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Enhancement of power system security with

contingency technique by using SSSC

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2104, 020005 (2019);
Published Online: 07 May 2019

C. S. Hiwarkar, and P. G. Burade


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single crystal
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AIP Conference Proceedings 2104, 020005 (2019); 2104, 020005

© 2019 Author(s).
Enhancement of Power System Security with Contingency
Technique by Using SSSC
C. S. Hiwarkar1,a), Dr. P. G. Burade2,b)
Research Scholar, Priyadarshini college of Engineering Nagpur, 440021, India
Professor & Head, Dept of Electrical Engg., SITRC, Nashik,422213, India
Corresponding author:

Abstract. In the last two decades, power demand has increased exponentially while the expansion of power generation
and transmission has been severely limited due to limited resources and environmental restrictions. As a consequence,
some transmission lines are heavily loaded and the system stability becomes a power transfer-limiting factor. Static
Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a voltage sourced converter based series FACTS device that provides
capacitive or inductive compensation independent of line current. This paper presents the achievement of the required
active and reactive power flow into the line for the purpose of compensation as well as validation of enhancement of the
power transfer capability of a transmission line. The effect of variation of the phase angle of the injected voltage on the
power system parameters such as effective sending end voltage, effective transmission angle, active power, reactive
power, and overall power factor with and without SSSC have also been incorporated. The Contingency analysis
technique is adopted for indentify power flow in the line. The Performance of power system has been tested on IEEE 14-
Bus System.

The desired power flow through the line is translated into the required injected voltage. The control of DC bus
voltage plays a vital role in power flow into the line. It acts as resistor when DC capacitor is charging and as
generator while discharging. The power flow control is achieved through reactive part of the voltage injected. It is
also noted that SSSC acts as capacitor when power flow through the line is increased and as an inductor when power
flow is to be decreased. The system shown in Figure 1 describes the basic configuration of static synchronous series
compensator using 48 pulse static synchronous series compensator. The capacity of SSSC is ± 70 MVAR whereas
the main transformer has the capacity of 300MVA (approximately 4 to 5 times). The other major challenge in the
implementation of VSC based SSSC is sufficiently high value of storage capacitor and therefore not cost effective.
With the passage of time, the charge on capacitor decreases on account of increased real power demand at the
receiving end and reactive power compensation for the line. The high value of storage capacitor is suitable for long
line compensation in order to sustain the long term and dynamic stability. In case of distribution Static Synchronous
Series Compensator (DSSSC), there is a need to bring down the value of storage capacitor which aims at achieving
the cost effectiveness and short and long term dynamic stability to suppress sub synchronous resonance (SSR) [1].

It is well known that power system is a complex network consisting of numerous equipments like generators,
transformers, transmission lines, circuit breakers etc. Failure of any of these equipments during its operation, harms
there liability of the system and hence leading to outages. Whenever the pre-specified operating limits of the power
system get violated the system is said to be in emergency condition. These violations of the limits result from

International Conference on “Multidimensional Role of Basic Science in Advanced Technology” ICMBAT 2018
AIP Conf. Proc. 2104, 020005-1–020005-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1836-3/$30.00

contingencies occurring in the system. Thus, an important part of the security analysis revolves around the power
system to withstand the effect of contingencies. The contingency analysis is time consuming as it involves the
computation of complete AC load flow calculations following every possible outage events like outages occurring at
various generators and transmission lines. This makes the list of various contingency cases very lengthy and the
process very tedious [7]. In order to mitigate the above problem, an automatic contingency screening approach is
being adopted which identifies and ranks only those outages which actually cause the limit violation on power flow or
voltages in the lines. The contingencies are screened according to the severity index or performance index where a
higher value of these indices denotes a higher degree of severity. The importance of power system security
assessment for prediction of line flows and bus voltages following a contingency has been presented.

In this paper, the values of active power performance index (PIP) and reactive power performance index (PIQ) have
been calculated for IEEE-14 bus systems shown in fig.2 using the algorithm implemented in MATLAB software.
Based on the values of PIV, contingencies have been ranked where a transmission line contingency leading to high
value of PIV has been ranked 1 and a least value of PIV have been ranked last. The load flow analysis following the
most severe transmission line contingency has been simulated and the results of active power flow in various
transmission lines and the bus voltages has been analyzed.

Since contingency analysis process involves the prediction of the effect of individual contingency cases, the above
process becomes very tedious and time consuming when the power system network is large. In order to alleviate the
above problem contingency screening or contingency selection process issued. Practically it is found that all the
possible outages does not cause the over loads or under voltage in the other power system equipments. The process of
identifying the contingencies that actually leads to the violation of the operational limits is known as contingency
selection. The contingencies are selected by calculating a kind of severity indices known as Performance Indices (PI).
These indices are calculated using the conventional power flow algorithms for individual contingencies in an off line
mode. Based on the values obtained the contingencies are ranked in a manner where the highest value of PI is ranked
first. The analysis is then done starting from the contingency that is ranked one and is continued till no severe
contingencies are found. There are two kind of performance index which are of great use, these are active power
performance index (PIP) and reactive power performance index (PIQ). PIP reflects the violation of line active power
flow and isgiven by equation (1).

Pi = Active power flow in line i,
Pimax =Maximum active power flow in line i,
N is the specified component,
L is the total number of transmission lines in the system. If n is a large number, the PI will be a small number if
all flows are within limit, and it will be large if one or more lines are overloaded, here the value of n has been kept
unity. The value of maximum power flow in each line is calculated using the formula,

Vi = Voltage at bus i obtained from FDLF solution
Vj = Voltage at bus j obtained from FDLF solution
X = Reactance of the line connecting bus i and bus j
Another performance index parameter which is used is reactive power performance index corresponding to bus
voltage magnitude violations.
It mathematically given by equation 3,

Where Vi = voltage of bus i, Vimax and Vimin are maximum and minimum voltage limits, Vinom is average of

Vimax and Vimin , Npq is total number of load buses in the system.

FIGURE 1. Schematic of SSSC FIGURE 2. IEEE 14 Bus


To Find the Contingency Ranking Following method is adopted:
The AC power flow program for contingency analysis by the Fast Decoupled Load Flow (FDLF) provides a fast
solution to the contingency analysis since it has the advantage of matrix alteration formula that can be incorporated
and can be used to simulate the problem of contingencies involving transmission line fault without re inverting the
system jacobian matrix for all iteration. The ranking of line contingency is given in table1.
TABLE 1. Line by Line Contingency Ranking

Fault PIP PIQ Ranking Fault PIP PIQ Ranking

Line No. Line No.
1 1.1693 7.3032 10 11 1.0142 9.5907 8
2 0.9807 7.6696 11 12 1.0127 1.8089 15
3 1.1654 10.0014 7 13 1.0569 1.3669 18
4 0.9999 7.3213 12 14 1.0072 10.4518 6
5 0.9820 8.8759 9 15 1.0759 0.0844 20
6 0.9640 13.2572 2 16 1.0114 13.3464 1
7 0.9915 0.3566 19 17 1.0164 2.3482 13
8 1.0747 1.1753 17 18 1.0030 10.5217 5
9 0.9807 10.5776 4 19 1.0008 12.5538 3
10 1.2396 1.6047 16 20 1.0076 2.2891 14


The system has a total 20 no. of transmission lines, hence we evaluate for 20 line contingency scenarios by
considering fault on one line at a time. The performance indices are summarized in the above table where it can
inferred that fault in the line no.16 is the most harmful one and its fault will result a great impact on the whole
system .The high value of PIQ for this fault also suggest that the highest attention be given for this line during the
operation. The contingency have been ordered by their ranking where the most severe contingency is being ranked 1
and the least has been rank 20. So here we analyse one by one line from their contingency ranking and the results are

shown in table 2 and table 3. The variations in voltage, active power flow and reactive power flow are shown in
figure 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
TABLE 2. Voltage variations after Fault at Line No. 16

Bus Bus Bus Voltage Bus Voltage with Bus Bus Bus Voltage Bus Voltage with
No. Voltage(Main) (After Fault) SSSC No. Voltage(Main) (After Fault) SSSC

1 1.06 1.06 1.06 8 1.09 1.09 1.09

2 1.045 1.045 1.045 9 1.040206866 0.831892871 1.0501
3 1.01 0.8701102 1.021002 10 1.035432707 0.827530961 1.045
4 1.007372065 0.976645107 1.0210003 11 1.047802118 1.043258176 1.051201
5 1.009782924 0.999273311 1.008 12 1.049263564 1.046920381 1.0521002
6 1.07 1.07 1.07 13 1.041987047 1.038429205 1.05
7 1.051202462 1.045275968 1.052 14 1.016536433 1.007809397 1.026
TABLE 3. Power Flow variations after Fault at Line No. 16

Line No. Active Power with Reactive Power with Line No. Active Power Reactive Power
Fault Fault with SSSC with SSSC
1 219.075283 18.84321741 1 220.2856 18.46079
2 103.659327 4.466605499 2 113.9695 4.375956
3 101.2824595 0.607916171 3 111.3562 0.595578
4 76.41618162 0.81692458 4 84.01668 0.800345
5 56.67177715 2.421043027 5 62.30846 2.371908
6 30.21541055 9.147033898 6 33.22069 8.961395
7 80.70368075 11.87064526 7 88.73062 11.62973
8 37.18051888 4.393196942 8 40.87856 4.304037
9 21.16200502 0.857425854 9 23.26682 0.840024
10 60.77379923 4.148849186 10 66.81848 4.064648
11 10.56111051 4.366196093 11 11.61154 4.277584
12 10.7192474 2.120211878 12 11.7854 2.077182
13 24.43719185 6.373292282 13 26.86776 6.243946
14 88.00586319 12.94472315 14 96.75909 12.68201
15 37.18051888 6.817664709 15 40.87856 6.6793
16 6.468625687 1.486932777 16 10.112007 1.456755
17 12.91696097 2.209292709 17 13.983208 1.974603
18 6.346241153 3.397119189 18 6.907827 2.9840352
19 2.3654228 0.770169434 19 2.600692 0.754539
20 8.17143581 2.372649962 20 8.984182 2.324497

FIGURE 3. Voltage Variation at Line FIGURE 4. Active Power Flow at Line no.16

FIGURE 5. Reactive Power Flow at Line no.16

From the results we can observe that, the bus voltages under fault conditions are drops down as well as power
flow is also disturb. After connecting the SSSC to faulty lines, the results are improved. Here we are compared the
active power flow and reactive power flow of line no 16 which is most severe as per the contingency analysis as
well as voltage variation of Bus no.9 and 10 which are connected to line no.16 in table 4.

TABLE 4. Comparison of Voltage, Active Power, Reactive Power after Fault at Line No. 16
Line No./Bus No. Without SSC (Under Fault Condition) With SSSC

(pu) (MW) (MVAR) (pu) (MW) (MVAR)
Line No.16 ---- 6.468 1.4869 ---- 8.812 1.4567
Bus No. 9 0.83 -------- 1.05 -------
Bus No. 10 0.82 1.04

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