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WT2 Topic: In many countries, plastic containers have become more popular than ever.

are used in many businesses such as food and drink industry. Do you think the advantages of this
outweigh its disadvantages? Durable / affordable / convenient / prevent damage or leakage
=> reserve food quality / prolong=lengthen the shelf-life of products
Expiry date / lightweight material
+ ADVANTAGE 01: in terms of durability / weight => (stakeholders in food and drink
supply chains) manufacturers / restaurants / supermarkets => utilize plastic containers in
various ways => prevent damage or leakage => reserve food quality => prolong=lengthen
the shelf-life of products / diversify their takeaway or delivery services
+ + ADVANTAGE 02: raw materials such as crude oil => available/cheap => AA give BB a
competitive edge OVER [something else] => minimize their production costs / (v.) hesitate
to do sth= be reluctant to do sth=(RESIST A TRANSITION TO OTHER MATIERIALS)
+ remains [ko phải retain + transitive verb AA retain (active) BB] for millions of years
+ be incinerated in waste treatment plants=> release huge amounts of exhaust
fumes=>aggravate=worsen GLOBAL WARMING / buried in landfills=dumped into
oceans=>lead to soil and water pollution=>threaten the marine life
+ microscopic particles released through plastic decomposition → be consumed by humans
and marine creatures through water sources and food containers=> retained+in aquatic
organisms and the human body → affect human health / the entire ecosystem / deteriorate
(intransitive verb) => environmental deterioration / the public transport system in Vietnam
deteriorates / AA deteriorate BB
1. introduce the topic: [plastic containers đang rất phổ biến]
2. THESIS STATEMENT: I believe that environmental and health consequences are
WEIGHTIER THAN the benefits brought to consumers.
3. CONCLUSION: [AA justify BB] In conclusion, I am convinced that negative
implications FOR the environment and people’s health cannot JUSTIFY the advantages of
using plastic containers. Therefore, putting a halt to production of this material is VITAL TO
OUR economic, environmental, and health sustainability.
WT1 - The pie charts show
EMIGRATION the main reasons for
migration to and from the
No Formal
reason study AccompFormal UK in 2007. Summarize the
Other Other
4% any/join Formal study
s study
Accompany/join information by selecting and
14% 14%
stated 13% 25%
No Looking for work reporting the main features
reasons Looking Definite job and make comparisons
stated for
18% No reasons stated where relevant. – MAIN
Definit Accom
22% Other
e job pany/j FEATURES
29% Lookin oin
Definite g for 15%
job work
write about - 29%
12% people came to = people migrated to the UK = people
migrating relocated to the UK
decisions - [emigrants] people left the UK = people emigrated from the UK
- the main / primary factor influencing / affecting [decisions]
- a major / minor factor influencing a move to the UK / migration from the
- Tên các loại factor: having a definite job / looking for a job
- X% of people migrated because of [reason] / in order to do [something] /
left the UK for A purpose
- The (largest / smallest) percentage / the proportion of people emigrated
from the UK in order to … / migrated to the UK for ….
- A significant / an insignificant proportion of emigrates left the UK /
relocated to the UK in order to …
- [factor] led to = influenced X% of immigration / emigration decisions

INTRO: The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons=purposes why people relocated
to=immigrated to and left=emigrated from the UK in 2007. = The pie charts illustrate
FROM THE UK IN 2007. [khiến: cause/prompt/urge sb to do sth]
OVERVIEW: Overall, the main factor influencing these two types of decisions was seeking
a job, the importance of [other factors] varied significantly.
 Overall, THE LARGEST PROPORTION of people / relocated to and left the UK in
order to seek a job, while the importance of [other factors] varied significantly.
 The largest proportion of students in the class UNDERSTAND WHAT MS. MINH


+ S1: a definite job: 30% (immigration) / 29% (emigration)
+ S2: look for a job: 22% (emigrated) >< higher than (immigration <20%)
+ S3: formal study: a quarter (immigration) >< a tiny minority (4%)-left
- A quarter of people migrated to for formal study, WHILE a tiny minority (4%) left the
country for the same purpose.
- A significant proportion (26%) of people relocated to the UK for formal study,
COMPARED TO 4% of those who left.
- The proportion of people migrating to the UK for formal study was SIGNIFICANTLY
higher than the figure for those who LEFT, at 26% and 4% respectively.
- Formal study [cái lý do] led to=influenced 26% of immigration decisions, [gấp mấy lần]
MORE THAN SIX TIMES the figure for emigration, AT 4%.
+ S4: join their family (similar 15% - 13%)
- 15% and 13% of people migrated to and left the UK to join their family.
- The proportions of people emigrated from and immigrated to the UK in order to join their
family were similar, at 13% and 15% respectively.
- Similar proportions of people left the UK and relocated to the UK in order to join their
family members, at 13% and 15% respectively.
- Joining their family led to = influenced 13% of immigration and 15% of emigration
- THERE WAS AN insignificant gap between people relocating to the UK and leaving the
country in order to join their family, at 15% and 13% respectively.
- The disparity between the proportions of people relocating to the UK and leaving the
country or family reunion WAS INSIGNIFANT, AT ….
+ S5:other & no reasons: 32% (emigrate) >< 17% (immigration)

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