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name: wilson leonidas quispe ticona cod.


N° 1. Order the sentences: First reason, for examples and second

reason, for examples…

9____ For example, when thousands of tourists go to see gorillas in

Africa, the animals' natural habitats are damaged.

11____ Finally, a large volume of tourists creates the need for


2____ First, ecotourism interferes with animals.

1____ Ecotourism is bad for the environment because it disturbs

animals, damages natural places and encourages the development of

natural areas.

3____ For example, the turtles in Costa Rica are having trouble laying

their eggs because of all the people watching them on the beach.

8____ Damage to natural areas, animals, and overdevelopment are

negative side effects of ecotourism.

5____ Second, ecotourism does not preserve natural sites; it hurts


6____ For example, tourists need a place to sleep and eat, so facilities

such as hotels and restaurants must be built in natural areas.

10____ Another example is that some animals are no longer afraid of

people, so they become too tame and often attack people for food, and

then the animals must be slaughtered.

4____ Similarly, coastal areas near beaches are often overdeveloped

with condos and hotels for people who want to enjoy marine life.

7____ Also, even if tour operators try to keep the area clean, thousands

of people generate a lot of trash.

copy the ordered text here.

N° 2. Create a presentation about plastic bags and contamination.

Include pictures in your presentation.

1. You need to have a thesis (a clear position that other people can
disagree with)
2. 3 clear reasons to support the thesis.
3. 2 examples for every reason (examples about your lives)
4. A final conclusion sentence, similar to the thesis.
5. Use connectors: First, second, finally, etc...

1. Don’t use commas to separate ideas.


discovered in December 2019, has spread around the world. Doctors and
researchers continue to learn more about this virus every day. Although
vaccines are becoming available, the rates of spread of COVID-19 continue to
increase in adults and children.
Here we offer what we know so far and how you can protect your family and

Symptoms of COVID-19
The symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild to severe. They usually
start 2 to 14 days after being exposed to the virus. Someone with the following
symptoms may have COVID-19:

 A fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)

 Difficulty breathing

 Cough

 Shaking chills

 Muscle pain

 Headache

 Irritated throat

 New loss of taste or smell

 Stuffy or runny nose

 Nausea or vomiting

 Diarrhea

Although COVID-19 is a new disease, it belongs to the family of
coronaviruses that normally cause illnesses such as the common cold. As the
virus spreads, we are seeing more people with mild symptoms, but others who
become seriously ill and need care in a hospital. Although many people
recover, many have died. The reason health officials are concerned is that the
virus is new, making it difficult to predict how it will continue to affect

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