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Bawang putih bawang merah

In ancient times a village lived in a family consisting of a father, mother, and a teenage girl named
Bawang Putih. They are a happy family. Even though Bawang Putih's father is just an ordinary trader,
they live in harmony and peace. But one day Garlic's mother was seriously ill and finally died. Bawang
Putih is very grieved as is his father.

Garlic: "Daddy, why did you leave us so fast?

Father: "This is indeed his destiny, son! "

Garlic: "Yes, it's already, yeah!"

Father: "Yes, my son has already let it go"

In that village lived a widow who had a child named Bawang Merah. Since Ibu Bawang Putih died,
Bawang Merah's mother often visits the home of Garlic. He often brought food, helped garlic clean the
house, or just accompanied Bawang Putih and his father talked

Ibu Bawang Merah: "Garlic, this is a little food for you"

Bawang Putih: "Thank you ma'am! "

Mrs. Bawang Merah: "Yes, you are welcome, you have come home first, huh! "

Father: "Oh, yes greetings for Red Onions!

Mrs. Bawang Merah: "Yeah! "

In the end Bawang Putih's father thought that it might be better if he married the onion mother. With
consideration of garlic, the garlic father's father is married to the onion mother

Ayah: "Garlic if your father is married to Red Onion's mother, what do you agree? "

Garlic: "I agree father"

Father: "Well then, how about you Red Onion?

Red Onion: "I agree, yes, right, ma'am? "

Mrs. Bawang Merah: "Yes! "

Initially the mother of shallots and shallots was very good to the white people. But over time their true
nature began to appear. They often scold Garlic and often give him a hard job if the garlic father is
trading. Of course White Brother didn't know because Bawang Putih never told him

Mother: "White you have to mop, wash the dishes, and all the homework you have to finish" Garlic:
"Alright mom! "

Red garlic: "White you have to clean my messy room"

Garlic: "Yeah ... bro

One day Garlic's father fell ill and later died

Ayah: "Garlic seems like my father is no longer strong because of my father's illness that almost crosses
throughout the father's body"

Garlic: "White Father, please do not stay white, daddy!"

Father: "Son, if you go well, son! "

Garlic: "Yes, father! "

Father: "Ma'am, I leave it white huh? "

Mrs. Bawang Merah: "Yes, father! "

Garlic: "a ... ... yeah ......, don't stay white, yeah" (crying)

Since then Bawang Merah and his mother have become more powerful and semi-mena towards Bawang
Putih, almost never resting.

Mother: "White you have to get up before dawn, to prepare bath water and breakfast for me and garlic,
then you have to feed livestock, water the garden, and wash clothes into the river, then you have to iron,
and clean the house, understand! "

Garlic: "understand, mother! "

But Garlic always does her job happily, because she hopes that one day her stepmother will love her like
his own child. That morning as usual Bawang Putih brought Bakul with clothes that he would wash on the
river. With a small singing he walked along the path on the edge of the small forest that he used to walk

Garlic : The day was very sunny. Bawang Putih immediately washed all the dirty clothes he was carrying.
Too busy, Bawang Putih did not realize that one of his stepmother's clothes was washed away.
Unfortunately the clothes that were washed away were the beloved clothes of his stepmother. When
aware of that. Bawang Putih tried to follow the river to look for it

Garlic: "I have to be able to find mother's clothes because it's my mother's favorite shirt But Bawang
Putih failed to find it. In despair he returned home and told his mother

Garlic: "Mrs. Forgive my mother's clothes drifting carried away"

Mother: "What ... Basic careless. I don't want to know, basically you have to look for that shirt! and don't
dare to go home if you haven't found it, understand?

Garlic was forced to obey the wishes of his stepmother. He quickly washed down the river where earlier.
The sun began to rise, but Bawang Putih had not yet found his mother's clothes. He put his eyes carefully
and examined every stretch of root that jutted into the river who knew his mother's clothes were stuck
there. After the sun was leaning west, Bawang Putih saw a mother who was about to go to the market
Garlic: "Bro ... bro ... bi! "

Auntie: "Yes, what's wrong? "

Garlic: "Auntie, do you see a red shirt drifting through here, because I have to find it and take it home"
Auntie: "Yes, I saw it, son, if you chase it quickly, maybe you can find it"

Garlic: "Alright, auntie, thank you! "

Auntie:" You're welcome, kid

It was getting dark, garlic began to despair. Soon the night will arrive. From a distance there was a light
coming from a river bank hut. Bawang Putih immediately approached the house and knocked it on

Garlic: "Excuse me ... ..! "

Grandma: "Who are you, son? "

Garlic: "I'm Garlic, Grandma. Earlier I was looking for my mother's clothes that were swept away and
now out of bed, may I stay here tonight? "

Grandma: "Yes, the shirt was stuck in front of my house. Honey, even though I like the clothes, okay I'll
give it back, but you have to keep me here for a week, I haven't talked to anyone for a long time? "

Garlic:" All right Grandma, I will accompany Grandma for a week, provided the grandmother is not just
bored with me "

For a week Bawang Putih lived with the grandmother. Every day Garlic helps work on grandma's
homework. Of course grandma feels happy. Until finally it was a week, my grandmother called Garlic

Grandma: "Son, you've been living here for a week and I'm happy because you're a diligent and dedicated
child. For that according to my promise, you can bring your clothes home, and one more you can choose
one of these pumpkin as a present! "

Garlic: "No need, Grandma!

Grandma: "Come on, Garlic

Bawang Putih: "Yes, White has chosen the small one, Grandma

Grandma: "Why did you choose the small one? "

Bawang Putih: "I am afraid that I will not be able to bring big ones, Grandma!

Grandma: (smile)

Arriving at home, Bawang Putih handed over his stepmother's red shirt

Garlic: "Mother, this is the clothes"

Mother: "Yes, there you go"

Garlic: "Fine, ma'am! "

Garlic went into the kitchen to split the pumpkin, what a surprise it was Garlic when the split pumpkin
contained very much gem gold

Garlic: "Hah, gold. Mother, I got a gold gem! "

Red garlic and his mother immediately grabbed the gold and gems

Red Onion: "Hey, how come you got this gold and gem from where? "

Mother:" Yes, where are you from? "

Garlic: "I got this gold gem from ......"

Red garlic: "Where? "

Garlic: "At that time I was looking for mother's clothes drifting carried away, then went overnight to stay
at grandma's house by the river, and I was told to accompany her for a week, after even a week I was
given this prize"

After hearing the story of Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah plans to do the same but this time Bawang
Merah will do it.

Mother: "red garlic have to do what the damn child does"

Red Onion: "Alright mother! "

Mother: "Then, tomorrow morning you have to go to the river"

Red Onion: "Good mom! "

The next day Red Onion washed his clothes into the river, after which he arrived at Grandma's house

Red Onion: "Grandma, neek know or not the clothes that were washed away!

Grandma: "Grandma knows, but you have to stay here for a week"

Red garlic: "Alright! "

During the spring, Red Onions are always lazy, if something is done, the results are not good because
they are done carelessly. Finally after a week grandma lets the shallots go home Bawang Merah:
"Shouldn't grandma give me pumpkin as a gift for accompanying you for a week? "Grandma:" Yes,
please have you chosen one of these pumpkins! "

Red garlic: (take a big one, go straight)

Arriving at home Bawang Merah immediately met his mother and happily showed the pumpkin he was
carrying. For fear of garlic asking for parts, they told garlic to go to the river

Mother: "White goes to the river washing dirty clothes

Garlic:" Okay, ma'am! "

After the Onion Purih went they split the pumpkin, but it turned out that it was not gold but poisonous
animals such as snakes. The animal immediately attacked Red Onion and his mother to death

Red Onion and Mother: "a ......... ..a ......... a ... a ... a.a ......! " That is the reward for those who are greedy

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