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Annisa Rahmawati (2024), Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan x(x)xx-xx


Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan
Volume x, Nomor x, Bulan xxxx
ISSN (Print) 2502-7069; ISSN (Online): 2620-8326
Tanjungpura University
*Corresponding Author:
Article History Abstrack: The aim of the research is to see differences in learning outcomes and
Received : effectiveness
Revised : Implementation of the Problem Based Learning Model Based on Picture Cards in
Accepted : Middle Schools
Published : Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh. The method used in this research is method
experiments in the form of pre-experimental design and with the form of research
one group pretest-posttest, the samples taken in this study used
Purposive sampling technique, the sample used in this research is class
VIII C, totaling 25 people. The test used is in the form of multiple choice
totaling 20 questions. Based on the research that has been carried out, it was
differences in learning outcomes before and after implementing the Problem
Based Model
Picture Card Based Learning saw an increase in the average score after
implementation is 78. Based on the calculation of the effect size of the
implementation model
Problem Based Learning Based on Picture Cards is effective in improving results
student learning with an effect size value of 0.92 in the high category. Matter
This shows that the implementation of the Card Based Problem Based Learning
Illustrations are effective in improving student learning outcomes at SMP Negeri
Land of Pinoh.
Keywords: Problem Based Learning (PBL), picture cards, learning outcomes

Education is a very important means for survival human life, this is because education is a
sector that can creating human intelligence in carrying out their lives, The importance of education so
that you can easily get all the necessities of life obtained (Supriadi, 2016).
Basically, education is an internal response create maximum human resources. Education is
continuous and never ending process, so that it can produce sustainable quality, which shown in the
embodiment of the future human figure, and is rooted in the nation's cultural values and Pancasila
(Wahdah, 2016).
Based on the results of interviews with teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh, it was found
that the learning outcomes of students at the school at that time final semester exam, namely 40%
achieved the KKM while 60% did not achieve it KKM with completeness criteria 75. There are
several problems has implications for student learning outcomes, namely (1) students tend to
memorizing formulas, (2) students are still weak in calculating (3) lack of students in mastering
physics concepts (4) students only using mathematical equations to solve problems without draw the
physical concept.
One learning model that can help overcome this students' difficulties in understanding the
material, namely the Problem Based model Learning . Problem Based Learning is a learning approach
which uses real world problems as a context for students to learn about critical thinking and problem
solving skills, and to obtain essential knowledge and concepts from the material lecture or lesson
material. Briefly and simply (Rhem, 1998).
Annisa Rahmawati (2024), Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan x(x)xx-xx

This Problem Based Learning model is characterized by the use of problems real life as
something that students must learn to do train and improve thinking and problem solving skills, as
well as gaining knowledge of important concepts, which is the teacher's task focus yourself so you
can increase your growth and development of student activities, individually and in groups (Aqla,
Based on the results of pre-research conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh, with simple
airplane material the average student has difficulty in learning understand the material because subject
teachers still use methods In lectures, the results of students' daily tests are obtained which have not
yet been completed achieved the criteria for completion, based on the data I got from the subject
teacher The highest daily test only got the number 63.
Judging from the way students learn, many students complain if learning science is very boring,
not interesting and can't be done understood, perhaps because of the way teachers deliver subjects and
methods learning that still uses the lecture method without media supporter. So I tried to do this
research using cards pictures because I believe that with picture cards media students will become
understand the concept better, because the picture card itself contains it physics concepts
accompanied by pictures that attract attention students to be enthusiastic about learning.


The method used in this research is method experiment. Sagala (2005) states that "the
experimental method is a way of presenting learning material where students carry out experiments by
experiencing or proving for yourself something a question or studied hypothesis. The experimental
research method in this research is to see the application of the PBL model with the help of card
pictures to improve student learning outcomes on the material Simple aircraft for class VIII SMP
Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh. Findings section is provided prior to the discussion section. Each section
stands alone as a subtitle. The findings and discussion should be written in not less than 60% of the
entire body of the manuscript

Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, data on participant learning outcomes was
obtained students before and after the Problem Based Learning model picture card based. The data is
then analyzed for viewing presentation of improving student learning outcomes before and after
applied Problem Based Learning model based on picture cards, significance and effectiveness of
implementing the Problem Based Learning model picture card based.
1. Pre-test and Post-test results
Before students are given treatment using a model Problem Based Learning is based on cards with
students' pictures given a pretest by the researcher. In this effort was made to find out the initial
abilities in the class used. Prates carried out on September 25 2023. After being treated with using a
Problem Based Learning model based on picture cards at the second and third meetings held on the
26th and September 27, 2023. Posttest will be held on October 2, 2023.
In summary, the results of the average pretest and posttest scores can be seen in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Average pretest and posttest scores

Pretest Postest
Average Score 29,2 78
Highest Score 50 90
Lowest Score 20 70
Standard Deviation 7,30 7,21

After the results of the test questions are reliable, the next stage is carried out research
at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh. Samples used in The experimental class is all students in class
VIIIC at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh, with 25 people. This research was conducted on 25-26-
Annisa Rahmawati (2024), Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan x(x)xx-xx

27 and 2 October 2023. This research was carried out in three steps namely, giving an initial
test (pretest), giving treatment with applying the Problem Based Learning model based on
picture cards and The final step is giving a final test, namely (post-test). Improving student
learning outcomes through implementing the Problem model based Learning based on picture
cards is inseparable from everyone stages, as for carrying out research based on Problem
Based Learning using picture card media:

1. Provide orientation regarding problems to students.

At this stage the researcher first provides the problem and aware of the problem, students are
aware of the existence of gaps felt after seeing the problems presented by the researcher At
the beginning of the lesson, there is a picture of a problem about levers in the day first
meeting and about the pulley on the second day of meeting with shows a picture of a simple
plane problem at the beginning learning.
2. Orient students to research.
At this stage the researcher divides the students into study groups and the researcher
distributed picture cards and explained the purpose of picture cards in solving problems that
researchers will give.
3. Guiding students' investigations independently and group.
In the third stage, researchers began to provide direction and guidance students to solve
problems and gather information which is given using picture cards as media media after
students' science learning books at school.

In general it can be concluded that in this research, Implementation of the Problem Based
Learning Model Based on Picture Cards can improve student learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 1
Tanah Pinoh on simple plane material. The specific conclusions in this research are as follows:
1. There are differences in student learning outcomes before and after Implementation of a problem
based learning model based on picture cards on simple airplane material at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah
Based on the calculation of the average score before being given treatment, Student learning
outcomes averaged 29.2 (predicate D/less), at a scale of 100 is normal curve. And after being given
treatment, learning outcomes Student learning averaged 78 (predicate B/good) on a scale of 100
normal curve. In this study, researchers used the Wilcoxon test because the data normality test is not
significant or less than 0.005 for looking at the data obtained from the pretest and posttest results.
The Wilcoxon test calculation shows that the asymp sig value is <0.05, then the hypothesis is
accepted, the research data shows the Asymp.sig value (2-tailed) is 0.000, so it can be concluded that
the hypothesis accepted means there is a difference between students' learning outcomes before and
after implementing the problem based learning model picture card.
Based on the calculated effect size value (d = 0.9), you can it was concluded that the
Implementation of the Problem Based Learning Model Picture card based is effective in improving
learning outcomes Class VIII C students at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Pinoh with airplane material Simple.

In preparing and completing the writing of this thesis, the author receive guidance and
assistance from various parties. That's why the author would like to thank:
1. Dr. Stepanus Sahala Sitompul M. Pd as supervisor I as well as lecturer academic supervisor
who has provided guidance.
2. M. Musa Syarif Hidayatulah M. Pd as supervisor II lecturer who has provide guidance.
3. Judyanto Sirait, Ph.D as lecturer discussing I.
4. Ray Cinthya Habellia as lecturer for Discussing II.
5. Dr. Ahmad Yani T, M. Pd as Dean of FKIP Tanjungpura University Pontianak.
6. Dr. Masrini, M. Si, Apt as head of the MIPA education department, FKIP Untan.
Annisa Rahmawati (2024), Jurnal Ilmiah Profesi Pendidikan x(x)xx-xx

7. Mr/Mrs lecturer in the physics education study program FKIP Untan who has provide
8. FKIP Untan academic staff who have assisted in administration.
9. To my Mama and Papa who always give prayers, love and motivation.
10.To my beloved boyfriend Damar Gumilang who is always willing to help each of these
11.My beloved friends, Resha Melinda, Dinda Permata Sari, Nur Wulan Amalia,Christa Leminara,
Cahyati Ulya, Elsa Aprilia who always provide help and motivation.
12.All parties who helped who cannot be mentioned one by one.
The author has tried his best in writing this thesis. However This thesis may still have
shortcomings in terms of writing and material as well as its presentation. Therefore, critical criticism
and suggestions are expected building to improve the design of this research. Finally, the author hopes
Hopefully this thesis can be useful for all parties


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