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162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City



A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Strand
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management


April 2021
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Chapter I



Stress is typically defined as the unspecific response or reaction of the body to

demands made on it or to disturbing environmental events. It is a mechanism by which

environmental concerns and problems are viewed and coped with. As stressors, personal

and environmental events that cause stress are identified. Stress is then characterized

simply as emotional disturbances or changes caused by stressors. Stress is called

eustress or good stress, which encourages and enhances learning. An optimal stress

level will increase the learning capacity. Stress that prevents and suppresses learning,

on the other hand, is called anxiety or poor stress, something that can be avoided and

stopped. It is interesting that, depending on their cultural backgrounds, personality

characteristics, experience, and coping abilities, the same stressors can be viewed

differently by different students.

Stress was described by Mandler (1984) as the physical pressure and strain that

results from environmental demands or changes. Whenever there is a shift in the body

that needs one to readjust, tension occurs. At some point in their lives, everyone is

subjected to stress, the uncomfortable situation that influences our sense of well-being

and quality of life. Stress is the complex relationship between a person and the

atmosphere in which a stimulus (whatever it is) disturbs the homeostasis of an individual,

causing him/her to react to the situation with all available resources, according to the

cognitive-transactional model of stress. We measure the demand relative to our available

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

resources when this happens, and the amount of stress we feel is regulated by the

following rule: the more resources we have, the less stress we will experience (Aherne,


According to Cohen (1980), tension is not inherently a negative thing in and of itself.

Its effect is proportional to the person: what is difficult for one individual can make another

individual feel interested and alive. As it keeps the body working, stress can turn out to

be a positive thing, and this, in turn, keeps us moving towards a new target. When 'stress'

is healthy, it results in something desirable, it is called eustress.

The negative effects of stress, on the other hand, are fantastic. These include

uncertainty, inability to make choices, people's avoidance, as well as a physical or

psychological disorder, ultimately. Also, it is called distress, as stated by Cohen and

Williamson (1991), when stress is 'evil,' or overwhelms our ability to cope.

Meijer (2007) suggests that stress causes rage, anxiety, conflict, strain, pain, anger,

depression, inadequacy, shame, loneliness, or uncertainty to feel frustrated. Due to

academic engagement, financial burden, and lack of time management skills, learners

experience elevated stress. Family disputes, substance addiction, academic failure,

aggression, and suicide may contribute to these problems.

In terms of the meaning of traumatic situations for people, stress can be understood.

Threats to self-adequacy include the sense of traumatic experiences, where self-

adequacy is considered a fundamental human need. To explore this aspect of stress,

adequate research methods are needed (Gomez, 2018).

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Researchers have found that outside school, giving presentations, rivalry with peers,

and academic overload are the primary causes of stress in the academic world and work.

It is found that the quality of student-teacher interaction and peer relationships within

the school have a direct effect on the levels of student stress. For those who have

encountered peer bullying, students with more supportive experiences with their teachers

have lower stress levels with higher stress rates (Banks & Smyth, 2015)

Students often face stress from their respective subjects' requirements, the pressure

of deadlines, the uncertainty of awaiting the outcome of the exam, and recitations. Also,

conflicts with their friends or partners and family often lead to the tension they feel


The main objective of this study is to examine what are the factors that cause the stress

of senior high school students and find a solution that can help them overcome it.

Theoretical Framework

Theory of Stress by Jennifer Walinga

Richard Lazarus introduced the Transactional Theory of Stress and Coping (TTSC)

(Lazarus, 1966; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) to understand stress as more of a dynamic

mechanism, presenting stress as a result of a transaction between a person (including

multiple systems: cognitive, physiological, affective, psychological, neurological) and his

or her complex environment. When Dr. Susan Kobasa first used the idea of hardiness,

stress as a transaction was implemented with the greatest effect (Kobasa, 1979).

Hardiness refers to a pattern of personality traits that distinguish individuals who stay

stable under life stress compared with those who experience health issues. In the late
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

1970s, Salvatore Maddi, Kobasa, and their graduate students at the University of Chicago

further evolved the notion of hardness (Kobasa, 1982; Kobasa, Maddi, & Kahn, 1982;).

Hardiness has some interesting similarities in psychology with other personality

constructs, including control locus (Rotter, 1966), sense of coherence (Antonovsky,

1987), self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997), and optimism of temperament (Scheier & Carver,

1985), all of which will be explored in the next portion.

In the stress-as-transaction model, researchers added several variables,

expanding and categorizing various variables to account for the dynamic processes

involved in experiencing a stressor (Werner, 1993). There were different ways of

explaining the essence of stress: acute, episodic, or intermittent, and chronic. Various

types of stressors, such as case, circumstance, cue, and condition, appeared, which then

fell into categories based on control locus, predictability, sound, effect, and duration.

Lazarus introduced an elegant synthesis of previous studies on stress, wellbeing,

and coping in his book Psychological Stress and the Coping Process (1966), which put a

person's assessment of a stressor at the core of the stress experience. How a person

assesses a stressor dictates how he or she copes with the stressor or reacts to it. Several

personal and contextual variables, including talents, skills, and abilities, limitations,

resources, and expectations, affect whether or not a stressor is perceived as

discomforting (Mechanic, 1978). In their stress evaluation model, which includes principal,

secondary, and reappraisal elements, Lazarus and Folkman (1984) further unpacked the

idea of perception. Primary evaluation requires assessing whether a hazard is posed by

the stressor. Secondary assessment requires the evaluation by the client of the tools or
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

coping mechanisms at his or her disposal to counter any perceived threats. The

reappraisal process is ongoing and includes constantly reappraising both the essence of

the stressor and the available resources to react to the stressor.

The theory says that stress is experienced based on who the researchers interact

with and the environment that people live in. the researchers could use this theory in our

study since stress is commonly experienced in school; the second home of students and

where we meet a lot of people during adolescence. They will examine how stress affects

the daily workload of the students based on this theory and find our solution to how to

surpass it.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Stress Senior High School


Fig. 1 Relationship between the independent and dependent variable

The figure above shows the connection between the two variables of our study,

the dependent and the independent.

The independent variable is stress because it is the condition that the dependent

variable is experiencing. The dependent variable is the causes and management of the

senior high school students.

The relationship between the independent and dependent variables is how the

independent variable which is stress interfere and affects the dependent variable which
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

is the senior high school students, for it might cause some problems that they may

encounter in the future.

Statement of the Problem

The main concern of this present study is to identify factors causing stress among

Senior High School Students of St. Gregory College of Valenzuela and their stress

management strategies. In line with this objective, stated below are the problems that will

be addressed throughout the study:

1. What are the common causes of stress among Senior High School students of St.

Gregory College of Valenzuela?

2. How do the students cope with the stress they encounter?

Significance of the Study

These problems which lead to stress which are undoubtedly experienced by most

students prompted the researchers to conduct this study which is deemed to be

conducted at St. Gregory College of Valenzuela during the second semester of the school

year 2020-2021. The respondents will be senior high school students.

The results of this study are of great help too: (1) Students, because will know

further what stress is and its impact on their health, lifestyle, and academic performance.

By learning so, they may be able to differentiate eustress from distress and formulate

strategies on how to cope with stress; (2) Teachers, will be aware of every student’s

situations and give considerations and guidance on how their students can cope up with

stress; (3) Parents because they will be cognizant of their children’s situations and give

their guidance as well as their pieces of advice to help their children fight their struggles
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

and cope with stress; (4) School Administration, for them to be able to find solutions and

ways to help students but also to parents, teachers, and etcetera; (5) Community, as this

study, will contribute to the body of knowledge giving additional learning not only to

students but also to parents, and teachers; and (6) Future Researchers, as the result of

this study can serve as resource material for future researchers whose study is in

connection of stress management.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the Cause and Management of Stress among Senior High

School Students of St. Gregory College of Valenzuela. To make sure that the research

will be factual we will be conducting the data collection to 25 randomly selected students

in Senior High School of St. Gregory College of Valenzuela School Year 2020-2021 who

will represent the population.

This study will not cover other problems that are not related to stress management

such as; school injuries, tardiness, and disobedience. Each of the respondents is given

the same questionnaires to answer. The result of this study will apply only to the majority

of Senior High School Students of St. Gregory College of Valenzuela and will not be used

as a measure to the cause and management of stress of the students who do not belong

to the population of this study, for the reason that the data and information that will be

gathered are given and answered by them. The main source of data will be the

questionnaire, which is prepared by the researchers.

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Definition of Terms

Homeostasis - from the Greek words for "same" and "steady," refers to any process that

living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.

(Cannon, 1930)

Episodic - composed of loosely connected incidents. (Wiehardt, 2019)

Intermittent - Stopping and starting at intervals, coming after a particular time span, not

steady or constant. (Rakove,1996)

Inadequacy - quality, state, or instance of being inadequate. (Meijer, 2007)

Reappraisal - an assessment of something or someone again or in a different way.

(Lazarus, 1984)

Self-adequacy - the quality or state of being adequate. (Gomez, 2018)

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Chapter II


This chapter proffers the related literature and studies after the thorough and

wins – depth forage done by the researchers. The literature and studies adduced in this

chapter address the different ideas, concepts, generalizations, conclusions, and the

different development related to the study starting from the past up to the present. This

will serve as a guide for the researchers in developing the project. Moreover, the

information included in this chapter helps in familiarizing details that are apposite and like

the present study.

Local Literature

This research aimed to evaluate the causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the

stress coping mechanisms of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students at

Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City, based on the study by Mazo (2015) entitled

'Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping Mechanism of the Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology Students at A Philippine University'. Using the descriptive survey

approach with 51 respondents, it checked certain conclusions. The most common causes

of stress were thesis writing/research and school requirements/projects. The recurrent

symptoms of stress were sleepless nights and irritable/moody feelings. There was a

difference between the male and female respondents on the causes and consequences

of stress. The normal tension management strategies were the use of the machine and

praying to God. There was an observed difference in the responses of the male and

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Popular stress symptoms have been cited by Duque (2007). These include

sleeplessness, insomnia, backaches, constipation, diarrhea, elevated blood pressure,

pulmonary disease, alcohol and addiction, cigarette smoking, or substance use. He

suggested doing the following: 1) Share a recovery plan with people close to you after

consulting the psychiatrist. Chat and describe what you are going through with friends

and relatives; 2) Whether medicine administered by the doctor is administered exactly the

way it is prescribed. Do not stop taking your prescription unless you are advised to stop

taking it by your doctor; 3) Stay with the doctor for any follow-up appointments; 4) Bear in

mind that it can take some time to start getting better; 5) Inform your doctor if you have

adverse effects from some drug, and 6) Seek expert therapy. If your stress management

strategies do not lead to your overall physical and mental wellbeing, it is time to find

healthier ones. There are many safe ways to work with stress and cope with it, but all of

them need improvement. You may either modify the scenario or alter your answer. It is

useful to think about the four A's when choosing which choice to choose: stop, change,

adapt, or embrace. There is no "one size fits all" approach to handling it, because

everybody has a specific stress response. For anyone or in any case, no strategy works,

so play with multiple methods and tactics. Rely on what makes you feel in control and


Based on the research called "Stressors and Stress Responses of students from

Filipino College" Dy et. al. (2015). About ethnicity, course, and academic classification,

the study calculated the stressors and stress responses of Filipino college students

(2015). For the study, 258 respondents were present. Of the applicants, 68 % were
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

women and 32 % were men. 42 % belonged to soft science, according to their degree,

and 58 % too hard science. As far as academic ranking is concerned, 10% were rookies,

36% were sophomores, 33% were juniors and 21% were seniors. Academic difficulties in

subject matter, workload due to subjects, time management due to subjects, obligations

due to being on one's own, and time management due to both subjects and organizations

were the top five overall stressors of the respondents. Affective stress responses

accompanied by cognitive responses were the most generally occurring stress

responses. The biggest stressors among both male and female respondents were

academics, workload due to subjects, and complaints about time management.

Overall, through affective responses, the males responded to stress, and the

females through cognitive responses. Students involved in hard and soft sciences all

found their top stressors to be academics, workload attributable to subjects, and time

management issues. Those in the soft sciences replied with responses to cognitive stress

and those in the hard sciences responded with responses to affective stress. In general,

all students, regardless of their academic status, found out that their principal stressors

were academics, workload due to subjects, and time management. With effective stress

replies, they all referred to stress. To ensure the psychological and physical well-being of

teenage pupils, these behaviors should be tracked. This is the overview that allows the

reader to understand and understand why the study questions are posed (Creswell,

2013). It is also here where you can present important research literature that confirms

stress-related and student success research results. The previous work will aid

researchers in evaluating and hypothesizing the definition and making substantial

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

decisions. Various strategies for emotional, excitement, physical, and in various systems

may describe stress. One out of four people on the planet will be affected, sooner or later

in their life, by psychiatric or neurological conditions. There are about 3.5 % of stressors

in India alone, where 10 to 17 % of them are in the critical pressure stages. Currently,

about 450 million people suffer the ill effects of those disorders (Nieva, 2005). Stress and

its manifestations, such as nervousness, misery, and burnout, have been used in different

vocations and professions as a typical concern for individuals (Keinan and Perlberg,


For a few experts every day, anxiety about college undergraduates has been a

cause of passion. Scholarly tasks, cash-related weights, and the lack of time the board

abilities have caused extraordinary worry at unsurprising times in each semester

(Zeidner, 2002). Furthermore, Keinan and Perlberg (2000) called attention to the fact that

the amount of difficulty faced by college students could differ from non-learning peers. It

is not analogous to being hit by a raging Lion, where fighting or feeling could be

encouraged by high enthusiasm, to take his last test of the year or waiting in surge time

traffic. Calamitous times, daily life changes, and daily annoyances are essential types of

stressors that cause requirements that need to be changed by people. Stress can be

prompted by different things, according to Mental Wellbeing Awareness (2018). Death,

separation/division, absence of a profession and surprising cash difficulties of a friend or

family member, and many more. In any event, not all life occasions are detrimental and

even good life changes can be a source of stress, such as moving to a larger home,

taking up a job development, or going on vacation.

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Local Studies

The tension profile of students in the College of Dentistry of the University of the

Philippines, Manila was analyzed by Salvacion (2004). The research included 149

student-respondent dentistry respondents. The established stressors were overwhelmed

by academic stressors such as tests and grades, fully loaded days, difficulties in meeting

clinical criteria, and fear of being delayed. Academic variables at the first 3-year averages

are stressful. During that sophomore year, academic tension peaked. No major variations

in rankings between genders were found. In the general tension profile of the various year

groups, there was an undeniable correlation. Students used traditional ways of dealing

with tension, which included weeping, praying, laughing, watching movies, and listening

to music. Stress makes a human or destroys them. It is like a two-edged sword that can

inspire a student to peak or encourage him to the peak.

In researching the tension and coping strategies of college freshmen at Southville

International School and Schools, Grandea (2006) used a comprehensive research

methodology. 201 student-respondents participated. Strong perceived tension faced by

the student-respondents. Academics were the established key stressors. Positive stress

management processes were used by the student-respondents. The learner-

respondents' perceived tension and coping strategies were independent of their profile.

The researcher used the descriptive survey approach in this analysis to come up with a

simple line of knowledge on the causes of stress among students taking information.

Technology, the impact of stress on them, and the coping process they use to overcome

their stress. Stress impacts people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, civil
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

status, political status, politics. Affiliation, moral practice in the economy, rank, and

profession. Decision-makers such as the politician, the director, the priest or pastor, the

worker, the housewife, the athlete, the out-of-school teenager, the driver, and even the

unemployed are affected. Stress can be seen all over the house, at home, with

colleagues, in the workplace, at school, in the classroom. It is all about around the corner.

Since it is part of being human, it can simply not be prevented. Currently, every day, a lot

of individuals encounter tension. Many variables could bring it about.

The causes and levels of stress vary from one person to the next. No man is free

from stress, regardless of how fortunate, logical, smart, and intellectual he might be.

Frustrations losses, improvements, and conflicts will at times challenge every person. To

grasp one's tension, Blona (2005) pointed out that one needs to know what it is and the

causes to cope with it properly. He defined stress as any event or condition that stresses

or exceeds a person's ability to cope. Ellison (1990) found stress to be a physiological

response by the body to a threatening situation. The school is one place where many

individuals also converge. It is a fact that, when people come together, stress is likely to

happen one way or the other. The Administration could be stressed by the low turn-out of

registration or the need to collect more funds to finance large capital outlays. For teachers,

the causes for stress vary, such as lack of experience, family, and financial problems,

missed and sub-par pupils, among others.

On their own, students often face stressors. The main factors of their tension are

learning subjects, goals and projects, oral and written exams, marketable or
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

unannounced quizzes and graded recitations, budgets, parent or guardian concerns, love

life, their teachers, and instructors, and many more.

Blona (2005) suggests that students face stress while others fail to cope with the

demands of transitioning to a new living climate, new peers, learning challenges, and

sexual concerns. Students and their families will also be under financial burden from

being in Senior High School to Work. Trembling hands, strained joints, headache,

migraines, and many other signs of depression can leave them with those conditions.

These can lead to a host of chronic diseases that, ranging from asthma to peptic ulcers,

can predispose them to premature deterioration and even death. Stressors are

requirements created by the internal or external environment that disturb the equilibrium

of an individual, thus disrupting the physical and psychological well-being of the person,

and therefore requiring corrective action if one is to restore balance. At one point, stress

was considered to be a transactional mechanism dependent on the importance of the

stimulus by the perceiver. However, depression is not an ordinary thing that can be set

down and ignored. From the very beginning of the signs, it is necessary to pay full

attention to it, and to take proper action is a must to escape the worst effects.

Students who were satisfied with their education had lower depression, anxiety,

and stress levels, according to Esteban (2007) than those who were not satisfied. Stress

happens when the pressure on the person exceeds his available assets (Chavez & Nieva,

2013). Most students find studying to be more stressful (Gonzales, 2016). As discomfort

impacts the brain, the rest of the body experiences the effect as well, with the many nerve

connections. So, it's that the body looks stronger, and so does the mind (Cagadas, 2013).
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Students with elevated and moderate stress do higher than less stressful students. On

the contrary, stress is not always negatively correlated with academic achievement, and

gender is not mediated by stress and academic achievement (Baquiran, 2012).

Foreign Literature

Stress is common in one's life and stress is faced by all. It may come from various

circumstances that cause one to feel upset, angry, or anxious. Stress may be both

positive and negative. It is due to positive stress or eustress when a person does his/her

work properly and systematically, but when one loses rhythm for the same job, it is

negative stress or distress. Stress, therefore, is good in one way and bad in another.

(Khan, Lanin, & Ahmad, 2015). The level of stress may be high or low. It can be nice to

have a low-stress level. Stress encourages and helps one to become productive.

Experiencing or reacting to too much stress, however, can be detrimental, because it can

hurt students' working minds and learning. It can also impact the grades, wellbeing, and

personal adjustment of the student. (Akande, Olowonirejuano & Okwara-Kalu, 2014).

Stress, anxiety, and depression are generally found in students today (Wani,

Sankar, Rakshantha, Nivatha, Sowparnika, & Marak, 2016). Some of the common

stresses faced by learners include academic stress, social stress, emotional stress, and

financial stress (Pariat, Rynjah, Joplin, & Kharjana, n.d.) Some causes of student stress

are their academics, families, friends, and other social performances, according to Porwal

and Kumar (2014), which were unable to be handled and well treated while handling it.

Academic stress, therefore, negatively affects students' overall adaptation. [136]. (Kumar

& Husain, 2008). Students have stressors such as trouble learning topics that have been
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

learned, too much homework, and school schedules are too packed (Shahmohammadi,

2011). Participation in a particularly academically challenging curriculum is correlated with

increased perceptions of stress in fact, how students cope with stress appears to be linked

to their emotional well-being (Suldo, Shaunessy, & Hardesty, 2018). Stress happens

when elements of the world overpower a person when too much is anticipated, and people

are unable to fulfill their expectations (Wani. Sankar, Rakshantha, Nivatha, Sowparnika

& Marak, 2016). Delayed academic stress lowers the academic performance of students,

hampering their ability to learn effectively and develop time management (Khan & Kausar,

2013). In general, curriculum and teaching, teamwork, and placement are the

components of academics, and curriculum and teaching aspects were found to be

primarily responsible for these aspects (Nandamuni & Ch, n.d,). There are stress phases

that have been established. The first stage is an alert stage or an understanding that there

are stressors, the resistance stage or the second stage is to shoulder stress and use

coping mechanisms, the third stage or the stage of fatigue or better known as the stage

of burnout or breakdown. (In 1989, Robinson). Stress affects some areas, such as the

performance of students, gender, age, and level of education, according to Khan (2013).

Student output indicates that the fewer students have their course time, but are expected

to complete several courses, the less stressful they are. The greater the stress, the lower

the academic achievement of Talib and Zia-ur-Rehman (2012) students, the lower their

results, the greater the stress perceived by the students. On educational, miscellaneous,

and general causes of stress, high and low academic performance varied significantly

(Shastri, 2016). In terms of gender, stress can differ. It depends on whether there is a
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male or a female student. Compared to male students, stress is much higher in female

students. Because of the essence of being emotional, women are more likely to

experience a high degree of stress than men (Akande, Olowonirejuaro & Okwara-Kalu,

2014). Sex can be associated with burnout from stress (Antoniou, Polychroni, &

Vlachakis, 2006). In comparison, due to the high expectations of their parents of the

students, in a higher degree of stress, and males perceived higher academic stress from

conflict, whereas women showed a greater behavioral and psychological reaction to

stress. Therefore, parents' standards are more among boys than girls (Pormal & Kumar

2014). Women are reported to have greater levels of psychological distress than men

(Nerdrum, Rustoen, & Ronnestad, 2006). Another is age, one of the pillars of how much

stress students perceive. For younger students, academic stress in higher younger

students than older students is not more geared towards handling their stress. The effect

of age on results was greater than that of either gender or stress. (Matthews, 1999).

Stress depends on the degree of students' education. For junior students, it is

higher than for senior students because they are less mature and have a low maturity

level. Stress may also impact one's degree, for example, medical students are very at

risk, depression, and anxiety due to students' perceived stress that could be high or low.

Stress is usually rigid because it may reduce the output of the student may impede the

ability of the students to study effectively and better time management and can differ in

its intensity: high moderate and low. One of the key goals of educational centers is the

enhancement of academic performance by learners since academic performance is

important for success and development. Different factors can affect academic success,
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such as individual learning styles and study abilities (Mashayekhi, Rafati, Mashayekhi,

Rafati, Mohamadisardoo & Yahaghi 2014). Stress, however, expresses itself in terms of

mood, physical well-being, and success in one of three ways. (In 1989, Robinson). There

are no major effects between stress and performance relationships, which ensures that

students can still achieve academic success regardless of the degree of stress (Gbettor,

Atatsi, Danku, & Suglo, 2015).

Shastri and N (2016) emphasized the connection between stress and academic

achievement. Gunuc (2014) claimed that there is a clear relationship between cognitive,

emotional, and behavioral commitments and academic achievement, and it is necessary

to increase the cognitive and behavioral commitments of students. Ghatol (2017) clarified

that the student needs a positive and stimulating environment to advance in their

academic life and to achieve their goal or objective. In achieving good academic results,

the amount of stress faced by the students is desirable, it is equally important to define

what constitutes good and bad stress and how good stress can be improved and bad

stress can be removed (Rafidah, Azizah, Norzaidi, Chong, Salwani & Noraini, 2009).

Students should understand the different stress-related symptoms and know how to

relieve stress (Keady,1999).

Foreign Studies

Stress management habits are characterized as actions often used by individuals

to help control anxious or difficult emotions in the face of stress/trauma (Greenberg,

2012). Stress management habits include 6-8 hours of sleep a night, trying to track mood

swings, using effective responses to unreasonable problems, making preparations and

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

setting targets, making an effort to determine the source of any stress that arises, making

an effort to spend time every day for muscle regeneration, focusing on good feelings at

bedtime, feeling satisfied with yourself (Walker, Sechrist, Pender, 1987). It is very

necessary to practice these behaviors to help people adjust to stressful circumstances

and helps them maintain their emotional well-being (Greenberg, 2012).

University students are a special group of people who undergo a critical transient

transition from childhood to adulthood, which may be one of the most painful times in the

life of a human being (Buchanan, 2012). According to the National College Health Report

by the American College Health Association, depression is one of the top five barriers to

academic achievement for college students (Kisch, Leino, Silverman, 2005). In college

student associations across the United States, for example, depression is a major

concern (Crandall, Steward, Warf, 2016).

In college students worldwide, the investigator searched for stress literature. For

example, stress was observed among 36 percent of respondents among Malaysian

university students (Gan, Nasir, Zalilah, Hazizi, 2011). Another study showed that 43

percent of Hong Kong students faced academic tension (Wong, Cheung, Chan, Ma, Wa,

2006). In Western and other Middle Eastern nations, including Jordan's 70 percent (Abu-

Ghazaleh, Rajab, Sonbol, 2011), Australia's 83.9 percent (McDermott BM, Cobham VE,

Berry H, Stallman HM., 2010). Moreover, based on a large nationally representative

survey, the prevalence of stress among college students in Ethiopia was 40.9 percent

(Dachew, Bisetegn, Gebremariam, 2015). Several studies have shown that it is known

that socio-demographic characteristics and psychosocial variables predict stress

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management patterns such as social support, health benefit, and perceived self-efficacy.

While in many countries, including Ethiopia, the prevalence of stress among college

students is investigated, Ethiopia does not examine the practice of stress management

behaviors that are very important in promoting college student wellbeing. Therefore, the

purpose of this research was to investigate the tradition among undergraduate students

of Mekelle University of stress management behaviors and related factors.

College students are becoming more depressed because of school-related

problems, According to Presnall (2008). They are influenced by psychological and mental

wellbeing. Furthermore, 2,253 undergraduate students aged 18 to 24 were randomly

selected from national schools in the survey and showed that financial, relationship, family

problems, and extracurricular activities were identified. Students who have encountered

stress feel that drinking alcohol, drug use, and hanging out with friends are their

immediate responses to their stress.

According to MacGeorge, Samter, and Gillihan (2005) and Sasaki and Yamasaki,

"depression is a serious issue," the dilemma of college students and depression is the

intrapersonal and interactor in this research. Much of the time, college students endure

numerous pressures that are experienced every day. To obtain the desired outcome, they

need to do these to target good grades and to charge something. Depression refers to all

individuals who encounter work and stress. That is why they pushed them to do

something better, to contend with other individuals, and in times of rushing hour, it is more

depressing to achieve some things. Some people experience the same depression,

particularly when they are in the same area (Murtali Raj, 2009).
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Archer (2003) claimed that the overall level of health of the individual was

influenced by stress reactions to different circumstances. In times of eating poorly,

sleepless, and exhausted, they often felt overwhelmed by those stressful incidents posed

by the literature and studies that deal with those relevant to the research in times of

feelings and emotions of those college students. Suldo and Hardesty (2008), students

who become highly competitive in their academics, are more likely to face stress because

of the academic standards they need to pass. Also, to relieve their stress, these students

have demonstrated a different approach to stress management. Stress starts as a hazard,

but access to it was later considered.

Strategies for coping (Mc Namara 2002). Supporters of Mc Namara's (2000) and

Pallack et al. (2010) theory in which they argued the significance of psychological

mechanisms in assessing the impact of stress on our feelings, physical, activity, and


According to Pinel (2003), to become aware of a threat, "stress can be defined as

a physiological response." Readjustments to any changes in life can trigger stress. Today,

teens face numerous difficulties that were not faced by parents and conventional

educators while they were children or growing up. Adolescents cannot cope properly with

their stress due to the various stresses in the 21stcentury and they suggest some school

programs that encourage proper coping strategy when they are stress (Frydenberg et al.,

2004) It reported from the work of Ping Qi and Tinchang Wu (2004), heavy study tasks,
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

demanding courses, unfair learning, ways like high expectations could be representing

the pressures faced by senior high school students.


The Review of Local Studies/Literature and Foreign Studies/Literature was gathered

and collected from different sources to provide the guidance and information pertaining

and have relevance to the study.

This research is focused on a senior high school student's stress control and

stressors. Stress influences a senior high school student's life. Stress only hurts the life

of a senior high school student based on all related literature and research. Roughly most

senior high school students deal with stress. However, there are several stress coping

techniques that can enable a student to alleviate stress and escape stressors.

According to Pinel (2003), he stated, “the stress can be defined as the physiological

response to become aware in threat Readjustments to any changes in life may trigger

stress. Nowadays, teens face numerous challenges that were not faced by parents and

conventional educators while they were children or growing up.

Nonetheless, stress control behaviors are described as activities that people often

use to better regulate stressful or challenging feelings in the face of stress/trauma

(Greenberg, 2012). Stress control behaviors include sleeping 6-8 hours a night, using

acceptable solutions to irrational situations, making plans, and setting goals. Invest time

every day for muscle recovery and concentrating on positive thoughts at bedtime.

Lastly, the management of stress should be taught to every senior high school

student, so they can deal with the stress and learn to avoid stressors.
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Chapter III


Research Design

The researchers used the qualitative method in this research wherein it is defined

as “a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (Shank, 2002). The word

systemic means "planned, ordered, and public" in compliance with regulations decided

upon by members of the qualitative research community. It is used to gain insight into the

beliefs, habits, value systems, concerns, motives, goals, culture, or lifestyles of

individuals. The qualitative analysis includes gathering and evaluating non-numerical

data to clarify ideas, views, or perceptions (e.g., text, video, or audio). It can be used to

gather in-depth perspectives on an issue or create fresh research ideas. (Pritha, 2020).

The opposite of quantitative research, which includes gathering and evaluating numerical

data for mathematical analysis, is qualitative research. In topics such as anthropology,

sociology, education, health sciences, history, etc., qualitative analysis is widely used in

the humanities and social sciences. However, qualitative analysis is a naturalistic

investigative method that seeks a detailed interpretation of social processes within their

natural context. It insists on the "why" rather than the "what" of social events and depends

on human beings' direct interactions of their daily lives as meaning-making agents (Curry,

2015). Besides, the researchers need to use this method because the exploratory

analysis is the subject of qualitative research. It's used to work out what's driving people's

choices, thoughts, and motives. Qualitative analysis is also used to discover patterns in

thinking and beliefs, as well as to dig deeper into a challenge. It is used to obtain insight
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

into an individual's values, behaviors, value structures, interests, motivations, ambitions,

community, or lifestyles, and the researchers used it because they believe that it is

suitable for the subject. The approaches used in qualitative research may seem

inadequate at first sight to those who are more familiar with quantitative research

techniques. However, it is important to note that qualitative analysis isn't aiming to

address the same questions as quantitative research. In short, the qualitative analysis

relies on terms rather than statistics, depth rather than scope, in contrast to quantitative

research. Its approaches are exploratory, intending to elicit respondents' views, emotions,

and feelings. It's most commonly used to teach people about new thoughts, philosophies,

and goods (Tiley, 2017).

Furthermore, the type of research used in this study is phenomenological. The

purpose of the phenomenological approach of study is to explain how any human person

encounters a single occurrence. To obtain information from subjects, this approach

employs interviews, observation, and surveys. Phenomenology is highly concerned with

how people during an event or practice feel about things. However, the appropriately

called phenomenological analysis is an effective qualitative approach when one tries to

characterize an occurrence, operation, or phenomenon. One uses a variety of

approaches in phenomenological analysis, such as conducting interviews, reading

papers, viewing recordings, or visiting sites and activities, to explain the meaning that

participants put on whatever is being studied. To gain insight into their motives, you focus

on the experiences of the participants themselves (Sauro, 2015). Yet, some people are

not taking the survey seriously. Hence, the information gathered is not accurate to the
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

truth and facts. Moreover, the reason for using phenomenological analysis is that it

enables you to examine sensory impressions (as opposed to abstract perceptions) of the

phenomena being investigated, as well as the development of awareness based on these

perceptions and experiences. As a result, your study approach is focused on either your

own or other people's sensory impressions and experiences. The aim of this study is

either use your own direct experiences obtained during the research process to explain

and evaluate the phenomenon to gain in-depth knowledge of the phenomenon or use

other people's experiences gained during the research process to describe and analyze

the phenomenon to gain in-depth knowledge of the phenomenon (Smith, 2009).

On the other hand, the purpose of the phenomenological approach is to illuminate

the particular to identify phenomena through how the actors in a situation perceive them.

Given the number of phenomenologists originating directly or indirectly from the original

work of the German philosopher Edmund Husserl, it is not easy to discover a common

denominator for such a movement beyond its common roots. But in other philosophical

as well as non-philosophical movements, similar situations occur (Walter, 2008). Also,

amateur scholars often find it impossible to pick an acceptable research design for a

specific sample. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a detailed design to scholars,

both inexperienced and experienced but with little expertise in phenomenology

(Groenewal, 2004). For certain kinds of research, this sort of study is important. There

are occasions in which this study should stand alone as a full research project, particularly

where results rely on the detection of undocumented phenomena (Loeb et al., 2017).

Hence, the type of qualitative research used is suitable to the topic, because the
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

researchers get to see how the senior high school students at St. Gregory College of

Valenzuela (SGCV) deal with their stress and manage it. Also, the researchers can

acquire some lessons from the respondents using phenomenological analysis.

The Data

Due to the availability of the school as the research locale of the thesis, the study

will be done at St. Gregory College of Valenzuela. The researchers wanted to understand

the students' causes of stress and how they manage it, hence they chose St. Gregory

College of Valenzuela because the researchers are from here as well. They have decided

that their school will be their locale area in which they will easily get the information they

need in their research.

On one hand, the target population is the Senior High School Students age 15-19

years old from grade 11 to grade 12 because it is said that the major adjustment in the

phase of the teenage years occurs (Susman and Rogol, 2004) leading to the decision of

the researchers to choose them to be their respondents in their study. The respondents

will come from the four academic strands that the St. Gregory College of Valenzuela has

to offer, 3 of each from Grade 11, 2 of each on Grade 12 and 5 interviewees selected

randomly for a total of 25 students. The researchers came up with those numbers to get

fairly the standpoint of the majority of the population. They would like to know the views

and opinions of some students on each level and strand so they could study the topic

thoroughly. The respondents will answer the survey questionnaire that was given to them

via Google Forms. The researchers will provide survey questionnaires containing 10

opinionated questions provided by the researchers. This method is expected to be

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

effective to utilize the specific target population and gather more information.

Furthermore, The researchers will conduct an online interview with the use of google meet

for additional information.

The researchers will use subject-completed because the instrument can be easily

handled, interpreted, and graded by the researchers. The researchers would use survey

questionnaires to assess what triggers the students' stress and how it is handled. They

also chose to use survey questionnaires because it requires a form of data collection that

is used to gather, evaluate, and interpret the various opinions in the questions to be

answered, as well as to enhance the accuracy of the survey required by the researchers

to respond to the current study. Researchers can easily collect data by using the survey

questionnaire since a detailed response is provided by this type of subject-completed

instrument. Surveys are also relatively inexpensive, helpful in describing a large

population, especially now that we are not allowed for physical contact, they can be

conducted in several ways, and the confidentiality of it allows the respondents to be

truthful. Besides, a survey is a data collection method used to gather knowledge about

people. A survey may concentrate on accurate information about people, or it may seek

to gain the views of the survey takers.

Hence, the researchers will interview with a qualitative review that seeks to explain

and define the meanings of key ideas in the field of life of the participants. Interviews are

especially helpful for understanding more about a participant's experiences. In-depth

information about the subject may be sought by the researcher. Interviews can be helpful

as a follow-up to such questionnaire responders to look further into their answers.

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

Data Gathering Procedure



Causes of stress Validating of the Brochure about the

among senior high questions. cause and stress

school students management of

3. Collecting of data
students and
1. Coping strategies of through interview.
4. Analyzing the
for better coping
collected data
through content


Fig 2. Step-by-step process in the while research

The researchers conclude that one of the major struggles that Senior High School

Students face nowadays is stress because of the changes in lifestyle, increased

workload, new obligations, and interpersonal relationships that trigger it. Student life is a

time of transformation. They enroll in a course in the hopes of being able to do or get

something they want, such as more career prospects or increased life satisfaction.

Concentrating on is a part of the process of development, and transition can be nerve-

wracking at times. Students in school, especially at universities, go through a particularly

162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

trying time coping with anxiety and misery. To begin with, their hormones are in overdrive,

causing tension. Furthermore, the need to perform adds to their anxiety. Homework,

domestic problems, school ties, and related weight all lead to stress and depression. The

stress that students face may put their ability to cope and adapt to their surroundings to

the test. The effect of stress on students can be explored from several perspectives.

Stress has an academic, social, physical, and emotional effect on students, according to

(Centre, 2010). Leading to their decision to conduct a study regarding this, so that they

will be able to identify what is the cause and stress management of the Senior High

School students in St. Gregory College of Valenzuela.

To gather data, the first thing they need to do is to get the permission of their

research adviser. After the approval of the research adviser, the researchers will make a

set of questions in their survey questionnaire that will be given to the participants. The

survey questionnaire will consist of 10 opinionated questions that the participants must

answer. Also, the researchers will conduct an online interview with the respondents for

additional information. The researchers will collect all of the data after performing a survey

questionnaire and interview.

For this study, survey questionnaires and in-depth interviews are the primary

methods of data gathering. It is a key qualitative data collection method for social

research. It is mainly useful in cases where there is a need to attain highly personalized

data, as well as in cases where there are opportunities for probing to get underlying

factors (Gray, 2004). Interviews, according to Potter (1996), are important methods for

gathering evidence in a qualitative study. The key value of interviews comes from their
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

potential to provide a full overview and interpretation of a research topic without restricting

the purpose of the research and the essence of the responses of the interviewer (Collis

& Hussey, 2003). During the interview period, a one-on-one interview approach helps the

interviewer to communicate with the subjects and observe non-verbal signs. As a result,

interviews help obtain insight and perspective into a topic. This style of study facilitates a

range of approaches to attract volunteers, compile data, and use multiple instrumentation

methods. Also, surveys can use quantitative testing techniques (e.g., using numerically

graded items on questionnaires) or qualitative research strategies (e.g., using open-

ended questions) may be used in survey research (i.e., mixed methods). Surveys are

widely used in social and psychological studies since they are frequently used to explain

and explore human behavior (Singleton & Straits, 2009). Questionnaires can be

submitted to participants in paper form, distributed in electronic format via e-mail or by an

Internet-based service. Individuals lacking access to a computer, for example, will be

disqualified from participating if a researcher had used an Internet-delivered

questionnaire. For a broad sample, self-administered mailed, group, or Internet-based

questionnaires are comparatively low cost and realistic (Check & Schutt, 2012).

As for such data collection, the conversation between the participants and the

researcher were recorded pending the approval of the interviewee. The interviews as well

as the focus group discussions were conducted on an online platform such as google

meet and the researchers will ask them at their most convenient time to avoid any

distraction. Lastly, the researchers have established trust and rapport with the participants

to make it easier for the participants to share their own experiences without fear of being
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City

judged. After collecting the causes of stress and their stress management the results will

be the subject for referencing to have a strong foundation for the conclusion.
162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City


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