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Notes and Draft of the Essay

Tourism is a fast growing industry. Is this a positive or negative development?

Every year about 1,8 million people visit Lithuania, the industry itself is growing bigger each year, with
more people visiting our country. But is this a positive or a negative development?
First of all, I think that tourism brings way more benefits than negatives. My first example would be that
tourism benefits economical development of countries, our local businesses and infrastructure are being
helped out by the sum of people that visit and spend money in Lithuania, this ends up increasing our
satisfaction of life due to the sheer amount of money we earn from this industry.
Another important point is that tourism widens people’s knowledge of the visiting country, we can not
expect everyone to be educated on our culture and tourism is a great way to learn about those things, there
is no negative side effects of broadening up your perspective on other countries and cultures.
To sum up, I believe that tourism is an industry that is growing for the sake of good, it educates people
and gives beneficial resources for the countries that are visited

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