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Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City



In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research II

Presented by:

Markjohn Malto

Evamae Parinasan

Arjane Piezas

Wayne Saranza

Mark Jonuel Sozmena


January 2021
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City


1.1 Introduction

Stress is a widespread phenomenon all around during all human lifespan . It is a basic thing

of everyday lifecycle which are present in a particular environment, person, or a group of

individuals. Stress defines normal physical response that happens when people feel threatened or

upset and the process by which an individual react when opened to external or internal challenges.

Stress is the body’s reaction to the demands of the world.

Moreover, Wheeler (2007) defined stress as physics word which refers to the amount of

force used on an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied to

human life. For an example, financial difficulties, academic stress, health challenge issues,

conflicts with friends, and all carry force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of

the pressure originate from the environment but most often comes from within a person's head in

the form of anxiousness, regret, and low confidence. Just like the students experiencing academic

stress, it comes from self-low confidence, discouragements, and some school activities such as

studying for exams and taking the large amount of content to master in a small amount of time

(Abouserie, 1994). Additionally, Erkutlu & Chafra on 2006 asserted that the pressure to perform

well in the examination or test and time allocated makes academic environment very stressful.

Indeed, students have a unique cluster of stressful experiences. Student’s academic

performance can be affected by many factors. Bernstein et al. (2008) define the sources of stress
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as every circumstance or event that threatens to disrupt people’s daily functioning and causes them

to make adjustments. Similarly, Phinney and Haas (2003) stressed out sources of stress more

specifically as a unique set of stressful encounters among student which includes difficult financial

challenges, domestic responsibilities, and tasks related to holding a job while in school.

Stressor, on the other hand, is an event or condition in the surroundings that may trigger

stress and pressure. It can be seen in many ways. It can be observed in formal settings like in

schools and universities, or in casual forms such as in friends and social groups. Some stressors

from schools are academic stress which are often seen in the daily activities of students such as

heavy workload and the burden of managing projects. There are stressors among students like

difficulty in understanding subject that have been learnt, too much homework, and school

schedules was too packed (Shahmohammadi, 2011). In casualty, this includes time stress,

situational stress, social stress, and even family stress.

Rendering to Davidson (2001), stress is not only negative things that happens positive

things also cause stress. In our life we only know stress to be bad but that is not the cases. There

are two types of stressors. These are positive stressors which are known as eustress and negative

stressors which is also known as distress. To define positive stressors, these are positive situations

that causes a person to be stressed up. (Centre, 2010) Some examples of these circumstances are

promotion at work, starting a new job, getting married, and having a child which are few of the

many. Positive stressors are usually not noticed because it can be a short term event that motivates

people and improves one’s attitude and performance.

In contrary, negative stressors happen to be the bad things which causes human to be stress

and these type of stressors is easily noticed. Examples of negative stressor are death of a loved
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
one, unemployment, divorce and illness. These stressors cause anxiety and makes one troubled,

feels unpleasant and disturbing, and decrease ones’ productivity and moral. (Davidson, 2001).

In fact, stress and common stressors are two things that comes together. When one

experienced a specific stressor, being stress is also there. Others are knowledgeable enough to face

stressors that cannot lead to an extreme stress and others do not know how to manage it. Both of

it has side effects to anyone who will suffer from its problem.

Students currently face a big dilemma to these stressors. They are trapped with the stress

they may have like burnout and worry. Stressors pose a great deal of challenges to students from

hindering to acquire complete intellectual knowledge which is needed to champion development

and growth in academic performance. So, these stressors are problem to students academically.

The act of a busy life along with education causes stress and depression. Limited stress is beneficial

and can lead to excellent performance. However, uncontrolled stress can lead to exhaustion,

despair and several other sicknesses. In fact, senior high school students are prone to episodic

stressor and this happens when tests and extreme tasks are around the corner. Several students

contemplate to commit suicide. According to Centre (2010), stress affects students academically

that leads them to have bad performance in school work. Students experience a lack of

concentration that cause them to perform poorly in school.

The researchers are doing this to investigate the effects of common stressors to students

academically. This will enable them to recognize and examine the stressors affecting every learner

though academic aspect.

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1.1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Baumeister and Exline (2000) description of stress provides a complex concept of stress,

it says little about how stress affects human academic and other performance. There is important

variation between researchers about the direct and indirect properties of several suppose different

factors which have to create stress in any situation. Direct stress special effects are those

experienced by the mission capacity alone unrelatedly of any psychological stress that may also

be generated. According to Rees and Redfern (2000), indirect stress effects are developed from

psychological stressors related to task load requirements. There is an acceptable line that is mutual

with these two, and they can sometimes not be distinguished. This fact made their departure and

measurement extremely difficult.

Eventually, another concept of stress has been evolved from the field of physics by one of

the fathers of stress research Hans Selye (1907-1982). In physics, “Stress describes the force that

produces strain on a physical body like bending a piece of metal until it snaps occurs because of

the force or stress exerted on it”. After completing the medical training from the University of

Montreal, Hans Selye started using the concept of “Stress” in 1920s. He proposed that stress

resulted in release of stress hormones. He named it as “General Adaptation Syndrome.” Stress

produces different physical and mental symptoms which depend on each individual’s surrounding

factors. The concept stress management is the key of happy and stress less life of an individual

and would give identification to its effects.

The concepts stated above will serve as support on contributing and supporting clearer

information about the rationale of the study. Complex concept of stress by Baumeister and Exline
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
(2000) and Concept stress management by Hans Selye (1920) would empower the researchers’

study to identify the effects of common stressors to HUMSS students affecting academic matters.

The research paradigm is as shown in Figure 1.2.1. The researchers will determine the

participants and let them fill their profiles. The chosen students will answer the given research

questionnaires. Inside the research questionnaires are the following: the common stressors that

might experience by the students and the actions to be taken to cope up common stressors. As an

output, the researchers will determine the effects of common stressors academically.

Determining the Profiling the

Participants Participants

Giving of Research Questionnaires

Via Online

Common Stressors of Actions to manage common

students stressors

Effects of Common Stressor


Figure 1.2.1 Paradigm of the Study

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know what are the effects of the common stressors to students from

academically through the following questions:

1. What are the common stressors experienced by the students?

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
2. What are the effects of the common stressors to students when it comes to academic


3. How can students cope up with the common stressors they have?

1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will be conducted in the institution of Agusan del Sur College, Inc. (ADSCO)

for the school year 2020-2021. The school is located at P-24 Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan

City, Agusan del Sur. It is limited to the students who are senior high school specifically to grade

12 who are studying in the campus. The respondents of the study are composed of students from

selected General Academic Strand (GAS). The main focus of this research is to find the effects of

the common stressors to GAS 12 students academically. Data is gathered through research

questionnaires via online to be answered by the participants.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study focuses on the common stressors and its effects students academically. It aims to

determine the outcomes of the common stressors they have. Furthermore, the result of this study

will be beneficial to the following:

Future Researchers. The result of the study would serve as reference material for the

future researchers who will be conducting research related to the effects of common stressors to

students academically.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
Parents. This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the effect of

stressors to the academic enactment of their children.

Students. The findings of the study would be able to know the effects of common stressors

to students. This study will help them to identify the effects of common stressors and to manage

the stress they might have.

Teachers. The result of the study would help the teachers to make support to students who

experience common stressors. This would also help them to provide words to advice the said

students and gives encouragements to the learners.

1.6 Definition of Terms

The researchers seek at all variables and aspects related to the effects of the common

stressors to GAS 12 students academically. For clearer understanding of the terms used in the

study, the following are defined operationally:

Academic Performance. It is the educational aim that is achieved by a student over a

specific time. It is also essential for success and progress of a student.

Academic Stress. It refers to the stress that comes from schooling and education.

Anxiousness. It is an uneasy state of mind usually over the possibility of an anticipated


Depression. It is a disorder of mood involves varying levels of sadness and despair

associated with stress.

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Encouragements. The action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

Hinder. It means to limit the ability of someone to do something.

Pressure. Associated with expectations to perform well in a situation.

Stress. It is the process by which an individual or a person react when opened to external

or internal troubles.

Stressors. It something that causes a state of strain.

Threats. It is when a person feels problem that results to stress.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City


In order to adequately accomplish the research purpose, the researchers decided to

investigate the different reasons toward the addiction of students who play online games. To do

this, the researches searched for research journals, reports and published research papers related to

the topic of the study.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

Over the years, several theories have been developed by a number of authors to help

students understands stress, its manifestations and impacts. According to Laurence, William and

Eiland (2009) stress theories can be categorized into three: 1) response theories, 2) stimulus theory,

3) transaction theories. Under response theories stress is understood as a response by people to

external pressures are stressors, such as too many assignments within a short period of time.

Stimulus theories seek to understand stress from perspective of major events such as humanitarian

disasters, chronic and other life threatening activities. In transactional or process theories, stress is

studied as a complex set of interaction and adjustments between the person and the environment.

Lazarous & Folkman (1984) is of the most popular transactional theories. Through their

transactional model, they emphasize ‘transactional’ nature of stress, by arguing that it is a two-

way process whereby the environment produces stressors and the individual find ways to deal with

these. They understood stress as a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that

the demand exceeds the persona and social resources the individual is able to mobilize to manage
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
the condition. Thus, the effect that stress has on a person is based more on that person’s feeling of

threat, vulnerability and ability to cope that on that stressful event itself.

Moreover, the strategy of coping with stress is defined by Lazarous & Folkman on year

1984. The key aspect on studies of stress is to understand how people cope with stress. Coping is

distinct as a process of by which individual changes his or her cognitive behavioral efforts to

manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the

resource of the person. Stress coping theories can be categorized into two: 1) trait versus state

oriented and 2) micro-analytic versus macro-analytic (Khrone 2002:06). Trait oriented coping

strategies aim to identify individuals with less capacity and resources to cope with specific

stressors. The purpose of the assessment is early prevention. States oriented strategies, on the other

hand, look at how the person actually copes with the particular stressors. Micro-analytic strategies

encompasses a wide range of approaches to respond to the stress while macro-analytic strategies

look at the abstracted or boarder issues that may affect people (Khrone 2002).

Lazarous & Folkman (1984) theory of coping with stress is popularity known as cognitive

appraisal. Their model concentrated on emotion and the problem itself, as well as the functions

related to them. As indicated above, cognitive appraisal falls within the framework of micro-

analytical responses. To them, cognitive appraisal occurs when a person considers to major factors

that majorly contribute to his or her response to stress, notably the threatening tendency of the

stress to the individual, and the assessment of resources required to minimize, tolerate or eradicate

the stressor and the stress it produces. Cognitive appraisal is divided into two types or stages:

primary and secondary appraisal (Laurence, Williams & Eiland 2009). In primary appraisal, an

individual will first understand the meaning and the potential effect of a particular stressor.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
Secondary stressors relate to a particular feeling about a stressor. Secondary appraisal often

happens simultaneously, though a later stage, with primary appraisal (Wong, Reker & Peacock


At a practical level, Lazarus and Folkman various ways of managing or coping with stress.

These include relaxation, accepting responsibility, positive re-appraisal and proactive problem

solving techniques, social support, time management and physical exercises. According to Chai

(2015) social support is crucial when one is going through difficult times. During these times

friends, relatives, spouses and classmates in the case of students, may provide emotional, spiritual

even professional support by way of helping their counterpart go over particular stressors (Wong,

Reker & Peacock, 2006) The idea of sharing one’s problem and challenges for the purpose of

social support is a crucial part of the African culture (Mwakoghu, 2011). Thus, Folkman and

Lazarus identified stress management as a dynamic process which is essentially in two categories

which are problem – focused coping and emotion – focuses these two coping style. Emotion

focused copying may include denial of existence of a particular problem (Versaeve, 2015) Mature

coping mechanisms may include problem solving and seeking professional and technical suppor

to deal with particular stressors.

Despite a great deal of scientific research on the subject and the widespread use of the term

in everyday conversation, stress has no simple definition. Indeed, it has been definqed in three

different ways: as a stimulus, as a response, and as an interaction. When some people talk about

stress, they are referring to an environmental stimulus, as in "I have a high-stress job." Others

consider stress a physical response, as in "My heart races when I feel a lot of stress." Still others

consider stress to result from the interaction between environmental stimuli and the person, as in
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
"I feel stressed when I have to make financial decisions at work, but other types of decisions do

not stress me."

These three views of stress also appear in the different theories of stress. The view of stress

as an external event was the first approach taken by stress researchers, the most prominent of

whom was Hans Selye. During the course of his research, Selye changed to a more response-based

view of stress, concentrating on the biological aspects of the stress response. The most influential

view of stress among psychologists has been the interactionist approach, proposed by Richard


Beginning in the 1930s and continuing until his death in 1982. Hans Selye 1956; 1976;

1982) researched and popularized the concept of stress, making a -strong case for its relationship

to physical illness and bringing the importance of stress to the attention of the public. Although he

did not originate the concept of stress, he researched the effects of stress on physiological responses

and tried to connect these reactions to the development of illness. Selye first considered stress to

be a stimulus and focused his attention on the environmental conditions that produce stress. In the

1950s, he shifted his focus to stress as a response that the organism makes. To distinguish the two,

Selye started using the term stressor to refer to the stimulus and stress to mean the response. Selye's

contributions to stress research included a model for how the body defends itself in stressful

situations. Selye conceptualized stress as a nonspecific response, repeatedly insisting that stress is

a general physical response caused by any of a number of environmental stressors. He believed

that a wide variety of different situations could prompt the stress response, but the response would

always be the same.

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On the other hand, Taylor and her colleagues (Taylor, 2002; Taylor, Kemeny, Reed,

Bower, and Gruenewald, 2000) raised to the traditional conceptualization of the stress response,

questioning the basic notion that it is a fight or flight response. These theories contended that

research and theory on stress responses have been biased by concentrating on men, for whom fight-

or-flight is a more valid model than for women. Although they acknowledged that men's and

women's nervous system responses to stress are virtually identical, they argued that women exhibit

neuroendocrine responses to stress that differ from men's reactions and that these differences lay

the biological foundation for gender difference in behavioral responses to stress. They proposed

that the stress response in women is better characterized as "tend-and-befriend" than "fight-or-

flight". That is, women tend to respond to stressful situations by nurturing responses and by

seeking and giving social support rather than by either fighting or fleeing. Taylor and her

colleagues argued that this pattern of responses arose in women during human evolutionary history

and is more consistent with the biological and behavioral evidence than the fight-or-flight

conceptualization of stress responses. This view has been the target of criticism (Geary and Flinn,

2002), but some research is consistent with its contentions. For example, the patterns of hormone

secretion during competition differ for women and men (Kivlinghan; Granger, and Booth, 2005).

In a study of children's responses to mothers whose behavior was frightening, giris tended to seek

the company of mothers who were behaving in a frightening way, whereas boys tended to avoid

the frightening mother (David and Lyons-Ruth, 2005). This finding is consistent with the

hypothesis that females tend to affiliate under conditions of stress, whereas males tend to flee.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

2.2 Research Literature

The study of Impact of Stress on Students Academic Performance at Secondary School

Level at District Vehari hypothesized stress as the interaction between the three fundamentals

perceived as the perception of coping ability, and the perception of the importance of being able

to cope with its demand. Different from many previous definitions of stress, this formulation

clearly integrates the transactional process that is believed to be central to current theories of

academic assessment. Stress is simply seen as a mismatch between demand and capacity on the

difference, the insight of these two elements, and the most important the desire or the motivation

that one feels to answer all the requests are at the heart of the construction (Aikens et al.,1992)

Gunnar (1998), defined the explanation of academic stress is the anxiety and stress that

comes from schooling and education. There is studying homework, tests, labs, reading, and

quizzes. There is the stress of doing all of the work, balancing the time and finding time for extra-

curricular activities. Academic stress is particularly hard on school students who are often living

away from home for the first time. Its study show that teachers expect work to be completed on

time. Stress and its displays, such as stress, depression, and tension, have always been seen as a

common problem among people in different businesses and occupations. In the last few times, the

alarm has previously been motivated by the proliferation of books, research reports, popular

articles and the growing number of organized workshops, aiming to teach people how to handle

with this individuality.

Researchers are randomly in their actions on this subject, in some cases associating and

unique in others. While one can say that each stress factor has immediate effects, each can also
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

have side effects. For example, time pressure limits the time available for the success of a particular

task. This limit is a physical limit that does not require psychological explanation to sympathize

with its immediate effects on achieving performance. This limitation, however, often causes an

emotional reaction, for example nervousness that has side effects or indirect effects on success.

Given the effort of unravelling these two extensions and scarcity in which this was done in the

main literature (Trockel et al., 2000).

This study investigated the effects of academic stress on the performance of different

cognitive tasks, predicted that matte stress would interfere with work memory, leading to a

breakdown in mathematical and related performance. Specifically, these authors measure the

degree to which subjects were stressed using a self-reporting index shortly followed by a

performance assessment of two measurements of the work environment reading team and

calculation group. Their results suggest that people who score high on measurements or tensions

tend to perform worse on work memory measurements. While this was the case in both ways, it

was not necessarily limited to just computational tasks, high stress subjects were more likely to

demonstrate failure in computational results than listening outcomes (Slaven,and Windle. 1999).

The findings of the study were that most of the teachers give punishment to the students in

a classroom on their weakness and shortcomings. Majority of teachers do not provide feedback to

the students properly, which may be helpful to overwhelm their weakness and shortcomings. The

teachers should give encouragement to the students and also to extend personal attention in the

classroom. Most of the teachers often fail to clarify the objective of the lesson during class which

creates a great hindrance to understand the objectives and the same later on put the student under
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
stress at the end or in mid-terms exams. They do not have a methodology to teach that’s major

fault to create stress to students. The majority of teachers highlight wrong answers and also give

number of exercise and tests to the students; but, they do not explain them on the paper and during

the lecture in class room. Most of the teachers do not understand teaching content properly during

their lectures. The teachers do not listen the ideas of students emerged during the lectures that

caused bad impact on their learning abilities. Most of the students raised volume regarding gap of

communication among teachers and students and by removing the communication gap, a healthy

environment can be developed for a conversation with all students in the classroom. The teachers

show their socio economic status that effects on the students learning. Most of the students

complain that they have no opportunity to meet their teacher in free time for learning purposes and

to understand the true meanings of the lectures delivered. Most of the students replied that they

feel proud that their teachers treat them equally in the classroom and out of the classroom.

Another related study conducted on Enugu State University of Science and Technology

Enugu Nigeria by Ogbogu Chibuzo Ezekiel entitled “Impact of Academic Stress on Academic

Performance Among University Students.” The work was designed to examine the problem of

academic stress among students, its causes, symptoms and ways of controlling it to enhance

students’ performance. One of the objectives of the study is to determine the relationship between

academic stress and students’ performance.

The purpose of this study was to discover the relationship between academic stress and

students’ academic performance. The study found that all the respondents have experienced one

form of Academic Stress or the other. That shows that academic stress is a common phenomenon

among university students and we observe that it affects students’ academic performance.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

In the second findings, the study found that headache, tiredness and loss of confidence were the

prevalent symptoms of academic stress amongst students in Esut Nigeria. More so, the study

examined the relationship between academic stress and academic performance. It found that

overwhelming majority of the students affirmed that academic stress affected their academic

performance. The findings are in agreement with Linn and Zeppa (1984) who claimed that

academic Stress can inhibit and suppress learning. Finally, the findings found that by having

enough time for rest and exercise, starting tasks from simple to complex and doing course works

as at when due can help reduce academic stress thereby enhancing students’ academic

performance. This finding is also in agreement line with Kaplan and Sadock (2000) who claimed

that academic stress can be positive thereby enhancing learning.

The study findings demonstrate that every university student experience various degrees

of academic stress which affects their academic performance in school. The study established

symptoms and signs with which one can be able to identify students under Academic stress. These

were; Tiredness, headache, loss of confidence and becoming more error prone. Further findings

from the study indicated that students believe academic stress has a big effect on their performance.

Stress reduces students work rate, reduces ability to learn in class, and causes lack of concentration

in class. This in turn leads to producing poor quality work and reduces academic performance.

Therefore, academic stress has a negative relationship with students’ performance. The more the

stress, the less the student will perform at school.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
In addition to that, the study indicated that by fixing time daily for exercise, starting

academic tasks from simple to complex and by avoiding reading only when exams come close

academic stress can be properly managed to enhance students’ academic performance.

Eremsoy, Celimi and Gencoz (2005) carried out a study to find out the associated variables

of depression and anxiety symptoms for young adults confronted with an academic stress. Ninety-

two graduate students, who were actively involved in preparing their thesis, participated in this

study. Two regression analyses were conducted to see different variables associated with

depression and anxiety symptoms separately. Consistent with the expectations, depression and

anxiety had over lapping predictors, such as negative automatic thoughts and hopelessness.

However, adequacy of problemsolving abilities seemed to be associated with anxiety symptoms.

Govaerts and Gregoire (2005) explored the key role of the cognitive appraisal processes

on the way stress is experienced by adolescents. In this research adolescents’ cognitive appraisal

processes and their relationships with academic stress was examined. A sample of adolescents

(N=100, Mean age = 16.9 years) reported 145 academic stressful situations, while boys perceived

themselves as having more resources for coping with it. Students’ age was negatively correlated

with the perception that the stressful situation will be resolved on its own. Five appraisal patterns

were identified using cluster analysis. Subsequent analysis showed that the five groups differ in

their perceived degree of stress. One group was labeled at-risk appraisal group, demonstrating a

high level of perceived stress, and two groups showed a favorable pattern associated with low level

of perceived stress.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City


3.1 Research Design

This research is a quantitative study about the effects of common stressor to students

academically. The use of this quantitative research aims to know what are the common stressors

and its outcome to the academic performance of students.

3.2 Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are the students from selected Grade 12 General Academic

Strand (GAS) from ADSCO.

The researchers will analyze the data from the given research questionnaires through

online. The participants will answer the given check list.

3.3 Setting of the Study

This study will take place at Agusan del Sur College, Inc. (ADSCO) during the second

semester of S.Y. 2019-2020. ADSCO is a private educational institution in the city of Bayugan.

The school was founded in 1966 as the Southern Agusan Institution (SAI) by Dr. Inocencio Palacio

Angeles and his wife, Mrs. Clarita Turlo Jason-Angeles. Two years later, tertiary and vocational

courses were provided, and the institute was then renamed to Southern Agusan College. The

college was renamed again to Agusan del Sur College, Inc. in 1975.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
ADSCO currently offers undergraduate degree courses in Teacher Education, Business

Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Customs Administration, and the English

Language. Also available are three-year diploma programs in HRM, and Information Technology.

Aside from higher education programs, the said institution also provides elementary to senior high

school education. Its Senior High School department offers Academic Track which has

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), General Academic Strand (GAS), and

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). It has also Technical Vocational Track (TVL) which

offers Home Economic Strand (HE) and Information Communication Technology (ICT) strands.

Figure 3.3.1 Map of the school

3.4 Research Instrument

The instruments that will be used are the research questionnaires which has the profile of

the respondents and their answers towards the effects of common stressor to their studies
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
academically. The said questionnaire contains the checklist of the different questions from the

problem of the study.

3.6 Data Analysis

Analysis of data will base on the research questions. The researchers will survey through

online. The method of this research will be quantitative. Whereas the analysis model used was the

inductive type which will start from the data or facts that will be obtained in the field for

generalization and drawing the conclusion. Data analysis in this phase of the research will start

when the respondent had already answered the questions that will be given by the researchers.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City


The presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data are sequentially organized

according to the order of the specific questions posed in this study in Chapter 1.

4.1 What are the common stressors experienced by the students?

The table below shows the common stressors to students which displays that all of them

experienced lack of financial support; five or 25 percent answered that he/she experienced

common stressor when having peer pressure; three or 15 percent responded that he/she experience

common stressors when there are heavy workloads; and two or 10 percent of respondents said that

he/she experience common stressors when being discriminated at school.

Common Stressors on Students Frequency Percentage

Lack of financial support 10 50%

Peer Pressure 5 25%
Heavy workloads 3 15%
Being discriminated at school. 2 10%
Total 20 100%
Table 4.1. Common Stressors on Students

Based on the data gathered on what situations wherein students experience common

stressors, it could be concluded that most of them experienced stress when their financial support

is deficient. Out of 20 respondents, ten out or 50 percent strongly agreed lack of financial support

as a common stressor.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

4.2 What are the effects of the common stressors to students when it comes to academic


The table below presents the effects of common stressors to students academically which

displays that nine out of twenty respondents answered that it decreases his/her performance in

school as the academic effect of common stressors; seven or 35 percent responded that it decreases

his/her grades when having these common stressors; two or ten percent answered that it increases

his/her absenteeism in school; and one of fiver percent respondent said that it lacks his/her

concentration in class and it reduces his/her capability to complete and hand in his/her performance

tasks in time as an effect of common stressors academically.

Effects of common stressors to students

Frequency Percentage

It decreases my school performance 9 45%

It decreases my grades 7 35%
It increases absenteeism in school 2 10%
It lacks my concentration in class 1 5%
It reduces my capability to complete and
1 5%
hand in my performance tasks in time
Total 20 100%
Table 4.2. Effects of common stressors to students academically

Based on the data gathered on what are the effects of common stressors to students

academically, it can be concluded that most of the student’s performances in school are really

affected which resulted 45 percent of the total twenty respondents. The common stressors bring

negative impact to their academics because their performance in school will be decreased.
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

4.3 How can students cope up with the common stressors they have?

The table below shows the ways to cope up the common stressors to students which displays

that all of them agreed that a proper time management is a must; three or 15 percent answered that

he/she need to control his/her workloads; two or ten percent responded that he/she will

communicate with God to prevent the stressors; two or ten percent said that he/she will bond with

his/her trusted friends and peers; one or five percent responded that he/she will interact with

positive people to cope up the common stressors they have.

Ways to cope up common stressors to

Frequency Percentage
I should have proper time management 12 60%
I need to control my workloads. 3 15%
I will communicate with God to prevent the
2 10%
I will bond with your trusted friends and
2 10%
will interact with positive people 1 5%
Total 20 100%
Table 4.3. Ways to cope up common stressors to students

Based on the data gathered on what are the ways to cope up common stressors to students,

it could be concluded that most of them said that they should have proper time management.

Twelve out of twenty students or 60 percent strongly agreed that an appropriate management of

time can cope up the common stressors they will experience.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions derived and the

recommendations extracted from the study.


This qualitative study focused on the effects of common stressors to students. The study is

conducted through online and is limited to the students who belong to the Grade 12 General

Academic Stand (GAS) of Agusan del Sur College, Inc. Data is gathered through an online

interview via checklists. The researchers messaged each student to give them the letter of permit.

The researchers ask questions relating to the problems that the study wants to answer and recorded

the interviews.

After the analysis of the data gathered from the interview and the focused group

discussions, findings of the study revealed that Grade 12 GAS Students f ADSCOmost

experienced lack of financial support as common stressors, the academic performance of GAS

students will be decreased upon experiencing the common stressor, and most of them considered

proper time management as a way to cope up the common stressors they will have.

The study recommends that a good balance between working hours and study hours should

be established to avoid stress, review students’ vocational guidance and career advice to reduce

the burden associated with career choices, develop a program to recognize students with family

issues or school-adopting problems so that therapeutic help can be provided, and Training
Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
Programs are offered to teach students how to handle stress and anxiety before tests, which can be

held as brief workshops


Based on the data analysis gathered and the results of the study, the researchers learned the


1. Grade 12 GAS Students most experienced lack of financial support as common stressors.

2. The academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students will be decreased upon

experiencing the common stressor.

3. Some of them also agreed that the decreasing of their grades are the effect of stessor.

4. Most of the Grade 12 GAS students of ADSCO considered proper time management as

a way to cope up the common stressors they will have.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations are


1. A good balance between working hours and study hours should be established to avoid


2. Training Programs are offered to teach students how to handle stress and anxiety before

tests, which can be held as brief workshops.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City
3. Develop a program to recognize students with family issues or school-adopting problems

so that therapeutic help can be provided.

4. Review students’ vocational guidance and career advice to reduce the burden associated

with career choices.

Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City

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