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The international tourism industry has been growing vastly in recent years.

This growth has so many

benefits for almost all the persons who are directly or indirectly involved in it. However, there are also
some serious drawbacks that can not be denied.As the population of the world grows, supplying the
element needs of this population becomes critical. Having a proper job and an average income is one of
these needs. The tourism industry made various job positions that did not exist before, for ,instance
Tour guides, Tour companies, Hotels,... . Also the rate and limitation of jobs in local and destination
places grow too, as a great potential for consumers (tourists) be added to the usual ones.Moreover,
going and visiting new places, connecting with different races, merging in unknown cultures can reduce
misapprehension and racist thoughts. One can know and connect to others in a living way with intimacy
and it leads to a right understanding of each other, instead of sitting behind TVs and receiving a limited
amount of censored information that represent the political views of governments.On the other hand,
you can not close your eyes to the mass of pollution and inhabitant destructions, unfair division of
profits, destroying the wildlife and untouched natures and so other wrong actions and bad influences
that come from the lack of necessary and important laws.By way of conclusion, I believe there are some
bad impacts and drawbacks in the whole tourism system that should be considered and solved but they
do not outweigh the global advantages and benefits of this new industry.

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