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A. Background

Popularly people often state that linguistics is the science of language; or the science
that makes language the object of study; or even more so, as Martinet said scientific studies
of human language. In various books the formulation may be somewhat different, but, that
language becomes a linguistic study, presumably does not need to be debated again.

Language as an object of linguistic study can be compared with natural events which
are objects of physical science studies; or with various diseases and ways of treatment that
are the object of medical studies; or with social phenomena in the community that are the
object of sociology studies. Although in the scientific world it turns out that the language
taken as the object of study is not only linguistics, but linguistics is still the science that treats
language as language; whereas other sciences do not.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is the definition of linguistics?

2. What are the benefits of linguistics?

3. How is linguistic history?

4. What are the basic principles of linguistic study?

5. What is the relationship between linguistics and other sciences?



A. Linguistics Definitions

The word linguistics comes from the Latin lingua which means 'language'. Linguistics
is the science of language or the science that makes language the object of its study.
Linguistics is also called general linguistics. This means that linguistics does not only
investigate a particular langue without regard to the characteristics of other languages. for
example, it is difficult for us to understand the morphology of Indonesian if we do not
understand the morphology of other languages. Indeed, Indonesian language morphology
should be analyzed only in Indonesian, but the material alone does not give us an
understanding of the structure of morphology in general. In other words, linguistic goals are
not only focused on langue, but also on more general langage.Linguistic definitions according
to experts. Here are some linguistic definitions from several experts:

1. Chaer (2007) defines linguistics as the science of language; or the science that makes
language the object of study.

2. Lyons (1981) states that linguistics is a science whose object is human language which is
studied scientifically.

3. Allan and Corder (1957) emphasize the definition of linguistics from the point of language,
both as a formal object of study and methodology.

4. In Webster's dictionary (1981) linguistics is defined as the study of four things namely the
units of language, the nature of language, the structure of language and language change.

B. Benefits of linguistic

Linguistics provides direct benefits to people who are involved in language-related activities
such as linguists, language teachers, translators, dictionary compilers, textbook composers,
and politicians. Linguistic benefits include:

1. Linguism: help complete and carry out their duties in language inquiry.

2. Language teacher: train and teach language skills.

3. Translator: helps in getting good translation results.

4. Dictionary compiler: helps in compiling a complete and good dictionary.

5. Composer of textbooks: helps in choosing words and putting together the right sentences.

6. Politician: helps in his activities communicating with many people.

C. History of Linguistic

Broadly speaking, the history of language development occurs through 3 stages of the
era, namely, ancient / classical times, modern times, and post modern times. Linguistics have
existed since ancient times around the end of the 4th century BC. But this is not the beginning
of the birth of linguistics, linguistics here is still only compared to as an embryo.
Furthermore, entering the Greek era or often referred to as traditional grammar.

The figures that play a role in this era include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. At this
time a grammar (grammar) based on logic began to be arranged, but the division of words
was more complete. This is the beginning of the birth of linguistics in the world of language.
Plato clearly distinguishes nouns (nouns) from verbs (verbs). According to the noun plato is a
word that can function in sentences as the subject of something in the predicate, while the
verb is a word that can express the deed or quality referred to in the predicate (John L, 1995:

Then in the middle ages the division of words was made into nouns, verbs, and
adjectives. Aristotle followed the distinction between nouns and verbs like Plato, but added
another class which was different, namely conjunctions or conjunctions. According to
Aristotle the purpose of this term is all words that do not belong to the noun and verb classes.

One more step advanced by Aristotle was the introduction of the category of time in
Greek verbs. He notes that certain systematic variations in verb forms can be related to time
as now or past. But the teachings in this matter are still unclear. Then the Iscandarians
continued the work of the Stoics grammar experts. Namely the group in Greek times who
most pay attention to language. Iskandarialah what we now call traditional grammar.

Entering the Renaissance era, the interest in regional languages was very extensive,
and grammar books were written in large numbers. Furthermore, in the 19th century entering
the end of the 20th century, there was a figure who came to be known as the father of modern
Linguistics, namely "Ferdinand De Sawssure" who had extraordinary thoughts about
linguistics. He developed a study of languages that are no longer synchronic, but
synchronous, which became known as structural linguistics. In this century, civilization
began to develop, not only in one place, but in various places, with different emphases. This
distinction is named based on the place name. Then in the 60's the model began to develop
deconstruction thinking is the core of his thinking by opposing old thoughts and making new
thoughts. And then in the next period, linguistics was developed again by other linguists into
better grammar until now.

D. Basic principles of linguistic study

Linguistics is a study based on a reality, where the object being studied includes
material objects and form objects. The basic principle of linguistic study is to object objects
materia as spoken language. The material object itself includes several research principles,
some of which are natural. What is meant here is not natural engineering results in various
interests or it can be said that linguistic data based on factual research results. The second is
description, meaning that data must be provided as is. Good description is a description of the
data provided by the researcher to make the reader believe what he is describing. In addition,
beyond natural and description there are prescriptive linguistic studies. In this principle,
research is based on rules / theories carried by researchers, so that research is reviewed on the
basis of the theory of mind that is on the researcher. However, Linguistics is descriptive
science, not prescriptive. The main task of a linguist is to describe how people actually use
their language to speak and write not prescribe how they should speak and write (John L.
1995: 43). So it can be said that linguistics is an empirical science, that is knowledge based
on facts and data that can be tested by certain experts and also by all other experts.

E. The linguistic relationship with other sciences

The language studied by linguistics will be a special feature of humans as homo-

symbolic creatures, that is, as Ernest K said, the determinant of humans and other creatures is
symbols. There are several other sciences related to linguistics. Some of the hybrid
disciplines related to linguistics are sociology. Sociology is the study of human socialization
with the community. The existence of the science of sociology in linguistics, this gave birth
to a new language study called sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that
examines the relationship between language and the speaker community. This science is a
contextual study of variations in the use of people's language in a natural communication.
The second hybrid discipline of science is anthropology. The relationship between
anthropology and linguistics in language, is able to develop into a new scientific study that is
Anthropolinguistics, a branch of linguistics that studies language from the perspective of
human culture. The hybridist science that deals with linguistics is psychology. In linguistics,
psychology is known as psycholinguitics, which is a branch of linguistics that studies
variations in language related to one's mental state. The existence of psycholinguistics is
capable of giving birth to a language comprehension, language apposition, language
production and language coherence, which can be studied in psycholinguistics.

Furthermore, the branch of linguistics after psycholiguism was born a language study
called neurolinguistics, which is a branch of interdisciplinary studies in linguistics and
medical science that examines the relationship between the human brain and language. Then
linguistics also deals with knowledge in the field of informatics. The branch of science that
studies linguistics with informatics especially with computers is called linguistic computing.
Whereas the last hybrid linguistic discipline is ethnolinguistics, which is a branch of
linguistics that studies languages related to certain ethnicities and ethnicities. So it can be said
that linguistics is a social branch of science, that is, linguistics is related or requires other
sciences in a study.


Humans have the language used to communicate with each other. The knowledge
used to study the language is known as linguistics. This term is often called general
linguistics, meaning that the science does not only investigate one language (such as English
or Indonesian only) but linguistics concerns language in general. Some studies in linguistics
include the basic processes of phonetics, phonemic, morphemic, morphophonemic, syntactic,
semantic, and pragmatics as subdisciplines of linguistics that deal with the material objects of
elements of a particular language. Linguistics examines language that is related to people's
lives in general. So learning linguistics is very important for life, because someone will
understand about how to use good and right language.

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