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Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight Calculation and interpolation


Civil Sunrise

LIT = E- W+ E- W+
ZD = E+ W- E+ W-
LT =

1. On January 16, 2019 Vessels DR position to take the sunrise and twilight Time is
Latitude 22°25.3΄N, Longitude 075°15.3 E΄, Civil and sunrise read as tabulated on
the Nautical almanac 06:14 and 06:38 respectively. Calculate the local time of Civil
and Sunrise.

Date: January 16, 2019

Latitude: 22°25.3΄N
Longitude:075°15.3 E΄

30° 06:31 06:56

20° 06:14 06:38
10° 00:17 00:18

22°25.3΄ 2.42 x 17 2.42 x 18

20˚ 10 10
2˚25.3' / 2.42 = 4.1 minutes = 4.3 minutes
Civil at 2˚25.3' = 06:18 Sunrise at 2˚25.3' = 06:42

Civil Sunrise
06:18 06:42
LIT = 05:01 E- W+ 05:01 E- W+
GMT = 01:17 01:41
ZD = 5 E+ W- 5 E+ W-
LT = 06:17 06:41

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