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E-commerce Site Development

ERP Module Name:

1. Security Module
2. Employee Management
3. Merchant Module
4. E-commerce panel
5. Call Center System
6. Order System
7. Delivery System
8. Accounting

Two Panel Name:

1. Merchant Panel
2. Customer Panel

1. ERP Software Security Module Details:

1. User role entry page

2. User create entry page
3. Change password
4. Role permission
5. Report permission
6. Company information
7. API setup (email, payment gateway, sms system, delivery system-third party)

2. ERP Software Employee Module Details:

1. Employee Designation setup

2. Employee Information setup with photo and NID attachment
3. Employee Education setup
4. Employee Attendance system
5. Employee Salary manage
6. Employee Salary Increment system
7. Employee Leave manage
8. Report system(Employee module related)

3. ERP Software Merchant Module Details:

1. Merchant or Vendor information setup by software admin

2. Agreement policy setup
3. Merchant or Vendor account approval system by software admin
4. Merchant or Vendor registration by e-commerce site(data show this module)
5. Merchant or Vendor account active or inactive option with user create option
6. Merchant or Vendor review system
7. Report system(Merchant module related)

4. ERP Software E-commerce Module Details:

1. Product main category setup

2. Product category setup
3. Product sub-category setup
4. Product setup (price, discount(fixed or flat), stock, photo upload, gallery upload,
product sku, product size, color, description)
5. Product different offer system
6. Product coupon code system(validity by time duration)
7. Product different promotion system
8. E-commerce site adverting policy system
9. Product order tracking system
10. Delivery system policy setup
11. Shipping charge system
12. Customer order notification system
13. Customer product review or comment system approval system
14. E-commerce site slider photo, different advertising photo upload system
15. Order refund policy system
16. Customer subscribe system
17. New product launch message all customer notification system
18. Report system(E-commerce module related)
5. ERP Software Call Center Module Details:

1. Customer order notification system

2. Call center over phone talk customer order confirm, cancel then send notification
software admin
3. Delivery time schedule system
4. Report system(Call Center module related)

6. ERP Software Order System Module Details:

1. Confirm order notification send Merchant or Vendor user

2. Customer order refund notification send admin
3. Report system(Order system module related)

7. ERP Software Delivery System Module Details:

1. Customer order assign delivery man or third party delivery system

2. Customer invoice generate system with print option
3. Report system(Delivery system module related)

8. ERP Software Accounting Module Details:

1. All type expense entry

2. All type payment collection(Customer order)
3. Customer order refund system
4. Customer order cash on delivery money collection system
5. Delivery product third party agreement policy with payment system
6. Employee monthly salary process
7. Report system(Accounting module related)
Merchant Panel Details:

1. Login system
2. Password recovery system
3. Dashboard
4. Product upload option
5. Product list with stock option
6. Order list show with status system
7. Order invoice system
8. Order notification system
9. Merchant to ERP software notification system
10. Report system(Merchant related)

Customer Panel Details:

1. Login system by e-commerce site (facebook, google account)

2. Registration system by e-commerce site
3. Password recovery system
4. Dashboard
5. Customer order history
6. Order tracking system
7. Payment history system
8. Messing system with e-commerce panel
9. Feedback system
10. Pre-order system
11. Product review system
12. Report system(Merchant related)

Wordpress use e-commerce site:

1. Vendor wise product upload

2. Full customer order process
3. Good design
4. Payment gateway system
5. sms system
6. Invoice system
7. Order information panel only admin
8. Email notification order confirm customer

Mobile Apps Development:

1. Full e-commerce site font-end concept with customer panel

Budget & Development Time:

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