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My name is Fatima D. Pandaog.

I was born on the 6 th of May, 1999 in Larap

Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi. I am a Muslim woman. I am the youngest of us five siblings

and unfortunately, I have one deceased brother. My biological fathers name is

Benjamin D. Pandaog and my foster fathers name is Salimatal D. Pandaog. My

biological mothers name is Sadra A. Pandaog and my foster mothers name is

Bibing D. Pandaog. My foster father was postman who made me a spoiled brat and

my biological father was retired policeman. My foster mother was a housewife

who really take good care of me and my biological mother was a business woman

who really loves and supports me in achieving my dreams.

Actually, I was adopted by my uncle who is the brother of my biological

father. He adopted me when I was only 2 months old because they cannot produce

a baby. It was so hard for my biological parents especially my mother to give me

because during that time my mother was going to have an operation on her uterus

and the hospital is in Zamboanga City which is very far from our homeland and

they stayed there for almost 8 months in fact, I was still new born baby during this

time that is why the cant bring me there so they decided that my uncle and aunties

will take good care of me. Actually, my biological parents want to take me back

after the operation but I’m not used to them. They actually explained this to me

when I was 5 years old, I think but I still can’t understand it yet. I eventually
understand it when I was 7 years old and I accepted it without resentment. They

were both supporting me financially, and loving me unconditionally.

At the age of 5 years old, I started attending class in Bongao Adventist

Elementary School. I’m so very excited to go to school to meet new friends,

discover new things and enjoy everything. Another amazing thing here is wearing

my cute uniform and my colorful bag to school. My foster father always

accompanies me to school and pick me up after classes and this moment were one

of the most unforgettable moments with me and my foster father. During grade 3, I

have my first ever 14 days camping experiences and it is also my first time to get

separated with parents and it is very hard for me that time. Despite of that, it was

so very memorable and unforgettable for me especially that moment I had to force

myself for the first time to eat a vegetable. At the age of 12. I graduated in

elementary level.

Every vacation, my father always bought me to his homeland where my

grandparents lived. Became too close to them and they really played a big role in

taking care of me. They were actually very strict in disciplining their grandchildren

and especially their own children. One example of their disciplinary actions was

my biological father was forced to jump out of the window from the second floor

because he was caught not studying well. Luckily, he fell to the sea water because
our house was built near beside the seashore. This really sounds so funny when my

aunties tell this story to me.

During high school days. I am studying at the same school but only the

name changes which became Bongao Advent Academy. Some of my classmates in

elementary level were still my classmates while some of them enrolled in other

school. Also, during this time, my father retired from being a policeman in our

province and he actually gave me some money from his retirement to buy whatever

that money can buy and I happily spend it on the foods I really loved to eat.

At the age of 14, this was the moment I first experience the so-called

puberty. Some of the moments were good but I think most of it were disgusting. As

time passes by, I gradually experience the changes and the maturity in me.

On 2016, I fortunately passed the entrance exam for the senior high school.

During senior high school, I was enrolled in Mindanao State University Tawi-Tawi

College of Technology and Oceanography (MSU-TCTO) on the strand of Science,

Technology. Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Since this is new school, I

met a lot of new friends and new teachers. However, during this year, my special

loved ones passed away and one of them is my foster father who passed away due

to heat stroke and the others were my beloved grandparents. In fact, one of my

grandparents died coincidentally during my graduation in senior high school. It

was really hard but life is about moving forward and my beloved family was the

reunion that I am strong to overcome challenges and reach my goals.

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