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What is Management?
Management is the process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling people and other organizational resources .

What are the function of Management?

Planning: anticipating trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and

-setting for goals

-developing strategies to reach those go

-determining resources needed

-setting precise standards

Leading: creating a vision for the organizations and communicating, guiding, training, coaching, and
motivating others to achieve goals and objectives.

-guiding and motivating employees to work effectively accomplish organizational goals and objectives.

-giving assignments

-explaining routines

-clarifying policies

-providing feedback on performance

Organizing: designing the structure of the organization and creating conditions and systems in which everyone
and everything works together to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives.

-allocating resources, assigning tasks, establishing procedures for accomplishing the goals

-preparing a structure of organization showing lines of authority and responsibility

-recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees

-placing the employees where they are most effective

Controlling: measuring whether what actually occurs meets the organization’s goals.

-measuring results against corporate objectives -rewarding outstanding performance

-monitoring performance relative to standards -taking corrective action when necessary


What are Fayol’s basic principles?

-unity of command -authority

-hierarchy of authority -clear communication channels

-division of labour -order

-subordination of individual interests to the general -equity


What are Weber’s basic principles?

-job descriptions

-written rules and decision guidelines

-consistent procedures

- staffing and promotions based on qualifications

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