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Naskah Drama Cerita Rakyat Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Once upon a time there was a small family in a village. The family consists of father, mother,
and a beautiful daughter. The beautiful child was named Bawang Putih. The father in the
family was a merchant. Their family is so harmonious and happy.
Once upon a time, Bawang Putih's mother became seriously ill and eventually died. Bawang
Putih and father were so sad about this incident.

Bawang Putih : father, why did this happen to us? The mother I loved so much is now gone.
Father: Come on, don't mourn your mother's departure. Be patient. This is God's will.

In the village where father and Bawang Putih lived, there was a widow with one child named
Bawang Merah. Bawang Merah's mother often visited and brought food to Bawangbutih's

Mother Bawang Merah: Bawang Putih, do you like the food that I brought?

Bawang Putih: Thank you ma'am, this food is very delicious. I'm very liked.
Mother Bawang Merah: Mother is very happy if you like this food. Tomorrow I will make this
food again for you.

Bawang Putih: thank you very much ma'am, you are very kind.

Because Bawang Putih's mother often visited Bawang Putih, and Bawang Putih's father felt
compatible with Bawang Merah's mother, Bawang Putih's father intended to marry Bawang
Merah's mother.

Bawang Putih's father : My son Bawang Putih, would you agree if my father wanted to marry
Bawang Merah's mother?

Bawang Putih: If ayanhanda is sure of father's decision, ananda will only obey it. After all,
red onion mother is very good to me.

Bawang Putih's father: well if you like it, I will tell Bawang Putih's mother.

After getting approval from his son, Bawang Putih's father came to Bawang Merah's mother
to propose to her. Finally they got married and Bawang Merah's mother and child lived under
the same roof with Bawang Putih's father and daughter.

At the beginning of the marriage of Bawang Putih's father and Bawang Merah's mother,
everything seemed fine. Until one day when Bawang Putih's father was not at home.

Mother Bawang Merah: Hey garlic, don't just be lazy. Go clean and clean the house!

Bawang Putih: Okay ma'am, I will do it

Bawang Merah:White, you also have to wash my clothes and clean my things!

Bawang Putih: Ok sis, I will do it

Once upon a time, Bawang Putih's father became seriously ill and eventually died. Currently
Bawang Putih is an orphan. Since this happened, the mother of Bawang Merah and her child
are increasingly acting outrageous towards their child.

MotherBawang Merah: Hi Bawang Putih, you have to wake up early every day. Prepare
food, clean the house and others. understand you?
Bawang Putih : Ananda understand, mother. I will do it.

Once upon a time Bawang Putih was washing clothes by the river. Suddenly one of his
mother's clothes was washed away. When he realized it, Bawang Putih tried to get her
stepmother's clothes back. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring it back. With sadness and despair
he returned home and told the incident to his mother

Bawang Putih : Mother I'm sorry, I accidentally washed away mother's clothes.

Bawang Merah's mother : What do you say, you child who doesn't know himself! Quickly
look for that shirt, don't go home before you find it.

With a sad heart, Bawang Putih was forced to do her stepmother's wish. he searched the
banks of the river. Then suddenly Bawang Putih saw an old woman who seemed to be going
to the market

Bawang Putih : sorry mother, may I ask something?

Aunt : Of course son, what's wrong?

Bawang Putih : did you see the clothes drifting around this river?

Aunt : Oh, those clothes are yours? I saw him drift away a while ago.

Bawang Putih : thank you, I will look for it again ma'am.

When searching for these clothes, it was getting dark, Bawang Putih had to find a place to
spend the night. Because there will be no time to go home. Suddenly he saw an old hut.

Bawang Putih : knock… there anyone inside? Excuse me.

Grandma: Who are you son? What's going on at these nights?

Bawang Putih : my name is Bawang Putih, Grandma. I'm looking for clothes that belonged to
my mother that drifted in the river and right now I need a place to spend the night. Can I
spend the night here Grandma?
Grandma : Oh, that dress is yours? I have saved it. I will return it to you on one condition.
You must accompany me here for a few days.

Bawang Putih : ok grandma, I agree as long as grandma wants to give the clothes to me.

The next few days.

Grandma : Son, you have kept your promise. And I will keep my promise. Here I return your
stepmother's clothes. Oh yes, I have a present for you, bring this pumpkin for you!

Garlic: Thank you, Grandma.

Bawang Putih went home and when she got home, Bawang Putih handed the red dress to
her stepmother.

Bawang Putih : Mother, I have found the clothes

Mother : Bring it here, and go!

Garlic : Fine, ma'am. I'll clean up first.

When Bawang Putih went to the kitchen to peel the pumpkin that was given by her
grandmother, Bawang Putih was so surprised when she found out that in the pumpkin there
were so many gold gems.

Bawang Putih : gold….this is gold, my mother found gold after splitting this pumpkin.

Knowing this, the mother of shallots and shallots immediately snatched the gold in garlic.

Bawang Merah: Hi Bawang Putih, where did you get this gold from?

Bawang Putih : I got this gold gem from a pumpkin given by a grandmother in the middle of
the forest when I was looking for mother's clothes.

Upon hearing the story from Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah intended to find the

The next morning Bawang Merah threw her clothes into the river on purpose, after which she
did the same thing as Bawang Putih.

Bawang Merah: Excuse me, old lady, did you see my clothes which were washed away in
the river a while ago?

Grandma : Oh, I found your clothes a while ago and I'm keeping it. I'll give it to you. But on
the condition that you have to stay with me for some time.

Bawang Merah: Alright grandma, I'll take your word for it.
For several days, Bawang Merah lived with the grandmother. As long as he was with his
grandmother, the only thing he did was laze around and he didn't do anything good. When it
was time for Bwang Merah to go home…

Bawang Merah: Grandma, I have been staying here with you for a few days. Where's my
reward? Grandma : Alright, take this pumpkin for you.

Shallots: (as soon as he took a large pumpkin, Bawang Merah immediately left)

As soon as he got home, Bawang Merah immediately called her mother and happily showed
her the pumpkin. The mother of Bawang Merah and Bawang Merah was afraid that if
Bawang Putih saw her, she would ask for a share. So Bawang Putih's mother told Bawang
Putih to wash her clothes in the river.

Mother : Hey Bawang Putih, hurry up and wash my clothes and my son.

Bawang Putih : Yes, ma'am.

Once Bawang Putih was not at home, Bawang Merah's mother and her daughter opened the
pumpkin, but it turned out that what came out of the fruit was not gold and gems but a large
and very venomous snake animal. The snake immediately attacked Mother Bawang Merah
and Bawang Merah until they finally died.

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