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Monster Moods

Not every monster should attack on sight;

Best Left Buried becomes too lethal in that
case. For ideas, assign a monster one of the
following categories, and roll for its mood
or activity when first encountered. This
idea borrows heavily from Troika, which
These, even more than other random
tables, are guidelines and not rules. If a roll Zini 6: Monsters
doesn't make sense, re-roll or replace it. Published by SoulMuppet Publishing (
Written by Zachary Cox and Nicholas Spence | Art by Ben Brown | Layout by Lone Archivist
Editing by Vi Huntsman (MRC), Fiona Geist (MRC), and James M Hewitt

unless it poses a beastly challenge for

Monster Moods high level characters. Players like
hitting monsters, so increase Vigour
General Abominations Great Beasts Critters Hunter- Guards
D6 Horror, Demon, Dragon, Manticore, Rats, Goblins, Birds Gatherers Soldiers, Orcs, instead or give it an Advancement like
Elemental Giant Rats, Goblins, Birds Bandits
Ironshelled or Hex-Proof.
1 Helpful Skulking Sleepy Distracted Cautious Distracted
• List what the monster is good and bad
at, to increase its flavour. It has the
2 Friendly Gibbering Satiated Inquisitive Unobservant Tenacious
Upper Hand on things it is good at and is
Against The Odds at things it is bad at.
3 Indifferent Feeding Bored Skittish Friendly Lazy
To convert monsters from D20 roleplaying
4 Wary Sleeping Hungry Opportunistic Lurking Corruptible games, give D6 Vigour and 1 Grip per “Hit
Die”. Armour 8 is about 10 AC, increased by
5 Unfriendly Hungry Ravenous Hungry Unfriendly Arguing one for every two points of AC.

6 Hostile Aggressive Enraged Playful Scheming Alert

More Monster Moods

D6 Constructs Cultists Otherworlders Brigands Civilians
Rats, Goblins, Birds Wizards, Priests, Imps, Elementals, Raiders, Bandits, Merchant, Captive,
Acolytes Poltergeists Adventurers Slave

1 Oblivious Enraptured Nattering Argumentative Fearful

2 Confused Suspicious Etherial Plundering Confused

Monster Adaptations
3 Indifferent Paranoid Destructive Resting Shocked Give a monster any Advancements that
make sense, or one of the Adaptations
4 Defensive Deceptive Deceitful Unaware Supplicative listed inside.
If a monster with no Grip has an
5 Implacable Ensorcelled Furious Curious Helpful
Advancement requiring Grip, it spends 2
Vigour for each point of Grip instead.
6 Enraged Violent Dispassionate Violent Panicking
Acidic: Spend 2 Grip to damage a metal Brawn or Wit Check on their next turn to Flying: The monster can use its move to fly ing, acid, lightning etc.) and Attacks of this
tool, Weapon or Armour in the same Zone. Escape. On a subsequent turn the monster into Zones in the air. damage type are Against The Odds.
This permanently reduces damage or Ar- can repeat the action to make their target Gelatinous Grip: This monster’s Attacks Petrifying Gaze: As an action the monster
mour by 1, or imposes Against The Odds on pass another Brawn Check or Wit Check or Restrain creatures who fail a Brawn Check. can force an enemy in the same or adjacent
the tool’s Stat Checks. If 3 of these effects be fully consumed. The end result varies by Restrained creatures must use their action Zone to pass a Will Check or be Immobi-
stack, the object breaks. the Monster, but usually the target loses to roll a Brawn or Wit Check to escape. lized as they begin turning to stone. If the
Amorphous: Spend 1 Grip to don a new Vigour and Grip, suffers Injuries or even monster targets the same creature on a
dies. Hex-Addled: This monster is Against The
form which may be obvious (like a Slime Odds on Stat Checks to resist magical subsequent turn, and they fail another Will
taking a new shape) or impossible to detect Disguise: The monster can pass as a mun- effects, and magical Attacks against the Check the target is fully turned to stone.
(like a Doppelgänger or other sinister dane object like a statue, a floor, a wall or monster have the Upper Hand. Powerful holy magic is required to restore
shapeshifter). furniture. Observation Checks may be re- them, returning them to life Unconscious.
quired to notice it. Hex-Proof: This monster has the Upper
Aquatic: This aquatic or amphibious crea- Hand on Stat Checks to resist magical Shadowclad: While the monster is in
ture has the Upper Hand on underwater Disorganised: Each additional Upper Hand effects, and magical Attacks against the shadow, Observation Checks to notice it
Stat Checks. gained from Ganging Up requires 3 identi- monster are Against The Odds. are Against The Odds.
Beetle-Flesh: When killed, the monster cal monsters instead of 2. Example: 2 mon- Soulfeast: The monster gains D3 Vigour
sters: Normal, 3 monsters: Upper Hand, 4 Hulking: Ranged Attacks made against the
turns into a swarm of rats, bats, worms or monster have the Upper Hand. upon killing a creature.
insects. If they are not all destroyed, it re- monsters: Upper Hand, 5 monsters: Upper
Hand, 6 monsters: 2x Upper Hand. Ironshelled: Weapon Attacks against the Spider-Climb: The monster can stick to
forms in D6 days. walls or ceilings, quickening its movement
Elemental: Choose an elemental type for monster are Against The Odds.
Blinking: Spend 1 Grip as an action to dis- or allowing passage through some Impass-
appear from view and move up to D3 Zones the monster. Its attacks count as magical Lifedrinker: The monster regains 1 Vigour able Zones.
away. Wit Checks to Escape with this and deal that element’s damage. Also, At- for every 2 damage it inflicts, rounding up.
tacks of that element against the monster Slippery: Attempts to Grapple or otherwise
movement are Trivial. Luminescent: The monster fills a number Restrain the monster are Against The Odds.
are Against The Odds. of Zones with light. Depending on its
Bloodthirsty: The monster has the Upper Undead: The monster cannot be targeted
Hand to Attack targets with less than half Ethereal: Attacks from non-magical power, this may be its Zone, every adjacent
Weapons against the monster are Against Zone or even more. by mind altering magics and does not have
their Maximum Vigour. to eat, breathe or drink. Reduce its Initia-
The Odds. Nimble: The monster has the Upper Hand
Bloodscent: The monster has the Upper tive by 1.
Hand on Observation Checks to detect tar- Fearsome: The first time a character sees on Wit Checks to Escape.
the monster, they must roll a Grip Check. Unstoppable: This monster never rolls In-
gets with less than half their Maximum Vi- Otherworldly Gaze: As an action, the mon- juries; instead, it takes 1D6 additional
gour. Fear of the Light: The monster’s Stat ster’s gaze can force a creature to make an damage when Injured.
Brittleskinned: Attacks against the mon- Checks, Observation Checks and Attacks Against The Odds Grip Check. If they fail,
are Against The Odds while in sunlight. they lose D3 Grip. Violent End: The monster explodes when it
ster have the Upper Hand. dies. Every creature in its Zone must pass a
Compressible: The monster is unimpeded Fire-Breathing: The monster can use 1-2 Quick Reflexes: Wit Checks made by crea- Wit Check or take D3 damage.
in tight spaces, possibly quickening or al- Vigour as Grip on a 1:1 basis to use Fire & tures trying to Escape the monster are
Lightning Strange (Zini 3). Against The Odds. Weakness: The monster is Against The
lowing movement through some Impass- Odds on Stat Checks to resist 1 type of
able zones. Flame-Wreathed: If a creature ends its Rampage: Once per round when the Mon- damage (fire, slashing, bludgeoning, pierc-
Corpsemover: Spend 1 Grip as an action to turn in the same Zone as one or more mon- ster takes damage, it may immediately ing, acid, lightning etc.) and Attacks
make a humanoid corpse do something un- sters with this Adaptation, it loses 1 Vigour. make an Attack against a target in its Zone. against it using this damage have the Up-
natural, like glow, stand up or dance. Monsters with this Adaptation are un- Razorclawed: The monster’s Attacks have per Hand.
affected. the Upper Hand.
Devour: As an action, attempt to consume a Wound-Knitting: The monster recovers D3
creature it has Restrained via in the same Flesh-Gorging: As an action, the monster Resistance: The Monster has the Upper Vigour at the start of each of its turns. De-
Zone. The target must pass a Brawn or Wit can feast on a recently deceased corpse, re- Hand on Stat Checks to resist 1 type of pending on the monster, this might be dis-
Check or is Restrained and can make a covering D6 Vigour on a successful Brawn damage (fire, slashing, bludgeoning, pierc- abled by acid, cold, holy or fire damage.

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