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Studies submitted to the MIPA to

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Zelvia Permata Kudus1, Dona Afriyani1, Fridgo Tasman2

Study Programs of Mathematics Tadris Tarbiyah Department STAIN

Department Fisika FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Padang.

Correspondence: Street. Sudirman Number.137, Kuburajo, Lima Kaum,


27213, Indonesia



This study aims to generate opportunities module for learning

mathematics with scientific approach a valid and practical for the students of
Class VII Semester II in SMPN 9 Sijunjung. This type of research is research
development with three stages of research, namely: front-end analysis, prototype
phase, and assessment phase. Data processing techniques performed by
descriptive statistics. Limited testing done in SMPN 9 Sijunjung to 24 students.
Based on the analysis of data that has been done can be summarized as follows:
(1) Results of the validation of the module opportunities for learning mathematics
with a scientific approach developed for Class VII Semester II is valid. (2)
Results of experiments performed in Class VII Semester II in SMPN 9 Sijunjung,
indicates that it has met the criteria practicalities which can be used and
implemented in the learning process with a very practical value practicality.

keywords: Development, Module, Scientific Approach


This study beritik starting from a shortage of textbooks of mathematics

namely books Mathematics curriculum class VII in 2013 issued by the Ministry of
National Education Center of Books in 2013, revised edition based scientific
approach, which is not in accordance with the characteristics of class VII SMPN 9
Sijunjung (Depdiknas, 2008:1). Besides that, SMPN 9 Sijunjung students who use
the curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach, expected to learn independently
(Khairiah Nasution, 5) and obtain a high learning outcomes (Nur Jannah Indah
Permatasari, 5). But it is has not achieved its full potential because of the
scientific approach is still new and need adaptation by students. Inaccessibility of
students in achieving the learning objectives also influenced by the absence of
directives and petujuk clear the source of student learning so that students are not
accustomed learn to be independent.
Therefore, students need learning resources in accordance with
characteristics, situation, and the needs of students which directs students to learn
independently. Learning resources capable of directing students to learn
independently is a module (Ahmad Sabri, 2010:143) with a scientific approach.
Module opportunities with scientific approach which mandates that students learn
independently because through a scientific approach students actively construct
and invented the concept of learning (Nur Jannah Indah Permatasari, 1). Module
opportunities with scientific approach has a learning steps famous by the term 5M
that is observed, question, reasoning, try, and forming networks (conclude,
present, and communicate). Learning mathematics with a scientific approach
based modules emphasize will meaningfulness of learning and Students are able
to find the concept of independent learning.


A. Types of Research
This study is classified on research development the method of
research used to produce to produce certain products and test the effectiveness
of these products (Sugiyono, 2007: 407). In this case module developed
opportunities for learning mathematics in Class VII Semester II SMPN 9
B. Design and Research Procedures
According Niveen and Van Den Akker (Ahmad Fauzan, 2002: 62)
research design development consists of three stages, that is: Front-End
Analysis, Prototype phase, and Assessment phase. Given the limited time and
charge, then in this study used only two draft research, that is: Front-End
Analysis and Prototype phase.
Here is the procedure of research conducted:
1. Front-End Analysis phase steps are as follows:
a. Interviews with subject teachers
b. Analyzing the syllabus and textbooks used in mathematics learning
opportunities specific material
c. Analyzing the characteristics of students
d. Literature review module
2. Prototype phase
Results of the analysis Front-End Analysis phase used for
designing modules with a scientific approach.

The following description of each stage:

a. Validation phase
Validation activitiesv carried out in the form filling module
validation sheet by validator. To obtain module opportunities with
scientific approach with valid and feasible to use. Validation sheet fill
by Mathematics education experts from STAIN Batusangkar and

teacher of mathematics class VII SMPN 9 Sijunjung. The aspects are
validated can be seen in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Validation Module Opportunities for Learning
Mathematics with a Scientific Approach

Method Of Collecting
No. Aspect Instrument
1 content /
Feasibility Discussions with
2 Validation
presentation education experts
Feasibility Mathematics

b. Practicalities phase
At this stage, limited trial The Class VII Semester II SMPN 9
Sijunjung school year 2014/2015. The test is done in Class VII
Semester II SMPN 9 Sijunjung to see legibility module which has
been designed. The components in question can be seen in Table 2
Table 2: Opportunities for Learning Module Praktikalisasi
Mathematics with a Scientific Approach

Method Of
No. Aspect Collecting Instrument
Ease of use with the
1 opportunities module with
scientific approach
Module appeal against the
2 Questionnaire Questionnaire
interests of students
Response practicalities
Have the same
equivalence so that it can
be used as a replacement
or variation

C. Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. Data obtained the
results of the validation the searching for percentage by using the formula

∑ scores per item x 100 % (Riduwan, 2007: 89). Based on the results of
t h e maximum score
the percentage, every bill categorized in Table 3.
Table 3: Category Validity / practicalities

(%) Category
1- 20 Invalid / Practical
21- 40 Less Valid / Practical
41- 60 Enough Valid / Practical
61- 80 Valid / Practical
81- 100 Highly Valid / Practical


After analyzing Front-End Analysis phase, then the next step is designing
Opportunities modules with scientific approach. Here are described the
characteristics of the modules that have been diancang:

1. The module was developed with a mix of image and color which is interesting
in order to attract students to learn (corresponding characteristics of students
junior high school level (SMP) special class VII)

2. Cover of modules designed by using Microsoft Office Word 2007 with a

background image of mathematics which describes that this module is math
module and combined with images of dice and coins reflecting a medium that
can be used in the learning process, combined with appropriate color to
increase the interest of students to learn the material. Cover module is fitted
with the peculiarities information contained in the module that is sentence
math module for students of class VII SMP (Curriculum 2013), STAIN logo
image Batusangkar which means module is the work of students STAIN
Batusanggkar, pencil drawings and figures be the hallmark of mathematics to

do the exercise and counting, title learning materials namely the material
opportunities, and student identity column.

The following materials module cover picture opportunities with the

scientific approach:

3. At the beginning of the module also contained a preliminary consisting of a

description of the material in the form of a picture that will be studied,
instructions for use modules for teachers and students so it is clear what will
be done teachers and students, the ultimate goal of learning the ultimate goal
of learning, better student learning outcomes of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor, learning orientation in the form of directives / guidelines in
learning containing KI and KD

4. The module has a concept map as a general overview of the points that will be
studied. Next image map concept:

5. The module contains learning activities of students in the form of a general

overview of the activities the students will learn in module odds with scientific

approach, namely observe activities, ask, to reason, to try and form a network.
Here is presented a picture of students' learning:

6. The module is equipped with components of the module in the form of

guidelines for teachers contains instructions of teachers so that teaching can be
held efficiently, student activity sheet, student worksheet, sheet test, student
worksheet, and key pieces of test
7. The module is designed consists of three learning activities and three student
activity sheet according to the analysis of the learning syllabus. The three
learning activities are: a) learning activities 1 is a learning activity student
activity sheet 1: experiment, sample space and events, b) learning activities 2
is student activity sheet 2: The opportunities of an event, c) learning activities
3 is student activity sheet 3: opportunities complement an event and
presenting data. Here's footage into three learning activities are:

8. Exercise and example problems contained in the module with the opportunity
of this scientific approach is issues close to the everyday life of students and
load to four KI is spiritual, social, knowledge, and skills. The following
questions are presented which contains the fourth KI:

KI 1. Spitual KI 2. Sosial

KI 3. Pengetahuan KI 4. Keterampilan
9. Insert the word motivation on the part of certain of an issue that is considered
difficult to solve by students, so that students come back excited and do not
easily give up in solving these problems. Here is presented a picture of words
of motivation:

10. Summary at the end of each section of each learning activity to help students
achieve the learning objectives and understand the subject matter. The
following summary of the presented image:

11. Worksheets students used to answer or do the questions, tasks, or problems to
be solved by students and is where students work in resolving any problems
that are given. On the worksheet student answer sheets are also given column
to answer the questions. Student worksheet provided on each student's
learning activities. The following images are presented student worksheets
and answer sheets of students column:

12. Feedback and follow-up the material that has been given an activity
undertaken by students in order to measure the achievement of students on a
material by comparing the answers of the questions he did with the key pieces
of student work through assessment rubric that has been provided. The
purpose of this section is for students to determine their achievement scores on
a given issue, both from the aspect of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Assessment scores adapted to the curriculum in 2013 that Permendikbud

2014, number 104. Here's a copy of the attachment Permendikbud 2014,
number 104.

After designing the module, The next step is the assessment phase
namely to validate module with mathematicians. Validation results are
presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Data Validation Results Module Opportunity
with Scientific Approach

Score by Ma
Aspects validator Sig x Explanat
No. %
validated ma Sco ion
1 2 3 4 re

1. content / 38 34 32 43 147 192 76,56 Valid
2. Feasibility 55 48 44 62 209 272 76,84 Valid

3. Feasibility 12 12 11 14 49 64 76,56 Valid
4. Feasibility 9 9 7 11 36 48 75 Valid
Total Overall 441 576 - -

Percentage of total 76,56 Valid

Table 4. shows that the module has valid criteria that is valid from
feasibility content / material, presenting feasibility, feasibility language, and
feasibility graph. The module is said to have been valid in terms of content
because the module has met the objectives contained in the syllabus of
learning and the contents of the modules are in accordance with the standard
format of writing modules. The module is said to have been valid in terms of
presentation because the modules are presented in a systematic and in
accordance with the components of the module. The module is said to have
been valid in terms of the language namely language contained in the module
are in accordance with standard word and correct EYD. While the module is
said to have been valid in terms of graph is physical form and image of the
module already have an attractive appearance.
The advice given validator which are repair of words and sentences
non-standard according spelling enhanced (EYD) (Panitia Pengembangan
Bahasa Indonesia, 2000: 6). Other suggestions are improve the assessment
system modules (A copy of the Regulation of the Minister of Education
Attachment and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 104 2014 About
the Assessment of Learning Outcomes By Teachers In Elementary Education
and Secondary Education, 2014: 11-12).


Based on the research results can be concluded that research has produced
a valid module. Valid seen from the feasibility content / material, presenting
feasibility, feasibility language, and feasibility graph the percentage are in the
range 75% to 76.84% with the overall percentage of 76.56%.

Once validated done practicalities stage. The percentage of student
assessment to opportunities for learning mathematics module with scientific
approaches ranged from 76.04% to 93.75% with a percentage of 83.39%.
Therefore, opportunities for learning mathematics module with the scientific
approach is very practical to use.

Suggestion of this research is (1) educators should be able to try out all the
material in the module and (2) for further research who are interested in
continuing this research can continue until the assessment phase so that the impact
of the use of modules developed can be known.


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