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Network and Information Security Course Code: 22620

course, in all domains of learning in terms of the industry/employer identified competency

depicted at the centre of this map.

Topic 5.3 Email”


14,16-Trace the origin

of Email using any tool
feo FmuilTrarerPmy at
PrO 12- Install
Firewall on any
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5 ! ;t _ Compet
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1 Maintain Computer and y 1 '
t \ : Network Securityofan : ! t
1 1 oreanizatian
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\ » +" pO 5: Write
HH \ program to ;
\\ \. 4 implement Caesar a

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PrO 1- Install &
we" “5 Pro 4: Apply security
- to file
Sonefigure antivirus
{folder or application using «,,Softvare.on system): 4
access permissions and verify ” LsTypes
of Attacks

Topic 3.5 Symmetric Topic 2.1

and Asymmetric Identification and
" Cryptography » Authentication | 441”

PrO through Practical yo ‘Topic

Figure 1 - Course Map

The practicals in this section are PrOs (i.e. sub-components of the COs) to be developed and
assessed in the student for the attainment of the competency.

., Approx.
: Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Unit Hrs.
No. No. -
a. Install and configure Antivirus software on system (any).
1 I 2
b. Set s U
2 Perform B and Restore of the s I 2
3 Setu — asswords to and cations II 2
4 Apply security to file folder or application using access U 2
ssions and
5 Write a to Caesar Ci ll 2
6 Write a toim ement Vernam Ci III 2
7 Create and Hash Code for messa Il
8 Write a to ement Rail fence techni ue
9 Write a program to implement Simple Columnar Transposition

MSBTE — Final Copy Dt. 24.09.2019 Page 2 of8

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