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Hinduism and Buddhism have many similarities and different but all of this religion has

the same goal to make people to be good.

Now a day many Teachings of Hinduism have been inserted in Buddhism for a very long
time some time the working principle is the same as each other but we do not know that. First,
lets talk about the difference, Hinduism belief in god, god that created the world (Brahma), god
that protects the world (Vishnu), and god that destroy (Shiva) Besides from all three that I
mention there are more than 300 million gods that Inferior down, these gods are the highest thing
in Hinduism but Buddhism has something Different they teach their people that the highest thing
in this universe that controls everything is nature, the thing that shows in the rule of nature is
Specific Conditionality, the law that can be summarized as “everything that occurs must
have a reason that garnishes and make it happen” and “when there is nothing there is nothing”.
Besides that, the belief about life creation is also different between these two.
In Hinduism they believe that Brahma created all of the living things, watch and control
all of there life in form of destiny and Vishnu will be protected all of them but sometimes Vishnu
will use an avatar to do something such as kill the giant that harm other living thing or even
avatar to be a buddhis to teach human to do something wrong and go to hell because the heaven
is full, which all of these teachings is unlike Buddhism. Buddhism told that that world born on
itself which it is created by 4 elements (earth which is solid, water which represents liquid, the
fire that showed to be heated, and wind which is air). All of these elements are garnished with
others and created everything that looks so miraculous which will have a base that created from
emptiness then all living beings will be add another special element that is soul to make it look
more miraculous. This makes humans to have the mind, thinking, and remembering which
garnished ower life. These are only the example of differences in belief about beginning and god.
On another hand, there is something similar which is karma, dharma, moksha, and
reincarnation they both have nirvana but all of this even it has the same name but the description
inside the word are different such as nirvana which means enlightenment but Hinduism believe
that our goal is to be a god but nirvana for Buddhism teach us to leave everything and go from
the vision of all things so we cannot fully conclude that they are the same but I think that we can
tell that it still kind of similar.

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