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Chapter 1




In life it is very common to hear about death and taxes in first and second position, and stress

comes in the third position of humans ‘problems (Bernstein, et al, 2008). Stress is part of life no

matter how wealthy, powerful, attractive, or happy people might be. However, stress may take

different forms depending on the situation. Stress may occur when one is doing a difficult exam,

an automobile accident, waiting in a long line, during a day on which everything goes wrong.

Academic stress

Stress and its manifestations, such as anxiety, depression, are the common problem among

people in different professions . In the last few decades, alarm has already been provoked by

the proliferation of books, research reports, popular articles aiming to teach the people on how

to cope in this study( Keinan & Perlberg1986). Academic stress is the most common problem of

the research now a days.Academic pressure, financial pressures, and the lack of time

management have resulted in many university students experiencing intense stress at

predictable times during each semester.

The negative effect of strrss are health and academic performancr because of higher degree of

stress (Campbell & Svenson, 1992). The level of experienced stress is influenced by the

resources available for the person in order to deal with specific stressful events and situations

(Zeidner, 1992). Keinan and Perlberg (1986) pointed out that the degree of stress experienced

by undergraduate students may differ from non-student peers and from one school year to

another. During the first year at the university, undergraduate students have difficulties to

assimilate a vast amount of academic material in short period, and they are required to develop

effective study techniques and habits in order to cope with the volume of material assigned to

them (Campbell & Svenson, 1992). It has been argued that the first exposure of the

undergraduate students to the academic studies and to the highly bureaucratic university

administrative procedure can also cause stress, because they have to make necessary

adjustment to their social environment as well. Some undergraduate students are often stressed

because of interpersonal relationships with peer and they experience considerable difficulty

when trying to adjust to the university social network (Shirom, 1986). The adjustment problem

may be regarded as a major problem for the undergraduate students. Keinan and Perlberg

(1986) argue that the feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression are among the potential

consequences of high degree of stress. Campbell and Svenson(1992) claim that regardless of

year of schooling or gender, undergraduate students face a lot of pressure with regards to

financial difficulties , excessive class workload, new responsibilities, change in various kind of

habits, time management, and finding a potential life partner. Mckean et al. (2000) maintain that

stressors alone do not produce anxiety, depression or tensions. Instead, the interaction between

stressors and the person’s perception and the reaction to these stressors cause stress.

Environmental stress occurs as a result of environmental stimuli or demands apprehended by a

person that are exceeding his or her ability to deal with them (Shirom, 1986).
Radcliff and Lester’s (2003) studies on the perceived stress among final year medical

undergraduate students revealed that the most stressful situations for students were the

excessive class workload, the socialisation pressure, the lack of guidance, and transition

periods of transition. The few studies that specifically relate to the sources of academic stress

are rather limited. The educational system also plays an enabling role subsequently leading to

increased stress levels experienced by students. Some of the sources include overcrowded

lecture halls, semester grading system, inadequate resources and facilities (Awing& Agolla,

2008), vastness of syllabus (Agrawal &Chahar, 2007; Sreeramareddy et al., 2007), long hours

and expectations of rote learning (Deb et al., 2015). Parents and institutions relentlessly instill

the fear of failure which affects their self-esteem and confidence. Ang & Huan (2006) reported

increased expectations as one of the factors responsible for increased stress levels. For the

longest time, people assumed that the student population was the least affected by any sort of

stress or problems. Stress is now understood as a lifestyle crisis(Masih & Gulrez, 2006)

affecting any individual regardless of their developmental stage(Banerjee & Chatterjee, 2016).

The only task students were expected to undertake was to study and studying was never

perceived as stressful. What proved to be stressful was the expectations parents had for their

children, which in turn grew into larger burdens that these children could not carry anymore.

According to the statistics published by National Crime Records Bureau, there is one student

every hour that commits suicide(Saha,2017). The bureau registered 1.8% students who

committed suicide due to failing in examinations and an 80% rise in suicide rates during a one-

year time frame. A 2012 Lancet report also quoted that the 15-29 age group bracket in India has

the highest rate of suicide in the world (as cited in “India has the Highest Suicide Rate”, n.d.)

and these numbers show no sign of dropping.

Theoretical Background

This theory is anchored on the theory of Psychological Stress by Lazarus and Folkman

(1984) and Transactional Theory by Hans Selye (1976).

In the Transactional Theory by Hans Selye (1976), he proposed the General Adaptation

Syndrome (GAS) to explain our body’s response to stress (Selye, 1976). It consists of three

stages: (a) alarm stage is when there is a signal that a problem has arisen; (b.) resistance stage

is when the body is attempting to adapt or resist the stressor or the problem; lastly, (c)

exhaustion is when the body is depleted of energy from fighting against the stressor. Then and

there the feeling of fatigue and tiredness appears.

Another theory that supports this study is the Psychological Stress Theory by Lazarus and

Folkman (1984). Lazarus (1984) refers stress as relationships between an individual and his or

her environment. One’s environment or situation is deemed stressful depending on how one

perceives it. In his Appraisal Theory, there two components of cognitive appraisal: primary and

secondary. Primary appraisal is when an individual assesses the meaning of the situation and

checks if it will affect him. The Secondary Appraisal involves how one feels about the situation.
Theoretical Framework

Transactional Theory Psychological Stress Theory

(Selye,1976) (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984)

Lived Experiences of Students

in Academic Stress

fig.1. Theoretical Framework of Lived Experiences of Students in Academic Stress

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to determine the experiences of senior high school students in academic

stress of the University of Cebu Senior High School Department during the second semester of

school year 2019-2020.

The study seeks to answer the following sub-problems:

1.) How did students experience academic stress?

2.) How did students cope up with academic stress?

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are focused on the experiences among grade 11 students in senior

high school with academic stress. The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Students get to widen their knowledge about academic stress and give them insights on how

to manage the situation so that it will not affect the the students' performance at school.

Parents will be given idea that high parental standards and pressuring the children has a big

impact on student's performance and also giving them necessary support the students needed.

Teachers will also know the situation of the students and will organize activities to avoid

confusion and problems that can cause academic stress.

School administrators will be enlightened about the situation the students are facing and help

them through seminars and counseling.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on exploring the experiences of students in Academic Stress and

identifies its effects and their coping mechanisms of the University of Cebu Main Campus,

Senior High School Department.

Definition of Terms

Academic is relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of higher learning.

Behavior is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Interpersonal is relating to relationship or communication between people

Motivation is one's direction to behavior or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior,

a set of force that acts behind the motives.

Personality refers to individual differences in characteristics patterns of thinking, feeling and


Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body

reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses.

Chapter 2

Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter attempts to present a brief resume of research findings related to academic stress.

Reviews of Related Literature

Stress being considered as part of a student's life impacts not only the student's physiological

and psychological well-being but also the student's academic performance as well as the

student's response to the demands of the academic life (Khan & Kausar, 2013). Academic

stress is defined by the stress and anxiety that comes from schooling and education. The

pressure for getting good academic performances at school coming from parents and teachers

is also seen as a factor contributing to the stress of the students (Kouzma & Kennedy, 2002;

Prabu, 2015; Jain & Singha, 2018). The student's perception with regards to his or her future's

success is believed to rely with the student getting high grades at school (Irfan & Hussain,

2014). The academic stress of student's takes toll on their performance at school as well as

their physiological and psychological well-being. The uncertainty and fear regarding the

student's future may take effect on the way of their thinking, resulting to psychological distraught

and may complicate the student's social life. Being under academic stress with having low social

support can result to negative performance in academic (Gloza, 2013). A change in health is

seen as one of the examples of effecrs of academic stress and should not be overlooked. The

prolonged feeling of stress can lead to physical and emotional disorder, further resulting to

anxiety and depression (Weidner et al., 2017; Jain & Singha, 2018)

Marwan Zaid Bataineh (2013). Academic stress among undergraduate students: the case

of education faculty at King Saud University. This study investigated the academic

stressors experienced by the students at university. A total sample of 232 subjects

participated in this study were obtained from faculty of education at KSU. Data were

collected through self- administered questionnaire which was randomly distributed to the

students during lecture time. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics,

correlation, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that academic

overloads, course awkward, inadequate time to study, workload every semester, exams

awkward, low motivation, and high family expectations were drive moderately stress

among students. It was also found that fear of failure is the major source of stress

among undergraduate students. Moreover, the study found that there were positive

correlation between religiosity sources and academic stress (r= .300**, p=.00). Lastly, the

study found that there were no significant differences in academic stress among students

with different, level of study and specializations. K. Jayaskara Reddy (2018). Academic

stress and its sources among university students. The purpose of this study is to find the

significant differences in dimensions of academic stress experienced by males and females as

well as the stream wise differences. The results revealed the stress differ significantly (.954,

P<0.05) across two groups, males and females. Further analysis also revealed that it was the

fear of failure dimension that differed significantly with demales reported to have higher scores

than males. While the stream wise difference showed Commerce stream reporting the highest

stress in comparison to Management stream and Science stream, and Humanities stream has

reported the least academic stress.

Further analysis indicate that among the four dimension, fear of failire was the only one that did

not show any significant differences across streams in contrast to the gender wise differences.

The totla number of participants who were subjected to the analysis were 336. Academic Stress

Scale developed by Rajendaran and Kaliappan (1991) was used as questionnaire and basis for

it measure the sources of stress primarily on four dimensions namely personaly inadequacy,

fear of failure, teacher-pupil relationship, interpersonal difficulties, and inadequate study

facilities. Jose Maria De la Roca-Chiapas (2018). Stress in high school students: a descriptive

study. The objective of the study is to identify the stress levels of students, its reasons as well as

their coping mechanisms. Results revealed the sex difference on the Stress Scale that indicated

women experience more stress than men in high school which means that women tend to feel

and express feelings with more intensity than men. The students in this study reported exams

as their greatest source of stress, and finding that family problems were the third most important

source of stress that raises concerns about the social context of their home lives. The study also

revealed the three principal responses to streds which are 1) listening to music, 2) talking with a

friend about the problem, and 3) exercising. These coping style is considered as Threat

Minimization which is not unusual for teenagers to use as a response to stress. The sample

compromised of 335 high school students at ENMS in Guanajuato, Mexico. Participation in this

study is voluntary and Stress Profile and a questionnaire are used as instruments for data

Chapter 3

Research Design

This study is a qualitative type of research in which it explores the lived experiences of students

in academic stress. According to Shank (2002), qualitative research is defined as "a form of

systematic empirical inquiry into meaning".

Research Environment

The study is conducted at the University of Cebu - Main Senior High School Department. The

department was established on the year 2016 which offers thee tracks: Academic, Technical-

Vocational, and Arts and Design. The strands under the Academic track are, namely: Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), and General Academic Strand

(GAS). Strands under the Technical-Vocational track are, namely: Computer System Servicing

(CSS); Travel System Servicing, and Cookery.

Research Informants

Senior high school students are the target respondents of this study. It aims to interview at least

6 to 10 students that meet the criteria of the study. Purposive sampling is a technique in which

selected elements of a population is chosen based on the criteria or judgment of the researcher

(Black, 2010).
Research Instrument

In order to achieve the objective of the study, a researcher-made interview guide questionnaire

is used. The questionnaire is divided into four parts. Part one deals with the demographic profile

of the informants, part two is for the questions regarding the academic stress of students, part

three talks about the experiences of students with academic stress, and part four for the coping

of students with academic stress.

Research Process

A transmittal letter is resented to the research adviser and to the school principal. The approval

of the letter serves as an indicator to start the research conduct. An informed consent is

prepared for the informants to read the terms and conditions and must be signed as an

agreement between the research and informants. Interview is conducted through face-to-face.

The data collected is subject for analysis.

Data Analysis

After gathering the data, it was then read and reviewed by the researchers and significant

statements of each transcript were extracted. The extracted elements was sorted and

formulated into categories and themes.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data gathered from the informants of the

I. Burdened Tasks

A. Heavy workload

B. Nearing deadlines

C. Procrastination

II. Unhealthy Environment

A. Peer Pressure

III. Health Problems

A. Sleep deprived

B. Forcing oneself

C. Exhaustion

Coping mechanisms of students in academic stress

V. Strategies

A. Time Management

B. Self-Discipline

VI. Motivation

A. Optimism

VII. Diversion

A. Leisure Time
University of Cebu-Main Campus, Senior High School Department.

Students’ experiences with academic stress

The researchers were able to extract 7 themes from the data gathered. The themes are (1)

Burdened tasks, (2) Unhealthy environment, (3) Health problems, (4) Uncomfortable feelings,

(5) Strategies, (6) Motivation, (7) Diversion. Each theme is supported by 2-3 statements and is

evident by the 6 informants only.

Presentation of Themes and Sub-themes

I. Burdened Tasks

Burdened tasks are tasks that are left unfinished or just ignored due to other important

things and ending up being piled one after another.

A. Heavy workload

Heavy workload is often perceived as having negative effects on students’ well-being, as

heavy workload is defined as having excessive tasks to do. Stress is more prevalent among

students due to their hectic and demanding schedule which is important for learning as it

interferes with their performances and keeps the task oriented (Ganesh et al., 2012).

“Kasagaran is kanang magdungandungan ug hatag ang teacher sa ilang ipabuhat

na projects and PT’s like karun nay duha ka PT’s nya the next ay lain napud or usahay sa usa ka

ay nay tulo or upat ka PT’s then kanang kauban nako or akong groupmate dili mo cooperate

kayo.” (Informant 2, Line 1-4)

B. Nearing Deadlines

Approaching deadlines signifies the specific time and day the tasks are to be submitted.

However, due to loaded works and priorities, some tasks ended up being neglected or

forgotten and is only remembered on the day of the submission. Thus, failing to pass the

work on it's due.

“Kahuman ang deadline pa jud kay kuan ugma ipass ing-ana.” (Informant 6, Line 5)

C. Procrastination

One of the reason why tasks neglected and ending up piling one after another is

procrastination, which means putting off intentionally the things that should be done. The

more you wait to complete the task, the higher the possibility of actually finishing it, in turn

will you lose the motivation of completing it. (Jones, 2020)

“Kuan imbes ang deadline ay ugma na ara dira pa magbuhat before the day ba niya

magsapaw-sapaw ang buhatunon.” (Informant 3, Line 3-5)

II. Unhealthy Environment

According to Taylor and Repetti (1997), unhealthy environment is defined as “those that

threatens safety, that undermine the creation of social ties, and that are conflictual, abusive, or

violent”. In this study, we examine the effect of an unhealthy environment to the students’

academic performance as well as its relation to academic stress

A. Peer Pressure

In the students’ perception, one’s future lies on their grades and performance at school.

This kind of situation turns harder when the students’ parents started to pressurize them

into attaining higher grades and also obtaining a reputation in school. As a result,

students push themselves too much and ending up falling into stress and anxiety for the

fear of not being able to fulfill the wishes of their parents. (Irfan & Hussain, 2014)

“Uhm, ang makatrigger sa academic stress nako is my kanang family? Kay kanang

syempre, ganahan man sila na kanang mo achieve or mo aim jud ko ug higher so kanang parehas sa

akong giingon ganiha kanang dapat dili low ang mga kanang unsay pangan ana? Mga goals. Oo, kana

dapat dili low imo status sa school ingana.” (Informant 5, Line 9-12)

III. Health Problems

Health problems appear when a malfunction in the physical body or mental state occurs.

Its causes could be from internal factors or external.

A. Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation, by no means, is the lack of sleep due to certain factors such as being

up all night because of unfinished works or just staying awake in wee hours in front of your

mobile devices or personal computer. If continued to be practiced, it increases the likelihood the

students to suffer from mental illnesses such as sleeping disorder, insomnia, headaches, and

inability to concentrate during class. (Westchester, 2017)

“Dili kayko makafocus sa klase perme ko dukaon.” (Informant 8, Line 3)

B. Forcing oneself

Students forcing themselves to finish their tasks even if their body can’t keep up with

them anymore can result to exhaustion. This is due to the parent’s expectations and other

external pressure. The coercion that is acted upon by external forces can in turn make the

student feel stressed, anxious, or scared. (Shuang-yi, 2018)

“For example, kung mag-aim ka og top dapat diba kanang dagko sad imong mga grado

so dapat mafulfill jud nimo or ma comply jud nimo ang tanan nga mga buhatunon bisag kanang kapoy

na bisag kanang stress na kayo ba.” (Informant 5, Line 6-8)

C. Exhaustion

Exhaustion is a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue. It burns out your energy and

in turn make you feel exhausted. As a result, it makes the students lose the motivation to finish

his or her tasks. The student may start to think negatively of oneself due to stress and fatigue

and can turn in to anxiety or depression.

“Mafeel jud nimo ba nga kapoy kayo ka. Kanang luya pero di ka magluya sa school.

Maskin sayo pa,buntag pa nakakaon paka.” (Informant 1, Line 5-7)

IV. Strategies

Strategies involve setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and finding

resources that can help you achieve the goals. It describes how the ends will be achieved by

every means available.

A. Time Management

Time management and planning and narrowing down task is a big help to the students

who find it hard which task should be prioritized. By having time management, students can be

flexible enough to do their tasks accordingly and it will have a positive effect on the students’

overall performance and achievements. (Razali et al., 2017)

“Kuan lang siguro for me kay dapat disiplina sa kaugalingon dapat kabaw ko mo budget

sa time ba niya dapat uhm dapat productive akong oras ba.” (Informant 3, Line 11-12)

B. Self-Discipline

Being self-regulated and correcting oneself is what self-discipline means. For students, it

could mean: keeping yourself focused in your classes and disciplining oneself to not get easily

distracted, or times of study and making sure you pass all your paperworks on or before the

deadline. Through this, students are able to meet their goals without hindrance.

“Kanang dapat maghinay-hinay sad ko ug buhat sa katong kuan dili sad pabaya ba or

mag unya-unya sa akong mga buhatunon.” (Informant 5, Line 20-21)

V. Motivation

Motivation is what drives us to do and accomplish our tasks and goals. It helps us have a

clear understanding on what to do and gives us an idea on why should we do it.

A. Optimism

Seeing the positive side of the situation is what optimism is. This kind of mindset helps students

to perform tasks and respond to problems with a sense of confidence and the belief of one’s

ability, even under stress. Optimism has been linked to the higher levels of engagement coping

and lower levels of avoidance. (Carver et al., 2010)

“Mag huna-huna ra ko sa akong kaugalingon nga makaya ra ni nako ang akong mga

buhatunon, mao ra. I will think positive.” (Informant 6, Line 8-9)

VI. Diversion

Diversion is an instance, or could be an activity, that diverts the mind from tedious or

serious concerns.

A. Leisure Time

Coping up from the stress brought by school works in the form of leisure activities is

common in these days. It helps to divert the students’ attention for the mean time in order to

relax their mind from their dreary day. Having your own leisure time should result to higher

motivation, self-efficacy, commitment to the activity and satisfaction. (Đuranović, 2016)

“Ganahan ko magbabasa nya magbasa rakog Wattpad and stories sa Facebook, nya

listen ug Music. Yeah mag chill sa ko then mo kalma balik sa buhaton.” (Informant 2, Line 11-12)
Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation of the study.


Based on the presented and gathered data, the researchers found out the experiences of senior

high school students with academic stress, as well as their coping mechanisms. The students’

experiences with academic stress all have negative effects in both their physiological and

psychological state. Examples of their experiences are sleep deprivation, anxiety, and

exhaustion. The students’ experiences with academic stress stems from the pressure of

overloaded works and deadly deadlines. Some also explained that the reason for them befalling

on the state of academic stress is because of the pressure coming from their peers, especially

from their family, for the feeling of being unsatisfied from the grades that they receive.

Having an optimistic mindset has been a way of the students coping mechanism in order to fulfill

their tasks. Alongside being optimistic is having self-discipline in managing and planning their

tasks to accomplish all of it. While other students seek entertainment to divert their attention

from the stress that they are experiencing, but without neglecting their responsibilities.

Based on the findings, the study revealed experiences of students in academic stress

such as having it affecting our physical state for being sleep deprived and having hard time

maintaining their health and diet due to exhaustion. Some experienced having their mental state

being disturbed by unwanted feelings, such as being stressed, resulting to irritation, and the

feeling of anxiety regarding with their grades.

Their experiences told us that the stress they have comes from the pressure of the tasks given

to them one after another along with their pending deadlines on the next day the task was given.

Their experiences show how being put under academic stress is tiring and difficult as it seems

to be dragging them down from their desired goals because of the pressure and responsibilities

that are placed on their shoulders.


Based on the findings and the conclusion of the study, the researchers recommended:

*Seek professional help if you are under stress before it escalates to anxiety and depression.

*Do not push yourself to much. Breathe and strengthen your psyche before facing the opponent.

*Parents should be wary of the student’s situation. Do not pressure them too much. Instead,

cheer them up and give words of encouragement to motivate the student to do his or her best at


Shirom, A.(1986). Students’s stress. Higher Education, Vol.15, No.6, 667-676

McKean,M.,Misra, R., West, S, and Tony , R.( 2000). College Student Journal. Vol.34(2),


Keinan,G. & Perlberg, A.(1986). Sources of stress in Academe: The Israeli Case.

Higher Eduv´cation, Vol.15,No.1/2,73-88

Campbell,R.L,& Svenson, L.W.(1992).Perceived level of stress among University

undergraduate students in Edmonston, Canada. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 552-554

Radcliff, C. & Lester,H.(2003). Undergraduate medical Education. Perceived Stress during

undergraduate medical training: A qualitative study. Medical Education 37(1), 32-38

Interview Transcript

Participant 1

Researcher: What is the different academic stress that you experienced?

Line 1: Uhm, like kuan kanang… Daghan kayo like stress sa pag pass, stress sa kuan pagdali-

dali, mag apas sa time nga i-pass. Uhm, maybe ano, kanang stress ug stress sa dugay ug

katulog kay tungod sa pagbuhat anang mga academic works.

 Researcher: What triggers your academic stress?

Line 2: Uhm, mga activities, assignments,projects and performance tasks

 Researcher: What your experience in academic stress?

Line 3: Akong experience sa academic stress is kanang mafeel jud nimo ba nga kapoy kayo ka.

Kanang luya pero di ka magluya sa school. Maskin sayo pa,buntag pa nakakaon paka niya

stress.kana jung stress grabe kayo ka ka stress kay tungod anang paperworks na pangbuhaton.

Researcher: Did you have any challenges with academic stress?

Line 4: Yes

Researcher:  Did you cope with academic stress?

Line 5: Of course

 Researcher: How did you cope with academic stress?

Line 6: Like, time management buhaton ang mga butang nga kanang, butang siyag sayo unya

human dili sad kayo ko mo think kay about sa academic stress kay as usual I’m an Athlete mas

okay, mas prefer mo think ug mga positive kaysa negative, stress reliever rather. Thank you!



Name : Roxanne Mae Paderna

City Address : Poblacion Pardo Cebu City
Date of Birth : January 22,2002
Place of Birth : Cebu City
E-mail Address
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School :Pardo National High School,
Cebu City (2018-2019)
Elementary :Pardo Elementary
Cebu City (2014-2015)


Name : Nicole Kate V. Ypilan

City Address : Sitio Jerusalem Buhisan Cebu City
Date of Birth : October 29,2001
Place of Birth : Cebu City
E-mail Address :
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
,Cebu City (2018-2019)
Elementary :Punta Princesa Elementary
School, Cebu City (2014-2015)


Name : Angelika Gaile D. Leyco

City Address : Dumlog, Talisay City, Cebu
Date of Birth : April 14, 2003
Place of Birth : Batangas Medical Center
E-mail Address:
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Cansojong Technical Vocational High School
Cansojong, Talisay City,
Cebu (2018-2019)
Elementary : Talisay City Central Elementary
School, Talisay City, Cebu


Name : Angel Mae N Deiparine

City Address : Cadul-dulan Lawaan 3 Talisay City, Cebu
Date of Birth : June 18 2003
Place of Birth : Mother and Child St. Anthony Basak Cebu
E-mail Address
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Lawaan 3 National High School
Talisay City (2018-2019)

Elementary : Lawaan 3 Elementary

School Talisay City (2014-



Name : Angela Cabato

City Address : Quiot Pardo, Greenbelt dr Baptist Church
Cebu City
Date of Birth : May 24, 2003
Place of Birth : Cebu Maternity Hospital
E-mail Address :
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : City Central National School
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu
City (2018-2019)
Elementary : City Central Elementary School
, P.del Rosario Ext. Cor Lion
Kilat, Cebu City (2014-2015)


Nam : Ira Angel T. Aguanta

City Address :Urgello Sambag 2, Cebu City
Date of Birth :September 13, 2002
Place of Birth : Poblacion Asturias , Cebu
E-mail Address
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Saint Francis Academy
,Cebu City (2018-2019)
Elementary :Asturias Central School (2014-


Name : Wensly B. Intong

City Address : Lahug, Cebu City
Date of Birth : October 16, 2002
Place of Birth : Lahug, Cebu City
E-mail Address :


Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School :Zapatera National
High School
Sikatuna Street, Cebu City

Elementary : Zapatera Elementary School

Sikatuna Street, Cebu City (2014-


Name :Ma. Lyka R. Pelayre

City Address :Quijada, Guadalupe, Cebu City
Date of Birth :March 21,2003
Place of Birth :Cawayanan, Tubigon, Bohol
E-mail Address
Senior High School : University of Cebu Main Campus
SHS Deparment

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Holy Cross Academy
Poblacion Tubigon, Bohol

Elementary : Cawayanan, Tubigon, Bohol



Name : Markcyrel A. Cervantes

Date of Birth : June 28, 2001

Place of Birth : Cebu City
E-mail Address :
Senior High School : University of Cebu- Main Campus
SHS Department
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City

Junior High School : Don Vicente Rama Memorial National Highschool

Cebu City (2018-2019)
Elementary : Dom Vicente Rama Memorial
National Highschool
Cebu City (2014-2015)
Lived Experiences of Students in Academic Stress

A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of the
Faculty of the Senior High School
University of Cebu-Main
Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Course

Cervantes, Markcyrel
Intong, Wensley
Aguanta, Ira Mae
Cabato, Angela
Deiparine, Angel Mae
Leyco, Angelika Gaile
Paderna, Roxanne
Pelayre, Lyka
Ypilan, Nicole

MARCH 2020


Title Page ……………………………………………………………... i

Approval Sheet ………………………………………………………. ii
Table of Contents …………………………………………………….. vii
List of Tables …………………………………………………………. ix
List of Figures …………………………...……………………………. x

Chapter Page
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………. 1
Rationale ………………………………………………. 1
Theoretical Framework ……………………………….. 3

Paradigm of the Study ………………...... 6

THE PROBLEM ………………………………………………
Statement of the problem ……………………………….
Significance of the Study ………………………………. 14
Scope and Limitation …………………………………… 14
Research Design ………………………………………… 17
Research Environment ………………………………… 16
Research Informants …………………………………. 17
Research Instruments …………………………………… 16
Research Procedures …………………………………… 16
DEFINITION OF TERMS …………………………………… 17
Thematic Analysis ………………………………………….. 17


Findings …………………..………………………………

Conclusion ………………………………………………….. 23


Recommendations ………………………………………… 26
REFERENCES …………………………………………………….. 47
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………… 49
A Transmittal Letter …………………………………. 50
B Informed Consent Form …………………………… 51
C. Research Questionnaire …………….…………….. 52
D. Coding Table ……………………………………….. 56
CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………. 59


Figure Page

1 Theoretical Framework of the Study ………………………………… 6

City Address : Basak Bontores, Cebu City

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