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1. Which statement proves that the homo erectus was the first to migrate out of Africa?
a. Fire enabled the homo erectus to drive away fierce animals and provide him with heat.
b. The remains of Java Man/ Peking Man were found in Indonesia and China.
c. Figurines with female anatomy were discovered all over Europe.
d. Cave arts were found in Spain and France.

2. The development of agriculture was one of the greatest achievements during this period.
a. Metal Age
b. Neolithic Age
c. Paleolithic Age
d. Industrial Age

3. Which could be a possible explanation why the Cro-Magnons creative arts and artifacts?
I. It may have something to do with early religion.
II. It may be a hobby that they have taken up.
III. It may be for aesthetic purposes.
a. I only
b. I and III only
c. I and II only
d. I, II, and III

4. Why was the formation of governments necessary in the early civilization?

a. Law and order was needed in a large population.
b. There is a need to organize the people to protect themselves from attacks.
c. Large projects to control flood waters and for irrigation needed the cooperation of many people of each
leadership was necessary.
d. All of the above.

5. What proves that many early civilizations were theocratic?

a. The leaders were usually the high priest or seen as representatives of the gods.
b. The people worshipped many gods and goddesses.
c. The people usually had a patron god or goddesses.
d. The people created temples for their deities.
6. The first civilization was made possible because it was situated between two rivers that made the land fertile.
What are these rivers?
a. Irrawady, Mekong
b. Amazon, Nile
c. Yangtze, Huang Ho
d. Tigris, Euphrates

7. What body of water was very important for the development of the Ancient Greek civilization?
a. Aegean Sea
b. Tibet River
c. Mediterranean Sea
d. Atlantic Ocean

8. While studying the violence in the Middle East for their contemporary issues class, the teacher reminded the class
that the first civilization is located in Iraq. What civilization is this?
a. Sumerian
b. Akkadian
c. Babylonian
d. Chaldean

9. These wedge-shaped characters were instrumental for recording the achievements of the Sumerians, and later the
a. stylus
b. cuneiform
c. hieratic script
d. hieroglyphics

10. During the Age of Exploration, which among the following was not received by the colonies from the colonizers?
a. foodstuff
b. culture
c. diseases
d. none of these

11. Which among the following is NOT a civilization in ancient America?

a. Olmec
b. Incan
c. Harappa
d. Aztec

12. Many of the Arab contributions to education happened during the Golden Age of Islam. In which caliphate did it
a. Fatimid
b. Abbasid
c. Ummayad
d. Rashidun

13. What was the term for the traditional Chinese concept that the powers of authority of the emperor came from
heaven and emperors are regarded as Sons of Heavens?
a. Taoism
b. Chung Kuo
c. Confucianism
d. Mandate of Heaven

14. Who was the Chinese emperor who founded the Chin Dyansty, which became the basis for the name China?
a. Emperor Yu
b. Lao Tzu
c. Shih Huang Ti
d. Kung Fu Tzu

15. Which Asian literature documents the Japanese medieval court?

a. Bunraku
b. Kabuki
c. A Thousand and One Nights
d. The Tale of Genji

16. What is the longest epic in the world that originated from India?
a. Ramayana
b. Mahabharata
c. Epic of Gilgamesh
d. Bhagavad Gita

17. What were the secrets of the Hittites for their success in warfare?
a. plunder and intimidation
b. warships
c. consulting the stars before going to war
d. iron implements and war chariots

18. Though not a political power, they made lasting contribution for their belief that would become the three major
paths in world right now.
a. Persians
b. Hebrews
c. Phoenicians
d. Chaldeans

19. The flight of the Israelites led by Moses from Egypt to the Sinai Peninsula is called ________.
a. Hegira
b. Diaspora
c. Exodus
d. Migration

20. Some schools patterned their schools mission and vision after the Greek ideals like excellence, courage and honor
in Homer’s epic poems, namely the ________.
a. Works and Days
b. Aeneid and Eclogues
c. Iliad and Odyssey
d. Dialogue and Republic

21. Which statement does NOT describe the Spartans?

a. They valued the Golden Mean.
b. They led the Peloponnesian League.
c. The people had a militaristic orientation.
d. They trained their warriors not to fear death.

22. Which statement does NOT describe the Athenians?

a. They cherished freedom of thoughts and speech.
b. They granted equal rights to the women.
c. They value the Golden Mean.
d. They value moderation.

23. Which does NOT pertain to the Byzantine Empire?

a. halted the Muslim advance into Christian Europe.
b. also known as the Western Roman Empire.
c. preserved the Greeks and Roman ideas.
d. blended Western and Eastern art.

24. Why is Egypt called the Gift of the Nile?

a. The monuments of Egypt still stand today.
b. Egypt’s civilizations lasted for thousands of years.
c. Many were fascinated by the ancient civilization of Egypt.
d. Without the Nile, it would not have been possible to establish a civilization.

25. In their class, Teacher Sister said that Palestine during Jews time was part of the Roman Empire; because of this,
Jesus had to deliver His message through ________.
a. parables
b. the Bible
c. His disciples
d. the Holy Spirit

26. Which of the following does NOT pertain to Julius Caesar?

a. He crushed a revolt instigated by slaves.
b. He was known for his conquests of Gaul.
c. He formed a triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus.
d. He established reforms for the soldiers and the poor.

27. Which statement does NOT pertain to the monastic movement?

a. The monks and nuns renounced worldly pursuits and devoted their lives to spiritual matters.
b. The monks and nuns kept classical learning alive.
c. The monks and nuns wielded political power.
d. It was initiated by Benedict of Nursia.

28. While comparing and contrasting events, the teacher asked what factor was a major cause of both World War I
and World War II. It was _______.
a. the dropping of the atomic bomb.
b. ultranationalism
c. the spread of Marxist ideas into Europe
d. the rise of totalitarian fascist states.

29. The differences between the _______ led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947.
a. Hindus and Muslims
b. Hindus and Christians
c. Christians and Muslims
d. Hindus and Buddhists

30. How did Gutenberg spread Renaissance ideas?

a. His printing press made books widely available and affordable.
b. He wrote essays which criticized the old view of the world.
c. He promoted a scientific view of the world through his books.
d. He printed the oldest version of the Bible.

31. The motives of the Age of Exploration can be summed up into three words: _______.
a. God, gold, guns
b. God, gold, glory
c. guns, glitter, goons
d. guns, goons, gold

32. Which is NOT a feature of the Protestant Reformation?

a. independence from the rule of the Catholic Pope
b. the growth of different Christian denominations
c. works ethics that reflect their faith
d. none of the above

33. Renaissance is a French word, meaning _______.

a. rebirth
b. peak
c. awakening
d. conception

34. Which among the following was NOT a development during the Scientific Revolution?
a. microbiology
b. social contract
c. heliocentric view of the universe
d. laws of planetary motion

35. What started in England, which was marked by the growth of factories and mass production?
a. Reformation
b. English Revolution
c. Counter Reformation
d. Industrial Revolution

36. Which goal best describes the Enlightenment Period?

a. to encourage the free exchange of ideas
b. to develop the trade and commerce of Europe for progress
c. to conquer other lands and exploit their natural resources and enslave their people
d. to raise Europe from the lack of reason, superstitions, and harse conditions

37. What are the developments brought about by the discovery of agriculture?
I. Farming enabled people to stay in one place which grew into villages.
II. The surplus of food and village living enabled the people to focus on specializing on other things.
III. The different products of farmers and artisans encouraged barter and trade.
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I, II, and III

38. Which of the following was more of a political realist, or might is right, than a political idealist?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.
b. Julius Caesar
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Benigno Aquino

39. When Christopher Columbus arrived in this place in 1492, he thought he had reached India. He therefore called
the people he found there Indians. What was the place?
a. The Americas
b. New World
c. Cape of Good Hope
d. India
40. Scientists theorize that man evolved from an ancestral hominid which split from the chimpanzee 8 million years
ago. What type of species gave rise to the more human-appearing species, Homo erectus?
a. homo erectus
b. homo habilis
c. Neanderthal
d. Peking Man

41. The first Mauryan dynasty ruler who unified India’s sub-continent was _______.
a. Gautama
b. Ashoka
c. Chandragupta
d. Alexander

42. Who was the well-known Chinese thinker who ideas spread into parts of East Asia?
a. Marco Polo
b. Lao Tzu
c. Genghis Khan
d. Confucius
43. What civilization took pride in the famous penthouse Hanging Garden, which was identified as one of the
“wonders of the world”?
a. Assyria
b. Persia
c. Babylonia
d. Sumeria

44. Whose assassination provided the excuse for Austria-Hungary to ask for Germany’s support in declaring was
against Serbia during World War I?
a. Leo Tolstoy
b. Francis Ferdinand of Austria
c. Nicolas Lenin
d. Gavrillo Princep

45. It was the transition to the new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometimes between
1820 and 1840.
a. Green Revolution
b. Industrial Revolution
c. Machineries Revolution
d. Human Revolution

46. The following are indicators of civilizations, except _______.

a. organized government
b. slash-and-burn agriculture
c. system of writing
d. organized religion

47. The Greeks are said to be the teachers of the Western European World. Which among the following descriptions
best illustrates the saying?
a. Greeks were hired by European rulers to teach them.
b. Greeks were able to influence western Europeans into their way of life.
c. Greeks were the best teachers of Europe.
d. Greeks were advanced in civilization than the rest of Europe.

48. The Industrial Revolution, which was characterized by the factory system, brought tremendous change on the
social life of the people in the 18th century. The family, which is the basic unit of society, was greatly affected.
Which among the following effects or changes are not beneficial to the family?
a. The family members were always out working.
b. Family life became prosperous.
c. Stronger family ties resulted.
d. Family relationship was solidified.

49. Medieval castles in Europe were constructed to serve the following purposes, except _______.
a. as homes of rulers and wealthy landlords
b. as office of the ruler
c. as military barracks
d. as a magnificent palace to show greatness of a ruler

50. During the Middle Ages, the Church was the most influential institution because it had been able to command
respect and executed influence over the people, except _______.
a. The Church was consulted by monarchs for advice and guidance.
b. The Church leader, who is the Pope and is considered as Christ’s representative on earth, commanded the
spiritual allegiance of the entire Christendom.
c. When Muslims took the Holy Land, the Pope’s call for volunteers to join the Crusades was immediately
answered by monarchs and nobility and ordinary Christians.
d. The Church encouraged scientific research, particularly in medicine, thus many scientific discoveries took

51. One of the greatest political reforms in Ancient Rome was illustrated when the plebeians was given rights and
privileges through the enactment of _______.
a. Plebeian Law
b. Twelve Tables
c. Draconian Code
d. Roman Law

52. Augustus Caesar was Ancient Rome’s greatest emperor. His famous statement was “I found Rome a city of bricks
and left it a city of marble.” What does this statement mean?
a. All roads in Rome were paved in marbles.
b. Rome became the biggest producers of marble.
c. The magnificent structures he built were made of marbles.
d. Rome imported marbles to build palaces.

53. After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Congress of Vienna was held to decide on what to do with the countries
of Europe, which came under Napoleon’s rule. One principle upheld by the Congress was the Principle of
Compensation. What did this principle mean?
a. that countries exploited by Napoleon showed properly be compensated or paid
b. that original boundaries of countries before Napoleon’s time should be restored
c. that former kings should be returned to their throne
d. that each countries should choose its own ruler

54. The aftermath of World War I saw the collapse of four empires, namely _______.
a. British, Austrian, German, Turkish
b. Austrian, German, Turkish, Russian
c. Russian, German, French, British
d. Austrian, German, French, Turkish

55. The Europeans were the first to practice the African slave trade. Which among the following countries became the
main slave traders, and known for its horrendous but profitable triangular trade?
a. Portugal
b. Spain
c. Britain
d. France

56. The group which challenged the power of King Louis XVI of France by setting up a National Assembly which
eventually led to the storming of the Bastille was the _______.
a. Fourth State
b. Third State
c. Bourgeoisie
d. Girondists

57. The 19th century was characterized by a constant stream of new technological developments. There was a series of
remarkable development in the field of medicine that transformed the way in which people lived: notable among
these were the following, except _______.
a. discovery of the cause of disease by Louis Pasteur
b. introduction of an effective antiseptic for the prevention of infections by Joseph Lister
c. investigations into mental illness by Sigmund Freud
d. discovery of uranium for nuclear power by Marie Curie

58. Colonization has both its advantages and disadvantages. Which among the following is the greatest disadvantage?
a. Colonists were exploited.
b. Colonial mentality developed, which lessened nationalism.
c. Colonies were drawn into war.
d. Colonies were made markets for their surplus products.

59. Periodization in History is very important so we can describe the prevailing characteristics in any given time. We,
therefore, use terms like decade, century, millennium. When we say 1250 A.D., we actually refer to it as _______.
a. the twelfth century AD
b. the eleventh century AD
c. the thirteenth century AD
d. the twelfth hundred fifty AD

60. In the 16th to the 17th centuries, Spain was referred to as the Mistress of the Sea. This meant that _______.
a. Spain mastered navigation.
b. Spain was good in exploration.
c. Spain enjoyed travelling.
d. Spain was a naval power.

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