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st nd
Name: 1 Submission 2 Submission

standard yet

To standard

Tutor feedback and Tutor feedback

Not to

Not to


Showing awareness of how
a learner’s background,
previous learning experience
and learning style affect
Identify one grammar
problem with two examples
of the problem identified

Select one appropriate

activity to address the
grammar problem and
provide a rationale

Identify one pronunciation

problem with two examples
of the problem identified.

Select one appropriate

activity to address the
pronunciation problem and
provide a rationale

Include 1-2 paragraphs

commenting on the students’
skills ability. (reading,
writing, listening, speaking)

Correctly use terminology

relating to the description of
language systems

Use written language that is

clear, accurate and
appropriate to the task

Word count of 750-1000

Overall grade

Tutor(s) signature(s) and




In this assignment you will write a profile of one of the learners then work with
him/her to identify areas for improvement.

Coordinate with your TP group so that you choose different students. Sit down with
two different learners and ask them about the areas listed in appendix 1. Make notes
on their answers. This should be a natural conversation so respond to what the
students say, but as you’re listening, also pay attention to the language the learner
uses to answer your questions. Collect errors with grammar and pronunciation. Ask
both of the students for contact information, as you may need this later.

Set the homework task (appendix 3). You may need to adapt this task if you are
working with a lower level learner. Collect the text after the next lesson and analyze
the learner’s linguistic and communicative competence. (You do NOT need to hand
in the interview report form or the written task with your assignment)

After day 3 or 4 on the course, choose one of the two learners to focus on for the
remainder of the assignment. Observe your learner in teaching practice lessons and
make notes on their language weaknesses. Also, pay attention to their behavior and
interaction and what this says about their learning style. Include the following in your
profile of the learner: Learning style, (visual/auditory/kinesthetic), extrovert/introvert,
tolerant/intolerant of ambiguity. Note specific examples to support your conclusions.

WRITING: Use the bullet points as headings when writing your assignment

Part 1: Profile (300-400 words)

• Background – include previous experience with language learning and the
effect this is having on current language learning
• Motivation
• Learning style- you must provide examples/evidence from your observations.

Part Two: (500-600 words)

• Skills
Note the student’s aptitude regarding receptive and productive skills. Does s/he get
the answers to tasks after one reading/listening or is more exposure to the text
needed? Is s/he able to produce an appropriate amount of writing / speaking output
based on the level?

• Pronunciation Problem (1) and Examples (2)

Identify 1 problem. Specify if it is a problem with phonemes (individual sounds),
stress (word or sentence) or intonation. Give 2 examples of the problem, say what it
should be and describe the problem. Use the attached grid (appendix 2) to record the
information. Submit the grid with your assignment. Refer to Learner English for
information about the common errors for learners with this particular L1. Direct
quotes must not exceed 2 sentences.

• Pronunciation Activity and Rationale

Provide ONE pronunciation activity to address the problem you have identified. The
activity must be from a published source other than the textbooks used in TP
classes. The activity should be submitted as you would hand it out in a lesson and it
should include answers. Please briefly describe the activity within the assignment
and your rationale for choosing it.

Rationale (Address the appropriate areas based on grammar or pronunciation):

When writing the rationale, note whether the activity focuses on: Recognition or
production? Is the student able to self-correct or does he/she need to be
made taught anything about articulation (phonemes), stress patterns…
before attempting the practice activity? Written or spoken language?
Controlled or free practice? Is the activity contextualized? Attach the
activity as an appendix to the assignment.

• Grammar Problem (1) and Examples (2) – Identify 1 problem. (What

mistakes does the learner make more than once?) Give 2 examples of the
problem, say what it should be and describe the problem. Use the attached
grid (appendix 2) to record the information. Submit the grid with your
assignment. Refer to Learner English for information about the common
errors for learners with this particular L1. Direct quotes must not exceed 2

• Grammar Activity and Rationale (See above)

Pronunciation Example: “In her interview, Junko struggled to correctly produce
accurate /l/ sounds. She said, for example, “I / rɑɪk /to shopping but I have/ rɪtər /
money for it.” When she was made aware of the problem, she was not able to self-
correct. She needs practice both recognizing and producing accurate /l/ and /r/
sounds. A discrimination exercise in which she must listen and check the correct
word from a minimal pair, e.g. light or right, would help improve her recognition. For
production practice, Junko needs to be taught the difference between the two sounds
through gestures, diagrams and demonstrations which illustrate the change in the
position of the tongue (touching the back of the teeth for /l/ and curled in toward the
back of the throat for /r/) Then, she could read aloud sentences containing /l/ sounds
and a mix of /l/ and /r/ sounds, e.g. I like laughing a lot when I learn English. Next,
she could practice with a dialogue so that she gets practice using the sounds in

Grammar Example: “In her written text, Junko wrote ‘When I first arrive in New
York…’ and ‘We see a show on Broadway’. This indicates a problem with the past
simple tense. Junko was able to self-correct when the error was brought to her
attention indicating that she is aware of the rule(s) but needs practice. An activity like
“Pictures into Story” in Grammar Practice Activities (Ur, 1998: p 215) would focus
on this grammar problem. Students receive a set of pictures, order the pictures as
they like, then write the story. Junko could practice writing different forms of the past
simple in a meaningful, narrative context. This would also help her attain her aim of
becoming a more accurate writer in English.”

Look through published material (course books, supplementary resource books, etc.)
to find suitable activities to help your learner with the identified weaknesses. You
may choose ONE activity from the internet if you are unable to find an appropriate
one in the published materials. Please note that internet activities are generally not
as effective as those from a published source. You may NOT use the textbook you
are using for TP. Do not include more than one activity for each problem unless an
additional activity is used to scaffold the main activity.
NOTE: You must reference sources both within the text (see above) and in a
bibliography at the end like this:

Author, date, title, publisher

e.g. Ur, P (1998), Grammar Practice Activities, CUP

*Keep in mind that a student who is unable to self-correct will first need to be
shown/taught the rules (grammar) or the method of articulation (pronunciation), then
given practice activities. A student who is able to self-correct already knows the
rules but needs practice. Also note that if the error occurs while speaking, then you
will need to find a speaking task. If the error occurs in the written form, you will need
a written activity.

Cambridge Assessment Criteria

Demonstrate that you have met the assessment criteria by:
• showing awareness of how a learner’s/learners’ background(s), previous
learning experience and learning style(s) affect learning
• identifying the learner’s/learners language /skills needs
• correctly using terminology relating to the description of language systems
and language skills
• selecting appropriate material and/or resources to aid the learner’s/learners’
language development
• providing a rationale for using specific activities with a learner/learners
• finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources using
written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task

Common reasons for resubmissions/failed assignments

• Not following instructions
• Not including info regarding skills aptitude
• Incorrectly identifying problem
• Identifying more than one problem
• Including examples that are not examples of problem identified
• Not including activities
• Including several activities
• Not relating information from Learner English to problem identified
Appendix 1: Student Questionnaire: FOL Assignment
(Do not include this with your assignment.)
Name: ___________________________________________

Age: _____________________________________________

Nationality/First language: _____________________________

Job: _____________________________________________

Hobbies and interests: _________________________________

Why are you learning English?


How long/where have you studied English? What was the focus of your previous

lessons? (Grammar, speaking…)


Have you completed:

Secondary School? ________

University? (undergraduate) ________

University? (postgraduate) ________

When you learn, do you like:

(Circle as many as you like)

seeing pictures speaking in groups games and competitions

standing up and moving around listening to songs

taking notes writing on the whiteboard watching DVDs

listening to the teacher doing dramatisations and role-plays

repeating new words after the teacher using computers and technology

working on your own

Appendix 2: FOL Grammar & Pronunciation Error Grid
(Please include this with your assignment.)
What the student What it should be Error
said/wrote. Provide full Provide full sentence.


What the student said. What it should be Error
(Provide the full (Provide the full
sentence. Use IPA for sentence. Use IPA for
error.) correction.)

Appendix 3: TP Student Writing Sample
(Do not include this with your assignment.)

Dear Student,
The teachers need to see an example of your writing. Please choose a topic and
write 3-5 paragraphs about it.

Thank you!

Lower levels:
Write about one of the following:
Your family
Your job
Your hobbies and interests

Higher levels:
Compare 2 cities in your country or the city you are from and the city you now live
What types of films, books, music do you prefer? What was the last movie you
saw? Book you read? What was it about?
What are some of the similarities and differences between your city and the city
you are in now? Please give several examples.
A person you admire and why you feel this way about him/her.

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