of Nepal?
Nepal is a mountainous country. There are about14 peaks of above 8000m.
height. Among them, the highest peak of the World Mt. Everest ( Sagarmatha)
which is 8,848m. It is located in the Mahalangurn mountain range in Nepal and
Tibet. It is the highest mountain in the world. Many foreigners come here to climb
the mountain. We are recognized as the country of the highest mountain in the
world. So, Sagarmatha is the national pride of Nepal.
6.) Mention a list of Suggestions about how we keep our pride fresh and ever-
important to glorify our Identity. 

To keep our pride fresh and ever- important to glorify our identity, following things
to be done.

a) Maintain peace in the Country.

b) Launch cultural programmes time to time.
c) Provide security to the people
d) Save the traditional and cultural heritage.
e) Use of Natural resources
f) Rural Development
g) Keep the city clean
h) Control Smoke in the city


Development and Infrastructures of Development

 Development is a change which brings improvement in the lives of every
human being living.
 Gross domestic product (GDP), a common indicator, is the total value of
goods produced and services provided within a country’s border irrespective of
nationalities of the producers or providers.
 Gross national income (GNI) includes both GDP and earning from abroad.
Very Short Questions
1.) Define development in your own sentence.

Development is a positive change which brings improvement in the lives of
everyone in the country and which not only benefits men or city-dwellers but all
the people.
2.) What is gross domestic income?
All the values of the production and services gained from internal sources of a
country within a year is called gross domestic income.
3.) What are the professions adapted by the people of least developed
The professions adapted by the people of least developed countries are
agriculture (farming/animal husbandry), cottage industry, hunting and gathering,
traditional trade etc.
4.) What are the professions adapted by the people of developed countries?
The professions adapted by the people of least developed countries are services,
industries, trade, modern farming, fishing, science and technology.
5.) Name any two developed, developing and least developed counties each.
USA and France are the two developed countries, Singapore and Cyprus are the
developing countries and Nepal and Uganda are the least developed counties.
6.) What type of country is called a developed country?
A country having highly organized economic and political system which is able to
produce almost all the necessary goods needed and brings positive changes to
the life of its people is called a developed country

Short Answers
1.) Make a list of things needed for sustainable development.
The list of things needed for sustainable development is listed below:
 Proper utilization of resources
 Human resources
 Preservation and conservation of resources
 Tackling inequality
 Fulfillment of not only physical needs but also socio- amelioration
 Encouraging more export and less import
2.) What is per capita income? Why do you think per capita income is expressed
in US dollars?
Per capita income, also known as income per person, is the mean income of
people in a country or a city. It is calculated by measuring all sources of income
in the aggregate and dividing it by total population.

Per capital income is expressed in US dollar as it is widely known, easily

calculated from readily-available GDP and population estimates, and is accepted
all over the world.
3.) How is GNI different from GDP? Explain with examples.
GNI is different from GDP in following ways:
GNI is used as a main indicator of GDP is used as a common indicator of economic
economic development. development.
The full form of GNI is Gross The full form of GDP is Gross Domestic Product.
National Income.
GNI includes both GDP and GDP includes the contribution by the non-national within
earning from abroad. the country but exclude that by the nations abroad.
4.) What are the main features of a capitalist economy?
The main features of capitalist economy are given below:

 It is an economic system in which an individual in his capacity as a

consumer, producer and resource owner is engaged in economic activity with a
great degree of economic freedom.
 The production factors are privately owned and managed by the individuals.
 Competition is the most important feature of capitalist economy. This
means the existence of large number of buyers and sellers in the market who are
motivated by their self-interest but cannot influence market decisions by their
individual actions.
5.) Write at least four exports of our country.
Some exports of our country are:
a) Garment
b) Carpets
c) Handicrafts
d) Herbs
e) Tea
f) Jute
6.) List any four imports of our country.
Some imports of our country are:
a) Machinery goods
b) Petroleum products
c) Vehicles and vehicle parts
d) Clothes
e) Medicines
f) Food items

 Literacy is traditionally understood as the ability to read, write and use

 People's participation refers to the participation f people in development
 Entrepreneurship refers to the process of designing, launching and running
a new business.
 Peace is defined as to the state of consensus and harmony among the
Short Answers
1.) What is literacy ?
Literacy is defined as the ability to use language, numbers,image etc
2.) What is peace ?
Peace refers to the absence of war or conflict and state of tranquility.
3.) What do you mean by entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship refers to the process of designing, launching and running a
new business i.e initiating a company, offering a product, process or service.
4.) What is public participation ?
Public participation refers to the participation of people in development activities
like planning, construction, repair, supervision and management .
5.) What does 7 R refer to ?
7R refers to Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Right, Responsibility, Recreation and
6.) "Literacy is the most important preconditions for development "Prove this
Literacy is the most important preconditions for development because it helps to
contribute immensely for development. Literacy means as the ability to read,
write and use arithmetic but the modern term's meaning has been expanded to
include the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers, and other basic
means to understand, communicate, gain useful knowledge and use the
dominant symbol systems of a culture.
7.) Why do we need public participation for development ?Explain
People's participation refers to the participation of people in development
activities. We need public participation for development because It is very
important in building infrastructures in Nepal. It helps to the involvement of
people in planning, construction, repair, supervision and management of the
development project.
8.) How does entrepreneurship contribute to National development? Write
Entrepreneurship is all about involvement in business so It helps to use the
available means and resources there will be more job opportunities,high chances
of improving persona and ultimately national financial situation.A nation has to
focus on developing trade,commerce, and industries.Their progress determines
the progressof entrepreneurs and ultimately progress seemingly comes down to
an individual.
9.) How can peace be established ? What are the results of maintaining peace ?  
Peace can be established if people have the feelings of brotherhood,unity ,co-
operation,construction,affinity etc.The following results are required to maintain
peace and security are as follows:

 Appropriate distribution of means and resources

 Society without exploitation
 Culture of mutual understanding and cooperation
 Social environment without discrimination
 Inclusive administration and political stability

 Infrastructure is the services needed for a country to run smoothly and for
economic and social development to take place in a country.
 Means and resources of infrastructure are raw materials, labour-power,
capital, and power sources.
 The infrastructure of development are communication, education, health,
power, market, commerce, irrigation and leisure facilities.

Very Short Questions

1.) What are infrastructures of development? Give your own simple definition.
Infrastructures of development are the systems such as transport and
communication needed to run services and developmental activities.

Short Answers
1.) What is a resource? How can your skill be an important resource?
A resource is a source or supply from which we get benefits. Typically resources
are materials, energy, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that are
transformed to produce benefit.
Our skills can be an important resource by utilizing available means and
resources properly and making the best of raw materials by using skilled
manpower and capital.

2.) How can you help in the provision of development infrastructures?
For the provision of development following steps should be implemented:

 Making people aware of the needs and importance of infrastructure.

 Pressurizing government to develop infrastructures.
 Encouraging doctors on giving free medical treatments in rural areas.
 Making people responsible and promoting the feeling of brotherhood.
 Supporting in the proper mobilization of resources.
3.) Which one of the infrastructure do you think is the most important? Give
According to me, education is the most important infrastructure because
education not only makes people conscious, disciplined and productive but also
makes people know the importance of health and the need of nation
development as well. Besides, educated people are more enlightened and
produce skilled manpower needed in all the areas.
4.) How is the topography of Nepal proved the boon of nature?
Nepal is a country of rich physical diversity. The land topography of Nepal ranges
from high Himalayas in north and smooth plain in south with hills and valleys.
The land is suitable for cultivation of many types of crops, wildlife and natural
vegetation. There are perennial rivers from which we get drinking water, utilizing
the same water, water-mills, small hydro-projects and irrigational canals. We
have been provided with enough resources for industry and tourism too. These
are the reason why the topography of Nepal is proved to be the boon of nature.
5.) Though rich in resources, Nepal is underdeveloped country. Why?
Though rich in resources, Nepal is underdeveloped country because for
development available means and resources should be utilized properly. In case
of Nepal instead of preserving and utilizing the resources they are being
degraded and polluted. Raw materials cannot do anything by themselves. Skilled
manpower is required to make the best use of raw materials and also political
stability is needed for the execution of construction works and implementation of
developmental infrastructures. In Nepal the number of illiterate people is higher
and political situation is instable. Due to which Nepal is not developed although
being rich in natural resource.
6.) What is education? Try to give your simple definition.
Education is one of the most important resource which helps us to utilize
available means and resources to an optimum level and also makes people
conscious, discipline and productive.
7.) 'Education is the first and foremost condition of development.' Do you agree
or disagree?
Yes, I agree with the statement that education is the first and foremost condition
of development because education makes people conscious, disciplined and
productive and educated. People also know the importance of their health, need
of national development and also make better voting choice to help maintain
good governance.
8.) Write the aims of education in what you think are the order of importance.
The aims of education are listed below:
a) It produces skilled manpower needed in all areas.
b) It helps us to learn how to solve problems.
c) It helps us to be helpful and responsible person.
d) To change society.
e) To make proper decisions.
f) To develop our economic conditions.
g) To get better job.
9.) Why are natural resources of our country not being used properly? Give
Natural resources of our country are not being used properly because of:
a) Lack of knowledge about their use and importance
b) Lack of technological access
c) Lack of coordination between the consumers and preservers
d) Lack of committed and stable government
e) Lack of enough capital.
f) Lack of proper transportation facility.
10.) Suggest any six ways for proper utilization of natural resources of the
Any six ways for proper utilization of natural resources of the country are:

a) To educate, train and make the people skillful.

b) To develop technology within the country.
c) To make the conservational use of natural resources.
d) To make proper coordination between consumers and preservers.
e) To form a stable and goal oriented government.
f) To connect the entire place with the network of transportation.
11.) As a conscious citizen, how can you contribute for development of
infrastructures? Write at least with an example.
Infrastructure are pre-requisites of development. The development starts with the
development of infrastructure. Due to lack of infrastructures, further development
activities will be impossible. As conscious citizen we can contribute as:

a) Participating in each and every works of government

b) Creating favorable environment for running the development works

c) Doing our own works ourselves because if we look for the role of
government, the works can be delayed and may remain incomplete
d) Making programs for our locality and seeking some help from government
e) Utilizing natural resources maximally for greater benefit by the participation
of own human resource and technology available within us.
12.) Prepare a list of at least six infrastructures of development and their related
A list of six infrastructures of development and their related aspects:
 Education: School, technical institutions, educational institutions,
universities, campuses, skill development training, etc.
 Health: Hospital, healthy and planned family as well as controlled
 Transport: Roads, bridges, airways and other regular services.
 Communication: Telephone, television, radio, fax, post office, etc.
 Energy: Atomic energy, hydro-electricity, gas and oil supply, thermal power
 Market: National and International trade etc.
13.) Make a list of Natural resources of Nepal.
Nepal is a country rich in natural resources. Famous mountain ranges and
peaks of the world lie here. They are the center of attraction. Permanent
rivers originate from these mountains. The land located at the lap of
Himalayas is also equally important. The green pastures, low hills, river
basins, etc. help in the life of many people. Rivers originating from the
Mahabharata Range have the potential of large production of electricity.
Terai is the land of fertile alluvial. It has many possibilities of development.

Some minerals are found in each of the geographical regions of this
country, Further, Nepal gets enough solar energy as well.
14.) Make a list of any four of the natural resources found in Nepal and give an
introduction to any one of them.
A list of any four of the natural resources found in Nepal:
a) Forest,
b) Water,
c) Minerals,
d) Soil
Forest is one the major resources found in Nepal. It has been playing a
significant role for the economic development of the country. At present,
approximately 37.6% of the total land area of Nepal is under forest. The forest
existing in the country varies with the variation in the climate and altitude. Sub-
tropical evergreen forest is found in Terai, Bhabar, Dun and Churia Range up to
1,200 m altitude. Trees are tall, thick and close together. Sal, Sissoo, Khair, cane
etc. are found. Evergreen coniferous forest is confined to the higher parts of the
Mahabharata Range and lower parts of the Himalayan region between 2,100 m
and 3,300m altitude. The main species of trees found in this forest are varieties
of pine, fir, spruce, deodar, larches, rhododendrons and popular trees.
15.) Explain the recent development Nepal has made in the educational sector.
The recent development Nepal has made in the educational sector is:

a) 10+2 and A-levels system has been introduced under Higher Secondary
Education Board.
b) Grading system on SLC level.

c) More private boarding schools are established for better quality of
d) Establishment of university in regional basis.
16.) The level of educational development in all the development regions is not
the same. Why?
The level of educational development in all the development regions is not the
same because of the following reason:

a) Unequal economic strength. The rich, prosperous and economically sound

people teach their children in private schools but it is not possible for
economically deprived people of Mid-Western and Far-Western Regions.
b) Population preference for the establishment of schools.
c) Lack of infrastructures like transportation, communication, electricity, skilled
manpower, etc and also lack of awareness in mainly Mid-Western and Far-
Western Regions.
17.) What measures should we apply to reform the health condition in our
The measures needed to be applied are:

a) Health posts, health centers and hospitals should be established according

to the needs of people.
b) Transportation facilities and other facilities should be provided so they will
have easy access to reach the hospital, health post/centers.
c) Awareness should be generated among all the people of community so
they believe in doctors rather than witch doctors.
d) Control on population and safe abortion should be maintained.
e) Cleanliness campaign should be conducted.
18.) What do you understand by health? How is the Health condition in Nepal?
Health means sound mind, body and spirit. In other words we can say that the
wellbeing mentally, physically, spiritually and socially is called health.
Health situation in Nepal is very poor. There are 4,275 populations per doctor
and one bed in hospital for 4,360 people. Nepal has 89 hospitals, 700 health
posts, 13 health centers, 3,180 sub health posts and 285 Ayurvedic dispensaries.
Sixty-four infant die per thousand, maternal mortality rate is 43.9 per thousand
and population growth rate is 2.24% per annum. The crude birth rate of our
country is 31 per thousand while crude death rate is 9.1 per thousand. 
Two women die in a day due to maternity problem. The diseases like malaria,
tuberculosis, leprosy, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, meningitis, etc are major
causes of immature death among rural population. These diseases are creating
more and more health problems and affecting the living standard of community
due to ignorance, illiteracy and lack of proper and prompt treatment, lack of
health services and environmental population.
19.) "A healthy mind exists in a healthy body." Explain.
A sick person cannot remain happy even if he is highly educated, very rich and
occupies a high position in the society. Whatever he earns, is spent in visiting
doctors and buying medicines. His mind is always occupied with the disease he
has. He cannot be creative, an innovative or a useful thing for himself and the
society. So, only a healthy person can think of some good, useful and creative
ideas. Thus, a healthy mind exists in a healthy body.
20.) What steps are to be practically taken for reaching the aims of the Interim
plan 2064-2067 BS? Clarify.
The steps that to be practically taken for reaching the aims of the Interim plans
2064-2067 BS are:

a) Enough publicity and creating awareness among the local and other
b) Building more number of hospitals and health centers.
c) Strong governmental policy that encourages that health works to go to
villages and remote districts.
d) Provision of fundamental health needs-like safe drinking water, balanced
diet, sanitized environment.
e) Others can be, population control, afforestation, eco-friendly agriculture,
sustainable development.
21.) Although there are many rivers in our country, there is the scarcity of
drinking water. Why? Write reasons
Our country is very rich in water resources. However, there is scarcity of drinking
water. The following causes can be behind the scarcity of drinking water:
a) Lack of preservation of water resources
b) Lack of capital
c) Lack of appropriate plan
d) Deforestation
e) Growth of population
f) Lack of technical manpower
g) Pollution, etc.
22.) The drinking water services have been 77% in the base paper of three
years interim plan. It has been targeted to meet 85% during the plan period. For
this what should you do? Explain.
Nepal is said to be the second largest country in water resources in the world
after Brazil. However, more than one-third population has been deprived from
drinking water facilities. To meet the targeted plan, Nepal government should do
many things such as:
a) Nepal government should produce skilled manpower, develop processing
system, focus on communication management system development and
grow the construction material.
b) Nepal government should try to control the rapid urbanization, pollution and
population growth.
c) Nepal government should regularly monitor for the purification of water and
its resources.
d) Nepal government should check the leakage of drinking water supply, etc.
23.) If someone gave you impure water to drink, what should you do? Do you
have any ideas of water filtration? Note down what you know.
I would not drink the impure water and request him/her not to drink such impure
water. Impure water harms you more than quenching thrust. I would request
him/her not to give so much dirty water to anyone and not to drink myself too.
Yes, I know about the ways of water filtration. We can place four pots one above
another on a wooden stand. All the vessels except the last one should have
small pores at the bottom. The uppermost vessel containing thick layer charcoal
is to be filled with water which percolates through a hole made at its bottom,
along with a piece of cloth plugged into a hole of second pot. The second pot
contains a layer of sand, and third contains gravel. Water drips into each of these
vessels. As a result the last pot contains the filtered water.
24.) What is the present situation of drinking water supply in Nepal? Give your
own evaluation.

Even though our country has rich sources of water, there is always lack of
drinking water. What could be the reason behind?
About 71% part of the earth is covered with water. Out of the total amount of
water 97% water is in ocean and sea. It is very salty which cannot be used for
drinking. Rest of 3% of water is drinkable, out of which 0.003% flows as rivers.
Nepal is the second richest country in water resources. In Nepal, there are more
than 6000 rivers, rivulets and streams. Many of them originate from Himalayas.
We also have many lakes, ponds and springs.

However, we are facing problem of drinking water. The sources of water are not
properly utilized. They are not being supplied to people. Many people depend on
river water because there is no supply of drinking water. People of villages have
to go a long way to fetch water. Widespread deforestation is causing the sources
of water to dry up. Level of ground water is also decreasing. The settlements are
increasing. Moreover, all the sources of water are becoming polluted in
Kathmandu valley. There is no provision of security, control and filtration of
water. So our situation is something like that of a traveler voyaging in the ocean,
and dies of thirst without a drop of water even if there is water everywhere, not a
single drop to drink as the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge puts it.
25.) Describe the drinking water supply situation of the district of Terai.
The drinking water supply situation of the district in Terai in stated below:

a) The main source of water is the hand pump or tap that provides 38.6% of
the total quantity of water.
b) 18.9% of water is supplied through pipes.
c) People receive 16.3% of water from the ponds or wells.
d) Springs or kuwas are also one of the water resources, and the Terai people
use 11.7% of water from these resources.
e) As there are many rivers in the Terai region, people utilize 10.9% of water
from them.
f) People are supplied with 3.7% of water from other sources
26.) The interim plan of 2064-2067 BS set its aims for providing safe water
supply for 85% people that has not been succeeded yet. What do you think
should be the steps taken for fulfilling it? Discuss.
To meet the aims determined by interim plan of 2064-2067 BS regarding the
supply of safe drinking water, the following steps, I think, are better applicable:

a) Let people be informed about the importance of water and its use
b) Preserving the local sources of water
c) Launching large-scale water-supply projects and participate people in their
d) Controlling leakages and repairing the equipments timely
e) Controlling pressured migration to urban areas developing all regions
f) Development through "bottom up" approach for its sustainable pressure
28.) Nepal has the capacity of the production of 83,000MW electricity. Our
economy will be more prosperous if we produce only a little portion of that and
sell it to neighboring countries. In your opinion, what should be done for this?
Nepal is wealthy in water resources. We can make it good income-source if we
properly utilize the available water resources. In this way, we can get economic
prosperity. For this, Nepal government should motivate and promote the foreign
investors. Our national capital also should be invested for this. If the government
will attract the investors for investment, it can be used for the development of
electricity. The government should create the investment environment with us for
certain conditions especially for private companies. The government should
move the program ahead even with the foreign aid. For this work there must be

people's participation too. Corruption and bribery should be completely
eliminated. The government should focus for the high skilled manpower.
29.) Write the problems seen in the development of electricity in Nepal and also
write four measures to solve them.
Nepal is rich in water resources. The availability of abundant water resources
have ensured that there is greater possibility of hydropower but there are some
problems which are as follows:
a) Lack of capital for producing hydropower
b) Lack of skilled manpower
c) Lack of favorable government policy
d) Lack of commission
e) Lack of transportation development

The problems should not remain as problems but the solutions for the problems
should be searched. Some of the solution for them can be:

a) utilizing the sources of water to generate electricity

b) giving equal emphasis to hydroelectric projects too
c) connecting every part of the country with transportation network
d) developing technology within the country
e) utilizing foreign assistance properly
f) controlling stealing, linkage and over utilization of electricity

30.) Make a list of various means of communication.

The lists of various means of communication are

a) Radio
b) Telephone
c) Fax
d) Newspaper
e) Postal service
f) Wireless
g) Email
h) Films
i) Television
j) Mobile
k) Internet
31.) Suggest some ways for the improvement of communication in your locality
or nation.
The ways for the improvement of communication in my locality or nation are as
a) Connection of electricity to every house.
b) Modernizing postal system.
c) Encouraging people to buy and use computer.
d) Fostering cellular communication.
e) Providing telephone service.

32.) Suggest six ways for the proper development of electricity

We can give the following suggestions for the proper development of electricity: 
a) Utilize the sources of water to generate electricity.
b) Give equal emphasis to small hydroelectricity projects too.
c) Connect every part with transportation network.
d) Develop technology within the country.
e) Utilize foreign assistance properly.
f) Control stealing, leakage and unnecessary use of electricity.
33.) Untouchability has been an immense social problem. Write any four ways to
get rid of it.
Untouchability is a rooted social problem in our society. It is prevalent in all parts
of our country, levels of people, castes, communities, sectors etc. Untouchability
is a violent superstition in our society. It cannot be controlled by peripheral efforts
only. Anyhow, there can be some ways to get rid of them. They are as follows:

a) Providing education to all.

b) Consciousness programmes like seminar, gosthi, trainings, for the people
of prone zone.
c) Strict rule and regulations.
d) Social boycotting and different movements against the makers.

 Nepali is a multicultural,multiethnic,multiracial and multilingual country.
 The local knowledge,skill and technology that people used during the past
to make their lives easier and comfortable are known as traditional
knowledge,skill and technology
Short Answers
1.) What do you mean by traditional knowledge?
The local knowledge,skill and technology that people used during the past to
make their lives easier and comfortable is known as traditional knowledge,skill
and technology.
2.) Briefly, mention the importance of traditional knowledge,skill and technology.
The importance of traditional knowledge ,skill and technology are as follows:

a) They give our cultural identity

b) They arouse pride in us
c) They are highly environmentally friendly
d) They are not expensive
e) They save our investment and time
f) They help in preservation of knowledge and art
3.) Write any two  important of traditional knowledge,skill and technology?
The two important of traditional knowledge skill and technology are as follows:

a) The pride of ancestor deeds

b) Preservation of tradition,culture etc
4.) Write any unique traditional  knowledge,skill and technology?
Tuin, Diki, kol, Okhal are the unique traditional skill and technology.
5.) How do you relate traditional knowledge skill,technology etc to people's life ?
The local knowledge,skill and technology that people used during the past to
make their lives easier and comfortable is known as traditional knowledge,skill
and technology.In ancient period,people used a piece of bamboo hole to make
dry vegetable (gundruk) or some people buried in a pitch and some people used
a pot.

Long Answers
1.) Write briefly about local technology ?

The skill and technology that people used during the past to make their lives
easier and comfortable are known as local technology .For example a rope used
for crossing river (Tuin), grinding machine (janto) wooden machine (Dhiki) etc.

Our Traditions, Social Norms & Values
 Art is the expression of creative mind. It not only reflects the creativity of the
artist but also environment and situations where the artist lives. 
 Nepali artifacts depict the characters and events of scriptures, Vedas,
Puranas etc. 
 Our art is our identity and it must be preserved and promoted.
 Foreign visitors like William J. Kirkpatrick, Francis Buchanan-Hamilton,
Daniel Wright, Wang Went etc, included writing about the contemporary art and
culture of Nepal. 
Very Short Questions
1.) How are Pata and Mandala different from each other?
Pata painting is about 4-5 metres long. In a pata painting the picture of a god is
at its centre with other deities on all sides but in a Mandala there is a sign of
something, like a 'swastika' and others and the deities surround it.
2.) How is Maithili painting different from common wall painting?
Maithili painting is different from common wall painting because it consists the
picture of gods and goddesses along with worldly creatures but the other
common wall paintings conveyed stories of Mahabharat, Ramayan etc.
3.) What is the historical background of Nepalese painting?
The development of Nepalese painting starts from religion. Lichchavi dynasty can
be considered as the pioneer of Nepalese painting. Pragya paramita, a copper
letter is the oldest repainting, which is believed to be of 10th and 11th century. Its
development was in climax in 14th and 15th century. As its history, it is older than
4.) What is 'Book Painting' ?
The oldest book painting in the ancient time was painted in copper or paper.
Pragya Paramita is the oldest book painting till the date. But these days, it is
painted in paper.
5.) What is 'Wall Painting' ?

The painting on the wall of the house, temples, gumbas, etc. is called wall
painting. Such paintings are painted to avoid the effect of ghost and any bad
evils. The paintings of gods and goddesses have been the tradition of the
Nepalese people.
6.) What is Mithila Painting' ?

The masterpiece model of painting is Mithila painting. It is common in central
Terai. It is also called Madhuwani painting. It is believed that it was started from
Madhuwani of India. Now, it has been common in Mithila zone.

Short Answers
1.) Nepali art and culture has been greatly influenced by religion. Justify the
Nepalese art is known for its simplicity, originality and specialty. Its theme has
basically been religious, particularly Hindu and Buddhists. Nepali artifacts depict
the characters and events of scriptures, Vedas, Puranas, etc. Nepali artists have
been greatly influenced by their religious belief and have manifested their
contemporary society in their artifacts. Nepali religion contains different amazing
and creative customs which influence the artists to make something based on the
2.) What is Prajanaparamita? Write a paragraph on it.
Parajanaparamita is a Buddhist scripture meaning 'Perfection of Wisdom'. This
book painting was originally made on copper plate, palm leaf, wood etc. A 900
old copper painting, that goes with the name of 'Parajanaparamita' copied in
wood surface is the oldest book painting of Nepal. The painting consists of the
pictures of Pachabuddha and 5 stars on one side and the picture of
Parajanaparamita, Bajrasatwa and other goddesses in the other side.
3.) Give a short comment on the classification of paintings of Nepal?
There are different types of paintings found in Nepal. They are :

 Book painting: The painting found on books are book painting. The painting
was made of copper plate, palm leaf etc and consist the pictures of
panchabuddha and 5 stars on one side of the picture of Parajanaparamita.
 Scroll painting: The paintings are drawn in paper or clothes. They are
divided into Mandala and Pata paintings. These paintings are very costly.
 Wall painting: These paintings are drawn in walls. Early wall paintings
coulnot be protected for various reasons. Mithila painting is one of the most
refined forms of wall paintings.
4.) Show the relation between Nepalese painting and religion.
The source of Nepalese painting is religious belief and activities. It is
directly related to gods and goddess. The pictures of different gods and
goddesses, animals, birds can be seen in religious books and walls of
temples and houses. Paintings can be found in different forms as wall
painting, book painting, etc. in any way and it is believed that its the
traditional from long history of Nepal. The picture of naag (snake) pasted on
Naag Panchami is very old tradition in Nepal. The picture of cow is
considered as goddess Laxmi. These are the good examples that show
relationship between religion and some of our traditional pictures.
5.) How is the relation between Nepalese culture and painting?
The relationship between the Nepalese culture and painting is like two sides of a
coin. Our culture is represented through picture. Some cultures are based on
pictures or paintings. It means some paintings represent our culture. For
examples, culture of pasting Naag (snake) on Naag Panchami, culture of taking
photos in festivals, culture of drawing some pictures during contest, etc. are good
proofs which represent our culture. Painting of Durga on doors, windows, walls in
Dashain, painting of goddess Laxmi in Tihar, Saraswoti in Saraswoti puja, etc. in
various festivals are good examples which proves the good relationship between
culture and paintings.
6.) Write short notes on 'Nepali Pauva or Thanka Painting'.
The painting on clothing is called Pauva or Thanka Painting. There are two types
of painting, Patta and Mandala. As regarding Patta, there will be main deity at the
centre and other deities at the sides. The Pauva painting in Nepal started in
eleventh century.
7.) Write any four suggestions to uplift the Nepalese paintings in our points.
Nepalese painting is unique and original as suitable as our climate and culture.
Although there has been the tradition of painting for a long history, its
development is still crawling. To uplift its status, the following things are

a) There should be preservation of the old paintings.

b) Different painting contests should be held so there can be the participation
of all and interest could be increased.
c) There should be inclusive form programmes to participate old, young
women, backward.
d) There should be compulsory schooling/education in painting, etc.
 The artist who makes sculptures is known as sculpture.
 The image of Baman made of clay (terracotta) in ancient times was
installed by Lichchhavi King Mandeva and it is the oldest dated image available
 Mandeva was a king of artistic taste and did a lot of foster art and
 Development of Nepali sculpture reached its climax in the Malla period. In
the addition to Clay, stone and metal used earlier, wood, cloth, papers were
 Development of sculpture has slowed down in the modern period.
Construction of statues of Kings, Rana prime ministers and martyrs gave some

Short Answers
1.) Give a comparative description of ancient and medieval Nepali sculpture.
The comparative description of ancient and medieval Nepali sculpture is
given below:

Ancient sculpture Medieval sculpture

Simple in meaning and influenced by Complex in meaning and influenced by
religious theme. tantrism.
Stone and clay was used to make Stones, metals and woods were used to
those paintings. make those paintings.
Little us of costume and ornaments. More use of costumes and ornaments.
2.) Which of the sculpture you observed is most beautiful and why?

Vishnu in Budhanilkantha is the most beautiful sculpture I've ever seen because
it is a really marvelous item of Nepali sculpture. It is one solid piece of stone
which is about 7th century, was carved into the likeness of Vishnu who lies on
the bedding formed by shesh nags with his head to the east. His calm face and
gentle smile is given symbolic interpretation.
3.) Development of sculptures reaches its climax in the Malla period. Explain
with evidences.
Development of sculptures reached its climax in the Malla period because during
Malla period most of the renowned sculptures were introduced and flourished.
Malla period is also known as the golden period for sculpture. The images inside
Changunarayan Temple and around it, image of Palanchowk Bhagwati, image o
Budhanilkantha etc are the evidences to that the Malla period was the golden
period of sculptures.
4.) Nepali sculpture is valued mainly from their religious perspectives. What
should be done to enhance their aesthetic importance?
Nepali sculpture is valued mainly from their religious perspectives. To enhance
their aesthetic importance, sculptures be given a proper recognition in the
society. People should be encouraged towards the aesthetic side to improve the
painting style and sculptures should be given an important position in the society.
5.) What do you think should be done by the individuals and government for the
preservation of Nepali sculpture?
For the preservation of Nepali sculptures following steps should be followed:

a) Importance of sculptures should be introduced

b) Exhibitions should be held from time to time.
c) Necessary tools should be provided to the interested people.
d) Old, Important and valuable sculptures should be preserved in the museum.

e) Regular cleaning and mending of the sculptures should be done.

6.) What is meant by sculpture? Write brief introduction to it.

Sculpture is a work of art that is produced by carving or shaping stone,
wood, clay, metal etc. This can be in the form of statues, engraving and so
on. Religion being the heart and soul of the traditional Nepali sculpture,
there are many idols and images of gods and goddesses that were made in
ancient times. Most of them are carved on stones, walls and wooden planks
and fixed on doors and windows of temples. The middle age of Nepal was
popular for sculpture. The oldest idol found till the date is of Baman
Tribikram Birupakshya.
7.) How was the condition of sculpture in ancient time? Explain them.
The sculpture in Nepal has been developed since ancient time. Wooden,
metal and stone carvings have been tradition of Nepal since the ancient
time. In the carvings, we can find the images of gods and goddesses,
animals and birds, etc. The idol of Baman Tribikram is the old model of
sculpture of ancient period. The development of sculpture was in climax in
the medieval age. Extensiveness, complexity, religion, humanism, etc. are
the features of medieval sculpture. Formally, the development of sculpture
in Nepal started from Lichhavi period.

 By architecture, we mean the art of building houses, palaces, temples, forts
etc. The art of building dates back to the ancient age.
 Pagoda architecture is multi-storied. Its roofs, originally made of gold,
bronze or brass, get narrower from the lower to the higher and the top is usually
a golden gajur (pinnacle).
 Like others aspects of art, Nepali architecture is noted for its originality and
 Pagoda architecture is multi-storied.
 Stupa style is a hemispherical dome that keeps pinnacle with Buddha's
eyes painted on the outside.
 Summit building is roofless with several towering and tapering tops with
golden pinnacles. 
Short Answers
1.) Describe the peculiarity of the traditional architecture of our country.
The traditional architecture of our country is very different and original. The art of
buildings dates back to the ancient age. The architecture of our country is
explicitly religious and majestic art. Like other art, Nepali architecture is noted for
its originality and magnificence. The architecture of Nepal is divided into
Pagoda, Stupa and Summit style, where all of them are different and original

2.) Differentiate between Shikhar style and Pagoda style of architecture.

The difference are:

Shikhar style Pagoda style

Popular in 17th and 18th century. Started in ancient time and reaches in climax
in medieval period in about 13th century.
Veranda on sides, at the top Roofs are made of gold, brass, or bronze.
supported by stone carved pillars.
Doors are carved in stones and Has wooden and metal carving doors and
wood is rarely used. windows in all sides.
3.) How is the modern architecture of Nepal different from the traditional one.
Modern architecture is influenced by European style but traditional architecture
are original and are religiously influenced.
4.) Why and how should we promote and preserve Nepali art and culture.
Nepali art and culture is important heritage and it must be preserved. It should be
preserved as it not only attracts but also preserves our religious values, tradition
and norms. Nepali art and culture is influenced by religion and is original and if it
is not preserved then the originality gets destroyed. The art and culture is also an
alternative way to teach our future generation the value of our culture and
tradition. We can preserve our art and culture by educating people about the
importance of them. Art and cultural programs should held time to time to give
knowledge of the culture.
5.) In which style is each of the following temples or palaces built?
a) Pashupatinath = Pagoda style
b) Krishna mandir = Pagoda style
c) Kasthamandap = Pagoda style
d) Nyatapola = Pagoda style
e) Bauddhanath = Stupa style
f) Manakamana = Pagoda style
g) Janaki mandir = Summit style
h) Narayanhiti palace = Summit style
6.) What is meant by pagoda style? Clarify your answers with examples.
Pagoda style is our original or Nepalese style. It denotes multi tired temples with
large base and proportionately decreasing as we go up, with roof and pinnacle at
the top. The ground floor is called sanctum, which consists of the god that is
worshipped. The upper storey have space for storing god's property.

The pagoda style is believed to be a refined Chinese or Indian version of Nepal.

Man Griha, Kailashkut Bhawan, etc. are the examples of pagoda styles.
Pashupatinath temples and Changunarayan temple are also good examples of
pagoda style.
7.) Differentiate between Shikhar style and Stupa style.
The differences are:
Shikhar style Stupa style

1. The Shikhar style looks like the 1. Stupa is a shrine with a broad base of its
peak of a mountain. gradual upward narrowing.

2. It is divided into five or nine parts 2. It is also termed as Chaitya indicating of

in a vertical manner. consciousness.

3. The topmost part of each 3. Stupa means hillock or raised part.

structure consists of pinnacle; Maya Devi, Swayambhunath and
Krishna temple and Janaki temple Bouddhanath are good examples of stupa
are good examples. style.

8.) What difference do you find between our traditional art and modern art of
traditional architecture and modern architecture?

The ancient or traditional architecture was widely developed. Temples and
different palaces were built in large number. Shikhar style and pagoda style were
common to make temples and palaces. Wooden and stone carvings are
common. Some examples of ancient architecture are Changunarayan,
Nyatapola, Swayambhunath and Krishna temple.

These days temples and palaces are few in number. In modern time, wood and
stones are less used. Cement, rod, sand, brick, marble, different colors etc are
used in modern architecture. Singha Durbar, Shreemahal, Ranimahal,
Kesharmahal, etc. are the models of modern architecture.
9.) What can be your and your nations role to keep or identify the Pagoda style
as it is our identification and origins? Write in points.
Pagoda style is common these days too. When Araniko visited China, he had
introduced our own original style of architecture in China. It was more popular at
that time. In course of the time, its popularity has not maintained, as it had to be.
To keep up its identity alive or make popular worldwide, we can do following
a) There should be the curriculum of Pagoda style developed for educating
theoretically or practically.
b) Its management should be from basic level to higher level.
c) There should be senior and gosthi on pagoda style.
d) The government should make it compulsory to follow pagoda style.
e) If necessary, there should be the modification made on pagoda style.
f) The government should give and advertise the mechanism of pagoda style
10.) What are the specialties of architecture in our country?
The specialties of architecture in our country are:

a) Use of stone and wood artistically.

b) Different style of building, temples and palace, some temples are made in
Pagoda style, some temples are made in Gumbas style. Pachpanna jhyale
Durbar, Hanumandhoka, Mangriha, Bhadraniwas and Kailashkut palaces
were/are carved with excellent art.
c) Use of excellent skill.
d) Special use of stone, soil, brick, wood, etc. to make temples and palaces

Secularism is a state of having no official or state religion.
In the 18th century, enlightenment thinkers attacked classical traditions and
religious authorities which were suppressors and exploiters. Lumbini, the
birthplace of Gautam Buddha, is a place or reverence for Buddhists all over the
world. Pashupatinath, Muktinath, Devghat etc are among the most important
sites for Hindus.
1.) How was Nepal declared as secular state?
Nepal was declared a secular state by the historic 'Declaration of the House of
Representatives 2063' proclaimed on 4th Jyestha, 2063 BS.
2.) what is the importance of religious tolerance? How can secularism help in the
promotion of religious tolerance?

There is many importance of religious tolerance because religious tolerance
maintains peace, co-operation and unity among people. Secularism helps in the
promotion of religious tolerance as it maintains religious equality and freedom.
3.) what is the provision made by the Article 23 of the Interim Constitution of
Nepal 2063?

According to the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 B.S , 'Nepal is an

independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular, inclusion, federal, democratic
republican state. 'This constitution has made a clear provision for religious
freedom and tolerance in 'Right to Religion', Article 23.

4.) 'Walking through the streets of Kathmandu is like exploring a living museum.'

This is what a foreign said as he visited the valley. Explain his remark.
Yes, walking through the streets of Kathmandu is like exploring a living museum
as Kathmandu is full of temples, religious sites. The Pashupati temple is also
popular for its religious value as well as beauty. Most of the tourists come to visit
Kathmandu to see the Pasupathinath. Kathmandu Darbar square also adds
beauty to the streets of Kathmandu. Rani pokhari, Dharara, Ghantaghar,etc are
so beautiful that it makes streets of Kathmandu look more beautiful. Thus, it
makes the tourists feel like exploring living museum.
5.) Define tolerance?
Tolerance means capacity for recongizing and accepting religious or social
characteristics that is different.
6.) What is religious tolerance ?
Religious tolerance refers to the ability to tolerate other religions.

 King Janak developed Mithila at the center of intellectual discourses.
 Sita is always remembered for her ideal as a devout and faithful woman.
 Gautam Buddha, originally Siddhartha Gautam was born in 563 BC in
 Amshuverma made a lot of reforms in his country, as the result of which the
days of his regime were reckoned as the days of the golden period in the history
of Nepal.
 King Ram Shah of Gorkha was best known for the reforms he introduced in
his state in socio-economic, legal and religious fronts.
 King Prithvi Narayan Shah is rightly called the founder of modern Nepal.
 Nepal was proud of Araniko, a great architect of the country. So he was
given the name 'Balabahu'.
 Amarsingh Thapa, stubborn in nature fought bravely with the British East
India Company of India during 1814-16 AD war.
 Bhimsen Thapa, known as the first prime minister of Nepal, was a good
administrator and a brave warrior.
 Balbhadra Kunwar, though less equipped, fought very bravely with the
strong British forces and could make a successful defence of the fort for a long.
 Bhanubhakta Acharya, born to a family of Tanahun district was a gem of
 Motiram Bhatta was a famous youth poet.

 King Tribhuwan won the hearts of the Nepalese people by playing the key
role in the movement launched in Nepal for democracy.
 Shankhadhar Sakhwa is one from common Nepali citizen to get a national
recognition posthumously.
 Pasang Lhamu Sherpa climbed Mt. Everest on 10th Baishakh 2050 BS.
She was buried by the avalanche as she was coming back from the summit and
lost her life.
Short Answers
1.) Match the following
Founder of modern Nepal Prithivi Narayan Shah

Light of Asia Gautam Buddha

Reformer of Kirat Culture Mahaguru falgu nanda

Aadi Kavi Bhanubhanka Acharya

Founder of Nepal samvat Shankhadhar Sakhwa

Young Poet Motiram Bhatta

Bideha Janak

Balbahu Araniko

Grammarian King Amshuverma

First prime minister of Bhimsen Thapa


2.) Why is Pasang Lhamu Sherpa an important source of inspiration for the

Nepalese women?

Pasang Lhamu Sherpa an important source of inspiration for the Nepalese
women as Nepal is a very male dominant society where women are not
encouraged to do extraordinary tasks. Although born in this kind of country,
Pasang Lhamu Sherpa climbed the highest peak in the world, being first Nepali
woman to do so, making people regret what they said. There were lots of people
discouraging her but despite of all the complexions she had a straight eye in her
goal and she had confidence that she could achieve her goal. Likewise, Nepali
women regardless of all the discouragement and negativity in the society should
go ahead to accomplish their goals to make their country proud.
3.) Among the 16 eminent national figure of Nepal, which ones contribution do
you access more significant for the nation? Write with reasons.
According to me among the 16 eminent national figure of Nepal, I think Gautam
Buddha contributed more for the nation because in this pursuit of mystery of the
worlds sorrow and suffering, he left his royal luxuries, beautiful wife, young son
and everything earthly to get enlightened. He taught the people that the truth of
life is peace. He pursued justice and non-violence which had impact on the world
and he became the apostle of peace in the world.
4.) Whose name's do you want to add in the list of the national figures? Why?
I would like to add Laxmi Prasad Devkota in the list of national figures because
he contributed a lot in the field of literature and poetry. Laxmi Prasad Devkota
brought the Sanskrit tradition to its end and by starting a modern romantic
movement in the country. He was the first to begin writing epic poems in Nepali
literature. Many of his poems focus on mundane elements of the human and the
natural world. His poems such as "Ban", "Kisaan", "Baadal" show that he sought
his poetic inspiration in the common place and proximal aspects of the world.

5.) Write a letter to your friend who lives in Australia describing the contribution
of three of the national heroes of our country.

Mike Whitney,
Sydney, Australia

Dear Mike, 

I hope everything is fine there. I have not heard from you since a long time.
However, according to your request, I am writing you to tell you about three
national heroes of our country.

First, Bhanu Bhakta: He is the first poet of Nepal to write poems and articles in
pure Nepali script. He translated the "Ramayana" into Nepali language so that
normal Nepali people could read it. He has written many other books and poems

Bhimshen Thapa: He is one of the greatest warriors of our country. He fought

bravely in many battles keeping the sovereignty and independence of our
country. During his lifetime as a ruler, he also craved out steps for the
development of military in the country. So, his period of rule is considered the
golden age in the development of military strength in the country.

King Tribhuwan: He was the only king of Shah Dynasty who was able to give
people freedom from the autocratic Rana rule. He kept his own dignity at stake to
provide freedom to the people. 

That is all about my country. Now I hope to hear about the national heroes of
your country, too, so that I could know about your country as well. Hope to hear
from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
6.) Shed light on Sita as an ideal wife
Sita (Janaki) was the daughter of King Janak. She was a wise, beautiful and
devoted woman. She was married to prince Ram, the eldest son of Ayodhya.
Ramayana, a famous Hindu epic, is the story of Ram and Sita. In Hinduism, Sita
stands for pious lady, true devoted of her husband and as an ideal wife. Hindus
worship Sita as a goddess, too.

 Sympathy, love and co-operation can help promote peace and security
 Those who need it we should try to extend as much sympathy and co-
 We have to follow the principles of our great ancestors such as Gautam
Short Answers
1.) How does sympathy develop unity among people ?
Sympathy develops unity among the people by improving the social relationship
among people and connecting them totally in the happy and sorrow movement.
2.) What is sympathy ?Why do we need to do maintain sympathy ?
Sympathy refers to the human virtue to understand others sentiment, feeling of
pity and sorrow .We need to maintain sympathy because it helps to maintain
unity among the people living in society .
3.) What is co-operation ?How can people be co-operative ?
Cooperation is defined as the action or process of working together to the same
end. People can be co-operative by helping others in a difficult situation by
thinking there's one.
4.) Why are sympathy and co-operation compulsory to a country like Nepal ?

Sympathy and co-operation are compulsory to a country like Nepal because they
give birth to peace and then peace brings automatic progress on every individual
and society.
5.) What will happen if people are not sympathetic and co-operative ?
There will be hatred, jealousy, misunderstanding, discrimination etc if people are
not sympathetic and co-operative.
6.) What lesson did you learn from the above narrative story of Roshani ?List out
The lesson that I got from the narrative story of Roshni are as follows :

 There should be mutual co-operation and understanding in the society

 Every people need motivation and sympathy to do well in future
 We should be helpful to other.

Social Problem And Solutions

 The major types of our social problems are regional problems, Problems
related to Language, Problems related to gender, Problems related to class.
 Predominantly Nepalese society is male-dominated.
 Nepalese society has always been a capitalist society where clear class
discrimination prevails.
 Rapid population growth, environmental degradation, the refugee problem,
untouchability, girl trafficking and drug abuse are some of the other problems of
Very Short Questions
1.) What do you mean by social problems? Give examples.
The nourished evils and perversions caused by our ignorance, selfishness,
inhumanity and inefficiency is called social problems. The examples of social
problems are dowry system, robbery, girls trafficking, untouchability, gender
equality etc.
2.) What do you understand by social evils?
The problems such as girl trafficking, theft, robbery, murder, violence, anarchism
etc. which appeared due to the social problems such as poverty, unemployment,
etc. are called social evils. The bad practices such as superstition, witchcraft,
dowry system, etc. are kept under social evils.
3.) What is known by linguistic problem?
If the government gives the priority to one language to other languages, spoken
within the country in a way others will be in the shadow, the other language
speakers will feel difficult to expose the state language and it will so know by
linguistic problems
4.) What is the importance of public awareness in solving social problems?
Public awareness is very important to solve social problems. Raising public
awareness is not telling public what to do but it explains issues and disseminates
knowledge to people so they can make their own decisions. Because of which
people can understand the problems and find their solutions and therefore solve
5.) How can you solve the rooted social problems of your society
I can solve the rooted social problems of my society through the means of
education and awareness.
6.) What can be the role of the nation to solve social problem?
The nation can maintain the peace, security and stable politics so that several
problems cannot grow

Short Answers
1.) As per your experience, knowledge and studies make a list of as many social
problems of Nepalese society as you can.
The list of social problems in the Nepalese society are as follows:

a) Girls trafficking
b) Refugee problem
c) Untouchability
d) Drug abuse
e) Child labor
f) Dowry
g) Sexual abuse
h) Gender discrimination
i) Lingual inequality
j) Racial inequality
2.) Can we stop using English in the name of saving our local languages? What
else can we do to protect our own languages from declining?
No, we should not stop using English language in the name of saving our local
languages as English is an internationally recognized language. English is the
only language spoken all over the world. Protecting our local languages is a must
but stopping the use of English language makes us incapable of speaking to the
foreigners and if someday we visit the other countries it makes our living more
3.) "Superstition and Gender discrimination are two serious social problems of
our society." Justify.
Superstition and Gender discrimination are two serious problems of our society
as superstition blinds people and because of which they are forced to follow silly
acts to fulfill their wishes. Following such acts would never fulfill their wishes but
destroys the lives of animals and children and also creates a negative impact in
the society. Belief has a limit but believing in something more than necessary is
called superstition. In Nepal, superstition has led its roots very deep. Superstition
is a bad practice in the society.

Gender discrimination relates to the discrimination done according to the gender

of a human, which is not right. Male or female, both should be equally treated in
the society. As discriminating discourages female population due to which
females will always be left behind in every fields of life. In Nepalese society,
gender discrimination is practiced in every part of country. Girl are not privileged
to do simple things like going to school, choosing their career paths etc.
4.) "Gender inequality is a complex social problem in our country." Explain.
Really, gender inequality is a national problem, which is rooted all over Nepal. Its
main cause is male dominant society, Nepal is a male dominated society. Even
son and daughter are discriminated economically and academically. Domestic
works and household works are the daily basis of women. Women have to spend
much time in serving her husband and mother in law. Society and nation seems
to have behaved with women as second-class citizens. Even legally, there are
discrimination between man and woman. The women are taken as machine to
produce children.
5.) "Superstition can be taken as a social problem". Justify the statement with
Superstition is belief in something beyond logical reasoning. In the context of
Nepal, superstition is a deep rooted social problem. Untouchability, witchcraft,
child marriage, etc. are the examples of superstition practiced in Nepal.
Superstition has shown obstacles for the development and for the social
changes. Some men and women are misbehaved very inhumanely in the name
of witchcraft. Women cannot get married after the death of their husband but
men are allowed to get married after the death of wife. Women are made captive
as housewives only. If it is menstruation period in women, they are not allowed to
enter inside their home. Such superstitions have hindered rapid development of
our country. So it is taken as social problems.
6.) Categorize the social problems of our country into traditional (those which are
in practice for a long time) and modern (those which have come with the help of
science and technology and imitation of foreign culture) social problems.
The traditional social problems, which are in practices for a long time in Nepal,
are as :
a) Dowry system
b) Kamaiya system
c) Superstition

d) Alcoholism
e) Gambling
f) Untouchability
g) Gender discrimination
h) Child labour
i) Chhaupadi system
j) Ghumto system
k) Deuki system
l) Jhuma system, etc.
The modern social problems, which are caused after the development of science
and technology, are as :

a) Changes in life style from tradition to modern

b) Unnecessary expenditure
c) Use of varied alcoholism
d) Prostitution
e) Girls trafficking
f) Use of drugs
g) Use of unnecessary ornaments
h) Imitation of western culture, etc.

7.) What roles can you play in abolishing social evils and preventions such as
untouchability and dowry system?
To prevent untouchability and dowry system firstly, we should aware people not
to give or take dowry as it is illegal, if you see people doing such activities its
your duty to complain about the in the police as you are one of the member of
this Nepal family. To prevent untouchability we should not believe in low cast
system or high class because all men are created equally. Not only these if we
see this it's our duty to aware them that it totally illegal by this we can put little
help to solve these problems.
8.) Clarify your role in points for the removal of social problems.
As a conscious citizen, my duty is to serve for the society and nation. As I got
education, I would try to remove drawbacks and wrong behavior found within my
home, my society and me. Firstly, I would like to correct my attitude and behavior
towards society. After that, my role to solve all kinds of problems is as follows:
a. I would provide education to all in my personal efforts. 
b. I would conduct several awareness programmes among all the people.
c. I would help government to implement strict rule and regulations.
d. I would manage to settle or rehabilitate to victims and provide them skillful

 Corruption is like virus, which had made hollow to our nation.
 Understanding Corruption is the first step to fight against Corruption.
  Corruptions are misuse of public fund, favouritism, nepotism,
encroachment, forgery, dishonesty on entrusted work. 
 In our society, corruption discourages people to work together for the
common good. 

Long Answers
1.) What is Corruption?
Corruption is an illegal act by an officeholder. It is the misuse of public power. It's
like a virus, which has made hollow to our nation. It is the main problem of every
country. Corruption is a global problem and occurs not only in developed but also
in developing countries like Nepal. Corruption is a serious social problem in our
2.) Write the causes of Corruption?
As we know that Corruption is like a Virus, which cause hollow to the nation. The
causes of Corruption are as follows:

Low Pay scales/ Wages:

Most of the employees in government sector are paid low wages and salaries.
Hence, some employees revert to corruption for more financial benefits.

Lack of Strict and fast punishments:

Even if someone is found guilty or even caught red-handed by the anti-corruption
officials or media, the convicts get less punishment. First, they will be suspended
for few months or weeks and then re-posted to another location with same Job
grade and pay.

Low Job opportunities.

This is another cause of corruption. Due to lack of job opportunities at will, there
are many people who like to go for corruption mode to get the job offer.

Lack of transparency in affairs and deals:

Many seat selection processes like in education, contracts for job, employee
income reports (wealth possession), etc lack transparency.

.Lack of enough powers to the judicial system:

Like the election commission cannot ban a politician from contesting in case they
make a mistake or do not comply with the rules during. Similarly, the judicial
system has low options to punish someone who is found to be.
3.) What are the effects of Corruption?
The effects of Corruption are listed below:
a) The impact of corruption is very hard in public life.
b) Violation of laws and Order.
c) Question mark on the prestige of a nation.
d) The question marks about system and leadership.
e) Lack of quality in services
f) Lack of proper justice
g) Lack of respect for rulers
h) Lack of faith and trust on the governments
i) Decrease in foreign investment
j) Lack of development
k) Differences in trade ratio’s
4.) Write some of  the government plans,  doing for the control of Corruption?
Government plays an important role for the control of the Corruption. Here are
some of the points listed below:

a) Media have been playing a vital role by reporting and publishing the
news of corruption with high priority.

b) Nepal has signed in International Convention, 2063 respective to
corruption control. It's endorsed by the parliament of Nepal in - 2011
c) .Special Court has special jurisdiction of a permanent nature to
adjudication of “corruption and money laundering cases” filed by the
d) There has been lots of awareness generating programmes being
conducted by nongovernmental organizations about corruption.
e) Corruption has been included in the school curriculum to make
students aware of it and its consequences

 Youth clubs, women groups, mothers’ group etc are working at local level.
 Social organizations working in Rasuwa district are Paldopik Youth Club,
Manekor Society Nepal, Lali Gurans Group, Uttargaya women’s Group,
Janajagaran Manch, Lahare Pauwa Buffer Zone Committee, Kalika Youth Group,
Long Foundation Nepal, Small Enterprise Organization, and Canvas
 Aama Samuha’ (‘Mother Groups’) are gaining popularity in the field of social
reformations and community in the western Nepal about 2 decades ago.
Short Answers
1.) What can be the role of local club to solve the social problems prevalent in
your locality
There is a club in my locality. Its name is "Jana Jagriti Club". The roles of club to
solve problems are:

a. It conducts awareness programme on several burning problems.
b. It launches literacy programme for children, women, adult and old.
2.) How was the tradition of mother's group started? Write on the basis of the
information given in the text and asking the people who know it.
Indeed, mother's groups have played very important role to eliminate social
problems. The beginning of mother's groups for the first time started from Gurung
communities of Western hills two decades ago. The man have been out to work,
the women have been united and involve in various works. Slowly it has taken
the shape of organization and it has involved in social works. It has extended
Nepal-wide. Even women have started to fight massively against theft, robbery,
different social problems. At least, Gurung women have developed the trend of
being united.
3.) In Nepal several social organizations have been emerged to give services to
the people. But their intension is to earn money. Suggest such organizations for
the works they have to do. Write in points.
Nepal is a developing country. In developing countries like Nepal, there will be
several non-governmental organizations, so there are many in Nepal too. They
are BASE, INSEC, NEFEJ, NLA, Health Net Nepal, Didibahini etc. These
organizations have been working in various sectors of Nepal and thus providing a
wide range of contribution for social reform.
Although they are working for people's betterment, they concentrate for earning.
These social organizations get much more financial support from donor
agencies. However, they do not work even a ten percent. Nominally they are
working but for they own benefits and personal matters.

 Manusmriti’ had divided people into different castes as per their
 Bhimsen Thapa, the first prime minister of unified Nepal, had tried to
discourage the sati pratha along with other evils of the Nepalese society.
 Dev Shumsher, who was known as the most liberal of all Rana prime
ministers, established about 150 schools throughout the country-50 in the valley
and 100 elsewhere outside.
 In 2057 BS parliament decisions came for the emancipation of Kamaiyas of
Mid-west and Far-west.
 The role of UN agencies such as UNHCR, UNFPA, ILO and UNICEF along
with that of the INGO’s like Action Aid Nepal, International Nepal Fellowship.
Very Short Questions
1.) Now caste discrimination is considered so bad. How would the caste
divisions made by King Jayasthiti Malla be a social reform?
King Jayastiti Malla with his code 'Manusmriti' had divide people into different
castes as per their occupation. This division, though sounds unfair now was very
valuable in those circumstances and could bring a good social order.
2.) Try to make a list of social reforms of King Ram Shah.
The list of Ram Shah' reforms are

 He developed a system of measurement.

 He had improved justice administration.
 He had improved trade and business.
 Capital punishment could be given only to the murderers.
3.) The bonded laborers set free in 2057 BS are yet to be rehabilitated. Try to
find the problems behind it.

The bond laborers set free in 2057 BS are yet to be rehabilitated. The problems
behind it are the lack of political commitment and promoting welfare state their
rehabilitation is yet to rehabilitated.
4.) Despite so many efforts made, many of our social problems still remain
unsolved. Discuss in groups what needs to be done to make such efforts fully
effective and successful.
Despite of many efforts made many of our social problems still remain unsolved
because of superstition, ignorance, poverty and male-dominated social structure.
It is very important to identify the causes of these social problems before their
successful measures can be applied. Public awareness is vital in solving these
social problems.

Short Answers
1.) What are the provisions made by the Interim Constitution of 2063 B.S in the
area of social reformations?
Provisions made by the Interim Constitutions of 2063 B.S in the area of social
reformations has made provision for social justice, inclusive , and federal state,
responsible government, efficient legislative, religious tolerance, gender equality
and so on. As a result the state adopted policies to encourage the development
of women, Dalits, Janajatis and other disadvantaged groups of people.
2.) How can you show your effort to solve corruption in your country?
Corruption is a vital social problem in our society. To solve this problem we
a. Government's work should be transparent .
b. Strict and hard punishment should be maintained, etc.
3.) Why is the caste system introduced by Jayasthithi Malla as a social reform?

Jayasthithi Malla divided the caste system based on works. His divisions on
caste system were taken as revolution that time although it has no good
consequences at present. It was taken as common that happiness and prosperity
would be prevalent if tradition occupation is followed. It was clear in medieval
period but it became so puzzling. It was problematic between migrants and
nature dwellers in regarding to the professionals. Paying attention to some such
extents, Jayasthithi Malla divided to people based on their works. Due to this,
there could not be any quarrelling. Therefore, it was said to be greater social
4.) "Muluki Ain of 2020 BS had the concept of revolutionary social reforms". Do
you agree with this statement? Explain.
Muluki Ain was a revolutionary concept of social reformation in the history of
Nepal, for the first time it was legally mentioned to avoid untouchability. It was
banned on child marriage, polyandry, polygamy etc. legally. It legally generalized
to widow-marriage and court-marriage. If it could be legally implemented even in
that time Nepalese society could be reformed in the full fledge. So, it is said that
it was a revolutionary social effort to bring reformation.
5.) What do you mean by Sati System?
The system where the wife has to die in Chita with the dead body of husband is
called Sati System. If the wife rejected to burn in Chita, she was badly beaten
and compelled to burn herself. In the death of Yognarendra Malla, 31 women had
to burn and die with him. This sort of inhuman system was eradicated by
Chandra Shumsher.

 Conflict is a disagreement through which the parties involved perceive a
threat to their needs.
 Conflict occur when people perceive that there is a threat to their needs,
interests or concerns.
 Conflict is best understood by examining the various behaviors' at moments
in time.
  Conflict should be taken as a challenge.
 Conflicts cannot be eliminated but it can be managed.
  Conflict has started along with human civilization and continues till its

Long Answers
1.) What is conflict?
A Conflict is the misunderstanding or disagreement between two parties. it is a
situation in which people perceive a threat to physical, emotional, power, status,
etc. to their well-being. Conflicts cannot be eliminated but it can be managed.
2.)  Give the reason for initiating conflict?
The reason for initiating conflicts are as follows:

1. Disagreement between two parties.

2. Misunderstanding between each other.

3. Jealously.

4. Dominating system

5. Attitude
3.) What is Conflict reconciliation?
Conflict reconciliation is the methods and processes of facilitating the peaceful
ending of conflict and retribution. The field of conflict resolution also includes the
proper discussion between the parties and help young people develop
communication and problem-solving skills.
4.)  If you be the victim of conflict in your family or School, how will you resolve?
Write a way out. 
We know that, Conflict is the misunderstanding or disagreement between two
parties. So, if I be the victim of conflict in my family or school. I will do the
following things.

1. Find the real issue.

2. Agree or disagree to the situation

3. Compromise when possible

4. Solve the problem.

 The constitution of the United States of America, adopted in 1787, is the
oldest of all.
 The constitution is essential for the preservation of people’s rights and
justice, to fulfill the wish of the people and to direct the nation to a specific goal.
 Features of an ideal constitution are Clarity, Changeability, Universality,
Conciseness, separation of power, Respect for a public wish, Provision of
fundamental rights and Independent judicature.
Very Short Questions
1.) What is constitution?
The fundamental or basic law of the nation which preserves the rights and gives
justice to people and directs the nation to a specific goal is called constitution.
2.) England that follows the best democratic norms in the world has no written
constitution. Why?
England that follows the best democratic norms in the world has no written
constitution because it works with the conventional laws founded from the early
4.) What is meant by rule of law?
The rule of law is the type of governance system, which is built according to the
common will and wish of the people for social, economic, cultural and political
justice for all.

Short Answers
1.) How does a constitution reflect the characteristics and aspirations of the
Constitution reflects the characteristics and aspirations of the state as
constitution provides for the chief organs of the government, like the executive,

legislative and judiciary and guarantees for the people with fundamental rights. It
also formulates action regarding the people's rights and the need of the nation. It
acts as a backbone for the development of the country and depends on how the
laws are formulated and carried out.
2.) How is people's power similar to government's power? How are they
Peoples power is similar to government power as they both are trying to preserve
the rights and wishes of people and direct the nation to a specific goal.
People's power and government power is different as in people's power, the rules
and regulation are made by themselves but in government's power the authority
of making the rules and regulation is given to a group or a person.
3.) "Constitution is the fundamental law of a country." Why?
Constitution is the main law of a country. The laws of the nation depend on the
written constitution of the nation. It is said that the constitution is the mirror of the
nation because the rule of the nation will be as the written constitution of Nepal. It
gives the validity to the power of the nation as it is mentioned in the constitution.
No one will be greater than constitution. It fixes the shape and size of the
government. The co-ordination organs are determined by the constitution. Any
law against the constitution is not accepted. The constitution plays the leading
role in rules and regulations. So, it is called the fundamental law of a country.
4.) What are the differences and similarities between the power of the
government and that of the citizens?
Government's power is governance power and people's power is the power to
select the best possible representatives for the best leadership of a democratic
country. These powers have the following similarities and dissimilarities.

Similarities Dissimilarities
Government and people both work Government can change but people remain the same.
as per subject's will.

Both can punish the people who are Government's power is not only directed by laws but
against the country's development people's power is directed by the laws. People can
or are unwanted elements of the protest against governance, laws and even
country. constitution if they are unfriendly with them.

National development, security, People can form a government but government

prosperity, independence, etc. are cannot form people.
the common goals of government
and people.

5.) what are the functions of constitution?

The function of constitution as follows:

 It margins the power of government.

 It determines the form of government.
 It determines the power between the different organs of the government.
 It protects the rights of people.
 It manages the ways of utilizing state power.
6.) What are the bases for drafting the constitution?
The following are the bases for drafting the constitution:

 The constitution must me made according to the need and will of the
 The constitution must reflect the uniqueness of the country.
 The constitution should be made by the public as their sentiments should
also be considered.
 While drafting the constitution, the factors such as culture, population, state
geography, etc. must be avoided.

 Constitutional development began with the promulgation of Rana Prime
Minister Padma Shamsher constitutional reforms in 2004 BS.
 After the popular movement of 2062/63, Nepal started making a truly
democratic constitution through an elected constituent assembly that could
ensure widest possible public participation.
 Six constitutions of Nepal are Nepal Government Act 2004 BS, Nepal
Interim Government Act 2007 BS, The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal
2015 BS, The Constitution of Nepal 2019 BS, The constitution of Kingdom of
Nepal 2047 BS and The Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 BS
Very Short Questions
1.) Why did our first constitution remain a constitution without implementation?
The first constitution remained a constitution without implementation because of
the undue pressure from resistant Ranas who did not want the countrymen to
2.) What do you think was the main flaw of the constitution of 2047 BS?
The flaws of constitution of 2047 BS were that it gave more executive power to
the King.
3.) State any two features of 'The Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS'.
The features of 'The Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS' are:

 Citizenship by descent to a child of a Nepali father or mother

 Sovereignty of people
Short Answers
1.) Why was the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2015 replaced so soon?
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2015 made the provision for adult
franchise, bicameral parliament, auditor general and many more but it was
replace soon by the power seeking King Mahendra as he thought giving power to
the countrymen would make them go against him and snatch his powers.
2.) What were the main objectives of the Popular Movement?
The main objectives of Popular Movement are as follows:

 Introduce Nepal as a federal democratic country

 To get the state authority in the people
 To have the permanent peace and security in the country
 To make the constitution by themselves
 To end monarchial system
 To form the government according to people's will.
3.) The present constitution has valued the popular wish. How?
The present constitution has valued the popular wish as the constitution provided
for the unicameral legislative parliament, election to the Constituent Assembly,
recognition of the Human Rights Commission as a constitutional organ, originally
the appointed of the Commander-in-Chief by the Prime Minister and so on.
4.) In the history of Nepal, for the first time the constitution of Nepal has been
promulgated by the people. How has the opportunity been received? Review this.
The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 is the first constitution promulgated by
the people. The constitution of 2047 accepted constitutional monarchy. The then
King Gyanendra took the executive power in his hand as against the wish of the
people. The armed Maoist revolution for ten years reached climax. All the

democratic and communist parties, civil society and Maoist party jointly declared
the revolution against monarchism and for the full fledged democracy. This
revolution continued for 19 days and regained all the rights of the people
snatched by the monarch. As a result constitution was promulgated by the power
of Nepalese people.
5.) Highlight the basic causes of the peaceful people's movement II.
The basic causes of the peaceful people's movement II are as follows:
 The previous constitution could not address the desires and needs of the
 The politics of the nations remained unstable and absence of peace.
 The monarch tried to be active ruler as against the will of the people.
 The people wanted to secure their right through new Nepal.
 The aimed Maoist revolution supported and participated in the peaceful
people's movement.
6.) 'The Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 is a package of compromise' justify it.
The Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 is a paper of agreement and compromise.
It is clearly mentioned in the constitution that each decision and any national
affairs and concerning matters will be decided through the agreement of several
parties. It has been constitutionally mentioned that at least some compromises
should be done by each parties until the formation of new government after the
promulgation of new constitution through Constituent Assembly. It is the fact that
constitution cannot be made until political parties come to an agreement and to
come to an agreement everybody have to change their stance and incorporate
others will. So, our constitution has directed to all to follow agreement and

7.) What do you understand by 'popular will'? Why is it considered appropriate to
rule in accordance with in democracy?
This will of the people is known as 'popular will'. It includes the will of majority
people. However, it does not mean all the people have involvement in everything
or all actions, in all places. It also does not mean that all the people rule. People
elect the best possible candidate as their representative. A party having the
majority of the representatives in the parliament forms government. The
representatives rule according to the will of people rather than their party of
followers alone. This is what is known as rule of popular will. Democratic means
the implementation of their rules and execution of such rules by their
representatives. Thus, it should have popular will and the legal popular will. In the
lack of popular will the ruler becomes aristocracy rather than democracy. So, it is
considered appropriate to rule according to the will of the people in democracy.
8.) Explain the major characteristics of 'The Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS'
The Constitution of Nepal 2072 BS was promulgated by President Ram Baran
Yadav unveiled on behalf of Speaker Subash Chandra Nembang on 3rd Ashwin
2072 BS. It is divided into 35 parts, 308 articles, and 9 schedules. It is the
seventh constitution of Nepal. It was amended on 9th Magh 2072 B.S. The
following are the major characteristics of the constitution:

 Secularism
 Federal model with seven provinces
 Democratic Republican State
 Independent and fair judiciary
 Executive rights on Council of Ministers
 President as a ceremonial head of the state

 Full press freedom
 Citizenship by descent to a child of a Nepali father or mother
 Sovereignty of people

 Constituent Assembly is the process of drafting the constitution. It is the
assembly of elected people’s representatives formed in order to draft the
 The first Constituent Assembly was unable to introduce constitution
because of that the election of second constituent assembly was held in 2070
 There was the provision to select the candidates in accordance with
gender, geographical basis as per the principle of inclusiveness in the direct
Very Short Questions
1.) What is a Constituent Assembly?
Constituent Assembly is the process of drafting the constitution. It is the
assembly of elected people’s representatives formed in order to draft the
2.) How was CA form in Nepal?
CA was formed in Nepal as:
 There were 240 lawmakers elected directly from 240 constituencies.
 335 members were elected through proportionate election system
supposing entire country a constituency.
 26 members were nominated by the Council of Ministers from among the
experts having the contribution of different sectors representing indigenous
3.) How was the provision of tenure of the CA come up with the constitution?
The tenure of the CA was four years from the date of its first meeting. If the
constitution is not promulgated by the reason of the proclamation of as state of
emergency in the country, the CA, by resolution to the effect, the term can be
extended by six months.

Short Answers
1.) Explain in short about constituent assembly.
Constituent Assembly is the process of drafting the constitution. It is the
assembly of elected people’s representatives formed in order to draft the
constitution. It is the outcome of the democratic movement. In the process of
constituent assembly, there is more participation of people and they have the
right to write their constitution by themselves. Thus, the constituent assembly is
regarded as a democratic practice for drafting the constitution. There are
proportionate representation and involvement of the people of every caste, sex,
geographical region, etc. It is also taken as one of the most democratic ways of
drafting a constitution. So, it is more trustworthy for the promulgation of the
2.) Why is Constituent Assembly required in Nepal?

In the history of Nepal, altogether 6 constitutions were promulgated. They were
made by a single authority. All of them did not comprehend the sentiments of the
people and their aspirations due to which Mass Movement 2062/63 took place
and Loktantra was established. After the establishment of Loktantra in Nepal, the
constituent assembly was conducted and thus, a constituent assembly was
formed. The first Constituent Assembly was unable to introduce constitution
because of that the election of second constituent assembly was held in 2070
BS. It was formed to ensure better rights and freedom to the people.
3.) What are the provisions made to form inclusive CA?
The following are the provisions made to form the inclusive Constituent

 There was the provision to select the candidates in accordance with

gender, geographical basis as per the principle of inclusiveness in the direct
 There was the provision of 50% representation of the women from each
constituency through the proportionate election system.
 There was the provision of at least \(\frac {1}{3}\) (one-third) compulsory
representation of the women in the constituent assembly.
 There was the constitutional provision of the representation of enlisting
people from suppressed group, poor peasants, laborer and handicapped
category while preparing a list of candidates through proportionate election

 All the civil rights enshrined by the constitution are known as fundamental
 The constitution of Nepal 2063 provides freedom of expression of thoughts,
right to assemble peacefully without arms, right to move and settle freely within
the state territory, and right to form unions and associations and freedom of
occupation, trade and industry. 
 According to right to equality of The constitution 2063, Nobody shall be
deprived of equal protection by law and no discrimination will be made on the
basis of religion, race, sex, caste, origin, tribe, language and ideology. 
 No discrimination shall be made on the basis of race and caste in entering
into public places and in the use of public facilities.
 Every citizen shall have right to live in healthy environment. It shall be their
right to get basic services free of cost from the state.
Very Short Questions
1.) What kinds of people's aspirations did the framers of the constitutions of the
democratic countries of the world expect by providing for the fundamental rights
in them?
The farmers of the constituents of democratic countries of the world expected the
people to be responsible, and expected them to help in the development of the

Short Answers
1.) Explain in your own words the provisions made by 'Right to Freedom'.
Right to freedom is the freedom given to the countrymen by a country. This is the
freedom of expressing of thoughts, right to assemble peacefully without arms,
right to move and settle freely within the state territory and many more. Right to

freedom makes a person live his life without hesitation. Right to freedom makes a
person capable of do anything, besides illegal stuffs.
2.) What do you know about the provisions made by 'Children's Right'?
Children's rights are the human rights of children with particular attention of the
rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. Children have the right to
an adequate standard of living, health care, education and services and to play
and recreate. These provisions include a balanced diet, a warm bed to sleep in,
and access to schooling.
3.) What is the purpose behind providing for 'No Exile Right' in the constitutions
made after democracy? During Rana regime, the citizens were banished for the
commission of crime. Give reasons.
Every citizen of the country have right to live and work in their country but exiling
one from a country abandons him from all the rights. His crime maybe
unforgivable but banishing one from a country is against the rights of people. 
During Rana regime, there were no rights for human. Ranas only thought for
themselves and do as they wished. If the citizens did a slightest mistake against
Ranas they had to get banished as no rights for the citizens that time.
4.) Every community has right to receive basic education in own mother tongue
in accordance with the provision made by the law in the present constitution.
Why is education in mother tongue emphasized?
Constitution has secured the right of every community to get basic education in
their mother tongue. The children will learn faster if they get education in their
mother tongue. If the learning will be effective, the interest and desire of children
will also increase. Child will not understand if the language of the school and their
mother tongue differ. If they get the education in their mother tongue, the learning

can be exchanged easily and learning will be easier. Thus, constitution has
emphasized to get education in their mother tongue.
5.) Discuss the duties of Nepalese citizens as mentioned by the constitution.
The duties are:
a) Moral duties: Moral duty of a person is to lead an ideal, sacred and honest life,
to respect and obey one's parents and teachers and not to have ill will against
b) Legal duties: We should not go against the law. It is our length duty to refrain
from stealing, swindling, destroying others property or harming them,
discriminating against people and hampering their freedom.
c) Civil duties: Civil duties include serving the nation, to abide by the law, to pay
taxes, to use the right to vote.
6.) Distinguish between the following fundamental rights and duties.
The differences are:

Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties

a. To adopt own religion. a. To follow the law of the country.

b. To earn property under the law. b. To use vote for the benefit to the
people by the citizens.

c. All citizens have to preserve and c. To live a free life.

promote their language and culture.

7.) What is meant by right to equality? What are the special provisions in this
Right to equality means rights given to all the citizens, which says that all the
citizens irrespective of sex, class, caste, etc. are regarded equal in front of law.
The special provisions are:
a. All the citizens are guaranteed with equal rights and protection of law.
b. All citizens, irrespective of religion, race, sex, caste, tribe or ideology are
regarded equal.
c. There shall be not discrimination between any citizens.
d. All citizens have free access to public places, the use of wells, taps, roads, etc.

 To lead a simple and honest life with sense of respect and honors shown to
others in the family, teachers, guest and strangers is a moral duty.
 Legal duty means a duty done lawfully or as the laws require us to do.
 Civil Duties are the duties of the citizen towards their countries. Civil Duties
can be divided into  four types: Service to nation, Adherence to laws
andrules, Paying tax, Casting of votes and Raising voice in favour of truth and
 Very Short Questions
1.) What is meant by duty?
A duty is an obligation on the part of an individual to do something. It is
something which we are obliged to do for others in our society.
2.) Why should we vote honestly?
We should vote responsible so that the government may consist of capable
representatives of people who would work for the general interests of the people.

Short Answers
1.) Show the difference between rights and duties.
The difference between rights and duties are given below:

Rights Duties

Right is the legal, social or ethical principles Duty is a responsibility one does for the
country provides a citizen. country.

Rights benefits citizens. Duties benefit others.

Rights include Human rights, Child rights, Justice Duties include paying taxes, moral duties,
etc. casting votes etc.

2.) How are moral duties and legal duties different from one another?
Moral duties are different from legal duties as following:

Moral duties Legal duties

Moral duty is a duty to lead a simple and Legal duty is a duty done lawfully or as law
honest life with sense of respect and honor. requires us to do.

Failure to moral duties may not bring legal Failure to legal duties invites legal actions and
actions but bad impression from the may also lead to degradation to their status .

Moral duties are: Allegiance, obedience, Legal duties are: not to be negligent, to keep
payment of taxes, etc. safe, public watchfulness, etc.

3.) How can right to vote be misused? Why is it very essential to make sure that
right to vote is not misused?
The right to vote can be misused by voting for the wrong candidate. In an
election, every vote counts and if people don't attend the election then the
majority may go towards the wrong candidate and the country goes in the wrong
hands. Therefore it is very essential to make sure that the right vote is not

 The facts, data, knowledge or details of something of someone is referred
as information.
 Right to information is the right to obtain the sample of the verified
documents or information.
 Right to Information is defined in Section 2(e) of Right to Information Act,
Very Short Questions
1.) What is an information?
The facts, data, knowledge or details of something of someone is referred as
information. It is the data that is organized for a certain purpose.
2.) What do you mean 'Right to Information'?
Right to information is the right to obtain the sample of the verified documents or
information. It is one of the recently identified rights in Nepal.

Short Answers
1.) List out the public institutions of Nepal.
The following are the public institutions of Nepal:

 Constitutional bodies
 Bodies established in accordance with Act, government rules, and
 Established bodies by the government of Nepal.
 Organizations or Academics established by the government to provide
public services.
 Registered political parties and organizations in accordance with the
existing law of the country.

 Established organizations under the government of Nepal with complete or
partial ownership or control.
 Non-governmental organizations founded by Nepal government or foreign
government or international organizations.
2.) What are the public importance of Right to Information?
The following are the public importance of Right to Information:

 The provision to obtain information compels the government to be

 The significance of sovereignty of the people is proven.
 It helps to bring down the degree of corruption.
 Impunity, financial irregularities and misuse of rights greatly diminish.
 It brings effectiveness in delivering public service.
 People participate in the governing system.
 It discourages clamor and rumor. It helps to provide right information on
time to people concerned.
 It promotes civil education and improvises the democratic system, etc.
3.) What are the rights that come under Right to Information?
The following are the rights that come under Right to Information:

 To get the authenticated sample of something.

 To record and analyze the activities and documents.
 To get the record of documents and verified duplicate copy.
 To transfer information through print, diskette, pen drive, tape, video,
cassette etc.
4.) What are the matters that don't come under Right to Information?
The following matters don't come under the Right to Information:

 The information that affects Nepal's sovereignty, independence, divisibility,
national security, public peace, and security and international relation.
 The information that hinders on criminal investigation, accusation, etc.
 The information that affects the relation of different culture and
 The information respective to an individual, confidentiality, individual's life
and property, health, security, etc.
 The information that can affect the banking and commercial privacy and
preservation of economic trade and monetary benefits or intellectual property.

 Governance describes the process of decision-making and process by
which its decisions are carried out.
 Characteristics of good governance are
Participation, Accountability, Responsiveness, Transparency, Rule of
Law, Consensus, Equality and inclusiveness, Effectiveness and efficiency.
 Good governance, in a broader sense, is to rule according to the need and
wish of people as well as for their welfare. 
 Accountability is the soul of a democratic government. 
 Bureaucracy is honest and its functions help promote public- welfare.
Short Answers
1.) How do you define good governance in simple sentence?
A good governance refers to the fair manner in which a government works
2.) What is the need and importance of good governance?
A good governance is important as it not only gives the local community
confidence in its council, but improves the faith that elected members and
officers have in their own local government and its decision-making processes.
3.) Accountability is the soul of democratic government. Explain.
Accountability is the soul of democratic government as all government and
private institutions along with civil societies are essentially responsible to
respective groups of people for their decisions and actions.
4.) What are the characteristics of good governance?
Good governance has major 8 characteristics. They are:

 Participation
 Transparency
 Rule of law
 Responsiveness
 Consensus oriented
 Equality and equity
 Inclusiveness
 Effectiveness and efficiency
 Accountability
5.) What are the challenges of good governance in Nepal?
The challenges of good governance in Nepal are as follow:

 Corruption and impurity

 Process oriented administration
 Weak civil society
 Insufficient public pressure
 Policy level instability
 Traditional thoughts etc.

 The legal principle for governing a nation is known as the rule of law.
 The rule of law is also known as ‘Supremacy of Law’, ‘Constitutional
Supremacy’ etc. 
 Rule of laws should be maintained properly for producing loyal and honest
generations who have the broad knowledge of the rules of laws of a nation. 
 Constitution is regarded as the main law of the nation. 
 Everyone is equal in front of the law. 
Very Short Questions
1.) What is rule of law?
The legal policy that a nation should be administered by the law rather than the
subjective decisions of individual government administrators
2.) What do you mean by nomocracy?
The government based upon the rule of law is known as nomocracy.
3.) State any two need of rule of law.
The need of the rule of law are:

 Democracy formation and the government responsible towards the people

 Promotion of social justice and equality
4.) Who brought the concept of the rule of law?

AScottish theologian named Samuel Rutherford brought the concept of the rule
of law.
5.) According to A.V. Dicey, what characteristics should be there to be called as
rule of law?
According to A.V. Dicey, there should be the following characteristics to be called
as rule of law which are as follows:

 Supremacy of law
 Equality in front of law
 Constitution as a source of law
Short Answers
1.) Shortly explain the concept of rule of law.
The legal principle for governing a nation is known as the rule of law. It is also
known as ‘Supremacy of Law’, ‘Constitutional Supremacy’ etc. The rule of law
implies that every citizen is subjected to the law including lawmakers themselves.

The concept of the rule of law is developed by a Scottish theologian named

Samuel Rutherford while having an discussion against the almighty power of
kings but it was popularized further by a British Jurist named AV Dicey in the
19th century. According to A.V. Dicey, there should be the following
characteristics to be called as rule of law which are as follows:
1. Supremacy of law
The law should be supreme in the nation. No one can represent himself or
herself above the law. No person shall be punished except the case of violation
of the law. Autocracy and monopoly in governance are highly restrained.

2. Equality in front of law
No one is biased by law. Everyone is equal in front of the law. The level and
status of people are not considered in the law.
3. Source of law is constitution
Constitution is regarded as the main law of the nation. The constitution is the
main source of the law. Hence, all the laws implemented in the nation are the
outcome of the constitution.
2.) State the principles and elements of rule of law.
Rule of law is a system in which the following four universal principles are

 The government, its officials, agents as well as individuals and private

entities are accountable under the law.
 The laws are clear, publicized, stable, and just; are applied evenly; and
protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property.
 The process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is
accessible, fair and efficient.
 Justice is delivered timely by competent, ethical, and independent
representatives and neutrals who are of sufficient numbers, have adequate
resources, and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve.
The following are the basic elements of rule of law:

 Equality
 Equity
 Periodic election
 Democracy
 Human Rights
 Good Governance
 Limited role of the government
 Separation of power
 Balance of power
 Transparency
 Accountability
 Independent judiciary
3.) What are the obstacles and the ways to promote the rule of law?
The following are the obstacles in maintaining rule of law in Nepal:

 Political instability
 Misuse of power
 Priority for the personal benefits or favor
 Lack of proper mechanism to systematize policies
 Lack of proper strategies to implement the rules of laws
 Privatization of common issue
 Fighting for rights but ignoring the duties

Rule of laws should be maintained properly for producing loyal and honest
generations who have the broad knowledge of the rules of laws of a nation. The
following are some of the ways to promote rule of law:

 The inclusive law should be formed.

 Successful political culture should be practiced.
 Corruption should be controlled.
 People who perform the task against the rule of law must be punished.

 People should be aware and practical that right and duties are to be taken
side by side.
 Social organizations should address the social problems prevailing in our
 Feeling of nationalism should be developed.

 Loktantra is a system where the representatives of people govern. 
 The law is supreme in a democratic country.
 The constitution of a nation guarantees the fundamental rights of the
citizens of a nation. 
 The minority is given equal priority as the majority in the democracy. 
Short Answers
1.) List out the aspects of democratic conduct.
The aspects of democratic conduct are as follows:

1. Supremacy of law
2. Protection of fundamental rights
3. Public participation in governance
4. Pluralism
5. Respect to minority
6. Inclusive governing system
7. Active civil society
8. Good governance
9. Freedom of opinion and press
Long Answers
1.) Explain the aspects of democratic conduct.
The following are the aspects of democratic conduct:

1. Supremacy of law
The law is supreme in a democratic country. No person is above the law and its
implementation. Thus, every citizen of a nation is supposed to be under the rules
of law. He/she is able to use his/her right and freedom.

2. Protection of fundamental rights

The constitution of a nation guarantees the fundamental rights of the citizens of a
nation. The citizens should use their fundamental rights without disturbing others
and violating others’ right.

3. Public participation in governance

Loktantra is the system in which the peoples’ representative govern which means
that there is a people participation in the government. The election is to be
conducted periodically and fairly so as to update the peoples’ participation.

4. Pluralism
No citizen of the nation has same opinions and ideas. The opinion of each and
every citizen should be respected equally. The major speciality of democracy is
to accept the diversity of thoughts, culture and practices and these all aspects
are to be addressed while governing the country.

5. Respect to minority
The minority is given equal priority as the majority in the democracy. The voice of

minority is heard and the laws are asked to form as in the way of the minority as
well. The minority helps to make the majority disciplined and responsible towards
governing of the nation.

6. Inclusive governing system

The rules of a nation should be inclusive. Inclusiveness means to include the
people of all caste, race, religion, sex, language etc. Each and every citizen
should be given equal priority in all level of the governing system of a nation.

7. Active civil society

For systemizing the democratic conduct, there should be active participation of
civil society. Civil society helps to provide people their rights. The fair, unbias,
mission-oriented civil society arrange loktantra, its principles, and conduct.

8. Good governance
The task carried by the government must be transparent to all the citizens.
People have the right to acquire the information of governmental activities and
leave a feedback of their performance. When good governance is established,
there is a good system in the country.

9. Freedom of opinion and press

The opinion and press are free from any political biasness in loktantra. By
utilizing this right, people can acquire information of every aspect of the country
such as the economy, politics, social activities as well as cultural activities. This
can also help people to solve their problem.

 The term ‘civil society’ collectively refers to all voluntary, civic and social
organizations and institutions.
 According to theorists like Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, ‘civil society
facilitated better awareness and more accountable as a result.’
 Democracy becomes the best form of government if handled properly but
turns worst if mishandled.
 Unemployment and poverty are serious hindrances to economic
Very Short Questions
1.) What is civil society?
Society considered as a community of citizens linked by common interests and
collective activity is known as civil society.

Short Answers
1.) Make a list of various civil society groups existing in Nepal.
The list of various civil society groups existing in Nepal are:

 BASE (Backward Society Education)

 BSP Nepal (Biogas Support Programme
 CVICT (Centre for Victims of Torture Nepal
 GAESO (Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen Organization
 ESP (Enabling State Programme
 Maiti Nepal
 The Gurkha Welfare Trust, etc
2.) What is the need and importance of civil society in Nepal?
The need and importance of civil society in Nepal are as follows:

 Maintaining good governance

 Helps in informing public about the state affairs
 Raise political awareness
 Facilitates in negotiations and decisions in favour of public
 Supports to bring social reformation
 Inform about the socio-cultural evils and makes them aware and
responsible, etc.
3.) 'The civil society is the means of social transformation.' Discuss how.
Civil societies are immensely valuable for democratic success, socio-economic
reformations, sustainable development and promotion of national interests in
favor of general public. Social societies not only maintain good governance but
also helps in informing public about social affairs and raise political awareness
and many more which socially transforms the society. Therefore, the civil society
is called the means of social transformation.
4.) "Civil society is considered as the path finder of the transformation of
society". Justify with reasons.
Civil society is really considered as the pathfinder because it creates awareness
among the people for the transformation of society. It also criticizes the works of
government. The civil society also makes all the concerned follow the rules and
regulations. It also gives the pressure to the government to provide quick and
easy services to the people. It motivates all concerning of the society and the
government to follow the right tract. It selects the burning problems of people and
shows the efforts to solve the problems it mainly works against corruption briary,

superstation etc. for the betterment of the society and its people so it is
considered as apathy finder.
4.) Why is civil society important in the context of Nepal?
Society considered as a community of citizens linked by common interests and
collective activity is known as civil society. It works in negotiations and decisions
in favor of public. It supports to maintaining good governance and helps in
informing public about the state affairs by raising political awareness and
facilitates bring social reformation. It also informs about the socio-cultural evils
and makes them aware and responsible.

 Peace refers to the condition in which the aspects such as war, violence,
etc. are absent. 
 The school is called as a ‘Zone of Peace’. 
 The absence of the effective rule of law, lack of inclusiveness, political
instability, irresponsible government, etc are some of the obstacles to peace in
 A nation can be developed rapidly in a peaceful environment.
 The political activities like strikes, rallies, etc. affect the peaceful
environment of the school. 
Very Short Questions
1.) What do you mean by peace?
Peace refers to the condition in which the aspects such as war, violence, etc. are
absent. It is a favorable situation for development and prosperity

Short Answers
1.) What are the obstacles of peace in Nepal?
The following are the obstacles of peace in Nepal:

 Absence of effective rule of law

 Lack of inclusiveness
 Political instability
 Irresponsible government
 Ignorance of government
 Autocracy
 Open border with India
 Geographical diversity
 Poverty
 Unemployment
 Misuse of means and resources
2.) What are the ways to maintain peace?
The following are some of the ways to maintain peace in the society as well as in
the nation:

 The feeling of brotherhood must be developed.

 There should be rapid alleviation of poverty.
 The mentioned rights for each and every individual should be granted
 The feeling of co-operation and responsibility must be developed.
 The provision of security must be made effective and reliable.
 There should be a transparent, responsible and accountable government.
3.) Explain in short about peace and its management.
Peace refers to the condition in which the aspects such as war, violence, etc. are
absent. It is a favorable situation for development and prosperity. It is a situation
in which everyone can feel safe and secure. Each and every individual can enjoy
their rights freely. In a peaceful environment, one can work freely, creatively and
comfortably.People get satisfied and happy in the peaceful environment. It is one
of the prerequisites for the development of a nation. A nation can be developed
rapidly in a peaceful environment. With ongoing conflict, development is not

According to the constitutional provisions, every citizen shall have the right to
acquire, own, sell, dispose, and otherwise, deal with it property. These provisions
come under personal as well as public security.

The school is called as a ‘Zone of Peace’. It is a centre for acquiring education.

As declared by the government that school as a Zone of Peace, it should not be
only in words but also in practice. A school is an institution that teaches to have
positive values and end the conflict creating matters such as physical torture,
mental torture, discrimination based on caste, gender, religion and so on. The
political activities like strikes, rallies, etc. affect the peaceful environment of the
school. So, such activities must not be conducted. Both students and teachers
should not be used for such political activities.

Long Answers
1.) What is peace? What are the obstacles that arise while maintaining peace in
Nepal? Also, state its solutions.
Peace refers to the condition in which the aspects such as war, violence, etc. are
absent. It is a favorable situation for development and prosperity. It is a situation

in which everyone can feel safe and secure.According to the constitutional
provisions, every citizen shall have the right to acquire, own, sell, dispose, and
otherwise, deal with it property. These provisions come under personal as well as
public security. In a peaceful environment, one can work freely, creatively and
comfortably.People get satisfied and happy in the peaceful environment. It is one
of the prerequisites for the development of a nation. A nation can be developed
rapidly in a peaceful environment. With ongoing conflict, development is not

The following factors create obstacles in maintaining peace of Nepal:

 Absence of effective rule of law

 Lack of inclusiveness
 Political instability
 Irresponsible government
 Ignorance of government
 Autocracy
 Open border with India
 Geographical diversity
 Poverty
 Unemployment
 Misuse of means and resources
The following are some of the ways to maintain peace in the society as well as in
the nation:

 The feeling of brotherhood must be developed.

 There should be rapid alleviation of poverty.

 The mentioned rights for each and every individual should be granted
 The feeling of co-operation and responsibility must be developed.
 The provision of security must be made effective and reliable.
 There should be a transparent, responsible and accountable government.

 Hinduism, the eternal religion, followed by majority gave a conducive
environment to Buddhism from the ancient time.
 Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, swayambhu, Boudhanath, etc.
are looked upon by Hindus as well with great reverence.
 According to article 34, ‘it will be the social objective of the state to create a
harmonious social life based on justice and morality, by removing all sorts of
socio-economic inequalities and establishing coordination between different
races, castes, religions, languages, communities and creeds’.
 Then according to article 35, ‘the state will adopt a policy of strengthening
national unit by maintaining cultural diversity through equal development of all’s
languages, literatures, scripts, Arts and culture, by developing harmonious social
relations based upon equality and coexistence of various religions, cultures,
castes, creeds, communities, origins and languages’.
Very Short Questions
1.) What is the importance of national unity in the protection of peace,
independence, sovereignty and integrity of the nation?
Unity plays an important role in the protection of peace, independence,
sovereignty and integrity of the nation as unity in a country creates strong

countrymen and unity is also the key to success in the revolutions and

Short Answers
1.) How do you think the natural conditions of landform and climate have
contributed in the diversity of Nepalese life style?
The natural conditions of landform and climate have contributed in the diversity of
Nepalese life style as Nepal is located between two large countries viz. China
and India with distinctly different lifestyle respectively of the southern and
northern belt of the country. And lifestyles of Nepalese people themselves are
different in terms of regions, religions, castes, etc.
2.) What should be done for the protection of diversity of Nepalese societies and
promotion of National unity?
Diversity is our identity and unity in diversity is our specialty therefore our culture
should be protected from undue influence of foreign one. The following steps
should be implemented for the protection of diversity of Nepalese societies and
promotion of National unity:

 Religious and cultural heritages should be preserved and promoted

  Religious tolerance needs to be developed and practiced more practicable
 Prejudices like lingual, racial, regional, communal should be avoided
 Mutual respect should be developed.
3.) How has the national anthem contributed to the development of unity in
The national anthem of Nepal is in tune with spirit of unity in diversity. The
national anthem states that although Nepalese being in different region, having

different culture, religion and language are united and have common goal and
national interest of peace and prosperity
4.) Write a news for Gorkhapatra on "Unity in Diversity".
Unity in Diversity
There are many castes, creeds, language, cultures, traditions, etc. Different
people have different language, cultures, traditions, etc. and they respect one
another. To respect one another is the Nepalese culture. Chhetri, Brahmins
participate with other caste-culture and activities, Madhesi, Tharusm Rai-Limbus,
etc. participate in other people's programmers', all caste people observe Newari-
jatras, etc. Such participation will really maintain the religious tolerance. Our
constitution has also tried to maintained unity in diversity providing the rights to
all equally
5.) "Nepal is a multiethnic, multilingual, multi-religious and multicultural country."
Justify this statement.
Nepal is a country well equipped with many cultures, languages, traditions,
religions etc. More than 100 a castes of people reside here. Those different
cultures have their different languages, religions, cultures etc. Every culture of
every religion is equally important. Our country is geographically divided into
three divisions. Those three divisions- Terai, Himal, and Hilly region have
separate identification in particular culture, religion, language and traditions. All of
them have very good religious tolerance. All of them respect each other and are
united although they are different. Therefore, Nepal is multiethnic, multilingual,
multi-religious and multicultural country.

 The issues that are connected with the present condition of the state are
the national concerns.
 Nepal is an independent, sovereign, democratic, socialism-oriented,
impenetrable, secular and inclusive country. 
 The national heroes like Balabhadra Kunwar, Bhakti Thapa, fought bravely
to save the national integrity.
  The act of checking criminal activities at the border for national security is
known as national security.
 Self-esteem is a feeling of being pleasant as well as comfortable with one's
attitude and activities.
 A feeling of pride in oneself that what one addresses, says, etc. that is good
or bad is simply known as self-respect.
Very Short Questions
1.) What are the  national concerns?
The issues that are connected with the present condition of the state are the
national concerns
2.) What is national integrity?
National integrity is the state of being completed and forming wholeness and
unity of all the citizens of all the parts of the country.
3.) What is national security?
The act of checking criminal activities at the border for national security is known
as national security.
4.) What is self esteem?
Self-esteem is a feeling of being pleasant as well as comfortable with one's
attitude and activities.
5.) What is self-respect?
A feeling of pride in oneself that what one addresses, says, etc. that is good or
bad is simply known as self-respect.

Short Answers
1.) Explain in short about national integrity.
Nepal is an independent, sovereign, democratic, socialism-oriented,
impenetrable, secular and inclusive country. Unity in diversity is our specialty.
Nepal is a common garden of 4 castes and 36 sub-caste. Since here lives the
people of different castes, religion. languages, cultures, traditions, etc., they all
should be provided with equal rights. 
National integrity is the state of being completed and forming wholeness and
unity of all the citizens of all the parts of the country. Nepalese people have
worked hard to transform the country from exclusive to inclusive. Nepal has
faced all sorts of obstacles to protect its national integrity and independence.
Nepal never became the community of substation Britain. The national heroes
like Balabhadra Kunwar, Bhakti Thapa, fought bravely to save the national
2.) What are the measures to promote national integrity?
The following are the measures to promote national integrity:

 Fulfilling the rights and judicial demands of people.

 Develop legal provision for equal distribution of resources and means of the
 Eradicate all types and forms of negative discrimination based on race,
religion, tribes, class, etc.

 Develop an effective diplomatic relationship with neighboring as well as
abroad countries.
 Make the system of inclusive participation of people in all sectors and
 Encourage the citizens to maintain peace and order in the harmony.
3.) Explain in short about border encroachment. What are the causes of border
Border encroachment is one of the serious matter of our country, Nepal. The act
of checking criminal activities at the border for national security is known as
national security. Nepal is a small country. It lies between two big countries i.e.
China and India. There is a high risk of broader encroachment on the southern
part than in northern part as the there is an open border in the southern part.
Nepalese are still fighting for border security.

The following are the causes of border encroachment:

 Unclear division of boundary

 Population growth
 Lack of complete historical data
 Negligence of the government
 Lack of border map
 Change of course by the river
4.) What are the consequences of border encroachment?
The following are the consequences of border encroachment:

 Illegal trade
 Easy human trafficking
 Easy to escape for criminals
 High increment in migration rate
 Easy enhance of the traffickers
 Increment of price of local goods in the market
5.) What are the measures to solve border security?
The following are the measures to solve border security:

 There should be regular monitoring in the borders areas of Nepal by a

national team consisted of various political parties, border expert, and authorized
technical persons.
 Border pillars, boundary lines, etc. should be repaired or built if it is
damaged and the records of their real locations should be kept.
 The government should make the situation of regular monitoring requesting
the neighboring country.
 There should be the participation of international bodies such as UNO or
any other organizations acceptable to both countries to facilitate the border
dispute resolution meeting.
6.) Explain in short about self-esteem.
Self-esteem is a feeling of being pleasant as well as comfortable with one's
attitude and activities. A feeling of pride in oneself that what one addresses,
says, etc. that is good or bad is simply known as self-respect.

Nepal is an independent and sovereign country. It has its own self-respect.

Nepalese have always proved their bravery in any obstacles that arises.
Nepalese have been famous worldwide by the name of Brave Gorkhalis and our
country as 'the land of brave warriors'. Nepalese have always been self-reliant,
laborious and true nation lovers and they have worked hardly in order to save our
country from British Empire. The national heroes like Amar Singh Thapa, Bhakti
Thapa fought bravely to resist the mighty forces of British India during the Anglo-
Nepal war. As self-respect and pride are the glory of Nepalese people, so they
have not bowed down their heads with their enemies.

We are son and daughters of such brave warriors so we should follow their
principles and become hard working, and sincere. We should dedicate our life to
the nation and also should be able to sacrifice our lives for the sake of the nation
and try to be a role model of patriotism.
7.) What are the measures to promote self-respect?
The measures to promote self-respect are as follows:

 There should be mutual understanding between different races, tribes and

the class in the country.
 The sense of brotherhood and harmony must be developed among the
 We should be patriotic towards the nation.
 The path shown by our ancestors must be followed strongly.
 We must not fall into any sort of greed.
 We should never be nervous and give-up in from of the enemies.
8.) Define 'National Integrity'. Describe the roles of community and government
in one points each of them.
'National Integrity' is the principle of oneness or unity in which citizen and
government both are responsible enough for not dividing the country, but
maintaining the whole. If there is national integrity, country comes first than the
There is equal role to be played by government and communities both in a nation
for maintain national integrity. The one major role to be played by community or
citizens for maintaining it can be explained as below: 

 Sense of give and take: Community people should always realize that we
are social by nature and we can exist if we possess the sense of giving and
taking. They should learn to live in reciprocal. They should maintain unity in
diversity so that to create harmonious society. Unless and until they do not live
together as brothers and sister, it's difficult to maintain national integrity. If the
citizens or community people developing feeling of hatred to each other, there is
chance of conflict which would create civil war. In course of time, it may break the
unity; endanger the sovereignty, thereby dividing a country into two.
 Equal distribution of means and resources: This is one of the roles that
government must play for the promotion of national integrity. The available
means and resources should be equally distributed or divided among all people
in a nation if this does not happen, some people may raise their voice and arm
against nation and its governing body. This may consequently lead into civil war
threatening the national sovereignty and integrity.
Long Answers
1.) What are the causes, consequences and measures for border
Border encroachment is one of the serious matter of our country, Nepal. The act
of checking criminal activities at the border for national security is known as
national security. Nepal is a small country. It lies between two big countries i.e.
China and India. There is a high risk of broader encroachment on the southern
part than in northern part as the there is an open border in the southern part.
Nepalese are still fighting for border security.

The following are the causes of border encroachment:

 Unclear division of boundary

 Population growth
 Lack of complete historical data
 Negligence of the government
 Lack of border map
 Change of course by the river
The following are the consequences of border encroachment:

 Illegal trade
 Easy human trafficking
 Easy to escape for criminals
 High increment in migration rate
 Easy enhance of the traffickers
 Increment of price of local goods in the market
The following are the measures to solve border security:

 There should be regular monitoring in the borders areas of Nepal by a

national team consisted of various political parties, border expert, and authorized
technical persons.
 Border pillars, boundary lines, etc. should be repaired or built if it is
damaged and the records of their real locations should be kept.
 The government should make the situation of regular monitoring requesting
the neighboring country.

 There should be the participation of international bodies such as UNO or
any other organizations acceptable to both countries to facilitate the border
dispute resolution meeting.
2.) Explain the national issues of our country Nepal.

Those matters connected with a state which all the citizens of the state need to
understand and follow are called national concerns. Nepal is a sovereign and
independent country. Unity in diversity is our specialty. Nepal is a common
garden of 4 castes and 36 sub castes. Mainly, there are 3 issues of national
concerns. They are:

National Integrity
National integrity is the state of being whole and non divided, which forms
wholeness and unity of all the citizens of all the parts of the country. Nepal is a
independent, sovereign, indivisible, secular and inclusive country. Nepalese
people have fought hard to transform the country from exclusive to inclusive,
Hindu kingdom to a secular state and monarchy to republic to change them
according to time.

Boarder Encroachment
The act of controlling criminal activities at the border for national security is
known as national security. Nepal is a small country which lies between two big
countries i.e. China and Nepal. There is high risk of broader encroachment in
southern border than in northern border as the plain land in the southern border
is easy to displace. But the northern border is full of steep rocks and mountains.
So, the possibility of broader encroachment in northern border is less. Nepalese
are still fighting for border security. As a result, a hidden cold war is taking place

between patriotic Nepalese and the Indian government to solve the problems of
border encroachment.

Self Esteem
Self esteem is a feeling of being happy and delightful with one's characters and
activities. Self respect is a feeling of pride in oneself that what one addresses,
says, etc. that is good or bad. Nepalese have been famous worldwide as the
Brave Gorkhalis and our country as land of brave warriors. Nepalese are self
reliant, laborious and hard workers and true nation lovers. Our country, Nepal,
was protected from British rulers because of the unification campaign launched
by King Prithivi Narayan Shah. The national heroes like Amar Singh Thapa,
Bhakti Thapa fought bravely to resist the mighty forces of British India during
Anglo Nepal war. We should follow their principles and become hard working,
sincere and should eradicate all sorts of malpractices. We should also be ready
to sacrifice our lives for the sake of nation.


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