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Matter science

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of all different types of matter?
a. They are made of atoms and molecules
b. The particles are always in motion
c. The particles always move at the same speed
d. They are made of particles that are too small to see
2. State of matter with no definite shape or volume.

3. The change of state from a liquid to a solid

a. Freezing c.melting
b. Evaporation d.boiling
4. Change of state from a solid directly to a gas is called
a. Deposition
b. Melting
c. Evaporation
d. sublimation
5. What happens when my glass of water is sitting in the sun and disappears into a gas?
a. evaporation
b. burning
c. melting
d. freezing
6. How is a gas defined?
a. no shape, no volume
b. Definite shape, definite volume
c. Found in stars
d. Definite volume, no shape
7. The steam coming off the pot of boiling water is an example of....

a. a solid becoming a liquid

b. a liquid becoming a solid
c. a liquid becoming a gas
d. a gas becoming a liquid
8. Which state of matter is represented by these molecules?

a. Solid c.Liquid
b. Gases d. Semi-solid
9. Which thing in this picture represents a gas? cubes b. bubbles  c. soda

10. When liquid water is placed in a freezer, the particles move:
a. slower and closer together
b. faster and farther apart
c. slower and farther apart
d. faster and closer together
11. Which statement about frozen water is true?
a. It take sup less space than liquid water
b. It takes up more space than liquid water.
c. Its particles have more energy than boiling water.
d. Its particles have less energy than liquid water.
12. All elements are composed of extremely small particles called
a. compounds
b. atoms
c. mixtures
d. volume
13. particle of matter that move faster like in gas have more of …
a.atoms b. molecules c. energy d. power
14. condensation is when a liquid change into gase
a.true b. false
15. the amount of space that an object takes up … b. masss c. volume d. weight
16. water drops that collect on a cold glass of lemonade come from ..
a.the ice b. lemonade c.the air d. glass

17. what happen to a gas when the temperature decrease…’s condenses
b. it’s evaporates
c. it’s sublimates
d. it’s freeze
18. Taking away heat from a liquid causes:

a. evaporation
b. condensation
c. boiling
d. melting
19. Adding heat to a solid causes
a. evaporation
b. condensation
c. boiling
d. melting
20.Is "word burning in a fireplace" a chemical or physical change?
a. Chemical change
b. Physical change
21. . Is "sugar dissolves in water" a chemical or physical change?
a. Chemical change
b. Physical change
22.Mark is observing a burning candle. He notices the melted wax drips down the side of
the candle and hardens again. The candle has _________
A. formed a new substance
B. undergone a physical change
C. undergone a chemical change
D. undergone a physical and chemical change
23.baking a cake is an example of a _______________ change.
a. chemical
b. physical
24.Which is NOT an example of condensation?
A. Dew is found on the grass on a summer morning
B. Drops of water form on a cold can of soda on a hot day.
C. A bucket of water left uncovered eventually becomes empty.
D. The walls of a bathroom are damp after someone takes shower.
25._________ describes how much substance something contains.
a. Mass
b. density
c. boiling point
d. melting point

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