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1. What is culture?

Culture is defined as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a
racial, religious of social group.

2. Where does culture exist?

Culture covers all aspects of human endeavor. Anything that man invented or
created, learned or acquired, agreed on, or believed upon comprises the whole

3. What’s the difference between archaeology and anthropology?

Archaeologists are focused on physical evidence of prior civilizations, such as

buildings. Anthropologists study ancient cultures to learn about things like how
languages evolved or what caused a community to migrate.

4. Explain how culture shapes one’s self.

Culture shapes one’s self through these three major components: The
material and cognitive component.These are the material, the cognitive, and the
normative components (Garcia, 1994:36). The material component of the culture
pertains to all tangible materials that are inherited from the previous generation.
Next is the normative component which insofar as the legal emphasis of culture is
concerned. Lastly is The social process of culture which states that it is dynamic
capable of spreading to various societies depending on the need of the people. These are
various ways of spreading culture. These are assimilation, acculturation, and amalgamation.

5. What’s the difference between folkways and  mores?

Folkways are the general rules, of customary and habitual ways and patterns of
expected behavior in the society. They are more popularity known as customs,
traditions, or conventions.Mores on the other hand, refers to the special folkways
that are generally emphasized because they are deemed necessary for the welfare of
the society. They are the totality of the ideals and aspirations that embody the most
cherished principles of the people.

6. What is cultural borrowing?

Cultural borrowing is a situation where one society borrows the culture of

another society and uses it as new part of the culture.
7. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of cultural borrowing.


 Culture is fluid; it evolves—and improves

 Treat a cultural exchange like any other creative collaboration—give credit, and
consider royalties


 Found to be detrimental. Although it takes on the part of the people to realize

the detriment effect of such cultural item.
 may lead to a sense of “xenocentrism”. which from a nationalist’s point of view,
lead to the rapid lose of national identity.

8. What Filipino tradition do you like most? Why?

Close Family Ties because it is one of the unique traits of a Filipino and it is been
a cultural value of us. Family takes care for each other, showing respect and
kindness. We Filipinos love to have an intact relationship as we are more on social
groups than being individuals. We are a proof that “no man is an island”, somebody
needs somebody that love is purely evident in us.

9. What Filipino tradition do you like least? Why?

‘Filipino Time’‘Filipino Time’ Filipinos have recognzsed this unfavourable

stereotype and are making attempts to change it, the country is still quite known for
running on what is known as ‘Filipino time’, which is essentially a euphemism for
saying that Filipinos are always late. It is a bad habit as it is one of our unusual
practices that shows one of our weaknesses, but Filipino as we are makes fun of it as
it is not a bad things, but serves as a remainder that mostly we do come late.

10. at this period, how does cultural change affect yourself?

In our modern age period, today cultural greatly affect me as individual because
through internet and social media we witness many types of culture/traditionswhich
influences us millennials. We tend to mimic others tradition through what we have
seen. We blend many cultures in our country and also in other countries. We are
blinded on what we have seen instead on focusing on our own, but this is part of
constant change and we should let our traditions being fade away by these mixed
norms shown to us.

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