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Chinese History
1. Who was the first emperor of the Xia dynasties?
2. Who was the last ruler of the Xia dynasties?
3. How many kings have been passed down in the Xia
4. Who was the first king of the Shang dynasties?
5. Who was the last king of the Shang dynasties?
6. How long did the Western Zhou dynasties last?
7. How long did the Eastern Zhou dynasties last?
8. Which was the longest-lasting dynasty of ancient
China’s dynasties? Company Logo

Chinese History

9. Who was the First Emperor of a unified China and

founder of the Qin dynasties?
10. Who laid the foundation for the Great Wall?
11. Who was the Chinese emperor behind the terra-cotta
12. Which dynasty was the second imperial dynasty of
13. Who founded the Han dynasty?
14. How long did the Western Han dynasties last?
15. How long did the Eastern Han dynasties last? Company Logo
Chinese History

16. How long did the Three Kingdoms dynasties last?

17. Who founded the Jin dynasty?
18. How long did the Western Jin dynasties last?
19. How long did the Eastern Jin dynasties last?
20. How long did the Northern dynasties last?
21. How long did the Southern dynasties last?
22. How long did the Sixteen kingdoms last? Company Logo

Chinese History
23. How long did the Tang dynasties last?
24. Who was the founder of the Yang Dynasty?
25. Who founded the Wu Zetian dynasty?
26. How long was the Wu Zhou/Zhou dynasty?
27. Which dynasty did the military strength reach an
unparalleled advance level?
28. Which was one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese
29. Who was the only female emperor in Chinese history?
30. How long was the Five Dynasties?
31. Which dynasties were there in the Five Dynasties period?
32. How long was Ten Kingdoms period in Chinese history?
33. Which dynasties were there in the Ten Kingdoms period? Company Logo
Chinese History
34. How long was the Song dynasty?
35. Who was the first emperor of the Song dynasty?
36. How long did the Northern Song dynasties last?
37. What were the three main inventions the Chinese
made during the Song dynasty?
38. How long did the Northern Song dynasties last?
39. Who was the leader of the Yuan dynasty in China?
40. Who was the last Yuan emperor?
41. How long did the Yuan dynasties last? Company Logo
Chinese History
42. How long did the Ming dynasty last?
43. Who was the founding emperor of the Great Ming dynasty?
44. Who was the last Emperor of the Ming dynasty as well as the
last Han Chinese to reign as Emperor of China?
45. Which dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China?
46. How long was the Qing dynasty?
47. Who became the first of the eleven Qing sovereigns to rule over
China proper/Who was the first ruler of the Qing dynasty?
48. Who was the fourth Emperor of the Qing dynasty?
49. Who was the sixth Emperor of the Qing dynasty?
50. Who was the longest-reigning emperor in the history of China?
51. Who was the leader of China’s Republician revolution? Company Logo
Accomplishment of Chinese civilization

1. What type of writing did Ancient China have?

2. Who was one of the greatest romantic poets of

Ancient China?

3. Who was one of the greatest realist poets of China?

4. What are the Four Great Classic Novels of China?

5. How many periods are there in the Tang poetry? Company Logo

Accomplishment of Chinese civilization

6. Which period of Tang poetry was known as Flourishing

Tang or Golden Tang?
7. When was the Great Wall built?
8. Who joined together sections of earlier fortifications to
form a united defense system against invasions from the
9. When did the Great Wall become the world’s largest
military structure/When was the Great Wall finished
building? Company Logo
Accomplishment of Chinese civilization

10. When did the Great Wall of China become a

UNESCO World Heritage site?
11. When did Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor/The
tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi become a UNESCO World
Heritage site?
12. Who was the founder of Taoism?
13. When was Taoism founded?
14. Who founded Confucianism?
15. What are the main groups of beliefs in Confucianism? Company Logo

Accomplishment of Chinese civilization

16. Which was the world’s earliest and largest general

17. When was the Yongle Encyclopedia completed?
18. Which dynasty was the Yongle Encyclopedia
19. Which are the largest encyclopaedias in Chinese feudal
20. When was Imperial Collection of Four completed?
21. Which dynasty was Imperial Collection of Four
compiled? Company Logo

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