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Name: ________________________ Date: _______________



I predict the subject of the story will be... because…
Before you begin
reading, preview the
title, illustrations, and
I predict I will learn about…
vocabulary. Write any
predictions you have
about the subject of the
story and what you will
learn about.

The genre is… What do you know about this genre?

What is the genre of this


Good readers are 1

always asking questions
about what they are
reading. List 2
questions you have
based on the information
you listed above.

Reread the following pages and then answer the questions. After answering the question, tell how you knew the
answer was correct. Did you use pictures, text from the story, diagrams, author's notes, or captions? Did you infer?

Page 14: Wesley's Detail from text: I know the phrase "sticks out" means to:
"He sticks out" +
mother says, "He sticks
out." What does this
sentence tell you about My conclusion:

I think the setting of the story is… because…

Page 15-: What do you
think is the setting of this
story? Why?

Page 16: "Wesley's

thoughts shot sparks".
What does this mean?

Main idea (most important idea) Supporting Detail

Pages 17-20: Find main
idea and supporting
Name: ________________________ Date: _______________


Page 21-23: Think of a

time when you felt like
you were different from
everyone else. How did
it feel and what did you
about it?

Page 22: Besides

growing a food crop,
what else did Wesley do
as part of his summer

Page 21: What does the

picture on 21 show
about Wesley's method
of telling time?

Detail from text: His schoolmates went from being scornful, then curious.

I know that sometimes I see someone doing something different I want to see
what's going on and see if its fun.
Page 21: Why do you
think Wesley's
schoolmates went from My conclusion:
being scornful to being
curious about his
summer project?

The text said:

Page 22: How do Wes's I know:

parents feel about his
summer project?
My conclusion:

I think the author…. because…..

Page 23: How do you
think the author feels
about independent
thinking and creative
kids like Wes?
Name: ________________________ Date: _______________


Graphic Organizers

Wesley Me

Using a graphic
organizer can help you
organize information that
you have read. Venn
Diagrams are organizers
that can help you
compare and contrast
two or more things.
Using the information
from the story, chart how
you and Wesley are
alike and different.


1 He (Wesley) was an outcast from civilization around him. Page ____
2 Ignoring the shelf of cereals in the kitchen, Wesley took to Page ____
breakfasting on the fruit.
3. Wesley found it thrilling to open his land to chance, to invite
Page ____
the new and unknown.
4 He (Wesley) would grow his own staple food crop - and found his own
Page ____
After you read the entire
5 To keep off the sun, Wesley wove himself a hat from strips of the
story, go back and Page ____
plant's woody bark.
locate the following
sentences in the text. 6 In like manner, he'd named his new fabrics, games, and foods, until
List the page number Page ____
he'd created an entire language.
after you find it.
7 As the finale to his summer project, he used the ink and his own Page ____
eighty-letter alphabet to record the history of his civilization's founding.

8 Uninterested in traditional sports, Wesley made up his own.

Page ____

9 He had no shortage of friends.

Page ____

10 His domain, home to many such innovations, he named Page ____

Name: ________________________ Date: _______________


AFTER READING Determining the Main Idea




After reading the story

locate five elements
(who, what, where, WHEN?
when, why) to help you
determine the main idea
of the story.

Use the information above to rewrite the main idea in a complete sentence.

Language Connection
She / Her ___________ and I would like to live on another world.

Our friends and _______ pretend to be shipwrecked on a

we / us remote island.

I / me The natives have a civilization that is strange to her and ______.

they / them Strange deerlike animals give _______ milk and meat.

The king and queen do not expect their subjects to provide

they / them
service for __________.
Write the correct
pronoun to complete he / him Instead, ________ and she give gifts to their subjects.
each sentence.

I / me Jan and _____ become inventors in this world.

us, we Our marvelous inventions bring ________ many honors.

her / she The royal family presents a medal to _______ and _______..
I / me

They / Them
_________ and _____________ sit down to a royal feast.
us / we
Name: ________________________ Date: _______________


Vocabulary Connection

Write a "short
story" using each
all of this week's
vocabulary words.

List any questions you

have after reading 2
Using a graphic organizer can help you organize information that you have read. Time lines are organizers that can help you put events in order as you read. Make
a time line of the dates listed in the story.

Mahalia Jackson

1865 1911 1946 1972 1976

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