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My Contact Information
Email: ​
Phone: (719) 429-8033

I am consistent at checking my email, so please feel free to email me with any questions, comments,
or concerns that you have. I am usually in the classroom an hour before and an hour after our
normal school hours if you would like to call to talk about anything.

Class Description
In this class, we will be exploring properties of shapes on the coordinate plane, as well as write
proofs to convince that certain geometric properties are true.

My Philosophy
I believe that we are all here in class to help each other learn. Throughout this semester, I hope to
learn from you just as you learn from me. At times, geometry can be a fast paced course with
material that is unfamiliar. We learn better when we learn from each other, that is why we will be
working in groups as much as possible. Alongside this, it is crucial and not a bad thing to ask for
help when you need it, so please do!

Classroom Etiquette
In this classroom, we will be respectful of each other. Discrimination based on
race/ethnicity/gender identity/sexual orientation will not be tolerated. In class, we are a team with
the goal of helping each other learn; I expect everyone to treat and be treated with dignity and
respect. Since learning is a group effort, participation is key. During class, participation is expected
from everyone.

Grading Scale
A - 100% - 90%
B - 89% - 70%
C - 69% - 60%
D - 59% - 50%
F - 49% - 0%
Types of Assignments
Assignments will consist of daily homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and participation points. They
are weighted as follows:

Homework/Projects: 50%
Quizzes/Tests: 40%
Participation: 10%

Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted for full credit up to the unit test. All late work will be due before the test
is taken. While I will accept late work, I encourage you to try and keep pace with the expected
deadlines in class.

Tardies and Absences

Tardy​: not arriving at the set or expected time: should not exceed 10 minutes.
Excused Absence/Tardy: any legitimate absence/tardy called in by a parent/guardian within 5
school days after the class was missed.
Unexcused Absence or Truancy​: any absence not called in by a parent within 5 days of the absence
or an absence not known by parent/guardian or school. The student may not receive credit for any
assignments missed that day and may have additional office consequences for excessive unexcused
School-excused absence​: any absence as a result of a school-sponsored activity (i.e. field trips,
activity meetings, or student participation in competition). This absence must include a
parent/guardian signed permission slip and does not need to be called in by the parent.

Parent/Guardian Contact
Please provide a parent/guardian phone number, the best time to call, and email address.

Phone Number: ______________________________ Best Time to Call: ___________________________________

Email: __________________________________

______________________________________ __________________________
Student Signature Date

______________________________________ __________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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