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Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness

By: Sarah Wicker

Please follow the link below to watch the VICE documentary on Agafia Lykov and her solitary life in Siberia. Answer the
viewing questions while watching the 35 min video and the reflection questions when you are finished.
Video URL:

Viewing Questions:
1. This was filmed in 2013; how old was Agafia?

Agafia will be 70 years old soon. Agafia has been living in the Siberian Wilderness for 25 years without family.

2. Fearing oppression and death at the hands of ___Stalin______________, Agafia’s father Carp fled with his family to
the Sayan Mountains of Siberia in 1936.

3. The LyKov family did not know WWII had taken place. True/False

4. How did Agafia’s mother die in 1961?

Agafia’s mother Alkalina starved herself to death so her children would have enough food to eat.

5. The area the Lykov family settled in is currently over ____160________ miles from the nearest town. In summer, it’s
possible to reach the Lykov cabin by a 7 day _____canoe________________ trip. In winter, the only way to get to
the cabin is by _____helicopter________________.

6. While the documentary team was waiting for the weather to clear for their flight, what things were they able to
purchase for Agafia?

While the documentary team was waiting for the weather to clear for their flight the things, they were able to purchase
for Agafia is a goat and a rooster.

7. How old is the book Agafia is reading from?

The book Agafia is reading from is about 400 years old.

8. What adjectives does Agafia use to describe science? What does she believe about the “barcode”?

Agafia describes science as “The Godless science,” “Horrible science,” and “Soul crushing science.”
Agafia believes, “the barcode is a sign of the Antichrist and it will be imprinted on hands soon and inside heads. “Agafia
believes that is the most petrifying thing.” “Agafia believes it will happen and the last prophecy will come true,

9. What does Agafia say she would do if she had money?

Agafia says if she had money, “she would give it all away.”

10. Why does Agafia say she would not be able to live in the city?
Agafia says she would not be able to live in the city because “there are so many cars now and you can hardly breathe.”
Agafia fell very ill when she did visit the city.

Reflection Questions:
1. Using one adjective, describe your reaction to the video.

Using one adjective to describe my reaction to the video would be “astonished.” I choose astonished to be my adjective
for this video because of the amazing life Agafia lives to be turning 70 years old and be so independent.

2. List some of the advantages and disadvantages of Agafia’s life.

The advantages of Agafia’s life is she seems very peaceful and humble of the life she lives. Another advantage of Agafis’s
life is she seems very calm and does not seem to stress very much.
The disadvantages of Agafia’s life is the lack of resources and not being able to be in touch with society. However, Agafia
does not seem to mind not going to the city much.

3. In the documentary, Sergei Khlevnikov, the State Nature Preserve Ranger said,
“When you meet a person here (in the taiga), you’re happy because you can help them. In the past, hunters would
always leave firewood, matches, and something to eat in their cabins. It’s the taiga’s way. There are no bad people
in the taiga. Most bad people are where a lot of other people are. They can steal there. But out here, they would not
survive. Taiga cleanses you. This place makes you reflect on your actions. It cleanses your soul. “
What is your reaction to this quote? Is there any truth to it? Why or why not?

My reaction to the quote is wow what a selfless life the taiga people live. What a feeling it would be to be able to
help the taiga people. The taiga people seem so selfless and willing to help others. Yes, there is truth to the quote
listed above. I know Agafia is very selfless and helps her neighbor who lost his leg with firewood and other
necessities, even though Agafia’s neighbor said those mean things to her in the past. Agafia also demonstrates being
selfless by the way she said, “if I had money, I would give it all away.” From watching the video on the taiga people, I
reflected on my own life and realized how fortunate and blessed I really am. I have plenty of food and enough
resources to live where I do not have to cut down firewood or hunt for food. For me personally, I did reflect on my
daily living and this video made me look at life differently.

4. What extremes would you be willing to take to protect your life and the lives of your family?

I would be willing to do anything to protect my life and the lives of my family. I care about my family deeply, and I would
take the extreme of doing the hard labor Agafia does in order to protect my family. Agafia lost her family but continues
to live life on her own, and I would personally say Agafia does a good job providing for herself. I look at Agafia as a role
model to not take life for granted. Agafia’s mother was even so selfless to starve herself in order for her children to have
enough food to live. During the COVID-19 virus my family is very fortunate to have plenty of food and resources to live
during this time. I know for me personally; I have helped around the house more and stayed home to protect my life and
the lives of my family members. I use this example as the extreme measures I will take to protect my family because it is
current in today’s life. For me personally it is hard to stay home and be isolated from society. I will take these measures
to ensure my family stays safe and well from the COVID-19 virus.

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