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Department of Education


Division of Batangas
Bulsa, San Juan, Batangas

Week 2 Oct.12-
Weekly 15, 2020
And some students on the other hand,
have already the connection but they
WEEK 2 is waving! are not aware on how to open the link in
youtube. In that case, I give them the
IT was a successful week again.
instruction in our group chat through
There are so many lapses that we’ve
voice mail. I recorder the
been through but the eagerness of our
instructions and
students as well as teachers made this
send it to them.
week a successful one.
After a while, they
answered the

JUST like in grade

7, - grade 8, 9 and
10 are also done answering their
activities since it was a continuation of
the topic from the first week.
BASED on the monitoring in the
first week of school days, I can say that,
I, together with my students are very
productive this week.

IN grade 7, the students were

already finished the given task for this
week. We discussed the genre of
material viewed, where the students
need to watched video clips from
youtube. But for some reasons, most of
them are late to answer the said activity
because of the poor internet connection.
ONE of
the challenges I
encountered for

Soaring on the Highest, Aiming for the Best

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Bulsa, San Juan, Batangas

this week aside from the poor internet THIS week I realized that, we
connection was the distribution and need to become more eager in teaching
retrieval of the portfolio/ activity and for the students- in studying
sheets/worksheets. I considered it a because our future depends on what we
very hard one because we don’t know are doing and what we will be able to
what will happen on the day of the achieve. UNITY, COOPERATION and
submission and retrieval. Just like this LOVE on whatever we do will help us
moment, we need to adjust the date and overcome all of the challenges and
time because of the bad weather. But problems we are facing right now.
then, I figured out that I need to make a
plan or give a systematic way of giving
dates and time for the submission. I
decided to give a two-week adjustment
before the submission, for the students
to be able to finish all the tasks given to
them. And I will give also another
activity sheets so that if I collected their
portfolio, they are not able to stop
answering on our class time.

Some pictures taken while the students answering

APRIL R. DIMAYUGA their activities in English
Teacher I- English

Soaring on the Highest, Aiming for the Best

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