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“Wishinʼ for Snow!

8” snowangel ornie
Directions: Trace pattern pieces onto fabric and trace/cut out. The
snowangelʼs coat needs to be placed on a double fold of batting. Trace and
cut out. Her head needs to be placed on a double layer of batting - right
sides together. Stitch around entire circle. Cut slit in one layer of lower
part of the head for turning. Turn RSO. Stuff head firmly and stitch
opening closed.
Stitch coat with right sides together. Clip under arms and turn RSO.

Trace 2 wings onto old sheet music (they will be placed back to back with a
piece of thin cardboard sandwiched in between). Trace and cut one wing
from cardboard (cereal box, etc.)

Now coffee stain the head, coat, and sheet music wings.

Coffee-staining instructions: Place a few paper towels on a cookie

sheet. Heat about 1 cup of water and add a few tablespoons of instant
coffee and mix well. I sometimes add vanilla, cinnamon, or even whole
cloves to the mix and it smells wonderful! You may want to adjust the
coffee mixture to your liking. Brush the mixture lightly onto your pieces.
Bake in a 225 degree oven until dry - checking often.

Once dry, stitch her face with floss using the pattern piece diagram and
photo as your guide. Blush her cheeks with regular makeup blush. Cut
sticks to desired length for arms and legs. Place a dot of hot glue inside
each sleeve and attach arms. Then using a strong thread, gather her
sleeves around the stick. Poke some stuffing into her coat (not too much).
Place dots of hot glue on the inside back of her coat where legs will be.
Attach the legs and once they are set, place a line of hot glue across the
entire inside hem of her coat and seal shut. Attach her head with hot glue.
Pull a stitch through her coat in two places and attach the rusty jingle bells.
Knot off in back. Cut a strip of wool for her scarf and tie on her neck. Hot
glue a sprig of sweet annie in her arms and hot glue them in place.
Wings...brush mod podge or elmerʼs glue onto one side of the cardboard
and attach sheet music wings. Do the same with the back side. Once dry,
hot glue to her back and stitch a loop of thread through the back of her
head for hanging.
Lay finished ornie on newspaper and spray lightly with adhesive spray and
sprinkle with mica.

Happy Sewing!!


warm & natural batting scraps (coat/head)

wool strip (scarf)
black and orange floss
mod podge or elmerʼs glue
sweet annie
2 tiny rusty jingle bells
old sheet music
cardboard (from cereal box, etc.)
instant coffee
general purpose adhesive spray
mica (optional)

Any questions? Please email

Copyright 2013 by Kari Emerson of Liberty Creek Primitives

This pattern may not be reproduced, resold, or made into graphics of any kind. Please
give credit to Liberty Creek Primitives when selling finished pieces online. Finished
items may not be sold wholesale without my permission. Finished items may not be
mass produced, manufactured, or imported from overseas.

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