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Name : Fani Nurwatiningsih

Class : 2A

NIM : P1337420419001

Some Job Interview Tips That Make HRD Enchanted, Definitely Acceptable

Here are some interview success tips:

1. HRD likes well-prepared interviews. At least, you already know what company to apply
for and the position you are applying for.

HRD often asks what you know about the company that is being applied. Occasionally, you will
also be asked what you know and what you imagine to be working in the proposed position. This
is to test whether you are really applying for the job because you know your abilities and have
interests. Not just random.

2. Don't forget, be communicative with your interviewer.

They are happy if you do not answer briefly and haphazardly When HRD asks, don't just give a
"yes" or "no" answer. Don't answer short. Actually, HRD questions are inducing questions so
that you want to tell more than what is in CV. Therefore, it would be nice if you submit things
that are not written on the job application CV. When talking about organization, continue with
what you earned and your achievements there. But, don't be too much so that HRDs don't get

3. Being enthusiastic about asking questions related to existing job vacancies is not taboo.
The interviewer will see how interested you are.

In general, this will illustrate your great intention to join the company again. In particular, you
are also interested in the job you are applying for. You can ask what exactly the job is.
4. Some HRD is still believe that applicants must have a similar background. If you've
ever come across that position, say so.

5. Try to write a measurable ability on the CV. Then describe your immeasurable abilities
during the interview.

6. Everyone has their own uniqueness. If you fail, don't feel stupid because your
uniqueness just doesn't match the company.

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