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Subject: Organizational Behavior

Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder are distinct from each other. Narcissism feels like a very
clinical term but it's a descriptive term and it's no different than calling someone stubborn or
introverted or agreeable or antagonistic it's just a description. Narcissism is often misunderstood as self-
love while it is opposite it’s really self–loathing. The criteria for narcissistic personality disorder includes
a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, validation seeking, envy of other people, need to get special
treatment, need to be around people who are important and so on

This lecture is a guide on ways to support someone we know that can be a family member, a friend or an
acquaintance who are going through a narcissistic abuse and is opening up about it with us.

7 was to be there for a victim of narcissistic abuse are mentioned below.

1. Listen and simply offer empathy. The victim lacks these tow the most in their life.
2. Do not call the person in their life a Narcissist they might not like it.
3. Don’t judge victims for using the term narcissist as a clinical term, what the victim want to
communicate is that their abuser has narcissistic personality disorder.
4. Don’t try to fix their issues by giving an advice which might make things worse for them. Neither
push them away, you presence and empathy they need at early stage of opening up.
Recommending them a good psychological help comes next.
5. Don’t criticize or shame the person you are supporting. This could happen when sharing mutual
friendship or family loyalty can lead people to tell people that they shouldn’t call out their family
members or friends.
6. Do not gaslight the person you are supporting. You might not mean it but your casual comment
might provoke them.
7. Ask them how you can help them. It can be heartbreaking or frustrating to support someone
going through narcissist abuse, they might need favor or ask for some source for help but if they
say there’s nothing you can help with except hearing them out then you must believe that don’t
try to push yourself or them.

Reference video: 7 ways to support someone in a narcissistic relationship

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